Moral Pieces, in Prose and Verse/God Displayed in his Works

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3999333Moral Pieces, in Prose and VerseGod Displayed in his Works1815Lydia Sigourney


WHO gave thee clothes to shield thy shrinking form?
Who gave thee shelter from the wintry storm?
Who gave the senseless beasts to be thy food?
Spread for thy use the pure and limpid flood?
Gave the quick ear to hear,—the mind to know,
The eye to sparkle, and the blood to flow?
Who gave the day of health—the night of rest,
Joy at thy call, and comfort in thy breast?
Who deals with kindest care thy chequer'd lot?
Whose arm sustains thee tho' thou see'st it not?

Whose watchful eye observes thy secret ways?
Who writes the record of thy fleeting days?

Ask of the stream that rolls in torrents by;
Ask of the stars that light the darken'd sky;
Or of the fields array'd in garments fair;
Or of the birds that warble on the air;
Or of the mountain lilies wet with dew;
Or of the brutes, and they will tell thee who.
Then lift thine eye to that unsullied throne,
And raise thy heart to Him thy God alone.