-- copied from [[Template:Sup/s]]
local supOpen = '<sup style="font-size:66%; vertical-align:0.6em; line-height:0px;">'
-- numbers as of 29/6/21 (a few pages into J), only counts templates without shortcut (i.e. where this table is actually used)
return {
['sb.'] = 'substantive', -- 1680
['No.'] = 'Norwegian', -- 1652
['vb.'] = 'verb', -- 1107
['adj.'] = 'adjective', -- 1024 - adjectival?
['n.'] = 'neuter or intransitive', -- 829
['Shetl.'] = 'Shetland, -ic', -- 817
['Cf.'] = 'confer (compare)', -- 720
['cf.'] = 'confer (compare)', -- 656
['O.N.'] = 'Old Northern', -- 592
['U' .. supOpen .. 'n</sup>.'] = 'Unst (north)', -- 542
['L.Sc.'] = 'Lowland Scottish', -- 533
['Fær.'] = 'Færoese', -- 520 - Færoe?
['e.g.'] = 'exempli gratia (for example)', -- 475
['etc.'] = 'et cetera (and so forth)', -- 437
['Eng.'] = 'English', -- 429 - England?
['Icel.'] = 'Iceland, -ic', -- 407
['occas.'] = 'occasionally', -- 392 - occasional?
['esp.'] = 'especially', -- 372
['comm.'] = 'common, -ly', -- 369
['m.'] = 'masculine', -- 324
['N.I.'] = 'the Northern Isles', -- 324 - Northern Isles (no the)?
['prob.'] = 'probable, -ly', -- 305
['f.'] = 'feminine', -- 279
['Y' .. supOpen .. 'h</sup>.'] = 'the neighbourhood of “de Herra” in Yell', -- 253
['compd.'] = 'compound', -- 251 - compounded?
['Nm.'] = 'Northmavine', -- 251
['Fe.'] = 'Fetlar', -- 235
['prop.'] = 'proper, -ly', -- 233
['Prob.'] = 'probable, -ly', -- 226
['N.Roe'] = 'North Roe', -- 213
['Wests.'] = 'the Westside', -- 209 - Westside (no the)?
['q.v.'] = 'quod vide (which see)', -- 205
['Y' .. supOpen .. 'n</sup>.'] = 'Yell (north)', -- 205
['Nm' .. supOpen .. 'w</sup>.'] = 'Northmavine (west)', -- 195
['Da.'] = 'Danish', -- 194 - Denmark?
['U.'] = 'Unst', -- 185
['expr.'] = 'expression', -- 180 - expressed?
['orig.'] = 'original, -ly', -- 167
['foll.'] = 'following, followed', -- 165
['Du.'] = 'Dunrossness', -- 152
['Conn.'] = 'Conningsburgh', -- 142
['Deriv.'] = 'derivative', -- 140
['Fo.'] = 'Foula', -- 140
['Sw.'] = 'Swedish', -- 137 - Sweden?
['deriv.'] = 'derivative', -- 126 - derived?
['poss.'] = 'possible, -ly', -- 124
['pl.'] = 'plural', -- 121
['Sa.'] = 'Sandness', -- 121
['acc.'] = 'either [in accordance (with)], or [according (to)]', -- 114
['adv.'] = 'adverb', -- 113 - adverbial?
['diff.'] = 'different', -- 105 - differ?
['Y.'] = 'Yell', -- 105
['U' .. supOpen .. 'wg</sup>.'] = 'the village of Westing in Unst', -- 104
['perf. part.'] = 'perfect participle', -- 97
['S.Sh.'] = 'South Shetland', -- 97 - South Shetlandic?
['id.'] = 'idem (the same)', -- 90
['Sw. dial.'] = 'Swedish dialect', -- 88
['Prop.'] = 'proper, -ly', -- 86
['Ai.'] = 'Aithsting', -- 81
['Nm' .. supOpen .. 'n</sup>.'] = 'Northmavine (north)', -- 75
['pronunc.'] = 'pronunciation', -- 75 - pronounced?
['Poss.'] = 'possible, -ly', -- 70
['Ork.'] = 'Orkneyan', -- 62 - Orkney?
['interj.'] = 'interjection', -- 57 - interject?
['def.'] = 'definite', -- 56 - definitely?
['fig.'] = 'figurative, -ly', -- 51
['sbs.'] = 'substantives (noun)', -- 48
['prep.'] = 'preposition', -- 46 - prepositional?
['syn.'] = 'synonym, -ous', -- 46
['appl.'] = 'applied', -- 44 - application?
