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Men of 1914/Addendum

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Men of 1914

Men of 1914, Chicago: American Publishers' Association, 1915, OCLC:49777827all editions

The phrase "Men of 1914" appears frequently in the English literature of the 20th century as a metonym for the generation that faced World War I.

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195275Men of 1914 — Addendum

Anderson, Frank M., 2604 Etna St., Berkeley, Cal., Geology. Ashland, Ore., June 4, 1863. A.B., Willamette, 1889; A.B., Stanford, 1895; M.S., California, 1897. Prof. nat. science, Siskiyou Co. High Sch., Cal., 1895-96; instr. miner, California, 97-98; geologist, S. P. Co., 1901-11; Curator paleont, Cal. Acad. Sciences, 1903- Geol. Soc. Geology; paleontology.--Economic geology of northern California. Geologist, Universal Oil Co., 1911-1914. Geologist, Standard Oil Co., 1914-

Arendt, Prof. Morton, Columbia University, New York N.Y. Electrical engineering. Cincinnati, O., March 24, 1877; Col. City of N.Y., 1892-1896; E.E., Columbia, 1898; Weston Instrument Co., 1898; N.Y. Edison Co., 1899; advisory elec. engineer, Elec. Boat Co., Holland Submarine Boat Co., Electro-Dynamic Co.., Consol. H. R. Elec. Light Co., 1903, and A. B. Mfg. Co., 1912; lecturer elec. eng., Columbia, 1902-1905; instructor, 1905-1910 ; asst. prof., 1910. Publications on : Elec. Eng., design of electric generators, electric motors, storage batteries, voltage regulation, train lighting. Fellow Am. Inst. of Elec. Eng. Member Society Sigma Xi. Honorary member Phoenix Association Stationary Engs.

Averbeck, Maximilian J. Diamond importer, manufacturing jeweler; b. Marietta, Ohio; s. Maximilian Frederick and Sophia (Moll) Averbeck; ed. Marietta Coll.; grad. N.Y. Coll. of Pharmacy, Columbia Univ. ; m. Piermont, N.Y., Annie Walsh Miller; children : Maximilian J., Jr.; Carolyn Rodgers. Dir. Germania Fire ins. Co. Pres. The Ten and Twelve Maiden Lane Co., Averbeck Drug Co., N.Y. Wholesale Jewelers' Ass'n; trustee Maiden Lane Savings Bank; vestryman and treas. All Angels Church; vice president Nat. Wholesale Jewelers' Ass'n. Dir. N.Y. Federation of Churches. Republican; Episcopalian. Clubs: Ohio Soc., Marietta Coll., Economic, West End Ass'n, Rockland Co. Country. Residence: Palisades, Rockland Co., N.Y.; 425 West End Av., N.Y. City. Address: 10-12 Maiden Lane, N.Y. City.

Beasley, Charles W., farmer; born near Paris, Henry Co., Tenn., Jan. 12, 1846 ; English descent ; son of Nehemiah C. and Judith (Wamack) Beasley; father farmer; paternal grandparents Jno. Winfrey and Ann A. (Courtney) Beasley; maternal grandparents Byrd and Rebecca (Haskins) Wamack; was educated at Mansfield, Tenn.; engaged in farming early in life, which occupation he still follows; married Isabella C. Hagler, Dec. 22, 1872; member of the Democratic Party.

