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Memory Systems New and Old/Bibliography of Mnemonics

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Works on the training of the Memory, whether known as Mnemonics or not, have been included.

The Bibliography in its own field—publications in Latin and English—is believed to be fairly complete, from 1325 to 1888.

Most of the important works in French and German will also be found here.

Corrections of errors discovered, or additions suggested, will be gratefully received.

The following have been freely consulted: Bibliotheca Americana, Bibliotheca Britannica, American Catalogue, English Catalogue, Poole's Index, and Book Chat; also the works of Feinaigle, Pick, and Middleton; all of which contain admirable critical bibliographies, more or less extended. Where the title is a transcript from a standard bibliography the source is indicated by a letter or letters following the title.

In justice to the reader, a few words should be added with reference to some of the more important books in the following list Of Fauvel-Gouraud's Phrenomnemotechny, the North American Review for July, 1845, said: "This is one of the most remarkable books it has ever fallen to our lot to examine. In style, manner, and matter it will here-after rank among the most curious of the curiosities of literature." Dr. Pick's Memory and a Rational Means of Improving It needs no commendation here. The extracts so fully quoted elsewhere amply attest its merit. Middleton's All about Mnemonics is simply invaluable to one who would know something of the different systems and their history. The perusal of Appleby's Loisette's Art of Never Forgetting compared with Mnemonics will well repay every student of Loisette.

Dr. Holbrook's How to Strengthen the Memory is a popular hand-book, with no pretensions as a system, but quotes freely the best authorities.

Kay's Memory: What It is, and How to improve It, the last fourth of which deals with the cultivation of the memory, might more appropriately be called a Cyclopædia of Memory; so replete is it with information on every conceivable topic connected with memory. The author's broad scholarship and discriminating judgment were never more successfully enlisted. The Westminster Review calls it an "excellent, especially erudite, and for the most part thoroughly scientific treatise on Memory."

Loisette Exposed gave the entire "Loisette" System verbatim, that the public might judge of its merits for themselves. A comparison with works long antedating it showed conclusively the absurdity of the claims of the "sole originator, proprietor, and teacher thereof." The author of Loisette Exposed claimed the right to reprint the "Loisette" System on the ground that the author of it had lost his common law right by publication without copyright. And it is believed that the final decision of the courts would have upheld this claim. As a literary production Loisette Exposed would have fared badly at the hands of the critics, bearing as it did such evident marks of haste, more time seeming to have been spent in collating facts than in giving the work literary finish.

Viewed, however, from the standpoint of its aims and the results of its brief career it may fairly be called a success.