['Nm' .. supOpen .. 's</sup>.'] = 'Northmavine (south)', -- 43
['Y' .. supOpen .. 'b</sup>.'] = 'the neighbourhood of Bastavoe in Yell (itself the southern part of Yell (north))', -- 43
['De.'] = 'Delting.', -- 42
['Occas.'] = 'occasionally', -- 42
['prec.'] = 'preceding', -- 40 - precedes?
['infl.'] = 'influence', -- 39
['lang.'] = 'language', -- 39
['Wh.'] = 'Whalsay', -- 39
['U' .. supOpen .. 'mo</sup>.'] = 'Mooness (Muness) in Unst', -- 38
['L.'] = 'Lunnasting.', -- 37
['opp.'] = 'opposite', -- 36 - opposing?
['abbr.'] = 'abbreviated', -- 34
['Esh.'] = 'Eshaness', -- 34
['freq.'] = 'frequent, -ly', -- 34
['N.Sh.'] = 'North Shetland', -- 34
['sing.'] = 'singular', -- 34 - singularly?
['N.Roe.'] = 'North Roe', -- 31
['U' .. supOpen .. 's</sup>.'] = 'Unst (south)', -- 31
['viz.'] = 'videlicet (namely)', -- 30
['obs.'] = 'obsolete', -- 29 - obsoleted?
['ref.'] = 'reference', -- 29 - referring?
['De' .. supOpen .. 'w</sup>.'] = 'Delting (west)', -- 28
['U' .. supOpen .. 'w</sup>.'] = 'the western part of Unst', -- 28
['M.Roe'] = 'Muckle Roe', -- 26
['Fe' .. supOpen .. 'w</sup>.'] = 'Fetlar (west)', -- 24
['Comm.'] = 'common, -ly', -- 22
['compds.'] = 'compounds', -- 22
['Jut.'] = 'Jutlandic', -- 22 - Jutland?
['Orig.'] = 'original, -ly', -- 21
['Y' .. supOpen .. 's</sup>.'] = 'Yell (south)', -- 21
['N.'] = 'Nesting', -- 20
['St.'] = 'Sandsting', -- 20
['a.'] = 'active voice', -- 19
['collect.'] = 'collective, -ly', -- 19
['etym.'] = 'etymology', -- 19 - etymological?
['metaph.'] = 'metaphorical, -ly', -- 18
['Norw.'] = 'Norwegian', -- 18 - Norway?
['Acc.'] = 'either [in accordance (with)], or [according (to)]', -- 17
['i.e.'] = 'id est (that is)', -- 17
['adjs.'] = 'adjectives', -- 16
['Sandw.'] = 'Sandwick', -- 16
['dial.'] = 'dialect', -- 15
['L.Scottish'] = 'Lowland Scottish', -- 15
['Papa St.'] = 'Papa Stour', -- 15
['pron.'] = 'pronoun', -- 15 - accidental mix with pronunc?
['Y' .. supOpen .. 'm</sup>.'] = 'Mid Yell.', -- 15
['Easts.'] = 'the Eastside of Shetland.', -- 14 - Eastside (no the)?
['Da. dial.'] = 'Danish dialect', -- 13
['Etym.'] = 'etymology', -- 13
['De' .. supOpen .. 'n</sup>.'] = 'Delting (north)', -- 12
['Fe' .. supOpen .. 'e</sup>.'] = 'Fetlar (east)', -- 12
['U' .. supOpen .. 'b</sup>.'] = 'Burrafirth in Unst', -- 11
['Eng. dial.'] = 'English dialect', -- 11
['Br.'] = 'Bressay', -- 10
['conn.'] = 'connection', -- 10 - connected?
['Diff.'] = 'different', -- 10
['gen.'] = 'genitive', -- 10
['masc.'] = 'masculine', -- 10
['neut.'] = 'neuter', -- 10
['vbs.'] = 'verbs', -- 10
['W.'] = 'Walls', -- 10
['C.'] = 'Conningsburgh', -- 9
['comb.'] = 'combination', -- 9 - combined?
['Sc.'] = 'Scottish', -- 9 - Scotland?
