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Mexico and its reconstruction/Bibliography

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Anasagasti, Victorio de, México reconquista sus libertades, Madrid, 1918. A eulogy of Carranza and the revolution.

Andrade, Luis, Mexico en Espana, Madrid, 1919. A series of eulogies of certain revolutionary leaders.

Arnaud, M. P., L'emigracion et le commerce français au Mexique, Paris, 1902.

Bancroft, H. H., History of Mexico, New York, 1914.

Bell, Edward L, The Political Shame of Mexico, New York, 1914.

Brinsmade, R. B., El latifundismo Mexicano, Mexico, 1916. An uncritical discussion of the Mexican land problem.

Bulnes, Francisco, The Whole Truth About Mexico, New York, 1916. A somewhat pessimistic view of Mexican affairs by one of the ablest of Mexican scholars.

Butman, Arthur B., Report on Trade Conditions in Mexico. Transmitted to Congress in compliance with the Act of May 22, 1 908, authorizing investigations of trade conditions abroad, Washington, 1908.

Butterfield, Carlos, United States and Mexico, Commerce, Trade and Postal Facilities Between the Two Countries, Washington, 1861.

Calderon de la Barca, Madame, Life in México, 3rd ed.. New York, 1910. Though originally appearing a generation ago this is still one of the most charming discussions of Mexican life.

Calero, Manuel, The Mexican Policy of President Woodrow Wilson as it appears to a Mexican, New York, 1916. A trenchant criticism of the policy of the American Government.

——and others, Ensayo sobre la reconstruccion de México, New York, 1920. An excellent analysis of Mexican conditions.

Carson, W. E., Mexico the Wonderland of the South, New York, 1914.

Castro, Lorenzo, The Republic of Mexico in 1882, New York, 1882.

Creelman, James, Diaz, Master of Mexico, New York, 1912.

Cubas, Antonio García, Mexico, Its Trade, Industries, and Resources, Mexico, 1893. A good review of conditions in the middle Diaz régime.

——and Henderson, Geo. F., The Republic of Mexico in 1876.

Enock, C. R., Mexico, London, 1909.

Fornaro, C. de, and others, Carranza and Mexico, New York, 1915. An ultra-radical anti-American discussion.

Fornaro, C. de, Diaz, Czar of Mexico, New York, 1909.

Flandrau, Charles Macomb, Viva Mexico, New York, 1908.

Gunther, Erich, Handbuch von Mexico, Leipzig, 1912. A careful study of Mexican conditions at the end of the Diaz régime.

Hagar, George J., Plain Facts About Mexico, New York, 1916.

Humboldt, Alexander de, Political Essay on the Kingdom of New Spain, 4 vols., London, 1811. The most comprehensive review of Mexican conditions at the close of the colonial régime.

Hutchinson, Lincoln, The Panama Canal and International Trade, New York, 1915.

Lummis, C. F., The Awakening of a Nation; Mexico of To-day, New York, 1898.

MacHugh, R. J., Modern Mexico, London, 1914.

McCaleb, W. F., The Public Finances of Mexico, New York, 1920. The most comprehensive review of this subject in English.

——Present and Past Banking in Mexico, New York, 1920. A well written historical analysis of Mexican banking with a discussion of the treatment of the banks by the revolutionary leaders.

Manero, Antonio, El antiguo regimen y la revolucion, Mexico, 1911.

Manero, Vicente E., Documentos interesantes sobre colonizacion, Mexico, 1878. A collection of various official memorias on this subject.

——Noticias historicas sobre el comercio exterior de Mexico, desde la conquista hasta el año de 1878, Mexico, 1879.

Maqueo Castellanos, E., Algunos problemas nacionales, Mexico, 1909.

Martin, P. F., Mexico of the Twentieth Century, New York.

——Mexico's Treasure House, New York, 1906. Mexican Company, Extracts from the report of Justus Ludwig von Uslar, relative to the "Negociación" of Yavesia in the state of Oaxaca, January 6, 1828, n. p.

Mexican Yearbook, 1908-13.

Moses, Bernard, Railway Revolution in Mexico, Berkeley, California, 1905. An excellent brief monograph.

Nimmo, Joseph, Jr., Commerce Between the United States and Mexico. A report in reply to a resolution of the House of Representatives of January 31, 1884, Washington, 1884.

