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Module:JSON pull test

From Wikisource

local p = {}

local function getFileName(pageName)
    -- Split the page name to extract the file name
    local fileName = mw.ustring.match(pageName, "(.+)/")
    return fileName

function p.pullMessage(frame)
    -- Get the current page name
    local pageName = mw.title.getCurrentTitle().text
    local fileName = getFileName(pageName)
    if not fileName then
        return pageName
    -- Build the Index file path
    local indexPage = "Index:" .. fileName .. "/data.json"
    -- Fetch the JSON data
    local indexContent = mw.title.new(indexPage):getContent()
    if not indexContent then
        return "Error: Unable to fetch JSON data."
    -- Parse the JSON data
    local success, data = pcall(function() return mw.text.jsonDecode(indexContent) end)
    if not success or not data then
        return "Error: Invalid JSON data."
    -- Extract and return the "message" field
    return data.message or "Error: 'message' field not found in JSON."

return p