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Implements [[Template:PD-anon-US]]


local p = {} --p stands for package

local getArgs = require('Module:Arguments').getArgs
local PD = require('Module:PD')

function p._PD_anon_US(args)
	local pubyear = PD.getPublicationYear({args[1], args.pubyear})
	local category = args.category
	local template = "PD-anon-US"
	-- Is this template appropriate?
	if pubyear and pubyear >= PD.PD_US_cutoff then
		return PD.error_text(template .. " does not apply to works published after " .. PD.PD_US_cutoff - 1 .. ".", template)
	local published_in
	local protection_term
	if pubyear then
		published_in = "in " .. pubyear
		protection_term = PD.currentyear - (pubyear + 1)
		published_in = "before January 1, " .. PD.PD_US_cutoff
		protection_term = PD.currentyear - PD.PD_US_cutoff
	local text = PD.license_scope({past = true}) .. " published " .. published_in .. " and " .. PD.license_grammar({"is", "are"}) .. " anonymous or pseudonymous due to unknown authorship. " .. PD.license_grammar({"It is", "They are"}) .. " in the '''[[w:public domain|public domain]]''' in the United States as well as countries and areas where the [[w:List of countries' copyright length based on publication and creation dates|copyright terms of anonymous or pseudonymous works]] are '''" .. protection_term .. " years or less since publication'''."
	return PD.license({
		['image'] = PD.PD_image,
		['image_r'] = PD.US_flag_image,
		['text'] = text,
		['category'] = category or template

function p.PD_anon_US(frame)
	return p._PD_anon_US(getArgs(frame))

return p