Minutes of the Kawthoolei Bloc Political Meeting hold at SHO on 02-04-1956
Index:Minutes of the Kawthoolei Bloc Political Meeting hold at SHO on 02-04(1956.pdf
Minutes of the 'Kawthoolei Bloc' Political
Meeting held at SHO on 2/4/56 at 10 A.M.
The following are present.
1. President Mooseo Kawkasa.........Kawthoolei.
2. Vice-President.. Mahn Soekermau......... "
3. Skaw Ler Taw......... "
4. Mrs. Senkey......... "
5. Mahn Thein Maung......... "
6. P'doh Po Nyaw......... "
7. P'doh T. Weregyaw......... "
8. General Chn Pe......... "
9. Saw Chn Pe Nyunt......... "
10. Bo Aung Sein......... "
11. Skaw Lah Hay......... "
12. Skaw Win Htain......... "
13. Skaw San Myaing......... "
14. Bogyi Donald......... "
15. Thramu Thein Mye......... KNI.
16. Bogyi San Ka......... "
17. Bogyi Khin......... Paoh.
18. Nai Tun Thein......... Monland.
19. Nai Seik Noe......... "
20. Nai Chen Hmon......... "
21. Bo Min Neing......... "
22. Bo Yan Gin......... "
President Mooseo Kawkesa and Skaw Ler Taw acted as Chairman and Secretary of the meeting respectly.
Agenda. 1. Unity Meeting of All Revolutionary Forces (1)Reply the letter from CPB and action on same. (2)Plan and programme to be put up at the meeting. 2. Formation of Nationalities Bloc. 3. General.
1. Unity Meeting of all Revolutionary Forces.
On the request of the Chairman, Skaw Ler Taw gave a short resume of programme of arrangements for the materialization of the Unity Meeting of all Revolutionary Forces.
A special meeting of Kawthoolei and CPB leaders headed by Skaw Ler Taw and Col. Nya respectively was held on 6/10/55 to work out plan for the materialisation of the proposed Four Party Meeting. The meeting finally decided that instead of the Four Party Meeting, the meeting will be a Unity Meeting of All Revolutionary Forces, and that meeting was to be held somewhere in Pegu Yomes, sometime about mid-February, 1956.
Necessary arrangements for the meeting were made through the Preparatory Comttee, but due to repeated enemy activity in Yomas, large scale enemy offensive in Upper Burma against CPB/RFC and PCP headquarters, the meeting could not be held at the appointed time. The CPB central Committee finally sent a letter dated 2/3/56, gist as follows:-
(1) That since 6/1/56 the enemy 9 Bn strong attacked the Central Headquarters of CPB/RFC and PCP and the attack will last till election,
(2) that, the Top leaders of the 3 parties cannot there attend the meeting in time, but Thakin Zin, a member of the CPB politburo, who happened to be outside the enemy military operational areas was detailed to attend the meeting, and
(3) That, it will be convenient to hold the meeting in the East, where it will be much easier for all concerned to come.
Mahn Sookarmau than gave a report of his meeting with Col. Nya on 9/1/56. Col. Nya put up CPB ten points Programme and six demands.
The CPB The Ten Points Programme are:--
(1) To set up a National Govt. comprising all 4 classes and Nationalities
(2) To give full democratic rights toall.
(3) Attitudes towards foreign capital and enterprise.
(4) The National Economic Policy.
(5) Land Reform Scheme
(6) The Fundamental Human Rights
(7) Cultural and Educational Policy
(8) National Health and Welfare Programme
(9) Problems of Nationalitier
(10) Foreign Policy of the Peoples' Govt.
The CPB eight Demands.
(1) the people to fight for democratic rights
(2) To expose that there is no democratic rights under the AFPFL.
(3) To uplift the Civic Rights of the People; thereby raise their standards of living.
(4) To put into practice, the Land Reform Scheme.
(5) To give full Local Democratic Administrative Power to the People (6) Freedom of Economic Policy.
