Men of the Time, eleventh edition/Names A
- Aarifi Pasha
- Abbott, Edwin Abbott
- Abbott, Lyman
- Abdul-Hamid II., Sultan of Turkey
- Abdy, John Thomas
- À Beckett, Arthur William
- Abercorn (Duke of), James Hamilton
- Aberdare (Lord), Henry Austin Bruce
- Aberdeen and Orkney, Bishop of
- Abney, William de Wiveleslie
- About, Edmond-François-Valentin
- Abraham, Charles John
- Achenbach, Andrew
- Acland, Henry Wentworth
- Acton (Lord), John Emerich Edward Dalberg Acton
- Adams, Charles Francis
- Adams, John Couch
- Adams, William
- Adams, William Henry Davenport
- Adams-Acton, John
- Adelaide, Bishop of
- Adler, Hermann
- Adler, Nathan Marcus
- Adolph William
- Adye, John Miller
- Aikins, James Cox
- Ainsworth, William Francis
- Airy, George Biddell
- Aitchison, George
- Albani, Madame
- Albany, Duke of, Prince Leopold George Duncan Albert
- Albemarle (Earl of), George Thomas Keppel
- Albert (Archduke of Austria), Frederick Rodolph
- Alboni, Maria
- Alcester (Baron), Frederick Beauchamp Paget Seymour
- Alcock, Rutherford
- Alcott, Amos Bronson
- Alcott, Louisa May
- Aldrich, Thomas Bailey
- Alexander III., Emperor of All the Russias
- Alexander I., Prince of Bulgaria
- Alexander, James Edward
- Alexander, Stephen
- Alexander, William
- Alexander, William Lindsay
- Alfonso XII., King of Spain
- Alford, Charles Richard
- Alfred, Prince
- Alger, William Rounceville
- Ali Pasha
- Alison, Archibald
- Allen, Grant
- Allibone, Samuel Austin
- Allies, Thomas William
- Allingham, Helen
- Allingham, William
- Allman, George James
- Allon, Henry
- Alma-Tadema, Lawrence
- Amadeus, Prince, Amadeo Ferdinando Maria
- Amari, Michele
- Amherst, Francis Kerril
- Amphlett, Richard Paul
- Ampthill (Lord), Odo William Leopold Russell
- Anderdon, William Henry
- Anderson, David
- Anderson, Elizabeth Garrett
- Andrassy (Count), Julius
- Andrews, William
- Anéthan, Jules Joseph, Baron d'
- Angus, Joseph
- Annandale, Thomas
- Ansdell, Richard
- Anthony, Henry B.
- Antigua, Bishop Coadjutor of
- Aosta, Duke of
- Arabi, Ahmed
- Arago, Etienne
- Arago, François Victor Emmanuel
- Arch, Joseph
- Archer, James
- Archibald, Adams George
- Arditi, Luigi
- Argyll (Duke of), George Douglas Campbell
- Armagh, Archbishop of
- Armitage, Edward
- Armstead, Henry Hugh
- Armstrong, Alexander
- Armstrong, George Francis
- Armstrong, William George
- Arnason, Jón
- Arnold, Arthur
- Arnold, Edwin
- Arnold, Frederick
- Arnold, Matthew
- Arnott, James Moncrieff
- Arnould, Joseph
- Arthur, Prince
- Arthur, Chester Allan
- Arthur, William
- Ashley, Evelyn
- Assollant, Jean-Baptiste-Alfred
- Athabasca, Bishop of
- Atkinson, John Christopher
- Atlay, James
- Auckland, Bishop of
- Audiffret-Pasquier, Edme Armand Gaston, Duc d'
- Audisio, Guglielmo
- Auersperg (Prince), Adolph Wilhelm Daniel
- Aufrecht, Theodor
- Augier, Guillaume Victor Émile
- Aumale (Duc d'), Henri-Eugène-Philippe-Louis d'Orléans
- Austin, Alfred
- Austria, Emperor of