['U' .. supOpen .. 'c</sup>.'] = 'Colvidale in Unst', -- 9
['W.Burr.'] = 'the village West Burrafirth in Aithsting', -- 9
['dat.'] = 'dative', -- 8
['def. art.'] = 'definite article', -- 8
['exprs.'] = 'expressions', -- 8
['F.I.'] = 'Fair Isle', -- 8
['Germ.'] = 'German', -- 8
['Lunn.'] = 'Lunnasting.', -- 8
['Mod.'] = 'modern', -- 8
['P.'] = 'Papa Stour', -- 8
['pers. pron.'] = 'personal pronoun', -- 8
['subst.'] = 'substantive', -- 8
['Wd.'] = 'Weisdale', -- 8
['Ai' .. supOpen .. 'w</sup>.'] = 'Aithsting (west)', -- 7
['c.'] = 'common gender', -- 7
['Dut.'] = 'Dutch (vernacular)', -- 7
['Esp.'] = 'especially', -- 7
['M.'] = 'Mainland', -- 7
['pers.'] = 'person, personal, -ly', -- 7
['Y' .. supOpen .. 'e</sup>.'] = 'Yell (east)', -- 7
['colloq.'] = 'colloquial, -ly', -- 6
['Du' .. supOpen .. 'm</sup>.'] = 'the village Maywick in the parish of Sandwick in the north-western part of Dunrossness.', -- 6
['M' .. supOpen .. 'n</sup>.'] = 'Mainland (north)', -- 6
['pres. part.'] = 'present participle', -- 6
['Sa' .. supOpen .. 'e</sup>.'] = 'Sandness (east)', -- 6
['U' .. supOpen .. 'n</sup>'] = 'Unst (north)', -- 6
['accus.'] = 'accusative', -- 5
['Du' .. supOpen .. 'w</sup>.'] = 'Dunrossness (west)', -- 5
['Fe' .. supOpen .. 'f</sup>.'] = 'Funzie in Fetlar', -- 5
['fem.'] = 'feminine', -- 5
['M' .. supOpen .. 'e</sup>.'] = 'Mainland (east)', -- 5
['Nm' .. supOpen .. 'g</sup>.'] = 'Gunnister in the western part of Northmavine', -- 5
['N.Eng. dial.'] = 'North English dialect', -- 5
['Nm' .. supOpen .. 'n., w</sup>.'] = 'Northmavine (north, west)', -- 5
['nom.'] = 'nominative', -- 5
['s-deriv.'] = 's-derivative', -- 5
['U' .. supOpen .. 'e</sup>.'] = 'the eastern part of Unst', -- 5
['Bard.'] = 'Bardister', -- 4
['compar.'] = 'comparative', -- 4
['dem.'] = 'demonstrative', -- 4 - demonstrates?
['Fig.'] = 'figurative, -ly', -- 4
['Flad.'] = 'the village of Fladabister in the northern part of Conningsburgh', -- 4
['imp.'] = 'imperative', -- 4
['impf.'] = 'imperfect', -- 4
['indef.'] = 'indefinite', -- 4
['l-deriv.'] = 'l-derivative', -- 4
['lit.'] = 'literal, -ly', -- 4
['M.Eng.'] = 'Middle English', -- 4
['O.Sw.'] = 'Old Swedish', -- 4
['Perf. part.'] = 'perfect participle', -- 4
['U' .. supOpen .. 'n., w</sup>.'] = 'Unst north and west', -- 4
['v.'] = 'verb', -- 4
['Y' .. supOpen .. 'h., n</sup>.'] = '“de Herra” in Yell, and north Yell', -- 4
['Y' .. supOpen .. 'w</sup>.'] = 'Yell (west)', -- 4
['Celt.'] = 'Celtic', -- 3
['Du' .. supOpen .. 's</sup>.'] = 'Dunrossness (south)', -- 3
['Fe' .. supOpen .. 'h</sup>.'] = 'the neighbourhood of “de Herra” in Fetlar.', -- 3
['Fladab.'] = 'the village of Fladabister in the northern part of Conningsburgh', -- 3
['Gothl.'] = 'Gothland', -- 3
['mod.'] = 'modern', -- 3
['Mod.H.G.'] = 'Modern High German', -- 2
['Nm' .. supOpen .. 'n.-w</sup>.'] = 'Northmavine (north-west)', -- 3
['O.Da.'] = 'Old Danish', -- 3
['Papa'] = 'Papa Stour', -- 3
['pres.'] = 'present', -- 3 - presented?
['Sa'] = 'Sandness', -- 3
['Sk.'] = 'Skerries (Out Skerries)', -- 3
['uncompd.'] = 'uncompounded', -- 3
['U' .. supOpen .. 'm</sup>.'] = 'the middle part of Unst', -- 3
['U' .. supOpen .. 'm, n</sup>.'] = 'the middle and north part of Unst', -- 3
['U' .. supOpen .. 'n., burr</sup>.'] = 'Unst (north, Burrafirth)', -- 3
['U' .. supOpen .. 'n. and w.</sup>'] = 'Unst north and west', -- 3
['U' .. supOpen .. 'n.-w</sup>.'] = 'Unst (north-west)', -- 3
['W. Burr.'] = 'the village West Burrafirth in Aithsting', -- 3
['W.Sw.'] = 'the village West Sandwick in Yell', -- 3
['Abbr.'] = 'abbreviated', -- 2 - abreviation?