Cicero: De Ret., lib. iii., cap. 16-24; De Orat., lib. ii., cap. 87, 88.
Quintilian: Inst. Orat., lib. xi., сар 2.
Pliny: Natural History, lib. vii., cap. 24.
Martianus, Capella: Cap. De Memoria, lib. v.
Ammianus, Marcellinus: lib. xvi., cap. 5.
1274(?). Roger Bacon: Tractatus de Arte Memorativa. MS. at Oxford. P
1325. Thomæ Bradwardini Ars Memorativa. MS. in British Museum. F.
1430. Ars Memorandi Notabilis per Figuras Evangelistarum vel Memoriale quatuor Evangelistarum. Small Fol. This is supposed to be the first attempt towards a system of superficial memory. B. B.
1450(?). Tractatus Artis Memorativæ, by a physician of Perugia. P.
1470. Perusinus, Matheolus: Matheoli Perusini Tractatus Artis Memorativæ. 8°. [bl. let.] F.
1470. Publicius, Jacobus: Jacobi Publicii Ars Memorativa incipit feliciter. 4°. [bl. let.] F.
1475(?). Perusinus, Matt. Tractatus Clarissimi Philosophi et Medici de Memoria. 4°. B. B.
1482. Publicius, Jacobus: In nova mirabilique ac perfectissima Memoriæ Jacobi Publicii, prologus feliciter incipit. 4°. [bl. let.] F.
1485. Publicius, Jacobus: Opera. This includes the Epitome Artis Oratione, the Ars Conficiendi, Epistolæ, and the Ars Memorativa of the Author, and appears to be the first edition of these works. 4°. Venice. В. В.
1488. Priis, John: Ars Memorativa per Johannem Priis. Fol. Argent. [bl. let.] F.
1490(?). Petrus Coloniæ: Ars Memorativa. 4°. [bl. let.] F.
1490(?). Baldwin of Savoy: Incipit Ars Memoriæ venerabilis Baldwini Sabodiensis Medicæ Artis Doctoris Eximii. 4°. Paris. [bl. let.] F.
1491. Peter of Ravenna Fœnix Duni Petri Rauenatis Memoriæ Magistri. 4°. Venetiis. F.
1491. Ravennas, Pet. Phœnix, sive Artificiosa Memoria. Ven. 4°; Par. 1544, 8°; Vic. 1600, 4°. В. В.
1491. Petrus de Ravenna: Ars Memorativa; went through nine editions, viz., "Phœnix Artis Memoriæ, s. Introductio ad Artificiosam Memoriam"; Venetiis, 1491, vols. 4; Norimberg. 1501, vols. 8; Coloniæ, 1506, vols. 4; Parisiis, 1516, vols. 4; Venetiis, 1565, vols. 8; Vincentiæ, 1600, vols. 4; Coloniæ, 1608, vols. 4. P.
1492. Celtes, Conrad: Epitoma in Utramque Ciceronis Rhetoricam cum Arte Memorativa Nova.
1502. Themistius, Euphrada: Comm. in Aristotle. Lib. Physicorum, de Anima, de Memoria, &c. Lat. per Herm. Barbarum. Ven. 1502, fol.; Par. 1528, fol.; Ven. 1560, 1570, fol.; Urb. 1627, 4°. В. В.
1504. Aristotle: De Memoria et Reminiscentia. Lat. Par. apud Hen. Steph. B. B.
1515. Colinæus, Jacobus: Jacobi Colinsæi Campani de Memoria Artificiosa compendiosum, opusculum impressit Ascensius. 4° [Paris]. Venundatur in Ædibus Ascensianis. [bl. let.] F. & B. B.
1515. Chappusius, Nicholas: Nicholai Chappusii de mente et memoria libellus utilissimus. 4° [Paris]. Venundatur ubi impressus est in Ædibus Ascen-sianis. F.
1519. Albertus, Magnus: Varii Tractatus Parvi de Sensu et Sensato, de Memoria et Reminiscentia, &c. Venice. B. В.
1523. Fries, Laurenz: A Short Advice, how Memory can be Wonderfully Strengthened. Strasburg. P.
1530. Themistius, Euphrada: Paraphrasis in Aristotelem de Memoria, etc. Lat. per Herm. Barbarum. Bas. 1530, 8°. В. В.
1533. Romberch, John: Congestorium Artificiosæ Memo-riæ Joannis Romberch de Kyrpse; opus omnibus Theologis, predicatoribus; confessoribus, advocatis et notariis; medicis, philosophis; Arti liberalium professoribus. Insuper mercatoribus, nuntiis, et tabellariis pernecessarium. 8°. Ven-ice, per Melch. Sessa. [bl. let.] F.
1540. Aristotle: De Memoria et Reminiscentia, Lat. per Nic. Leonicum. 8vo. Venice. B. В.
1541. Ryff, Gualth: De Memoria Artificiali et Naturali. 12mo. B. B.
1544. Peter of Ravenna: Memoriæ Ars quæ Phœnix inscribitur. 8°. Paris. F.
1555. Gratarolus, William: De Memoria reparanda, augenda, servandaque, lib. unus: et de locali vel artificiosa Memoria, lib. alter Guill. Grataroli. 8°. Romæ. F.
1556. Campensis, Claud. Commentarii in Aristotelis librum de Memoria et Recordatione. 8vo. Paris. B. B.
1562. Gratarolus, William: De Memoria Reparanda Auenda, Conservanda ac Reminiscentia. 16mo. London. B. B.
1562. Dolci, Lodovico: Romberch's Congestorium, translation into Italian. 8°. Venice. F.
1562. Fulwod, William: The Castel of Memorie: wherein is conteyned, the restoring, augmenting, and conseruinge of the Memorie & Remembrance, with the safest remedies, and best precepts thereunto in anywise apperteining: made by Gulielmus Gratarolus Bergomatis Doctor of Artes and Physike. Englyshed by Wm. Fulwod. The contentes wherof appear in the Page next following. Imprinted at London in Fleete-streete by Wm. How, dwelling at Temple barre. [bl. let.] F.
1566. Aristotle: De Memoria et Reminiscentia. Gr. Lat. cum comm. Simonis Simonii. Apud Joan. Crispinum. B. B.
1570. Spangenberg, John: Artificiosæ Memoriæ libellus, auctore Joann. Spangenberg. Herd. 8°. Witeberg. F.
1574. Rosselius, Cosmus: Cosmi Rosselii Thesaurus Artificiosæ Memoriæ. 4°. Venet. F.
1579. Rosselius Cosma: Thesaurus Artificiosse Memoriæ. Ven. Fol. В. В.
1582. Bruno, Jordan: De Umbris Idearum et Artis Memoriæ. 8vo. Paris. B. B.
1582. Bruno, Jordan: Ars Memorise. 8vo. Paris. B. B. 1582. Bruno, Jordan: De Compendiosa Architectura et Complementa Artis Lullii. 12mo. Paris. B. B.
1583. Watson, Thomas Artificiosæ Memoriæ Libellus Authore Thoma Watsono Oxoniensi, Juris Utriusque studioso. MS. F.
1583. Dickson, Alexander: De Umbra Rationis et Judicij sive—De Memoriæ virtute Prosopopæia. 8°. London. B. B.
1584. Dickson, Alexander: Libellus de Memoria verissima et recordandi Scientia. B. B.
1584. Waldegrave, Robert Libellus de memoria, veris-sissimaque bene recordandi scientia, authore G. P., Cantobrigiense huc accessit eundem admoni-tiuncula ad A. Discorsum, de artificiosæ memoriæ, quamquam publice profitetur venitate. 16mo. London. B. В
