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Militia General Orders, June 26, 1868

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Militia General Orders (1868)
June 26, 1868
635100Militia General Orders — June 26, 18681868


Ottawa, 12th June, 1868

General Orders,


No. 1.

Ottawa Provisional Brigade Garrison Artillery.
1 Battery.

To be 2nd Lieutenant, acting till further orders:

Allan Poyntz Patrick, Gentleman, vice Gemmill, promoted.

Presco?t Provisional Brigade Garrison Artillery.
3 Battery Iroquois.

To be 2nd Lieutenant, acting till further orders:

Sergeant John McDonnell, vice Millar, promoted.

2nd Battalion "The Queen's Own Rifles," Toronto.
No. 4 Company.

Lieutenant Albert A. Miller having held a Second 

Class Certificate af the rime of his appointment, is no?v confirmed in his rank from that date. ??per Canada College Company. To be Captain : George iD. iDawson, Gentleman, late Lieutenant IIer l?Iajesty's 47th Regiment, vice F. C. :Draper. 3rd Battalion " Victoria Vohtntecr Rijles," Monb'eal. To be Ensigns : Ser.geant ?Iajor John Allun, (temporary) 1?[. S., vtce Beeïs, pro?no?ed. Ser.gem?t David O. Clare, aeting till fua'ther orders, vme Beament, resigned. Ser.geant Charles E. Torranee, (tempora?T), ]?f. S., wee Clarke, transîerred to G. T. l?ailway Brigade. Sergeant James S. Spiers, aeting till fua'ther orders, vice Smith, promoted. John C. Evaus, Gent.leman, (temporary), ?. S., vice Denholm, left the lirai,s. Edward S. Blackwell, Gentleman, acting till fur- ther orders, vice lIenderson, promoted. To be Quarter-Master: Quarter bIaster Sergeant Hem T H. Langley, vice King, resigned. 8th Battalion " Stadacona Ri.ries '" Quebee. To be Adjurant : Ensign and Battalion Drill Instructor William O'Neill, vice A. Jackson, who is permitte4 to retire retaining his ra.nk. llth Battalion " Argenteuil Rangers," St. Andrews: To be ])Iajor : Captain S. Rogers, from ?No. 5 Company, Houghton, left the lirai,s. To be Adjurant (temporary) : Cap,aih Samuel blacdonald, 1?. S., from ?'o. 1 Cornpany, vice Curren, resigned. The resignation of Quarter bfaster 1?. A. Bethune, is hcreby accepte& No. 1. Com2any, ??. Anàrews. To be Captain : Lieutenant H. W. Kemply, vice Matdonald, promoted. To be Lieutenant (temporaw): Ensign :E. J. C. Abbott, l?f. S., vice Kemply, promoted. 14th Battalio? " Th¢ t5"incess of Wales' Own Regt?' Kingston. .No. 5 Com3)any. To be Cap,Mn (tempomry): Lieutenant William P. Tossell, M. S., vice ?fac- donald, resigned. To be Lieutenant, (temporary) : Sergeant James Johngon, M. S.? vice Tossell, pro- moted. The resignation of Ensign R. E. Johnston, la hereby accepted.


