Men-at-the-Bar/Baker, Sir George Edward Dunstan Sherston, Bart.
Baker, Sir George Edward Dunstan Sherston, Bart., a member of the Western circuit, international jurisconsult, associate of the Institut de Droit International 1879, author of The Laws of Quarantine, The Office of Vice-admiral of the Coast, editor of Halleck's International Law, prime warden of the Worshipful Company of Poulterers 1884, a student of Lincoln's Inn 21 Nov., 1866 (then aged 20), called to the bar there 17 Nov., 1871, admitted a barrister of the Middle Temple ad eundem 18 Dec, 1874 (eldest son of Henry Sherston Baker, bar.-at-law, of Lincoln's Inn); born 19 May, 1846; married 3 June, 1873, Jane Mary, dau. of Frederick James Fegen, Esq., R.N., C.B., late of Ballinlonty, co. Tipperary, and of Lincoln's Inn, bar.-at-law, dec, and has issue (see Foster's Baronetage).
- 18, Cavendish Road, N.W.; Library Chambers, Middle Temple, E.C.