Modern Beau/Jamie with his Trousers On

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Modern Beau
Jamie with his Trousers On
3160953Modern Beau — Jamie with his Trousers On


MAGGY are you going to marry?
Yes, dear mother, that I am;
Tell me who is your lover;
Jamie with his trousers on.

Sparkling eyes, fine black eyes,
He ra ties to me like a drum;
Play to me the new found jig;
play Jamie with his trousers on,

I looked east, I looked west,
I look'd so far as I saw sun;
The bonniest lad that e’er I saw,
was Jamie and his trousers on.

Sweep the house, put on the fire,
suiters they are going to come:
I'll have a dance with the dusty miller.
Jamie with his trousers on. Sparkling, &c.

Sailor lads get gold and silver,
fisher lads get nought but brass,
Well love I the sailor laddies,
because I am a sailor's lass. With his, &c.

My Jamie bold won't be controul'd,
or who dare him put upon?
For Britain's right he’ll boldly fight,
My Jamie with his trousers on. &c.

For he's a stout and valiant Sailor;
now he's sailing on the main;
He will bring home gold and treasure,
now he’s fighting France and Spain. &c.

In hot battle where guns rattle,
he will boldly lead the van;
And will make the Monsieurs rattle,
and punish that perfidious band. &c

May guardian angels now attend him,
and keep him from his enemy;
And from all dangers still defend him,
and return him safe to me.

With his sparkling eyes, fine b'ack eyes,
he rattles to me like a drum,
Play to me that new found jig,
play Jamie with his trousers on.

This work was published before January 1, 1929, and is in the public domain worldwide because the author died at least 100 years ago.

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