19th Lincoln Battalion of I?oEantry. No. 1 Com_pan!/, _hS"agara. To be :Ensign, (temporary) : Wm. James Handley? Gentleman? ?I. S.» vice ?c)?llan? resigned. 22nd ?attalion " ??e Oxford ????" Woodstock. No. 9 Company? Laçeside. To be ?nsign? act?g till further orders : Art.htw Blannerhassett, Gentleman? vice W. A. ?atheson? left the 1irait. 23rd "?ssex" ?attalion of I?fant?. ?o. 1. Co»?any? Gar?qson Battery Brin?or. To be Cap?in (temporaw) : First Lieutenant Charles Robert Horne? )I. S, vice Wynne? whose resignation is hereby ac- cepted. To be 1st Lieutenant : Second Lieutenant Frederick Lucas Foster? 3I. S.? vice Horn% promoted. To be 2nd Lieutenant : Jolm Stroud? Gentleman? vice Foster? promoted. 25lb " ?lgin " Battalion of I?fantry. Lieutenant and Adjurant Wm. James B. ?arsons, to have the rank of Captain w?le employed on duty at Windsor with 23rd Battafion. 34th " Ontario" Battalion ? ç??ant?y. To be Ensi?, (temporary) : Jo? Bryant? Gentleman, bi. S.» vice ?urrah, promoted. 36th " Peel" Battalion of h?anlry. ?o. 2 Compa»?y, Oranget, ille. To ho Ensign? act?g till fm'ther orders : Francis Grant Dunbar? Gentleman? vice Jones? resi?ed. 37th " Haldimand" Battalion of ??es. ?ro. 8 Com?any, Mourir Healy. To be Lieutenant (tempormT) : Quarter ?[aster Robert H. Nelles? )I. S, vice Jno. H. Rogers? who exchanges to Quarter )I?ter. To be Ensign (temporary) : James Thorburn? Gentleman? )I. S, vice A. W. Thompson, whose resignation is hereby accepted. 40th » ???rthumberland " ?attalion of h?ant»y. ?ro. 3 Comj?a»?y? G?m2bel?ord. To be Captain (temporary) : Lieutenant Rich. H. Bonnycastle? ?I. S.? ?ce G. Tice? who ? allowed to retire re??ing his rank. To be Lieutenant (temporary) : ?nsign Jno. Johnston% M. S, vice Bonnyc?tl% promoted. ?tà " Welland " Baffalion e? Infant?y. ??. 6 Co»?any? Cl?ton. To be E?i?? act?g till further orders : James St?? Gentleman? vice Tattersall» pmmoted. 46th '? East Durham " Battalion of I?fantry. The resignalion of Major W. Fraser? is hereby ?cepted. ?'o. 4 ComTany ? Millbrook. To be Ensign (temporaLv) : Jno. W. WMl?ce? Gentleman, ?[. S., ??ce Jno. Twomley? whose resignation is hereby accepted. 47/h '? Frontenac " Battalion of I??ant?T. ??. 1 Company? Millbm'n. To be Ensign, temporary : Jo? Langwitlb Genfleman? )I. S.» vice Ha?lton? resigned. ??ç. 3 Company? ?lginburg. To be E?i? (t?mporary) : Wellington ? oo?? Gentleman, )I. S., vice ??os. Orser? whose resignation ? hereby acce?ted.

49th "Hastings" ?Battalion of I?oEant?y. _h'o. 2 Com_pany» Stirlb,g. To be Liçutenant, acting till f?t.her orders : Ensi?? Jehiel Hawley? vice Black, resigned. To be Ensign, acting till further orders : Robert Fidlar, Gentleman, vice Hawley, promoted. Ensign and Adjutant Ed. Fidlar, to bave the tank of Lieutenant. 541h ?' Richmond" ?attalio»t ? I??antry. No. 1 Com?any? Dancille. To be ?eutenant (tempormT) : Ensi? Donald 5IcLeod, )I. S.» vice Berna?? appointed Adjutant. To be Ensign? act?g tfil further orders : Simeon Leet? Gentleman? vice bIcLeod? pmmoted. 55th "Megantic" Batlalion of I,?an try. Z?. 3 Company, McKenzie's Mills. To be Lieutenant (temporary) : Ensi? Thos. )[cKcnfie, )L S., vice W. G. Ward» promoted. To be Ensign, (temporary.) ?rgeant Wm. ?IcKillop, M. S.» vice ?[cKen?e» promoted. ???. 5 Company, Glenloyd. To be Captain, (tempomry) : ?eutenant ?i?. G. Ward? 5I. S, from No. 3 Company. ??. 6 Company? Reid's .]lills. To be Lieutenant? act?g till further orders : Mxander Hutcl?son? Gentleman. To be Ensign? acting till further orders : William Oliver? Gentleman. ??ç. 7 ComTany , Ste. Jul&. To be Lieutenant (temporary) : Jean Baron, Gentleman? ?I. S. To be Ensign, acting till further orders : ?ierre J. Blanchard, Gentlenmn. Bobcaygeon I??ant?? Coml»any. The resignation of Ensign L. ?arker, is hereby accep?d.

BREVET. To be ]?Iajor : Captain Jno. Duff, 1st F»ontenac Troop of Cavalry, Kingston. With reference to the General Ortier No. 2 of 31st October 1867, Captain G. W. 5Iusson. 10th or "Royal Regiment ofToronto Volunteers," is permit- ted to retain Iris tank on retirement. .Erratum.--In the General Order No. 4 of the 12th instant, instead of "Lieutenant d" Arcy Ed. Boulton, ?' Cobourg Troop of Cavalry, confirmed in his tank from 1st instant, read '" Cornet D'Arcy Ed. Boulton."

SERVICE 3IILITIA. ?PRovINO]? OF ONTARIOo No. 2. The Whitby Gra.mmar School Drill Association. A Drill Association is hereby aut.horized Whitby, in the Regimenta.1 Division of Ontario, under the Command of Captain George H. Dartnell? fo be composed of the ?'t[asters and louloils of tho Gramnmr and Common Schools and others? and'fo be styled the "Whitby Grammar School Drill Association.?:

By Command of ttis Excellency the Right Honorable the Governor Genaral and Comm,%nder in Chief.

P. L. bLtcDOUGALL, Colonel, Adjutant General of bIilitia, Canada.