1586. Cope, Stephen: Discours notables des moyens pour conserver et augmenter la mémoire, avec un Traité de la Physionomie ou Jugement de la nature des hommes tiré des traits du visage, et autres parties du corps; trad. du Latin de Guill. Gratarol, par Estienne Cope. 16°, Lyons. F.
1591. Albertus, Joh. Mich. Joan Mich. Alberti de omnibus ingeniis augendæ Memoriæ liber. 4°. Bonon. F.
1591. Bruno, Jordano: De Imaginum et Idearum compositione ad omnia inventionem, et Memoriæ gen-era. Tres libri, 8vo. Franc. F.
1593. Schenkel, Lamprecht: De Memoria, lib. i. Duaci; lib. ii. Antwerpiæ. P.
1595. Schenkel, Lamprecht: Leodii. Antwerpiæ. P.
1598. Schenkel, Lamprecht: Brevis Tractatus de Utilita-tibus et Effectibus Mirabilibus Artis Memoriæ. Parisiis, P.
1600. Gesvaldi, Philip: F. Philipi Gesvaldi Plutosofia. Patav. F.
1600. Peter of Ravenna: Phœnix seu Artificiosa Memoria cl. I. V. D. et militis D. Petri Ravennatis Juris Canonici olim in Patavino Gymnasio. 4to. Vicentise. F. Bruno, Jordano: Ars Lullii. P. 1600.
1601. Siri, Victor: Memoire Recondite dall' anno 1601 sino al 1640. Ronco. 1677. 8 tom. 4°.
1602. Porta, John Baptist Ars Reminiscendi Joan. Baptistæ Portæ Neapolitani. 4°. Naples. F. & B. B.
1602. Marafiotius, F. H. F. Hieronymi Marafioti Polisti-nensis Calabri Theologi De Arte Reminiscentiæ, per loca, et imagines, de per notas et figuras in manibus positas. 8°. Franc. F.
1603. Spangenberg, John: Artis Memoriæ, seu potius Reminiscentiæ pars secunda, Authore Joh. Sp. Herd. Francof. F.
1607. Specimina duo Artis Memoriæ exhibita Lutetice Parisiorum. 8°. Paris. F.
1608. Lancionius, S.: De Memoria, ac Reminiscentia Discerptatio Sempronii Lancioni Romani ad mentem Philosophorum principum Platonis et Aristotelis concinnata. Verona. F.
1609. Schenckel, Lambert: Schenckelii Methodus de Latina Lingua intra 6 menses docenda. 8°. Argent. F.
1609. Cruschius, Melchior: De Memoria Bona Conservanda. 8vo. Witt. B. B.
1610. Schenkel, Lambert: Gazophylacium Artis Memorise; in quo duobus libris omnia et singula ea quæ ad absolutam hujus cognitionem inserviunt, recondita habentur, per Lambertum Schenkelium Dusilvium. His accesserunt de endem Arte Memorie adhuc 3 opuscula; quorum 1. Joannis Austriaci; 2. Hieronymi Marafioti. 3. Joh. Sp. Herd. 8°. Argent. F.
1610. Alsted, Joh. Henry: Joh. Henr. Alstedii Theatrum Scolasticum. 8. Strasburg. Herborn. Contains the Gymnasium Mnemonicum. F.
1610. Sommer, Martin: Brevis Delineatio de utilitatibus et effectibus admirabilibus Artis Memorie. 12°. Venet. F.
1610. Alsted, Joh. Henry Joh. Henr. Alstedii Systema Mnemonicum. 8°. Franc. F.
1610. Bruxius, Adamus: Simonides redivivus; seu Ars Memoriæ et oblivionis complures. 4°. Lips. B. B.
1611. Alsted, Joh. Henry Joh. Henr. Alstedii Trigæ Canonicse, contains Artis Mnemonica Explicatio. 8°. France. F.
1617. Ravellin, Fr. Mart: Fr. Mart. Ravellini Ars Memoriæ. 8°. Franc. F.
1617. Galbaicus, Joh. Pæp.: Schenckelius detectus: seu, Memoria Artificialis hactenus occultata ac a multis quamdiu desiderata: nunc primum in gratiam optimarum artium, ac sapientiæ studiosorum luce donata, a J. P. G. [Joh. Pæp. Galbaicus] S. P. D. Hanc artem principes et alii nobiles, cum Ecclesiastici, tum seculares addidicerunt, exercuerunt et mirifice probarunt, ut ex sequentibus notum fiet. 8°. Lugduni. F.
1617. Fludd, Robert: Utriusque cosmi majoris scilicet, et minoris Metaphysica, Physica et Technica Historia, auctore Roberto Fludd. 2 tom. fol. Openh. et Franc. F.
1618. Apsines, Græc. Rhet. De Memoria liber singularis latine nunc primum vertit, Fed Morell. Paris. F.
1618. Paep, Joh. : ΕΙΣΑΓΩΓΗ, seu Introductio Facilis in Praxim Artificiosæ Memoriæ. 12mo. Lugd. B. B.
1618. Naulius, Adam: Inæstimabilis Artis Memorandi Thesaurus, ex variis optimisque authoribus depromptus, ab Adamo Naulio, Rheto. Sacerd. et S. Theol. Doct. 8vo. Paris. F.
1618. Willis, John Mnemonica, s. c. Reminiscendi Ars in 3 Libris Nec non de Memoria Naturali fonenda, Libellus. 8vo. London. B. B. 1619. Schenkel, Lamprecht: Argentorati. P.
1620. Ars Memoriæ localis, plenius et luculentius expositæ, quam ante hac nunquam, una cum applicatione ejusdem ad singulas disciplinas et facultates. 8vo. Lips. F.
1620. Velasquez, Joan: D. Joannis Velasquez de Azevedo Fenix de Minerva y Arte de Memoria que ensenna sin maestro á prender y retenir. 4to. Madrid. F.
1620. Carbonnell, Hugo: Artis Lullinse, seu Memoriæ Artificialis Secretum explicitum, Oratoribus et Praedicatoribus utilissimum per R. P. F. Hugonem Carbonellum. 8vo. Paris. F.
1623. Valerius, Andrew: Lettera a Andrea Valieri ove si tratta della Memoria locale e del modo facile per acquistarla. MS. F.
1623. Cuirot, Adrian le: Magazin des Sciences, ou vray l'Art de Mémoire, par Adrian le Cuirot. 12mo. Paris. F.
1623. Jones, John Sacra Ars Memoriæ, ad Scripturas Divinas in Promptu habandas, etc., accommodata. 8vo. Douay. В. В.
1629. Godoy, Jo. Gutheriez de: Disputationes Philosophicæ et Medice super Aristotelem de Memoria. 4to. Madrid. B. B.
1635. Dannhawer, Joh. Conrade: Tractatus de Memoria Joh. Conradi Dannhaweri. Svo. Argent. F. & B. B.
1639. Meyssonerus: Meyssonerus in Pentagono Philosophico-Medico, sive Arte novæ Reminiscentiæ. 4to. Lugd. F.
1640. Lully, Raymund: Ars Memorativa inventiva et applicativa Raimundi Lullii. 12mo. Cadom. F.
1641. Belke, Thomas: Scripture Inquiry, or Helps for Memory in the Duties of Piety. Svo. London. B. B.
1643. Backhusy, Arnold: Memoria artificialis Lamberti Schenckely. Omnibus literarum et sapientiæ amantibus luce donata, vna cum clavicula, Illam legendi, modum aperiente, Arnoldi Backhusy Lubecensio. 12mo. Colon. Agrip. F.
1648. Winkelmann, Stanislaus Mink von Relatio Novissima ex Parnasso de Arte Reminiscentise. Marburg; 1661, Giessen. P.
1651. Herdson, Hen. Ars Mnemoniaca, Lat. et Eng. 1657. 12mo. London. В. В.