Burns, William John. Pres. Wm. J. Burns Internat. Detective Agency, Inc.; b. Baltimore, Md., Oct. 19, 1861; s. Michael and Bridget (Trahey) Burns; ed. public sells. and business coll., Columbus, Ohio; in. Columbus, Ohio, 1880, Anna )J. Ressler; children: George, Edwin. Raymond, Florence, Sherman, Kathleen. Joined U.S. secret service, 1889, and appt'd to headquarters, St. Louis; handled many celebrated cases throughout U.S. Resigned from secret service, 1903, and appt'd to take charge of investigation of Oregon, Washington and Calif. land fraud cases, which resulted in prosecution and conviction of numerous Federal, State and city officials; cleared up most remarkable counterfeiting case world has known. Monroe-head $100 silver certificate, bill so accurate defied all experts as to its genuineness; counterfeiters arrested Phila., Pa., April, 1899; won the gratitude of the entire nation for the thoroughness and fearlessness with which he laid bare the truth in the dynamite cases, and clearing up of Los Angeles Times, Oct. 1, 1911, etc. Organized Wm. J. Burns Nat. Detective Agency, N.Y., 1909, now Win. J. Burns Internat. Detective Agency, Inc., having branches all over U.S., including one in London, Paris and Brussels. The London office is first permanent office established by an Am. detective in Europe. Author : The Masked War, The Argyle Case (in collaboration with Harriet Ford and Harvey J. O'Higgins). Lectured in all universities and colleges throughout the U.S. and Europe. Progressive; Roman Catholic. Mem. Nat. Federation of Theatres. Mem. N.Y. Press Club. Address: Woolworth Bld'g, N.Y. City.

Carter, A. Bion, banker; born in Great Bend, N.Y., June 23, 1857; son of Asa T. and Amanda (Cross) Carter; educated in school at Great Bend, and Ives Seminary, Antwerp, N.Y.; married, Boonville, N.Y., Oct. 17, 1883, Lelia M. Wentworth; children: Lulu I., Helen W., Erma L. Was telegraph operator on Utica & Black River Railroad at age of 16; entered land office of Leroy De Chammont, Carthage, N.Y., later entered employ of G. M. Ratchford & Co ., sole leather tanners, Otter Lake, N.Y.; became manager of the large Moose River Tanneries serving until their close; engaged in drug business at Carthage, and was employed with Hon. Le Roy Crawford, Chase's Lake, N.Y., making extract of hemlock bark for tanning purposes: manager of large tannery at Fine, N. Y., for U. S. Leather to., until its close in 1902. Organized National Exchange Bank of Carthage, and has been its president since 1902. Treasurer Wilna Farms Co., and Security and Real Estate Co. Republican. President Board of Education of Carthage High School; Odd Fellow (trustee of lodge) ; Royal Arch Mason, Knight Templar, Shriner. Club: Carthage. Address: Carthage.

Coombs, Frank L., lawyer, diplomat and statesman of Napa, Cal., was born Dec. 27, 1853, in Napa, Cal. He has been a representative in the state legislature. n 1892-93 he was United States minister to Japan; and in 1898-1900 he was United States attorney for the northern district of California. In 1901-03 he was a member of congress.

Cunningham, John Benedict, 1919, St. Albans, W.Virginia, known as Irish Bull; member of bar of District of Columbia; author of Death Bell, famous as the poem that frightened Roosevelt; orator with voice of great volume; singer; composer, Mermaid Operetta, The Same Dream, etc.; editor of a published-when-convenient journal called "1919" with unique special features; author or Princess Zey detective stories, Hand of Invincible Death mysteries; Modern Methods, dialogues of wit and love; Catechism for Babies satires; Versatility Verses; Sayings of Sphinx; Mirage of Futurity. Was first to seek political coalition of Prohibition, Socialism, Labor Unions and Woman's Suffrage,--cornerstones of Platform of Irish Bull. Prophesies that such a political merger will lead the politics of the world.

Daley, Alexander F., born March 29, 1852, in Effingham County, Georgia. Educated at Wrightsville High School. Admitted to the practice of law .March, 1872. Entered railway service by organizing the Wrightsville and Tennille Railroad Company, December, 1883, since which time, up to October, 1899, he acted as Director and General Counsel, and since then as President, Director and General Counsel. In 1898 purchased Oconee and Western Railroad Company and acted as President and General Manager until February, 1899, when consolidated with Wrightsville and Tennille Railroad. July 1, 1906, bought Dublin and Southwestern Railroad and consolidated it with Wrightsville and Tennille in 1907. In 1898 bought Atlantic Short Line and re-organized it as Brewton and Pinora Railroad, acting as President until sold to Central of Georgia Railway Company.