Noll, Arthur H., A Short History of Mexico, Chicago, 1910.

Obregón, T. Esquivel, Influencia de España y los Estados Unidos sobre México, Madrid, 1918. A discussion of the inapplicability of American political standards in Mexico.

Orozco, M., Obseroaciones sobre la influencia del comercio extranjero en la industria nacional y la conveniencia de restrinjirlo en la republica, Mexico, 1869.

O'Shaughnessy, Edith, A Diplomat's Wife in Mexico, New York, 1916.

Perigny, Maurice de, Les Etats-Unis du Mexique, Paris, 1911. A good review of the accomplishments of the Diaz régime.

Poinsett, Joel Roberts, Notes on Mexico, Accompanied by an Historical Sketch of the Revolution, Philadelphia, 1824.

Pombo, Luis, Mexico: 1876-1892, Mexico, n. d.

Roa, F. Gonzalez, The Mexican People and Their Detractors, New York, 1916.

Romero, Matias, Mexico and the United States, New York, 1898. One of the best reviews of Mexican conditions by a Mexican author.

Sapper, Dr. Karl, Wirtschaftsgeographie von Mexico, n. p., 1908. A very well written work.

Sierra, Justus, Editor, Mexico, Its Social Evolution, Mexico, 1900-4. A large and well printed collection of essays by various authors concerning the conditions of Mexico at the opening of the twentieth century.

Singer, J., Die Mexicanischen Finanzen und Wesens, Panamerikanische Politik, Berlin, 1914.

Smith, R. W., Benighted Mexico, New York, 1916.

Stephan, Charles H., Le Mexique economique, Paris, 1903.

Starr, Frederick, Mexico and the United States, Chicago, 1914, Thompson, Wallace, The People of Mexico, New York, 1921. An excellent sociological study of the Mexican people.

Trowbridge, E. D., Mexico To-day and To-morrow, New York, 1919. Emphasizes the developments during the revolution, in which little is discovered that deserves criticism.

Turner, John Kenneth, Barbarous Mexico, Chicago, 1910.

Usher, Roland G., Pan-Americanism, New York, 1915.

Vera-Estañol, J., Carranza and His Bolshevik Régime, Los Angeles, 1920.

Whitney, Caspar, What's the Matter with Mexico, New York, 1916.

Winton, G. B., Mexico To-day, New York, 1918.

Periodicals, Pamphlets, and Documents

Accounts and Papers (British) Commercial Reports, Session January 6-August 27, 1881, vol. 89, Report by Mr. Drummond respecting railways and trade in Mexico.

"Affairs in Mexico," Senate Document No. 25, 62d Congress, 1st Session.

Berichte über Handel und Industrie, Band 11, Berlin, 1907 J Band 12, Berlin, 1908; Band 13, Berlin, 1910.

Blythe, S. G., "Interview with President Wilson," in Congressional Record, vol. 51, part 9, p. 9096, May 23, 1914.

Boletines de la direccion general de estadística, Mexico.

Boletin de la secretaria de fomento, Numero especial de propaganda, Julio, 1906, Mexico, 1906.

British Consular Reports passim, especially numbers 3726, 3783, 3958, 4102, 4189, 4287, 4498, 4846, 4976, 5175.

Bulletin of the Mexican News Bureau (semi-official), Washington, 1917.

Brady, Austin C, "Mexico's Fighting Equipment," Review of Reviews, vol. 34, p. 575, November, 1906.

Busto, Emiliano, editor, Anexo num. 3 a la memoria de hacienda del ano economico de 1877 a 1878, Estadistica de la repuhlica mexicana, etc., Mexico, 1880.

Camerer, C. B., "Medico-Military Report on Parts of the West Coast of Central America and Mexico," United States Naval Medical Bulletin, vol. 7, p. 311, June, 1918. Carden, Lionel E. G., "Reports From Her Majesty's Diplomatic and Consular Officers Abroad on Subjects of Commercial and General Interest," Commercial No. 36, Part VII. Report by Mr. Lionel E. G. Carden on the trade and commerce of Mexico.

Carranza, Venustiano, "Report to Constitutional Congress at Querétaro," December 1, 1916, New York, pamphlet published by Latin American News Association.

