Mexico's Struggle Towards Democracy/Index

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Agrarian Movements, 27, 36, 42, 46, 59; (See also Land and Peonage).

Army, problem of control of, in revolution of 1857, 12, 17, 25; in revolution of 1910, 52, 54, 58.

Ayutla Revolution (1857), 7–25; Catholic church against, 8–10, 13–15, 19–21; constitutional rule, 17–18; Creole ruling class versus Mestizo middle class, 9–10; European powers intervene, 15–18; initial uprising, 12; period of parliamentary strategy, 12–13; peons and free working class, 10, 11, 20; three years war, 13–15; United States influence, 8, 14, 16, 18, 24; victory of revolutionists, 15, 16; (See also Leaders).

Bankers' International Committee, 56, 63.

Calles, 52, 54; progress under, 60–1, 63.

Carrillo, Felipe, 36, 48, 54.

Carranza, administration, 50–3; and organized labor, 49–50; versus Huerta, 43–5; versus Villa and Zapata, 45–8.

Church, Catholic, Courts (Fueros), 13, 19; decline in power, 14, 19, 57–8; estates broken up, 13, 21, 25; legally established, 10, 20; part in revolution of 1810, 7; (See also Mexican Revolutions of 1857 and 1910),

Constitution, of 1824, 10, 20; of 1857, framed, 13, changes made by, 20–1; of 1917, framed, 50 changes made by, 57–8.

Counter-reyolutions, reactionaries backed by European powers, in 1861, 15–16; in 1911, 48–5.

Diaz, Porfirio, administration, 20–41; under Juarez and Lerdo, 18–9.

Education, 11, 23–4, 40, 65; (See also Schools).

Foreign Investors, 38–9, 55, 62; (See also Oil Interests and United States Investors).

Henequen Industry, 27, 47, 51, 54.

Huerta, Victoriano, 43–5,

Indians, Maya, 27, 48, 51, 54; Yaqui, 28, 42, 46. (See also Peonage).

Jefes Politico (local bosses), 41, 57.

Juarez, Benito, administration, 17; during French intervention, 15–6; in early stages of revolution, 12–14.

Land, Communal (ejidos), 11, 25–6, 29, 42, 46, 57, 59: concentration of, 9, 30, 59; grants under constitution of 1917, 57–8; under Diaz, 29; under Madero, 42–3. (See also Agrarian Movements and Peonage).

Leaders in Revolution of 1857, revolutionary, Alvarez, 12–3, Comonfort, 13, Juarez, 12–7, Lerdo de Tejada, 17–19; reactionary, Alaman, 9, Maximilian, 15–6, Santa Anna; 4 8, 12, Vega, 12.

Leaders in Revolution of 1910, revolutionary, Alvarado, 46–8, Calies, 32–4, Carranza, 45–55, Carrillu, 48, 54, De la Huerta, 52–4, Madero, 36, 41–8, Magon brothers, 36, Morones, 53, Obregon, 52–7, Soto y Gama, 36, 59, Villa, 43, 45–6, Villareal, 36, Zapata, 27, 42, 46, 61; reactionary, De la Huerta, 55, Diaz, Felix, 42, Huerta, 43–5, Orozco, 43, Reyes. 37, 42,

Liberal versus Conservative Party, 9, 10.

Madero, 36, 41–3.

Mestizos, 7, 10, 11, 22.

Mexican Federation of Labor (C. R. O. M.), 50, 53, 61.

Mexican Revolution of 1810, 7.

Mexican Revolution of 1857, See Ayutla Revolution,

Mexican Revolution of 1910, 20–64; Catholic organization against, 38, 63, 66; cientificos, 37; concentration of land, 29, 30; co-operative organization, 44–6, 49, 52, 57; Creole aristocracy, 38; Diaz dictatorship, 32; foreign investors versus Mexican middle class, 28, 33–4, 38–9; leaders, official and sub-leaders, 39; organized labor, 48–50, 53, 61; working class, 40, 59, 61; Yaqui Indians, 42, 46; Yucatan, 27, 47–8, 51; Zapatism, 40; (See also Leaders, Oil Interests, United States, and Zapatistas).

Mineral Resources, laws concerning, 31, 57–8; owners of, 10, 31, 39.

Morelos, State of, 26, 36, 46.

Napoleon III, intervention in Mexico, 16.

Obregon, administration, 54–7; under Carranza, 46, 51–2.

Oil Interests, British versus United States, 33–4, 45; opposition to Mexican laws, 52, 56, 60, 63.

Organized Labor, before 1910, 22, 40; during Revolution of 1910, 48–50, 53; in 1925, 61–2,

Ownership Laws, Mexican versus United States government position on, 60.

Peonage, 10, 11, 22, 26–7, 40, 59. (See also Agrarian Movements, Land and Working Classes).

Railroads and American Enterprises, 31, 34, 63.

Schools, established in 1867–76, 23; In 1927, 61.

Sonora, 28, 35, 52–3.

United States Government, attitude towards Mexico, Buchanan administration, 14; Lincoln adm., 16; Taft adm., 43; Wilson adm., 44–5, 49, 51; Harding adm., 55–7; Coolidge adm., 63–4.

United States Investors, during revolution of 1857, 14, 18, 24; in causes of Revolution of 1910, 28, 31; during Huerta regime, 44–5, 49; during Carranza administration, 51–2; Property in 1912, 38; under Obregon, 55–6; under Calles, 60, 62–5.

Vera Cruz, 28, 35, 44, 46, 48.

War with the United States, 1846–48, 8.

Working Classes, in 1810, 7; in 1857, 9, 10; in 1876, 22; in 1910, 30, 32, 34–5. 40; in 1925, 59, 61.

Yucatan Social Reforms,' 48, 54,

Zapatistas, 42, 44, 46, 51, 54.