['A.S.'] = 'Anglo-Saxon', -- 2
['comp.'] = 'comparative', -- 2 - compare? can comp. be compound?
['Cymr.'] = 'Cymric', -- 2
['dials.'] = 'dialects', -- 2
['dim.'] = 'diminutive', -- 2
['Fe' .. supOpen .. 'n</sup>.'] = 'Fetlar (north)', -- 2
['Freq.'] = 'frequent, -ly', -- 2
['Gael.'] = 'Gaelic', -- 2
['i. e.'] = 'id est (that is)', -- 2
['impers.'] = 'impersonal', -- 2
['Impf.'] = 'imperfect', -- 2
['inf.'] = 'infinitive', -- 2
['Irel.'] = 'Ireland', -- 2
['L.S.'] = 'Lowland Scottish', -- 2
['L. Scottish'] = 'Lowland Scottish', -- 2
['M' .. supOpen .. 'm</sup>.'] = 'the middle of Mainland', -- 2
['M' .. supOpen .. 'w</sup>.'] = 'Mainland (west)', -- 2
['Ndl.'] = 'Nederlandish (standard Dutch)', -- 2
['Nederl.'] = 'Nederlandish (standard Dutch)', -- 2
['N.Sw.'] = 'North Swedish', -- 2
['N. Sw. dials.'] = 'North Swedish dialects', -- 2
['O.Eng.'] = 'Old English', -- 2
['Ork. dial.'] = 'Orkney dialect', -- 2 - Orkneyan dialect?
['O.Shetl.'] = 'Old Shetlandic', -- 2
['past t.'] = 'past tense', -- 2
['Pl.'] = 'plural', -- 2
['sup.'] = 'superlative', -- 2
['Sw. dials.'] = 'Swedish dialects', -- 2
['Syn.'] = 'synonym, -ous', -- 2 ['W. Burr.'] = 'the village West Burrafirth in Aithsting', -- 2
['Ti.'] = 'Tingwall', -- 2
['Uncompd.'] = 'uncompounded', -- 2
['U' .. supOpen .. 'm., n</sup>.'] = 'the middle and north part of Unst', -- 2
['U' .. supOpen .. 'm., n.</sup>'] = 'the middle and north part of Unst', -- 2
['U' .. supOpen .. 'n., m</sup>.'] = 'Unst (north, middle)', -- 2
['Y' .. supOpen .. 'e, m, n</sup>.'] = 'Yell (east, Mid Yell, north)', -- 2
['3rd pers. sing.'] = '3rd person singular', -- 1
['Ai'] = 'Aithsting', -- 1
['Compd.'] = 'compound', -- 1
['conj.'] = 'conjunction', -- 1 - conjoined?
['De' .. supOpen .. 'm</sup>.'] = 'the middle of Delting', -- 1
['esp'] = 'especially', -- 1
['exp.'] = 'expression', -- 1 - expressed?
['Infl.'] = 'influence', -- 1 - influenced?
['L.Germ.'] = 'Low German', -- 1
['L. Sc.'] = 'Lowland Scottish', -- 1
['Lunn'] = 'Lunnasting.', -- 1
['Mod.Eng.'] = 'Modern English', -- 1
['Mod.Icel.'] = 'Modern Icelandic', -- 1
['Mod. Icel.'] = 'Modern Icelandic', -- 1
['N.Shetl.'] = 'North Shetland', -- 1
['Obs.'] = 'obsolete', -- 1
['orig'] = 'original, -ly', -- 1
['pf. pt.'] = 'perfect participle', -- 1
['Sh.'] = 'Shetland, -ic', -- 1
['Shet.'] = 'Shetland, -ic', -- 1
['U' .. supOpen .. 'bu</sup>.'] = 'Burrafirth in Unst', -- 1
['U' .. supOpen .. 'burr</sup>.'] = 'Burrafirth in Unst', -- 1
['U' .. supOpen .. 'mo</sup>'] = 'Mooness (Muness) in Unst', -- 1
['Unst' .. supOpen .. 'n</sup>.'] = 'Unst (north)', -- 1
['U' .. supOpen .. 'wg</sup>'] = 'the village of Westing in Unst', -- 1
['W. Burr'] = 'the village West Burrafirth in Aithsting', -- 1
['W.Burr'] = 'the village West Burrafirth in Aithsting', -- 1
['W. Burraf.'] = 'the village West Burrafirth in Aithsting', -- 1
['W.Burraf.'] = 'the village West Burrafirth in Aithsting', -- 1
['W.B.'] = 'the village West Burrafirth in Aithsting', -- 1
['W. Burra'] = 'West Burra Isle', -- 1
['West.'] = 'the Westside', -- 1
['Y' .. supOpen .. 'e</sup>'] = 'Yell (east)', -- 1
['Y' .. supOpen .. 'h, n</sup>.'] = '“de Herra” in Yell, and north Yell', -- 1
['Y' .. supOpen .. 'h. n</sup>.'] = '“de Herra” in Yell, and north Yell', -- 1
['Yell' .. supOpen .. 'n</sup>.'] = 'Yell (north)', -- 1
['Greenl.'] = 'Greenland', -- 1 - Greenlandic?