1651. Herdson, Henry: Ars Memorise, The Art of Memory made plaine by Henry Herdson, late Professor by Publick Authority, in the University of Cambridge, 8°. Lond. F.

1653. Saunders, Richard: Physiognomy, Chiromancy, and Art of Memory. London. B. В.
1654. Belot, John: L'Œuvre des Œuvres, ou le plus parfaict des Sciences, Steganographiques, Paulines, Armedelles, et Lullistres, par Jean Belot. 8°. Lugduni. F.
1654. Fax Nova Arti Memoriæ localis accensa. 8°. Lips. F.
1661. Sowersby: Mnemonica; or the Art of Memory. John Willis. Trans. by Sowersby. 8°. London.
1661. Willis, John: Mnemonica; or, The Art of Memory, drained out of the pure fountains of art and nature, digested into 3 books. Also a physical treatise of cherishing natural Memory; diligently collected out of divers learned men's writings. 8°. London. F.
1669. Kircher, Athanasius: Athanasii Kircheri, Ars Magna Sciendi in XII. Libros digesta, qua nova et universali methodo [Lulliana] per artificiosum Combinationum contextum de omni re proposita plurimus et prope infinitis rationibus disputari, omniumque summaria quædam cognitio comparari potest. Fol. Amstelod. F.
1677. Siri, Victor: Memorie recondite dall' anno 1601 sino al 1640. Ronco, 1677-9, 8 tom. 4°. B. В.
1678. Variorum de Arte Memorise Tractatus Sex. 8°. Leipsic. F.
1683. Shaw, John: The Divine Art of Memory: or, The Sum of the Holy Scriptures, Delivered in Acrostic Verses, so that the Contents of the whole Bible, may readily be remembered; and in what Chapter, each particular passage is recorded. Written originally in Latine by the Reverend and Learned John Shaw, and made English by Simon Wastel. 12°. London. F.
1685. Wallis, John: The Strength of Memory. В. В. 1691. Leadbetter, Arthur: Arithmetical Rules Digested for the Help and Profit of Memory. 8vo. London. B. B.
1695. Ars magna et admirabilis Speciminibus variis confirmata, qua Pandectarum Tituli eorumque præcipua Materia ope Figurarum emblematicarum, brevissime, jucunde et tenaciter, memoria imprimi, firmiter contineri, et opportune in usum transferri possunt: In maximum commodum legis Studiosi. 8°. Lugd. Bat. F.
1697. Copia Speciminum Artis Memorie Bruxellae, Leodii, Tornaci, et alibi editorum. 8°. Leodii. F.
1697. D'Assigny, Marius: Art of Memory. London.
1699. D'Assigny, Marius: Rhetorica Anglorum, vel Exercitationes Oratoriæ in Rhetoricam, Sacram et Communem, quibus adjiciuntur quædam regulæ ad imbecilles Memorias corroborandas. 8°. London. B. В.
1701. Buffier, Claude: Pratique de la Mémoire artificielle pour apprendre, et pour retenir la chronologie, l'Histoire Universelle, &c. 3 vols. Paris. В. В.
1702. Brancaccio, Jo.: Ars Memoriæ vindicata, auctore D. Jo. Brancaccio, accessit Artificium Poeticum ad Scripturas Divinas in promptu habendas me-moriterque ediscendas accomodatum. 8°. Panonni. F.
1706. D'Assigny, Marius: The Art of Memory, A Treatise useful for all, especially such as are to speak in Publick. 12mo. London. F. & B. B.
1708. Guivard, Fr.: Traité de Mnémotechnie, Lille.
1715. Erhardt, Thomas: Ars Memoriæ, sive clara et perspicua Methodus excerpendi Nucleum rerum ex omnium Scientiarum monumentis a R. P. Erhardt. 8vo. August. Vindel. Part 4 in 3 tom. F. & B. B.
1719-23. Buffier, Claude de Pratique de la Mémoire Artificielle pour apprendre et pour retenir l'Histoire Sainte, l'Histoire Ecclésiastique et l'Histoire de France. 8°. 3 tom. Paris. F.
1722. Falster, Christian: Memoriæ Obscuræ. 8vo. Hamburg. B. B.
1723. Cannac, P. Ph. Dissertatio Physica de Memoria. 4to. Geneva. B. B.
1730. Grey, Richard: Memoria Technica; or, a New Method of Artificial Memory, applied to and exemplified in Chronology, History, Geography, Astronomy; also Jewish, Grecian, and Roman Coins, Weights and Measures, etc. 8°. London. F. & B. B.
1737. Lowe, Solomon: Mnemonics delineated in a small compass and easy Method, for the better enabling to remember what is most frequently wanted, and most difficultly retained or recollected. 8°. London. B. B. & F.
1747. Morhof, Dan. Geo. Dan. Geo. Morhofii Polyhistor Literarius Philosophicus et Practicus, cum acces-sionibus virorum clarissimorum, Joh. Frickii et Joh. Molleri Flensburg. [Edit. Quart.] 2 tom. 4°. Lubecae. F.
1750. Hell, Maximilian: Adjumentum Memoriæ Manuale Cronologico, Genealogico, Historicum. B. B.
1753. Roeder, Paulus: Memoria Ebnerianna, fol. No-rimb. B. B.
1773. Evans: The Tablet of Memory; or, the Historian's Assistant. 12mo, 1s. 6d. London. B. B.
1775. Hay: The Tutor's Observations on Memory; with plain and practical rules for improving and exercising it, and brief hints on composition. 8vo, 1s. London. B. B.
1781. Feyjoo, Fr. B. J. Cartas Eruditas y Curiosas, por D. Fr. B. J. Feyjoo. 4.5 tom. Madrid. F.
1782. Helps for Short Memory; consisting of Maxims, Rules, Proverbial Sayings, etc., in Prose and Verse; selected from the best authors. 12mo. 6d. London.
1783. Beattie, James: Dissertations, Moral and Critical, on Memory and Imagination, on Dreaming; the Theory of Language; on Fable and Romance; on the Attachment of Kindred; and Illustrations on Sublimity. 4°. London. B. B.
1794. Valpy, Rich. Poetical Chronology of Ancient and English History. 12mo. London. L.
1801. Graffe: Katechetisches Magazin. 8vo. Goettin-gen.
1804. Kästner, Chr. A. L. Mnemonik, oder die Gedächt-nisskunst der Alten systemat. bearbeitet. 8°. Leipzig.
1804. Kluber, J. S.: Compendium der Mnemonik. 4to. Klüber, J. Palermo.
1804. Klüber, J. S. Mein Contingent zur Geschicht der Gedächtnissübungen in den ersten jahren des 16 jalırh. Nürnberg.
1804. Aretin, J. C. von Denkschrift über den wahren Begriff und Nutzen der Mnemonik. Munich.
1805. Kästner, Chr. A. L. Leitfaden zu einen Unterhaltung über de Mnemonik. 8vo. Leipsic.