De Young, Michael Harry, newspaper proprietor; born in St. Louis, Oct. 1, 1849. His mother, whose maiden name was Morange, was daughter of a French nobleman. When a boy five years old, he was taken to California and was educated in the schools of that State. He became associated with his brother, Charles De Young, in 1865, in establishing The Dramatic Chronicle, a theatrical paper from which they afterward developed The San Francisco Chronicle, which, in a few years, they made the leading daily paper of the Pacific Coast. Upon his brother's death in 1880, he became sole proprietor of the paper, and its editor-in-chief, and has so continued ever since. Mr. De Young was twice the California member of the National Republican Committee, and for one term its vice-chairman, and was a delegate at large to the National Republican Conventions, 1888, 1892. He has also taken an especially prominent part in the creation and management of international expositions, beginning with the Paris Exposition of 1889, to which he was a commissioner from California. He was commissioner from California and vice-president of the World's Columbian National Commission in 1892 and 1893, and was the originator of its classification plan; was president of the International League of Press Clubs in 1893, was projector, organizer and director-general of the California Midwinter Exposition at San Francisco in 1893 and 1894; organizer of the Midwinter Fair Memorial Museum, 1894; commissioner-general for California at the Omaha Trans-Mississippi Exposition in 1898, and president of the United States Commission at the Paris Exposition in 1900. Vice-president and member Executive Committee Panama Pacific Exposition. He is a member of the Legion d'Honneur of France, and has been a director of the Associated Press since 1882. Residence: Meadowlands, San Raphael, Calif. Address : 1919 California Street, San Francisco, Calif.

Field, Archelaus G., physician and surgeon of Des Moines, Iowa. Was born Nov,. 15, 1829, in Gorham, N.Y. in 1854 he graduated from the Starling medical college; studied in the medical department of Columbia university; and graduated from the Simpson centenary college of law. He attained success as a noted physician and surgeon of Iowa; and for many years filled the chair of physiology and pathology in the Keokuk medical school. In 1872 he was president of the Iowa state medical society; and was president of the Des Moines school of technology. In 1876 he was a delegate to the international medical congress; served two terms as mayor of North Des Moines; and has filled numerous other positions of trust and honor; and resides in Des Moines, Iowa.

Green, Milton James, lawyer; born, Oroville, Butte Co., Cal., Sept. 8, 1858; son of James and Catherine Comber (Moore) Green. Educated in public schools of Oroville, Cal.; read law in office of P. O. Hundley, Oroville, and George M. Shaw, Oakland. Married Kittie C. Brock, Nov. 19, 1884. Senior member law firm Green, Humphreys & Green. Served as referee in bankruptcy, San Francisco, twelve years, retiring in 1910.. Member Masons. Clubs: Southern, Union League. Republican. Residence: San Mateo. Office: Holbrook Bldg., San Francisco, Cal.

Hebert, Casimir, educator, linguist and poet of 168 FulIum St., Montreal, Canada, was born Jan. 12, 1879, in La Pigeonniere, Quebec. He makes a specialty of translating into French; and is a philologist and a polyglot, speaking eight languages, translating fourteen and has studied the grammar of over twenty languages, mostly European. He is a member of the Montreal Historical Society, and has translated and edited various works. He is preparing an edition of his own poems, and a series of books on archeology. He is professor of languages and manager of the religious and theological department of Granger Freres.

Long, Geo. W., merchant, builder and banker; born Woodville, N.C., Nov. 19, 1856; son of Samuel and Margaret (Reed) Long; father was an ante-bellum plantation owner; educated at Belvidere, N.C.; began his career as a farmer; taught school and clerked in store 1878-80; married Susan Elizabeth Mathews, Nov. 12, 1878; Democrat; postmaster under Cleveland's first term; former justice of the peace and notary public 12 years; member of Methodist church, trustee and steward in same ; since 1880 he has been interested in mercantile, livery, hotel business, farming, mining and in building; also president of Bank of New Market, Tenn. Also at present chairman Jefferson Co. Court and president of Jefferson Co. S. S. convention.