Clark, W. A. G., "Cotton Goods in Latin America," Department of Commerce and Labor, Bureau of Manufactures, Special Agents Series, No. 31, part 1, Washington, 1909.

Commercial America—in 1907, Washington, 1909.

"Claims of American Citizens Against Mexico," Senate Document No. 1, 66th Congress, 1st Session.

"Claims Against Mexico," Senate Document No. 67, 66th Congress, 1st Session, August 1, 1919.

"Commercial Information Concerning the American Republics and Colonies," Bulletin No. 41, Washington, 1892.

Commercial Relations, vol. 2, Washington, 1908.

Commerce Reports, Washington, passim.

Creel, George, "George Creel's Interview with Admiral Mayo," Congressional Record, vol. 54, part 6, p. 745.

Creelman, James, "A Discussion of Outrages in Mexico," reprinted in Congressional Record, vol. 51, part 4, p. 3928, February 25, 1914.

Dabney, Charles William, "A Star of Hope for Mexico," pamphlet reprinted from the Outlook, New York, 1917.

Exposicion de la secretaria de hacienda de los Estados Unidos Mexicanos de 15 de enero 1879 sobre la condicion actual de Mexico y el aumento del comercio con los Estados Unidos, rectificando el informe dirigido por el Honorable John TV. Foster, enviado extraordinario y ministro plenipotenciario de los Estados Unidos en Mexico, el 9 de octubre, 1878 al Sr. Carlile Mason, presidente de la asociacion de manufactureros de la ciudad de Chicago el estado de Illinois de los Estados Unidos de America, Mexico, 1879.

Fall, A. B., Speech in Congressional Record, vol. 51, part 5, p. 4512, March 9, 1914. An outline of outrages on American citizens during the revolution. Fall, A B., in Congressional Record, vol. 52, part 4, p. 4279, February 22, 1915.

——Speech in Congressional Record, vol. 53, part 15, p. 9165, June 2, 1916.

Flood, Henry D., A discussion of events in the Huerta régime in Congressional Record, vol. 53, part 15, p. 2170, Appendix, 1916.

Gil, Alberto Robles, Memoria de la secretaria de fomento presentada al congreso de la unión por ing., Mexico, 1913. A discussion of colonization problems.

House Document No. 13 (United States Congress), 45th Congress, 1st Session.

House Document No. 145, part 5, 58th Congress, 3rd Session, International Bureau of the American Republics, Mexico. Contains a detailed description of the internal trade of each state in Mexico.

Huerta, Victoriano, "The Future of Mexico," Independent, vol. 82, p. 202, May 3, 1915.

Hulings, W. J., Speech in Congressional Record, vol. 51, part 5, p. 5141, March 19, 1914.

Hyde, George Edward, "A Plain Tale from Mexico," New Republic, vol. 2, p. 38, February 13, 1915.

Informes y documentos relativos a comercio interior y exterior, agricultura e industrias, Mexico, 1885-7. A series containing the most important government reports on Mexican labor conditions.

"Investigation of Mexican Affairs." Hearing before a sub-committee of the Committee on Foreign Relations, United States Senate, 66th Congress, 1st Session, pursuant to S. Res. 105, Washington, 1919.

Jenner, G., "Report on Investments for British Capital in Mexico," Great Britain. Diplomatic and Consular Reports, Commercial No. 3, London, 1886.

Jerome, L. J., British Diplomatic and Consular Reports, Mexico, 1906, p. 3726.

Journal of the American Chamber of Commerce of Mexico, vols. 1 and 2, 1918-19.

Kellogg, Frederic R., "The Mexican Oil Problem," Nation, October 5, 1918. Lance, R. O., "Red Book—Mexico To-day and Our Position and Responsibility as a Nation Regarding Conditions in that Country," San Antonio, Texas, 1915.

Lawrence, David, "Mexico Rebuilding," Independent, July 28, 1917.

——"The Inevitable Trend in Mexico," Century, vol. 90, n. s. 68, p. 737, September, 1915.

Lobo, Gustavo, "More Light on Mexico," Unpopular Review, vol 4, p. 140, July, 1915.

Mason, Gregory, "Mexico from the Inside Looking Out," Outlook, May 10, 1916.

Mason, Alfred Bishop, "The Cause of Revolution in Mexico," Unpopular Review, vol. 3, April, 1915.