1805. Kästner, Chr. A. L. Dessen Uebersetzung der drei Stellen bei der Alten von der Gedächtnisskunst 8°. Leipsic. Н. В.
1805. Morgenstern: De Arte veterum Mnemonica. Fol. Dorp.
1805. Kästner, C. A. L. Uebersetzung und Erklärung der drei beruhmten Stellen bei den Alten von der Gedächtnisskunst. Uebst noch einigen Beispielen von dem Gebrauch, den ich von dieser Kunst machte. 8°. Н. В.
1805. Kästner, C. A. L. Mnemonik, oder die Gedächtnisskunst der Alten, systematisch bearbeitet. Zweite ganz umgearbeitete Auflage. 8°. Leipzig. H. B.
1806. Aretin, C. F. von Nürnb. Theorie der Mnemonik, gr. 8,
1806. Feinaigle, G. de Paris. Notice sur la Mnémonique.
1806. Grey, R. Memoria Technica; or, a method of artificial memory. With Lowe's Mnemonics Delineated. 16mo. London.
1809. Beattie, J.: Memory and Imagination (in his works, v. 3).
1809. Richardson, C. E. A Collection of Scripture Sentences for committing to memory. 12mo. B. В.
1810. Aretin, J. C. von Systematische Anleitung zur Theorie und Praxis der Mnemonik. 8vo. Sulzbach.
1811. Feinaigle, G. von: Mnemonik nach der Vorlesungen desselben. Frankfort a. M.
1811. Pupil of Feinaigle: Practische Gedächtniss nach den Vorlesungen des Herrn Gregor von Feinaigle. Frankfort a. M.
1812. Feinaigle, Gregor von: "The New Art of Memory, to which is prefixed some accounts of the principal systems of artificial Memory from the earliest period to the present time." 12mo. 12s. London. B. B.
1812. Mnemonika; or, chronological tablets, exhibiting in a methodical manner, the most remarkable occurrences from the creation of the world to the present period: with several valuable tables. Phila.
1813. Coglan, Thomas: Improved System of Mnemonics; or, Art of assisting the Memory exemplified. 8vo, 9s. London. B. B.
1813. Needham, S.: Reminiscentia numeralis, or the Memory's Assistant, in numbers and dates; to which is prefixed a regular system of The Art, founded on Dr. Grey's Memoria Technica. 2 vols. 12mo. B. B.
1816. Jackson, Geo.: A New and Improved System of Mnemonics. 12mo, 3s. 6d. London.
1818. Murden, J. R.: The art of memory reduced to a systematic arrangement, exemplified under the two leading principles, locality and association, with a specimen of a mnemonic dictionary. Embellished with engravings. New York.
1820. Manners, J. M.: Mnemonic Tables. 12°. Baltimore. E. C.
1823. Aimé Paris and Adrien Berbrugger: "Résumé des diverses spéculations étudiés dans les cours de mnémonique, ou mémoire artificielle. 3fr. Paris.
1824. Paris, Aimé: Résumé (sans autre titre. Sans nom de ville ou d'impr.) [Bruxelles, Weïssenbruch], janvier 1824, 8vo.
1825. Paris, Aimé: Exposition et pratique des procédés mnémoniques, à l'usage des personnes qui veulent étudier la mnémotechnie en général, etc. 6fr. Paris.
1825. Paris, Aimé Code civil mnémonisé en 50 leçons. In-8. 8fr. Paris, l'Auteur.
1826. Paris, Aimé Mémoire (de la) et des moyens d'augmenter l'action de cette partie de l'intelligence humaine. Paris (Querard.)
1826. Gayton, J. R.: Memoria Philosophica. 10s. London.
1827. Paris, Aimé: Lettre à M. Fréd. Come, avocat et professeur de mnémonique et de sténographie, ouverts, 8vo. Paris.
1827. Paris, Aimé: Sur ces trois points à discuter, etc. Paris.
1828. Kästner, C. A. L. Briefe über die Mnemonik, noch ein Versuch, die Ehre einer Verkannten zu retten. 8vo. Sulzbach.
1828. Paris, Aimé Première suite autographie d'applications spéciales de la mnémotechnique. Applications de la musique; nomenclature des accords. Paris, l'Auteur. 4to. 2fr. Paris (Querard).
1828. Peckstone, T. S. Chronological Chart of the Patriarchs.
1828. Todd, J. H. Historical tablets and medallions illustrated on an improved system of artificial memory. For Lond.
1829. Paris, Aimé: Souvenirs du cours de mnémotechnie, ou l'Art d'Aider lá, en 15 leçons. Paris.
1829. Darby, Wm. Mnemonica: or, The Tablet of Memory, a register of events from the earliest period to the year 1829. 12mo. Balt.
1829. Goodluck, W. R. View of the World
1830. Snooke: Calendar of Memory.
1831. De Castilho: Recueils de Souvenir de Mnémotechnie. Saint Milo.
1831. Kästner, Chr. A. L. Mnemonices quædam in sctiptura sacra vestigia.
1832. Beniowski: Major Beniowski's Phrenotypics; or, a New Method of Studying and Committing to Memory Languages, Sciences and Arts.
1833. Paris, Aimé Principes et applications diverses de la mnémotechnie. 12fr. 7th ed. Paris.
1834. De Castilho, A. M. & J. F.: Traité de Mnémotechnie. 6th ed. Bordeaux.
1834. Paris, Aimé Mémoire adressé à M. Guizot, ministre de l'instruction, relativement à la création d'une chaire de mnémotechnie à l'École normale. In-4, de 28 pag.
1835. De Castilho, A. M. & J. F. Dictionnaire Mnémonique, Lyon.
1838. Valpy: Poetical Chronology of History. 12mo. 2s. 6d. (London) E. C.
1838. Jukes, Mrs. Aids to Memory of Old Testament History. 18mo. 2s. B. C.
1839. Jazwinski: Exposé Général de la Méthode Mnémonique Polonaise perfectionée à Paris. Paris.
1839. Knott, R. R.: New Aid to Memory. 1s. London.
1841. Bassle, G. A. System Mnémonique. London.
1841. Demangeon, le Dr. Nouvelle mnémonique à la portée de toutes les intelligences et qui peut s'apprendre sans maître. 8vo. 4 fr. 50c.
1841. Machan, R: New System of astronomical mnemonics; a method of acquiring a complete knowledge of the constellations. 8vo. London.
1842. Knott, R. R. New Aid to Memory. 12mo. 7s. London.
1842. Mailath, Johann von: Mnemonik. Vienna.
1842. Beniowski's Handbook of Phrenotypics. 48. London.
1843. Otto, Carl (Reventlow): Lehrbuch der Mnemotechnik. Stuttgart.
1843. Imeson, W. T.: Phrenotyphonicon. Gd. London. 1843. Reventlow, Carl Otto: Mnemotechny after a new system. Stuttgart.