['Metaph.'] = 'metaphorical, -ly', -- 1
['Mod. Shetl.'] = 'Modern Shetlandic', -- 1
['N' .. supOpen .. 'n</sup>.'] = 'Nesting (north)', -- 1
['N.Eng. dials.'] = 'North English dialects', -- 1
['O.H.G.'] = 'Old High German', -- 1
['Sw.-Lapp.'] = 'Swedish-Lapland', -- 1
['uncomm.'] = 'uncommon', -- 1 - uncommonly?
['Vends.'] = 'Vendsyssel', -- 1
['W.Sc.'] = 'West of Scotland', -- 1
['2nd p.'] = 'second person', -- 1
['3. pers.'] = 'third person', -- 1
['3rd pers.'] = 'third person', -- 1
['accuss.'] = 'accusative', -- 1
['advs.'] = 'adverbs', -- 1
['Ai' .. supOpen .. 'e</sup>.'] = 'Aithsting (east)', -- 1
['art.'] = 'article', -- 1
['Burraf.'] = 'Burrafirth', -- 1 - (in Unst)
['Conn' .. supOpen .. 'n</sup>.'] = 'Conningsburgh (north)', -- 1
['Conn' .. supOpen .. 'm</sup>.'] = 'Conningsburgh (middle)', -- 1
['Conn' .. supOpen .. 'w</sup>.'] = 'Conningsburgh (west)', -- 1
['Cumb.'] = 'Cumbrian', -- 1
['De' .. supOpen .. 'e</sup>.'] = 'Delting (east)', -- 1
['Def.'] = 'definite', -- 1
['derivs.'] = 'derivatives', -- 1
['Du' .. supOpen .. 'n</sup>.'] = 'Dunrossness (north)', -- 1
['Du' .. supOpen .. 'n.-e</sup>.'] = 'Dunrossness (north-east)', -- 1
['Du' .. supOpen .. 's, e</sup>.'] = 'Dunrossness (south, east)', -- 1
['Du' .. supOpen .. 's, w.</sup>'] = 'Dunrossness (south, west)', -- 1
['Ennisf.'] = 'the village of Ennisfirth, Northmavine (west).', -- 1
['Fe' .. supOpen .. 'e, h</sup>.'] = 'Fetlar (east, the neighbourhood of “de Herra”)', -- 1
['Fe' .. supOpen .. 's.-e.</sup>'] = 'Fetlar (south-east)', -- 1
['Fe' .. supOpen .. 's.-w</sup>.'] = 'Fetlar (south-west)', -- 1
['Fe' .. supOpen .. 'w., h</sup>.'] = 'Fetlar (west, the neighbourhood of “de Herra”)', -- 1
['f. i.'] = "for instance", -- 1
['Fo' .. supOpen .. 'n.-e</sup>.'] = 'Foula (north-east)', -- 1
['Germ. dial.'] = 'German dialect', -- 1
['Glup' .. supOpen .. 'w.</sup>'] = 'Glup (west)', -- 1
['Har.'] = 'Haroldswick', -- 1
['Lw.'] = 'Lerwick', -- 1
['Lw' .. supOpen .. 's</sup>.'] = 'Lerwick (south)', -- 1
['M' .. supOpen .. 'l</sup>.'] = 'Mainland (Lerwick)', -- 1
['Maywick' .. supOpen .. 'n</sup>'] = 'Maywick (north)', -- 1
['Maywick' .. supOpen .. 'n</sup>.'] = 'Maywick (north)', -- 1
['M.H.G.'] = 'Middle High German', -- 1
['Mod.G.'] = 'Modern German', -- 1
['Mod. H.G.'] = 'Modern High German', -- 1
['Mod.Norw.'] = 'Modern Norwegian', -- 1
['Mod.Shetl.'] = 'Modern Shetlandic', -- 1
['M.Lat.'] = 'Middle Latin', -- 1 - Medieval Latin?
