Odontoglossum Hallii, Lindl. in Bot. Reg. sub t. 1992, et Folia Orchid.; Reichenbach fil. Xenia, i. 63; Walpers Annales, vi. p. 828.
Habitat in Peru (western declivity of Pichincha), Hartweg; Valley of Lloa, at elevation of 8000 ft., Col. Hall; N. Grenada in forests of Pamplona, 8500 ft., Linden.
Pseudobulbsovate, 2 to 4 inches long, compressed, 2-edged, bearing generally one, occasionally two, lanceolateLeaves, a foot or more long. Racememany (10-20) flowered, occasionally though rarely branched, 2 to 3 feet long. SepalsandPetalsnearly equal, ovate-lanceolate, exceedingly unguiculate, from an inch to (in some varieties) an inch and a half or even 2 inches long, yellow with large, often very dark, blotches of purplish-brown. Lipwhite, with a few rich spots, oblong-acuminate, jagged at the edges, with a large and handsome yellowCrest, consisting of a multitude of flattened but sharp-pointed teeth, pointing sideways and downwards. Columnwhite, winged, the wings broken into teeth or cirrhi, of which the uppermost is much the largest.
This fine Odontoglossum was one of the earliest known though one of the latest to reach us alive. It is now (1873) plentiful enough, and forms a most attractive object in our spring Orchid-shows. There are many varieties differing greatly in the size and marking of their flowers, but all maintaining the unguiculate sepals and petals which chiefly distinguish it from O. luteo-purpureum (Pl. 17), to which it is indeed very nearly allied. O. Hallii is abundant in New Grenada and Peru, but is seldom met with at a lower elevation than 8000 feet, hence it is quite at home in the coolest part of the "cool Orchid-house," in which it grows and flowers very freely indeed.
In the woodcut, a solitary flower of a larger variety of the species is represented, natural size.
Odontoglossum roseum, Lindl. in Bentham Plant. Hartweg, p. 251. Reichenbach fil. in Garden. Chron. April 20, 1867.
Habitat in Peru, Backhouse, Nuebrada de los Juntas, Hartweg.
Pseudobulbsovate, two-edged, much compressed, dark-coloured, from one to two inches long, carrying a short solitary oblong-lanceolate leaf. Leavesvery sharp-pointed linear-lanceolate, not half the length of the slender nodding graceful many-floweredRacemes. Bractsovate, slightly angular, much shorter than thePedicels. SepalsandPetalsnearly equal, lanceolate, acuminate, linear, two-thirds of an inch long, of a beautiful bright rose colour. Lipabout same length as the petals, pale whitish rose, three-lobed, bilamellate at the base, side-lobes rounded, very small, intermediate lobe sharp-pointed, obcuneate. Columnstanding forward, rounded, provided at its apex with three membranous wings.
A charming little species long known by the specimens in the Lindleyan Herbarium. It was introduced—though in very limited quantities—by the Messrs. Backhouse several years ago, since which time it has always continued scarce. In Lindley's Herbarium the racemes are about the length of those represented in the figure, but in a specimen exhibited in 1872 by Mr. Linden the pseudobulbs, leaves, and racemes were nearly twice as large and as long as those in the Plate. The precise treatment that it affects has not yet been distinctly ascertained, but there can be no doubt that, being a denizen of high places on the mountain ranges in Peru, it prefers the coldest house.
Plate 23
Odontoglossum triumphans.
Odontoglossum triumphans.
Plate XXIII.
O. (Xanthoglossum, Lindl.) pseudobulbis ovatis 1-2-phyllis foliis lato lanceolatis acutis, basi attenuatis, racemo multifloro, bracteis triangularibus ovario pedicellato 4-5plo brevioribus, sepalis oblongo-acutis basi bene attenuatis, petalis subæqualibus latioribus, magis acuminatis, utrinque hinc illinc lobulatis, labello unguiculato basi bifalci, utrinque bicalloso laminâ panduratâ apiculatâ, columnæ alis rhombeis ascendentibus margine externo erosulis.
Odontoglossum triumphans, Reichenbach fil. Bonpl. ii. 99; Walpers Annales, vi. p. 831; Pescatorea, t. 46.
Habitat in N. Grenada, Warscewicz. Ocana, 6000-8000 feet, Schlim, Wagener.
Pseudobulbsovate, very similar to those of O. Hallii, bearing generally two stout sharp-pointedLeavesa foot or more long. Racememany-(6-18) flowered, half a yard or 2 feet long, rather drooping. Bractssmall and triangular, 4 or 5 times shorter than the ovary. Sepals1½ to 2 inches long, oblong-acute, narrowed at the base. Petalsabout the same size as the sepals, but broader and more acuminate, sometimes diversely lobed on either side like the sepals, nearly covered with rich chestnut blotches on a bright yellow ground. Lip white with deep reddish blotches at apex, shorter than petals, unguiculate, pandurate, partially connate with the column, toothed at the edges, bicarinate at base, provided withCrestconsisting of two sets of falcate teeth, extending about one-third of its own length. Columnwhite, half the length of the lip, furnished with upright rhomb-like wings the edges of which are indented.