England. 1844. Laws, T. F. Phrenotypics. 8vo. Manchester,

1844. "T. W. D." (T. W. Dwight): New Science of Artificial Memory. New York.
1844. Otto, Carl (Reventlow): Wörterbuch der Mnemonick. Stuttgart.
1844. Imeson, W. T.: Ideatypics; or, An Art of Memory. 12mo, 48. London, E. C.
1844. Pike, Robt. and Wm. C. Mnemonics applied to the acquisition of knowledge. Boston.
1845. Fauvel-Gouraud, Francis: Phreno-mnemotechny; or, The Art of Memory. A series of lectures. 8vo. $2. New York. Wiley. A. C.
1845. Fauvel-Gouraud, Francis: Phreno-mnemotechnic Dictionary, philosophical classification of homophonic words in the Eng. Lang. 8vo. $2. N. Y. Wiley. A. C.
1845. Hallworth, T. Rational Mnemonics.
1846. Pike, R. and W. C. Mnemonics. Boston.
1846. Harris, L. H.: Mnemonics; or, Philosophical Memory. Newark, Ohio.
1846. Johnson, L. D. Memoria Technica. Boston.
1846. Johnson, L. D. Memoria Cyclopædia, or the Art of Memory. Taunton, Mass.
1846. Fowler, O. S. Memory and Intellectual Improvement. 75c. New York. A. C.
1846. Otto, Carl (Reventlow): Leitfaden der Mnemonik. Stuttgart.
1847. Hill, Wm. Educational Monitor. 18mo. 1s. 6d. London.
1847. Prévost E.: Histoire de France, mnémonisée sur un plan neuf et tout à fait inédit. 8vo. 3fr.
1847. Carpenter, W: Helps to Memory. 32mo. 18. 6d. В. С.
1847. Parent-Voisin, V. Cours méthodique et élémentaire de Mnémotechnie, ou l'Art d'aider à la Mémoire. 8vo. 3fr.
1848. Kothe, Herman: Lehrbuch der Mnemonik. Hamburg. H. B.
1848. Pick, Edward: Mnemonics and its Application to the Study of History.
1848. Miles, Pliny: American Mnemotechny. 75c. and $1.00. New York.
1848. Miles, Pliny: Elements of Mnemotechny. 25c. New York.
1849. Day, William: Mnemonical Chart and Guide to the Art of Memory. New York.
1849. Hamilton's Mnemonic Chronology of British History. 7s. London.
1849. Brayshaw, T.: Metrical Mnemonics, Applied to Geography. 12mo. 6s. London.
1850. Camard C.: Manuel de Mnémonique, ou Méthode pour retenir sans travail et sans effort toutes les principales dates de l'histoire universelle. 16mo.
1851. Imeson, W. T. Chronology Self-suggestive. 8vo. 1s. 6d. London. E. C.
1852. Déjeans, l'Abbé: Manuel d'Histoire mnémonisée, à l'usage des aspirants au baccalauréatès-lettres. 8vo.
1852. Hill, Wm. Mnemonical Expositor. 12mo. 1s. 6d. London. E. С.
1852. Fowler, O. S. Memory and Intellectual Improvement. 75c. New York, Fowler & Wells. A. C.
1852. Bradbury, H. P. Cogland's Mnemonics. Louisville.
1852. Moigno, Abbé: Manuel de Mnémonique. Paris.
1852. Kirkman, T. P.: Mnemonic Lessons in Geometry, Algebra, and Trigonometry. 18. 6d. London, Crosby, Lockwood & Co.
1852. Hill, Wm. Memory of Languages, and Rhyming Expositor. 18mo. 5th ed. London.
1853. Cumming, J. G.: Chronology of History for Schools. 16mo. 1s. 6d. London.
1853. Kothe, Herman: System der Mnemonick. Cassel.
1854. Kothe, Herman: Katechismus der Mnemotechnik, oder Gedächtnisslehre. Leipsic.
1855. Chapman, D. Theory of Memory. 8vo. 5s. London.
1857. Fairchild, A. J. System of Acquiring the French Language. 12mo. 3s. 6d. London.
1859. Parker, L. Key to Philosophy of Memory. New York.
1860. Bell, A. M.: Sermon-Reading and Memoriter Deliverer. Salem, Mass. 15c. Burbank. А. С.
1861. Bacon, J. H.: The Science of Memory Simplified and Explained. 1s. 6d. London. B. B.
1861. Otto, Carl (Reventlow): Mnemotischer Commentar zur Allgemeinen Weltgeschichte. Stuttgart.
1861. Pick, Edward: On Memory and Rational Means of Improving it. 8vo. 2s. 6d. London, Trübner. (5th Ed., 1873, 12mo. 1s.)
1862. Chase, S. C. Mnemeology. 12mo. $1.50. Cincinn. H. C.
1862. Pick, Edward: New Methods of Studying Languages. French. 12mo. 3s. 6d. London, Trübner.
1863. Jones, John: How to Remember Sermons and Lectures. Liverpool.
1864. Slater, Mrs. Sententiæ Chronologice.
1865. Stokes, William: On Memory. 1s. London, Houlston & Son. E. С.
1866. Williams, B. Lyon: Science of Memory. 8vo. London, Nisbet & Co. E. C.
1866. Haney, J. C. Art of Memory. 51 pp. 15c. New York, J. C. Haney & Co.
1866. Stokes, William: The Divine Origin of Mnemonica. 1s. London, Houlston & Son.
1866. Girdlestone, E. D. Memory Helped, or Dr. Grey's System Explained. London.
1867. Fitch, J. G.: Art of Securing Attention in a Sunday-school. 16mo. 25c. New York, Carlton & Porter. A. C.
1867. Sayer, T. A. Aids to Memory. 12mo. 1s. London. E. C.
1869. Mackay, Alex.: Facts and Dates of Leading Events in History. 12mo. 4s. London, Blackwood. E. C.
1869. Maclaren, T.: Systematic Memory. 12mo. 18. London, Pitman.