['M' .. supOpen .. 'm., n</sup>.'] = 'Mainland (middle, north)', -- 1
['M' .. supOpen .. 's</sup>.'] = 'Mainland (south)', -- 1
['M.Sh.'] = 'the middle of Shetland', -- 1
['Nhl.'] = 'North Hordeland', -- 1
['Nm' .. supOpen .. 'n, w</sup>.'] = 'Northmavine (north, west)', -- 1
['Nm' .. supOpen .. 'n., w.</sup>'] = 'Northmavine (north, west)', -- 1
['Nm' .. supOpen .. 'n.-w.</sup>'] = 'Northmavine (north-west)', -- 1
['Nm' .. supOpen .. 'n. and w.</sup>'] = 'Northmavine (north and west)', -- 1
['Nm' .. supOpen .. 'n. and w</sup>.'] = 'Northmavine (north and west)', -- 1
['Nm' .. supOpen .. 's.-w.</sup>.'] = 'Northmavine (south-west)', -- 1
['Nm' .. supOpen .. 'w., n.</sup>.'] = 'Northmavine (west, north)', -- 1
['Nm' .. supOpen .. 'w.-n.</sup>'] = 'Northmavine (west-north)', -- 1 (check this is correct)
['N' .. supOpen .. 'w</sup>.'] = 'Nesting (west)', -- 1
['N' .. supOpen .. 's</sup>.'] = 'Nesting (south)', -- 1
['N.Roe' .. supOpen .. 'w</sup>.'] = 'North Roe (west)', -- 1
['N.Sc.'] = 'North Scottish', -- 1 Northern?
['N.Scottish'] = 'North Scottish', -- 1 Northern?
['N. Yell'] = 'North Yell', -- 1
['Nunsbr.'] = 'Nunsbrough', -- 1
['num.'] = 'numeral', -- 1 - numerous, number?
['O.Dut.'] = 'Old Dutch', -- 1
['O.Fr.'] = 'Old French', -- 1
['O.Frisian'] = 'Old Frisian', -- 1
['O.Germ.'] = 'Old German', -- 1
['O. Norw.'] = 'Old Norwegian', -- 1
['Pict.'] = 'Pictish', -- 1
['poet.'] = 'poetic', -- 1
['preps.'] = 'prepositions', -- 1
['pres. ind.'] = 'present indicative', -- 1
['pret.'] = 'preterite', -- 1
['pt.'] = 'preterite (?)', -- 1 - CHECK THE USAGE OF THIS ACROSS THE WHOLE TEXT
['Quarf' .. supOpen .. 'w</sup>.'] = 'Wester Quarff', -- 1
['rad.'] = 'radical', -- 1
['refl.'] = 'reflexive', -- 1
['rel.'] = 'relative', -- 1 -CHECK
['Sa' .. supOpen .. 'w</sup>.'] = 'Sandness (west)', -- 1
['Sc. dial.'] = 'Scottish dialect', -- 1
['St' .. supOpen .. 'w</sup>.'] = 'Sandsting (west)', -- 1
['Suf.'] = 'Suffolk', -- 1
['U' .. supOpen .. 'n., w.</sup>'] = 'Unst (north, west)', -- 1
['U' .. supOpen .. 'ba</sup>.'] = 'the middle part of Unst (the district of Baltasound).', -- 1
['U' .. supOpen .. 'ba</sup>'] = 'the middle part of Unst (the district of Baltasound).', -- 1
['U' .. supOpen .. 'n. b</sup>.'] = 'Unst (north, Burrafirth)', -- 1
['U' .. supOpen .. 'n., b</sup>.'] = 'Unst (north, Burrafirth)', -- 1
['U' .. supOpen .. 'n., bu</sup>.'] = 'Unst (north, Burrafirth)', -- 1
['U' .. supOpen .. 'n., burr.</sup>'] = 'Unst (north, Burrafirth)', -- 1
['U' .. supOpen .. 'n. and burr</sup>.'] = 'Unst (north and Burrafirth)', -- 1
