Men of the Time, eleventh edition/Brown, William Haig
BROWN, The Rev. William Haig, LL.D., son of Thomas Brown, Esq., born at Bromley, Middlesex, in 1823, was educated at Pembroke College, Cambridge, where he graduated in high honours in 1846, proceeded M.A. in 1849, and LL.D. in 1864. Having held for some time a fellowship and tutorship in his college and an assistant-mastership at Harrow, he became in 1857 Head Master of the Grammar School at Kensington, in connection with King's College, London, and was elected Head Master of Charterhouse School in 1863, on the retirement of the Rev. R. Elwyn. In 1869 Dr. Brown published "Sertum Carthusianum floribus trium seculorum contextum. Curâ Gulielmi Haig Brown, Scholæ Carthusianæ Archididascali."