Module:NAQ content block
local p = {} --p stands for package
Return a formatted block of contents of the format suitable for Notes and Queries.
Basically, this is just a list of em-dash-separated links, which are given one per line:
Link -> [[NaQ/Series S/Volume V/Number NNN/Link]]
Link\Display -> [[NaQ/Series S/Volume V/Number NNN/Link|Display]]
Link, 123 -> [[NaQ/Series S/Volume V/Number NNN/Link]], 123
Series, Volume and Number are params #1, 2, 3
Parm 4 is an optional prefix which will be unlinked. Often "NOTES:" or similar.
Formatting is not applied - this is done in the template.
function p.content_links( frame )
local link_prefix = "Notes and Queries/Series " .. frame.args[1]
.. "/Volume " .. frame.args[2]
.. "/Number " .. frame.args[3]
-- the parts of the page title
local parts = mw.text.split( frame.args['content'], "\n", true )
-- collected links for each parent
local links = {}
-- count forwards from the highest level to the second-lowest
-- (the lowest level is the current page, not a parent)
for k, v in pairs(parts) do
-- first, any page suffixes can come out, we don't need them in the link
local content, unlinked_suffix = mw.ustring.match(v, "(.*)%s+(%d+%p?)$" )
if content == nil then
content = v
unlinked_suffix = ""
local display_text
local link_target
-- then, check if we have a link\display pair
local disp_parts = mw.text.split(content, "\\", true)
if #disp_parts < 2 then
link_target = content
display_text = content
link_target = disp_parts[1]
display_text = disp_parts[2]
-- don't include trailing commas or full stops in link targets
link_target = mw.ustring.gsub(link_target, "[%.,](%p?)$", "%1")
link = "[[" .. link_prefix .. "/" .. link_target .. "|" .. display_text .. "]]"
if unlinked_suffix ~= nil and unlinked_suffix ~= "" then
link = link .. " " .. unlinked_suffix
table.insert(links, link)
-- build up the final output
local ret = ""
if frame.args[4] ~= nil and frame.args[4] ~= "" then
ret = ret .. frame.args[4] .. "—"
ret = ret .. table.concat(links, "—")
return ret
return p