1870. Hill, William: Local Suggester. London.
1870. Crowther, George: Crowther's Mnemonics. London.
1872. Collins, J.: The Schoolboy's Memoria Technica. Sq. 16mo. 6d. London. Е. С.
1873. Relton, Wm. Infallible and Instantaneous Mental Almanack. Cr. 8vo. 6d. London, Pitman.
1873. Macaulay, Jas. Memory Helps in British History. 12mo. 6d. London. E. С.
1873. Nemos, W.; Artificial Memory, Method of Making Bad Memories Good and Good Memories Better. 16mo. $1. San Francisco. Bancroft.
1874. Fairchild: The Way to Improve the Memory. London.
1876. Memoria Technica to Chronology, to the Overthrow of the W. Empire, A. D. 476. 12mo. 1s. 6d. London, Simpkin. E. C.
1876(?). Memory. 18mo. 10c. N. Y., Nelson. 1877. Head, F. W.: Statutes by Heart; Memoria Technica applied to Statutes. 8vo. 1s. 6d. London, Stevens. E. C.
1877. Begg, E. W.: Mnemonics; System of Aids to Memory. 12mo. $1.50. Cincinn., Chase & Hall.
1877. Younghusband, J. H. How to Remember. 28. London.
1879. Stokes, Wm. Rapid Arithmetic, for Rapidly Teach-ing to Calculate. 18mo. 1s. London, Houlston. E. C.
1879. Stokes, Wm. Rapid Drawing. 18mo. 1s. London, Houlston. E. C.
1879. Moigno, F. N. M.: Manuel de Mnómotechnie, Pre-mière partie, Application à l'Histoire. 12mo. 3fr. Paris.
1880. Hartley, Chas. How to Improve the Memory. London.
1880. Laurie, Thos.: The Whole Art of Memory. London.
1880. Granville, J. M.: Secret of a Good Memory. 12mo. 18. London, Bogue.
1880. Appleby, F.: Phonetical Memory. 1s. London, Pitman.
1882. Fitz-Simon, E. A. Historical Epochs, with System of Mnemonics. 12mo. 50c. N. Y., Taintor.
1882. Middleton, A. E. Memory Aids and How to Use Them. London.
1882. Wollacott, F. C. Phrenotypics; or, The Science of Memory. 6d. London.
1882. Dalziel, Allan Mnemonics Applied to History.
1884. Stokes, William. Houlston & Sons, London. Rapid Music. Part I. 1s. Memory-Aiding Music Staff. 1s. Memory-Aiding Music Scales. 18. Pocket Key-Board. Piano, &c. 1s. Pictorial Multiplication. In Book or Sheet. Is. Memory-Aiding Extended Multiplication Table. 6d. Historical Chronometer. 2d Edition. 4to, paper case. 18. Mnemonical Globe. 17th Thousand. In case, colored. 1s. Memory Aids for England and Wales. 6d. Memory Aids for Elocution. 6d. French Genders in Five Minutes. 6d. German Genders Simplified. 6d.
1885. Miller, Adam: Mental Gymnastics. $1.00. Chicago, Miller.
1885. Middleton, A. E. All about Mnemonics. 1s. London.
1885. Ebbinhous, Herm. von: Ueber des Gedächtniss. Leipsig.
1886. Loisette, Alphonse: Physiological Memory; or, The Instantaneous Art of Never Forgetting. New York. $5. 6 Nos.
1886. Chavauty, l'Abbé: Le Nouveau Système de Mnémonique. 8vo. 1fr. Tarbes.
1886. Appleby, F.: Loisette's Art of Never Forgetting compared with Mnemonics. 6d. Pitman, London.
1886. Holbrook, M. L.: How to Strengthen the Memory. 12mo. $1.00. New York, M. L. Holbrook.
1886. Boyd, A. S. Modern Mnemotechny. Baltimore.
1886. Cohen, Gustavus: Memory: How to Secure and Retain it. London. 1886. Hedley, A. P.: Natural Memory. Fol. 4 pp. 10s. 6d.
1887. Appleby, F.: Natural Memory. 15s. London.
1888. White, W. W.: Natural Method of Memorizing and Memory Training. $5.00. New Haven, Connecticut.
1888. Kay, David Memory: What it is, and How to Improve it. Post 8vo. 6s. London, Kegan Paul, Trench & Co.
1888. Pick, Edward: Memory and its Doctors. 18mo. 1s. London, Trübner.
1888. Fellows, G. S.: "Loisette" Exposed, together with Loisette's Complete System of Physiological Memory, The Instantaneous Art of Never Forgetting. 12mo. 25c. New York, G. S. Fellows & Co.
N. D. Manners, J. M. Mnemonic Tables.
N. D. Hawley, E. H. Mnemotechny.
N. D. Tyass' Mnemonic Handbook.
N. D. Audibert, Maxime: Traité de Mnémotechnie générale, ou l'Art d'aider la mémoire appliqué à toutes les sciences. 2e édition. 18°. 4fr.
N. D. Moigno, Abbé F. N. M.: Latin for All, German for All. 3s. each.
N. D. Anacardina á la Arte de Memoria. F.
N. D. Joh. Aguilera de Arte Memoria. F.
N. D. Epiphanii de Moirans Ars Memoriæ admirabilis, omnium nescientium excedens captum. F.
N. D. Franc. Conti de Arte Memoriæ. F.
N. D. Hieronymus Megiserus de Arte Memoriæ. F.
N. D. Alvaro Ferreya de Vera, Trattato de Memoria artificiosa. F.
N. D. Watson: Compendium Memoriæ Localis. 8vo. B. B.
N. D. Copeland, Robert: The Art of M., that is otherwise called the Phoenix a boke very behaneful and profytable to all professors of grammargem, retoryciens, legystes, phylosophers, and theologiens. Translated out of French into Englishe by R. C. 8vo. London, Middleton. B. B.


