Modern Poets and Poetry of Spain/The Ass and the Flute


This little fable heard,
It good or ill may be;
But it has just occurr'd,
Thus accidentally.
Passing my abode,
Some fields adjoining me,
A big Ass on his road
Came accidentally;
And laid upon the spot,
A Flute he chanced to see,
Some shepherd had forgot,
There accidentally.
The animal in front,
To scan it nigh came he,
And snuffing loud as wont,
Blew accidentally.
The air it chanced around
The pipe went passing free,
And thus the Flute a sound
Gave accidentally.
"O! then," exclaim'd the Ass,
"I know to play it fine;
And who for bad shall class
The music asinine?"
Without the rules of art,
Ev'n asses, we agree,
May once succeed in part,
Thus accidentally.