Memoria de hacienda y credito publico, correspondiente al ano economico de 1 de julio de——, a 30 de junio de——, Mexico. These reports, covering the years July 1 to June 30, are among the best material of a statistical nature published by the government during the Diaz régime. They are published at irregular dates after 1878.

"Mexico, a Financial Handbook," The Mechanics and Metals National Bank of the City of New York, New York, 1917.

Monthly Trade and Consular Reports, Washington, passim.

Moses, Bernard, "Government in Spanish America," American Political Science Review, vol. 8, p. 208, May, 1914.

Nason, Frank Lewis, "Political Mexico To-day," Yale Review, n. s. 1., p. 594, July, 1912.

Owen, Robert L., Speech in Congressional Record, vol. 51, part 9, p. 8517, May, 1914.

Papers Relating to the Foreign Relations of the United States, Washington. This series gives a fuller account of diplomatic relations between the two republics in the earlier than in the later years.

Pepper, Charles M., "Report on Trade Conditions in Mexico," Department of Commerce and Labor, Bureau of Manufactures. Special Agents Series, No. 4, Washington, 1906.

Protection of Landed Estates of American Citizens in Mexico, Senate Document No. 71, 66th Congress, 1st Session, August 11, 1919. "Purpose and Ideals of the Mexican Revolution," The American Academy of Political and Social Science, Philadelphia, 1917.

Railway Age. Contains good current reports on transportation.

Rapports commerciaux des agents diplomatiques et consulaires de France: Année 1902, No. 93, "Mexique," Paris; Année, 1903, No. 298, "Mexique," Paris; Année 1905, No. 4432, "Mexique," Paris.

Reid, Frederick, "Must We Clean Up Mexico?" Sunset, vol. 36, p. 27, February, 1916.

Review of Reviews, vol. 50, p. 630, November, 1914.

Rolland, M. C, "A Trial of Socialism in Mexico," Forum, vol. 56, p. 79, July, 1916.

Romero, Matias, "Wages in Mexico," Commercial Information Concerning the American Republics and Colonies, 1891, Bulletin No. 41, Washington, April, 1892.

Roosevelt, Theodore, "Our Responsibility in Mexico," New York Times, December 6, 1914.

Rowe, L. S., "Administrative Centralization in Mexico," Yale Review, vol. 12, p. 231, November, 1903.

"Sisal," bulletin published by the Comision Reguladora del Mercado de Henequen, New York.

Steffens, Lincoln, "Making Friends with Mexico," Collier's, November 25, 1916.

Trichler y Cordova, Martin, "Constitutional Persecution of the Church," Outlook, vol. 114, p. 558, November 8, 1916.

Usher, Roland G., "Carranza's New Industrial Policy," North American Review, vol. 205, p. 398, 1917.

Wilfley, L. R., "The Land Problem in Mexico," North American Review, vol. 203, p. 867, 1916.

Wolfe, A. J. "Foreign Credits," Department of Commerce and Labor, Bureau of Manufactures, Special Agents Series, No. 62, Washington, 1913.

Young, Arthur N., "Finances of the Federal District of Mexico," Mexico, 1918.

——"France's Stake in Mexico," Nation, vol. 98, p. 290, March 19, 1914.

——"German Efforts in Mexico," World's Work, vol. 35, p. 208, 1917.

——"Mexico, Its Political Situation, Its Resources and Its Military Strength," Scientific American, vol. 114, p. 450, April 29, 1916.

——"The Mexican Oil Question," with documents and translations, n. p. n. d. A compilation of extracts from Mexican decrees, constitutions, laws, and diplomatic notes protesting against the action of Mexico as to oil properties.

——"Must We Invade Mexico." Independent, vol. 83, p. 392, September 20, 1915.

——Nation, vol. 34, p. 399, May 11, 1882; vol. 35, p. 198, September 7, 1882; vol. 38, p. 69, January 24, 1884; vol. 78, p. 448, June 9, 1904; vol. 79, p. 194, September 8, 1904.

——Resolutions of American refugees adopted at San Antonio, July 18, 1916, published in extension of remarks by Jefferson McLemore in Congressional Record, vol. 53, part 15, p. 1564, Appendix, 1916.

——"What War With Mexico Means," World's Work, vol 32, pp. 425-30, August, 1916.