(7) Unity of Nationalities and
(8) To put into practice the 5 Peace Programme.
The KNU Points Maximum Programme.
(1) To set up united, peaceful settlement of the Civil War.
(2) To set up a National United Government.
(3) To form a Union Socialist Republic
The KNU 6 Points Demands.
(1)An Honourable and Peaceful settlement of the civil war.
(2)To set up a Democratic Government instead of a Facist one.
(3)To protect life, Honour and Property of the People.
(4) Peaceful Economic Freedom.
(5)National solidarity based on National rights and self-determination.
(6) To implement the 5 points Peace Program.
After Nahn Soekarmou's report, the meeting discussed Plan and Programme to be put up at the Unity Meeting.
The Chairman asked the Mon Reps whether they have any specific programme they want to put up. On behalf of the Mons, Nei Tun Thein replied that they came with full mandate to attend the said meeting. 3 Mon Reps and 2 Mon observers were elected, but owing to difficulty of only 2 Reps and 1 observer were able to come out. They first of all desire to have some preliminary meeting with KTL, to compare, to consult, adjust and align the political program of one with that of KTL. They have seen the KTL program and agreed on all points except one regarding the demercationtion of KTL and Monland.
Added by Nahn Soekarmou about the attitude of the Mons towards the Burmese Revolutionary forces, Nei Tun Thein replied that the Mons had long been swallowed up by the Burmans and as such the the Mons doubt the sincerity of the Burmans. The AFPFL, he continued, has exercised greater Burmanism. The most important thing is to prove our sincere good will in all our dealing.
The meeting then discussed the KTL program as decided by the Special KRC [E]xecutive council meeting on 11/2/56 point by point.
1. Formation of a United Front of All Revolutionary Forces. ALL agreed.
2. Setting up a Joint Military Command.
All agreed that troop of each force to be under respect command, there will be a Central Force directly under the JMC. This will have to be carried out step by step.
Regarding having Supreme Commander from KTL, Mon Chan mon remarked that he has no objection if it is only on Nationalities level. But since, we have accepted that the Chairman is to be on rotation system, it will be more appropriate if we have Supreme Commander in rotation.
The Chairman pointed out that this arrangement will be a temporary measure only when our position is not yet strong and secure. After some discussion all agreed that SC of the JMC will be from KTL during the revolutionary period, after which the appointment will be of SC will be on principle of efficiency.
3. Granting of Independent States to all Nationalities. All agreed.
4. Extent of KTL and Demarcation of KTL and Monland.
Nai Tun Thein remarked that Demarcation of KTL and Monland during the Revolutionary period is not advisable, giving two reasons for his arguments namely, one, the claim of whole lower Burma as Monland is according to the wishes of whole mon mass, and two, the Karens and the Mons are all mixed up in this areas.
Therefore if demarcation is carried out during the revolution, there will arise sections of dissatisfied groups from groups of the Karens and the Mons. This will affect the revolution. On the other hand, the enemy will take this opportunity, capitalise it to his advantage. He suggested that instead of definite demarcation, responsibilities of administration be given instead.
Nahn Soekarmou replied that we need to educate both our peoples in this respect. Nai Tun Thein asked for the reason why KRC diminished the Karen demand. Nahn Soekarmou replied that we have to see to practicability.
Nai Tun Thein continued by saying that, he had not taken the wishes of the Mon masses in this respect but the Mon's minimum desire will be the inclution of the whole Pegu district to the Monland as Pegu is the historical town of the Mons. The Mons' heridities, civilisation are all at Pegu. He suggested that the Four Groups Meeting today, the Karens, Mons, Paohs,Karenni, form a United Front, decide the area for all four groups and first demarcation is to be done only after the completion of the revolution.
The meeting then accepted Nai Tun Thein's proposal to the formation of a United Front of the Four Groups meeting today.
After some discussion, all agreed that the Front will be known as "Democratic Nationalities United Front"
The meeting adjoined at 1200 hrs for as short interval.