This is a very fine species indeed, although it scarcely realizes the expectations excited by the figure in Pescatorea, whether as regards the size of the individual blossoms or their colour. In the fresh flowers the prevailing tone is a bright yellow, which serves as a foil to the rich brown or chestnut marking with which the sepals and petals are profusely covered, and which, though to a lesser degree, cover also the lip. But in Pescatorea the lip is represented as white, and as bearing at its upper extremity a rich blotch of bright purple which affords a beautiful contrast to the yellow and brown tints of the other parts of the flower. Probably the figure referred to may have been prepared from dried specimens and hence the mistake as to the colouring.
There are many varieties of this species, some of the best of which were exhibited by Mr. Marshall of Enfield at a meeting of the Royal Horticultural Society as early as April, 1869.
O. triumphans does not appear to be so plentiful in its native habitats as O. Hallii, O. luteo-purpureum, and many other N. Grenada kinds that now swarm in our collections. The range of elevation within which it grows is nearly identical with that of O. Hallii, hence the same treatment is suitable to both. It is easily grown and flowers freely.
1. Front view of lip and column
1. Front view of lip and column; 2. Side view of ditto: magnified.
Plate 24
Odontoglossum Krameri.
Odontoglossum Krameri.
Plate XXIV.
O. pseudobulbis suborbicularibus valde compressis ancipitibus 1-phyllis, foliis oblongo-lanceolatis, scapis ascendentibus vel sub-pendulis foliis brevioribus pauci-(2-5) floris, sepalis petalisque oblongis acutis subæqualibus, labelli ungue 2-calloso laminâ subquadratâ 2-lobâ pallide-roseo-violaceâ plagâ basi utrinque semilunari albâ aureo et purpureo maculatâ.
Odontoglossum Krameri, Reichenbach fil. in Gard. Chron. 1868, p. 98. Floral Mag.t. 406 (sub O. Krameri). Hooker in Bot. Mag.t. 5778.
Habitat in Costa-Rica.
Pseudobulbsnearly round, flattened, 2-edged, 1-leaved; Leavesoblong-lanceolate, leas than a foot long, by about an inch wide, longer than theScapeswhich bear from 2 to 5 flowers. Peduncleswith the ovary one to one and a half inches long. Flowersone to one and a half inches in diameter. SepalsandPetalssubequal oblong-acute, pale violet-red in the centre with broad white margins. Lipone-third of an inch wide, neck short, broad, deeply hollowed in front with two erect calli; limb subquadrate, two-lobed at the apex, angles rounded, the basal lateral lobes small, reflexed, pale violet-red with two confluent semilunar white patches at the base, on each of which is a concentric red-brown band, and a few spots of the same colour on a golden yellow ground. Columnshort, thick, without wings or appendages. (Hooker, l. c.)
This though not a striking is a very distinct plant. It is a native of Costa-Rica, where it seems to be plentiful enough though it long eluded detection. It was first exhibited in 1868 by Mr. Veitch at one of the shows at S. Kensington, but appeared almost simultaneously in the collection of Mr. Day, by whose direction a careful drawing was prepared. Like other Costa-Rica plants, though not requiring a high temperature, it is scarcely content with the small amount of heat that is now allotted to the great majority of cool Orchids. Its proper place would be in the Mexican House. It is a free bloomer.
Odontoglossum cordatum, Lindl. in Bot. Reg., 1838, misc. 90; Knowles and Westcott, Floral Cabinet, t. 100; Paxton's Mag., xiii. 147; Regel. Garten-flora, 1862, 356; Pescatorea, i. 26.
Habitat in Mexico, Barker. Guatemala, Hartweg, Skinner.
Pseudobulbsoblong, very much compressed and very sharp at the edges, 1½ to 2 inches long. Leavesone (rarely if ever two) on each pseudobulb and broadly-oblong acute shorter than the scape. ScapeandRacemesheathed at intervals with long keel-shaped membranaceousBracts, few or many flowered, simple or (more rarely) branched, from one to two feet high. SepalsandPetalsnearly equal, linear-lanceolate, extremely acuminate, an inch or more long, greenish-yellow richly blotched with brown. Lipshorter than the sepals heart-shaped, with a very acuminate slightly recurved apex, white with dark brown spots and a purplish 2-lobed callus at the base. Columnpubescent, club-shaped, almost wingless.
Though scarcely to be classed among the more attractive species, O. cordatum is occasionally seen at our Shows with branching scapes 2 feet high and flowers much more richly coloured than those in the Plate. It is found both in Mexico and Guatemala (whence plants were sent to me by my lamented friend Skinner), but always at high elevations.
It flowers in the early summer without any special treatment, except that it is perhaps more impatient of water than some of its congeners.