['U' .. supOpen .. 'n, w</sup>.'] = 'Unst (north, west)', -- 1
['U' .. supOpen .. 'n., wg</sup>.'] = 'Unst (north, Westing)', -- 1
['U' .. supOpen .. 's.-e</sup>.'] = 'Unst (south-east)', --1
['U' .. supOpen .. 's., mo</sup>.'] = 'Unst (south, Mooness)', -- 1
['U' .. supOpen .. 's. and w.</sup>'] = 'Unst (south and west)', -- 1
['U' .. supOpen .. 's. and wg</sup>.'] = 'Unst (south and Westing)', -- 1
['U' .. supOpen .. 'wg., mo</sup>.'] = 'Unst (Westing, Mooness', -- 1
['U' .. supOpen .. 'wg., n</sup>.'] = 'Unst (Westing, north)', -- 1
['U' .. supOpen .. 'wg., s.</sup>'] = 'Unst (Westing, south)', -- 1
['Wh' .. supOpen .. 'n</sup>.'] = 'Whalsay (north)', -- 1
['W. Isle'] = 'West Isle', -- 1
['W. Sw.'] = 'West Sandwick', -- 1 CHECK THIS IS CORRECT IN ALL INSTANCES
['W. Yorks.'] = 'West Yorkshire', -- 1
['Yell' .. supOpen .. 'w</sup>.'] = 'Yell (west)', -- 1
['Y' .. supOpen .. 'b., n</sup>.'] = 'Yell (Bastavoe, north)', -- 1
['Y' .. supOpen .. 'm., n</sup>.'] = 'Yell (Mid Yell, north)', -- 1
['Y' .. supOpen .. 'n., b</sup>.'] = 'Yell (north, Bastavoe)', -- 1
['Y' .. supOpen .. 'n., h</sup>.'] = 'Yell (north, de Herra)', -- 1
['Y' .. supOpen .. 'h., b</sup>.'] = 'Yell (de Herra, Bastavoe', -- 1
['Y' .. supOpen .. 'h., n.</sup>'] = 'Yell (de Herra, north)', -- 1
['Yks.'] = 'Yorkshire', -- 1
['2. pers. sing.'] = 'second person singular', -- 0
['Appl.'] = 'applied', -- 0
['coll.'] = 'collocation', -- 0
['combs.'] = 'combinations', -- 0 - combines?
['cwts.'] = 'hundredweights', -- 0
['dict.'] = 'dictionary', -- 0
['Dim.'] = 'diminutive', -- 0
['Finn.'] = 'Finnish', -- 0 - Finland?
['Fr.'] = 'French', -- 0 - France?
['Fris.'] = 'Frisian', -- 0
['Gen.'] = 'genitive', -- 0
['G.'] = 'German', -- 0
['Ger.'] = 'German', -- 0
['Goth.'] = 'Gothic', -- 0
['gram.'] = 'grammar', -- 0 - grammatical?
['H.G.'] = 'High German', -- 0
['id'] = 'idem (the same)', -- 0
['interr. int.'] = 'interrogative interjection', -- 0
['introd.'] = 'introduction', -- 0 - introduce?
['Lap.'] = 'Lapland', -- 0
['Lapp.'] = 'Lapland', -- 0
['Lat.'] = 'Latin', -- 0
['L.G.'] = 'Low German', -- 0
['M.L.G.'] = 'Middle Low German', -- 0
['Mod. Eng.'] = 'Modern English', -- 0
['Mod. Sw. dials.'] = 'Modern Swedish dialects', -- 0
['M.Roe.'] = 'Muckle Roe', -- 0
['N.Eng.'] = 'North English', -- 0
['N.Hl.'] = 'North Hordeland', -- 0
['No. dial.'] = 'Norwegian dialect', -- 0
['No.-Lapp.'] = 'Norwegian-Lapland', -- 0
['O.Norw.'] = 'Old Norwegian', -- 0
['O.Sax.'] = 'Old Saxon', -- 0
['part.'] = 'participle', -- 0
['phr.'] = 'phrase', -- 0 - phrasing?
['perf.'] = 'perfect', -- 0
['reg.'] = 'regarding', -- 0 - regards?