Mnemonics, Chambers' Journal, 43:619.
Revue de Mnémonique (Monthly), Ed. by
Abbé Chavanty 1886
La Nature Jan. 29, 1887
Memory (O. A. Brownson), Democratic Review, 12:40 1843
Southern Literary Messenger, 4:680 1838
Fraser, 29:546 1843
Museum of Foreign Literature, 5:391 1824
(J. Hamilton) Good Words, 5:148 1861
Same article, Eclectic Mag., 62:104 1838
(A. J. Faust) Appleton's Jour., 24:524. 1880
(R. Usher) People's Jour., 7:244. 1848
Chambers Jour., 54:349 1877
Blackwood's, 128:421. 1880
Same article, Eclectic Mag., 95:729 1867
Christian Observer, 34:517, 581. 1834
(W. E. McCann) F. L. Pop. Mo Jan., 1887
Educational News, 8:519 1883
Md. Educ. Jour. 1: 41, 78, 103, 132, 172, 206, 306, 1867-8
Westminster Review, 130: 173,. ..Aug., 1888
And Absence of Mind, All the Year Round, 26:365 1871
And Its Caprices, Littell's Living Age, 34:606 1851
And the Will, Littell's Living Age, 139:56 1878
Art of, Analectic Mag., 4:117 1814
——(F. Bowen) No. Am. Rev., 61:260. 1845
——Chambers' Jour., 42:342 1865
Artificial (R. J. Wilmot), London Quar. Review, 9:125 1813
——Cornhill, 29:581. 1873
Same article, Eclectic Mag., 83:18 1874
Artificial Dublin Rev., 81:172 1877
——(W. E. McCann) F. L. Pop. Mo May, 1887
Assoc. of Ideas (A. Bain), Mind April, 1887
As an Intellectual Power, Littell's Living Age, 84:513 1864
Can the M. be cultivated? (5. C. Dent) Md. Sch. Jour. 2: 110 1875
Canine, Welcome Hour. Sept., 1886
Cultivating the (Thos. Lucy), Md. Sch. Jour. 3: 415 1876
Cultivation of (W. E. McCann), F. L. Sun. Mag July, 1887
Curiosities of (A. Young), Lakeside, 8:128 1872
——Chambers' Jour., 51:157. 1874
Double (G. C. Robertson), Mind, 1:552. 1876
Essence of, Dublin Univ. Mag., 92:95. 1878
Experiments in, Science, 6:198 1885
Fallacies of (F. B. Cobb), Galaxy, 1:149 1866
Feinaigle's New Art of, Eclectic Rev., 18:321 1813
Great, F. L. Pop. Mo April, 1887
Heredity of (H. D. Valin), Mind in Nature, May, 1886
Illusions of, Cornhill, 41:416. 1879
Same article, Littell's Living Age, 145:432 1879
Same article, Eclectic Mag., 94:686 1879
In Education, Westm., 2:393 1876
Keys of, Temple Bar, 13:202 1864
Morbid, Once a Week, 3:285 1860
Offices and Moral Uses of, Christian Exam., 56:209 1853
Of Faces, Spectator, 58:1258. 1885
Our Powers of (I. F. Mayo), Leisure Hour, Νοv., 1887
Phenomena of (S. H. Dickson), Lipp., 3:189. 1868
Physiological (R. W. Brown), Sc. Am. Sup., No. 429. 1884
Process of (I. Orr), Am. Jour. Sci., 23:278 1832
Remarkable Cases of (W. D. Henkle), Jour. Spec. Philos., 5:6 1871
——Pop. Sc. Mo., 16:428.
Retentive Power of (A. Bain), Fortn., 10:237 1868
Ribot on (J. Sully), Mind, 6:590 1881
Training of, Science, 8:582. 1886
Tricks of, Knowledge Jan., 1888
Unconscious (G. J. Romanes), Nature, 23:285 1880
Use and Culture, Phren. Jour Sept., 1887
vs. Reason, Tinsley, 9:183 1871
Where and How We Remember (M. A. Starr), Pop. Sci. Mo., 25:609. 1884
Why do We Remember Forwards? (F. Bradley), Mind Oct., 1887
Wonders of, Chambers' Jour July, 1886
Memories, Good, Every Sat., 11:618. 1871
Great, Dublin Univ. Mag., 60:377 1862
Retentive, Pop. Sci. Mo., 14:690


Abercrombie, J.: The Intellectual Powers. 18mo. 75c. New York. 1835.

Buck, A. H.: Ref. Handbook of the Med. Sc. Imp. 8vo, 8 vols. New York. Wood. 1887. (Article: "Memory, Disorders of," Dr. L. C. Rosse.) Butler, Samuel: Unconscious Memory. Cr. 8vo. 7s. 6d. London. Trübner. 1880.

Carpenter, W. B: Principles of Mental Physiology. 12mo. $3.00. New York. Appleton. 1874.

Creighton, C.: Unconscious Memory in Disease. 12mo. $1.50. New York. Vail. 1887.

Hering: Ueber das Gedächtniss als allgemeine Function der organisirten Materie. 2te Auflage. Wien. 1876.

Laycock, T.: Mind and Brain. 2 vols. 12mo. $7.00. New York. Appleton.

Lewes, G. H.: Physical Basis of Mind. 8vo. $3.00. Boston. 1877.

Luys, J.: The Brain and its Functions. 12mo. $1.50. New York. Appleton. 1882.

Maudsley, H.: Physiology and Pathology of the Mind. 8vo. $3.50. New York. Appleton. 1867.

Maudsley, H.: Body and Mind. 8vo. $1.50. London and New York. Macmillan.

Ribot, Th.: Diseases of Memory, from the French, by W. H. Smith. 12mo. $1.50. New York. Appleton. 1882.

Ribot, Th.: Diseases of Memory, from the French, by J. Fitzgerald. 8vo. 15c. New York. Fitzgerald. 1883.

Watts, Isaac: Improvement of the Mind. 16mo, 50c. New York. 1849.

Winslow, Forbes: On the Obscure Diseases of the Brain. 8vo. $4.25. Philadelphia. Lea.