Men of the Time, eleventh edition/Baker, John Gilbert
BAKER, John Gilbert, F.R.S., F.L.S., born at Guisborough, in Yorkshire, Jan. 13, 1834, and educated at schools belonging to the Society of Friends at Ackworth and York; was appointed Assistant-Curator of the Herbarium of the Royal Gardens, Kew, in 1856, which office he still holds. He was for many years Lecturer on Botany to the London Hospital; and was for many years one of the assistant editors to Seemann's Journal of Botany. Formerly Mr. Baker was Curator, and afterwards Secretary, of the London Botanical Exchange Club. His works on descriptive botany are as follows:—"Synopsis Filicum," a descriptive catalogue of all known ferns, with plates of the genera—a work planned and commenced by the late Sir W. Hooker, 1868, 2nd edit. 1874; "Monograph of the Ferns of Brazil," in folio, 1870, with 50 plates; and since of the "Compositæ, Ampelidæ and Connaraceæ" of the same county; "Revision of the order Liliaceæ," 7 parts, 1870–80; "Monograph of the British Roses," 1869; "Monograph of the British Mints," 1865; Monographs of Papilionaceæ and other Orders in Oliver's "Flora of Tropical Africa," 1868–1871; "Descriptions of the Plants figured in Vols. I., III., and IV. of Saunders' "Refugium Botanicum," 1869–71; "Popular Monographs of Narcissus, Crocus, Lilium, Iris, Crinum, Aquilegia, Sempervivum, Epimedium, and Agave," 1870–7; "Monograph of the Papilionaceæ of India," 1876; "Systema Iridacearum," 1877; "Flora of Mauritius and the Seychelles," 1877; "A Monograph of Hypoxidaceæ," 1879. The following are the titles of Mr. Baker's works on geographical botany, &c.:—"An Attempt to Classify the Plants of Britain according to their Geological Relations," 1855; "North Yorkshire: Studies of its Botany, Geology, Climate, and Physical Geography," 1863; "A new Flora of Northumberland and Durham, with Essays on the Climate and Physical Geography of the Counties" (aided by Dr. G. R. Tate), 1868; "On the Geographical Distribution of Ferns through the World, with a Table showing the Range of each Species," 1868; "Elementary Lessons in Botanical Geography," 1875; "On the Botany of Madagascar," 1881.