Lovejoy, Andrew J., insurance president and statesman of Rockford, Ill., was born Dec. 5, 1845, in Roscoe, Ill. For forty years he has been a breeder of pure bred live stock with an international trade. He has been state game commissioner and also state grain registrar of Chicago. He is president of the Rockford Life Insurance Company; president of the International Live Stock Exposition, and a member of the Forty-eighth General Assembly of Illinois.

McCarn, Jeff, United States District Attorney for the Territory of Hawaii , was born Aug. 7, 1867, in Marshall, Ark. In 1894 he received the degree of LL.B. from Vanderbilt University. He married Mary D. Allison, of Nashville, Tenn., Oct. 9, 1895. Since 1894 he has been engaged in the practice of law in Nashville, Tenn.; in 1903 was attorney for the committee of 100, organized to suppress lawlessness in Nashville; and in 1908-10 district attorney-general of Nashville. Since Nov. 6, 1913, he has been United States District Attorney for the Territory of Hawaii . Home: Nashville, Tenn. Address: Honolulu, Hawaii .

McMillan, Clemens Wesley, Surgeon; born, Marlin, Texas, Jan. 12, 1878; son, Zepheniah Harvey and Augusta. (Dietzel) M. Grad., Marlin, Texas, High School, 1895. Barnes Med. College, St. Louis, Mo., honor grad., Apr. 12, 1899; post grad., 1900; grad., U.S. Army Med. School, Washington, D. C., Mar., 1911. Married, Edna Blanche Williams, Jan. 17, 1905, at St. Louis, Mo. Officer Med. Corps, U.S. Army. Hosp. Steward, 1st Texas Inf., May 13, to Oct. 8, 1898; Contract Surg., U.S. Army, Aug. 8, 1900, to July 7, 1908; First Lieut., Med. Reserve Corps, U.S. Army, July 7, 1908, to Feb. 18, 1911; 1st Lieut, Med. Corps U.S.A., Feb. 18, 1911, to March 20, 1914. Captain Med. Corps, U.S. Army, since March 20, 1914. Address: Fort Myer, Virginia

Orcutt, Charles Russell, Broadway and 17th St., San Diego, Cal. Botany. Born at Hartland, Vt., April 27, 1864. Educated at public schools. Ed., "W. Am. Scientist" and "Am. Plants." Davenport Acad.; San Diego Soc. Nat. Hist. West American Molusca; Cactaceae; botany of western America. Botanical Collector with Museo Nacional de Historia Natural, Mexico City, Mexico.

Page, Samuel Davis, lawyer and financier of 281 South Fourth St., Philadelphia, Pa., was born Sept. 22, 1840, in Philadelphia, Pa. In 1886 he was appointed assistant treasurer of the United States at Philadelphia. Since 1891 he, has been director of the Quaker City National Bank.

Reeds, Chester Albert, geologist and scientist of New York City, was born July 20, 1882, in Lacygne, Kan. He has received the degree of B.S., from Oklahoma University, and the degrees of M.S. and Ph.D. from Yale. In 1908-10 he was a lecturer on geology in the Bryn Mawr University; and is now assistant curator of geology and invertebrate paleontology in the American Museum of Natural History. He is the author of the Hunton Formation of Oklahoma.

Schneck, Benjamin F., banker and manufacturer; born Seymour, Ind., Sept. 25, 1875 ; son of Louis and Mary (Spreen) Schneck; married, Detroit, Mich., Nov. 25, 1906, Louise Perrien. President and treasurer Seymour Woolen Factory Co.; vice president and director First National Bank, Seymour, Ind. Treasurer Board of Education. Republican; Methodist. Director Schneck Memorial Hospital. Mason, Knight of Pythias. Club: Columbia, Indianapolis, Ind. Address: Seymour.