The meeting resumed at 1300 hrs to consider general policy of the UNUF. Kawthoolei, Mon, and Paohs agreed that general policy of the Front be People's democracy. KNI being backward and under the influence of Sawbwa system is to be given Saw Shwe's line of action until final success, that is the line of action as laid down by the late Saw Shwe is to be carried out to successful end.
The draft constitutes of the UNUF was then discussed clause by clause. The preamble, the aims of the UNUF was then discussed are adopted after some discussions. ( The draft constitution in Burmesee is herewith attached.)
The meeting was then stopped at 3:30 P.M. to be continued on the next day at 10 A.M.
The meeting continued at 10 A.M. Instead of discussing on the constitution of the UNUF. Nahn Soekarmou put up the strategy and tactic of the UNUF. The whole morning seasing was spent on the strategy and tactics of the Front until 12 noon when it broke out for a short interval.
The first part of afternoon session which resumed at 1 P.M. was spent on the remaining parts of the draft strategy and tactics of the Front. The meeting was at last adopted the same.
2. Reply letter from CPB and meeting with Thakin Sin.
The meeting unanimously gave full responsibility to Skaw Ler Taw for the reply of the letter and making of necessary arrangements for the meeting with Thakin Zin. Skaw Ler Taw will meet Thakin Zin on behalf of the UNUF.
3. General
(1) Nei Chan Hmon asked how division of responsibility was agreed on the first day would be carried out, especially in the organision of the 6Bds area. Some discussion were made. The meeting at last decided that, Skaw Ler Ta and Saw Chn Pe Nyunt will go down to 6 Bds area to organise the Karens and thus promote better relationship between the Karens and the Mons and other Revolutionary Forces.
(2) Organisation of the Mons in the 5Bde area.
The Mons desire to reorganize their Mon mass in the 5Bde area. The Commander of 5Bde had accepted on the principle and reorganisation, but they desire the KTL central authority to help in giving necessary directives to 5Bde leaders, so that there will be coperation between the Karens and the Mons and thus help to the success of the reorganisation KTL accept to help give necessary directives to all concerned.
(3) Direct W/T communication between KTL and Mons.
The Mons desire W/T service between KTL and Mons and requests KTL to help in giving one W/T set and some operators.
as getting good W/T sets is not easy, the meeting decides that, the Mons and KTL will both try their best to help get W/T sets for the Mons. Regrading operators, the best thing will be for the Mons to send their trainees to the W/T operator training and R/N training classes.
The Mons desire to know required qualification of trainees of the course and the estimated expidenture for each trainee.
The minimum qualification required for the R/M class will be 8th Std pass and 4th Std pass for the operator class. The expenses for each trainee as given at present is 25/- per mensem. The training is given on military line and all trainees are required to observe strict military discipline.
the meeting was adjournee at 3.30 PM until 10 A.M. the next day.
Meeting on 4/4/56
The meeting resumed at 10 A.M.
1. Draft constitution of UNUF.
The draft constitution of the UNUF was discussed and finally adopted.
2. UNUF (B) Conference..
(1) It was decided to hold the UNUF(B) Conference in September, 1956.
(2) The Karen Revolutionary Council will take responsibility as convener of the meeting.
(3) Each Revolutionary Force will send 5Reps and 10 observers to the Conference.
Newspaper correspondents are allowed to attend the Conference.
3. UNUF Reps to National States.
The Following Reps of UNUF(B) will be sent to various National States to explain and propagate about the Front, and establish closer relationship between Nationalities of the Front, and also to invite leaders of Nationalities to attend the September UNUF (B) Conference.
(a) To Paoh State...... Bo Khin. (B) To Karenni State..... P'doh Po Nyaw, P'doh T. Weregyaw and Thramu Thein Mya. (c)SKLT and Saw Ohn Pe Nyunt are also given mandate to visit Monland as Reps of UNUF(B)
The meeting came to a close at 1200 hrs.
(M. Kawkasa)
Chairman. Dated 4/4/56
Sd. Secretary
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