Merry Wives of Windsor (1922) Yale/Appendix C
The Text of the Present Edition
The text of the present volume is, by permission of the Oxford University Press, that of the Oxford Shakespeare, edited by the late W. J. Craig, except for the following deviations:
1. In accordance with the plan of this series, the stage-directions of the First Folio have been preserved so far as possible. Modern additions to these are enclosed in square brackets, and passages of the text found only in the Quarto are similarly marked.
2. A few unimportant changes have been made in punctuation and the spelling of a few words has been normalized, as anything for any thing, Gloucester, Gloucestershire for Gloster, Glostershire, lantern for lanthorn, mussel-shell for muscle-shell, œillades for œilliades, Poins for Pointz, till for 'till, villainy, vil lainous for villany, villanous, warlike for war-like.
3. The following changes in punctuation or word ing have been made, all of them being reversions to the readings of the Folio. The readings of the present edition precede the colon and Craig's follow in each case:
I. iv. 23 Cain-coloured: cane-coloured
(Folio Caine-colourd)
II. i. 104 look where: look, where
II. ii. 20 Pickt-hatch : Picht-hatch
II. iii. 91, 92 Cried game;: Cried I aim?
(Folio Cride-game,)
III. i. 99 Gaul: Guallia
(Folio Gaule)
III. iii. 114 in Windsor: of Windsor
III. v. 69 sped: how sped
III. v. 157 one: me
IV. i. 12 let: get
IV. i. 51 Hang-hog: Hang hog
IV. i. 71 horum;: horum?
IV. i. 74 of: and
IV. ii. 22 lines: lunes
IV. ii. 139 Mistress Ford; Mistress Ford,: Mistress Ford,
IV. ii. 208 his: her
IV. v. 31 master: Master
IV. v. 55 sir: like: Sir Tike;
IV. vi. 17 scene: scare
V. iii. 11 heart-break: heart break
(Folio hearte-break)
V. v. 57 Raise: Rein
V. v. 59 as: that