['s. '] = 'singular', -- 0
['S.Shetl.'] = 'South Shetland', -- 0
['U' .. supOpen .. 'b</sup>'] = 'Burrafirth in Unst', -- 0
['U' .. supOpen .. 's</sup>'] = 'Unst (south)', -- 0
['W.Bur.'] = 'the village West Burrafirth in Aithsting', -- 0
['Wests.' .. supOpen .. 'w</sup>.'] = 'Westside (west)', -- 0
['Y' .. supOpen .. 'h, n</sup>'] = '“de Herra” in Yell, and north Yell', -- 0
-- Introduction part VI
['Berg.'] = 'Bergen', -- 0
['Celt.'] = 'Celtic', -- 0
['Da.'] = 'Danish', -- 0
['Dal.'] = 'Dalene', -- 0
['Da.-No.'] = 'Danish-Norwegian', -- 0
['Dut.'] = 'Dutch', -- 0
['Eng.'] = 'English', -- 0
['E. Norw.'] = 'East Norway', -- 0
['E. Gothl.'] = 'East Gothland', -- 0
['Fær.'] = 'Færoese', -- 0
['Gael.'] = 'Gaelic', -- 0
['Gbr.'] = 'Gudbrandsdalen', -- 0
['Hall.'] = 'Hallingdal', -- 0
['Hard.'] = 'Hardanger', -- 0
['Hedem.'] = 'Hedemarken', -- 0
['Hdm.'] = 'Hedemarken', -- 0
['Icel.'] = 'Icelandic', -- 0
['Indh.'] = 'Indherred', -- 0
['Jæd.'] = 'Jæderen', -- 0
['Jut.'] = 'Jutlandic', -- 0
['L. Germ.'] = 'Low German', -- 0
['L.Germ.'] = 'Low German', -- 0
['Li.'] = 'Lister', -- 0
['Ma.'] = 'Mandal', -- 0
['N. Berg.'] = 'North Bergen', -- 0
['Ned.'] = 'Nedenes', -- 0
['Nfj.'] = 'Nordfjord', -- 0
['N. Gbr.'] = 'North Gudbrandsdalen', -- 0
['N.Hl.'] = 'North Hordeland', -- 0
['Nhl.'] = 'North Hordeland', -- 0
['N. Norw.'] = 'North Norway', -- 0
['Nordl.'] = 'Nordland', -- 0
['No.'] = 'Norwegian', -- 0
['Norw.'] = 'Norwegian', -- 0
['N.Sw.'] = 'North Swedish', -- 0
['N. Sw.'] = 'North Swedish', -- 0
['N. Sw. dials.'] = 'North Swedish dialects', -- 0
['O.Frisian'] = 'Old Frisian', -- 0
['O.Da.'] = 'Old Danish', -- 0
['O Da.'] = 'Old Danish', -- 0
['Ork.'] = 'Orkedal', -- 0
['Rbg.'] = 'Raabyggelaget', -- 0
['Rog.'] = 'Rogaland', -- 0
['Romsd.'] = 'Romsdalen', -- 0
['Ryf.'] = 'Ryfylke', -- 0
['Sæt.'] = 'Sætersdalen', -- 0
['S. Berg.'] = 'South Bergen', -- 0
['S. Bergenhus'] = 'South Bergenhus', -- 0
['Sdm.'] = 'Søndmøre(?)', -- 0 CHECK THIS IS CORRECT
['Sfj.'] = 'Søndfjord', -- 0
['Shl.'] = 'Søndhordland', -- 0
['Smaal.'] = 'Smaalenene', -- 0
['S.Norw.'] = 'South Norway', -- 0
['S. Norw.'] = 'South Norway', -- 0
['S. Odalen'] = 'South Odalen', -- 0
['S. Østerdal'] = 'South Østerdal', -- 0
['S. Scania'] = 'South Scania', -- 0
['Stav.'] = 'Stavanger', -- 0
['Stjør.'] = 'Stjørdalen', -- 0
['Sw.'] = 'Swedish', -- 0
['Sw.-Da.'] = 'Swedish-Danish', -- 0
['Sw. dial.'] = 'Swedish dialect', -- 0
['S.S.W. Norw.'] = 'South-southwest Norway', -- 0
['S.W.Norw.'] = 'South-West Norway', -- 0
['S.W. Norw.'] = 'South-West Norway', -- 0
['S.W., S. Norw.'] = 'South-West, South Norway', -- 0
['Sw. dials.'] = 'Swedish dialects', -- 0
['Tel.'] = 'Telemarken', -- 0
['Vald.'] = 'Valdres', -- 0
['Vestf.'] = 'Vestfold', -- 0
['W. Agder'] = 'West Agder', -- 0
['W. Gothland'] = 'West Gothland', -- 0
['W. Gothl.'] = 'West Gothland', -- 0
['W.Jut.'] = 'West Jutlandic', -- 0
['West Tel.'] = 'West Telemarken', -- 0
['W. Tel.'] = 'West Telemarken', -- 0
['W.Tel.'] = 'West Telemarken', -- 0
['Yorksh.'] = 'Yorkshire', -- 0
['Østerd.'] = 'Østerdalen' -- 0