More songs by the fighting men. Soldiers poets: second series/end matter
The Daily Telegraph, in the course of a remarkable leading article under the above heading, on June 12th, said:
So it came about that Poetry was reborn in the throes of war, and that Mars once more claimed kinship with Apollo and the Muses. Guardsmen wrote sonnets 5 privates composed odes; corporals and sergeants so unlike the non-commissioned officers of the past relaxed their stern and practical souls in "soldier songs." The phenomenon is not so surprising as at first sight it appears, although no one probably foresaw what large dimensions it would assume. It is only reasonable to suppose that moments of crisis causing a great emotional strain should find their issue in verse. Poetry is, after all, the natural outlet for those who feel deeply, and if hitherto the whole range of feeling and sentiment has been kept under lock and key, owing to a modesty and shame-facedness extremely characteristic of Englishmen, it is not altogether surprising that even those who thought themselves dumb should at such supreme moments suddenly find a tongue.
Mr. Erskine Macdonald, a publisher who has interested himself deeply in this department of literature, produced a series of little books of Georgian verse and Soldier Songs, which have a distinct character of their own, and often astonish us by their fecundity and their power. Sometimes, as might be expected, they are n little rough and uncouth; sometimes they grate on the aesthetic sense by their deliberate disdain of beauty; but they never fail for want of strength. The best of them come hot from excited brains, and are written by those who have:m actual and vivid experience of what modern warfare means, who know its squalor and its hideousness, and yet are able to throw round it a kind of forlorn fascination and charm, thanks to the energy of their kind of their Wrappers, 1s. net. Art Linen, 2s. 6d. net. At all Booksellers.
"Here is a brave new publishing adventure which I know will take your fancy. Mr. Erskine MacDonald, one of the most alive and enterprising of our younger publishers, has just issued the first volumes in a series of 'Little Books of Georgian Verse.'" From "What to Read," in The Bookman.
"It is a bold and interesting experiment that Mr. Erskine MacDonald is making with the Georgian series of daintily produced volumes of verse by writers of the neo-Georgian era. These Little Books o Georgian Verse are all so good that they should have a considerable success as small greeting-gifts on birthdays and other occasions."—Daily Telegraph.
of a publisher who deserves commendation."—New Witness.
POEMS, by Lieut. C. A. Macartney.
HEATHER WAYS, by Hylda C. Cole.
THE FIELDS OF HEAVEN, by Nora Tynan O'Mahony.
ROAD OF LIFE, by Ianthe Jerrold.
DREAMS O' MINE, by G. W. Bullett.
ODDS AND ENDS, by Dorothy Tweedale.
BROOKDOWN, by Egbert Sandford.
SONGS OF THE SUSSEX DOWNS, by Peggy Whitehouse.
NIGHT VISIONS AND DAY DREAMS, by John A. Bellchambers.
HILL AND HEATHER, by Mary G. Cherry.Second Series, Fcp. 8vo.
FLEUR DE LYS, by Lieut. Dyneley Hussey.
THE WOMAN AND THE SAGE, by O. A. Joergens.
SONGS FROM THE SOUTHLAND, by Lieut. E. A. Blunden.
THE CALL OF THE MILES, by Leonard Galletley.
THE JOYOUS JOURNEY, by G. Duncan Grey, LL.D.
DREAM SONGS, by Kathleen A. Braimbridge.
IN THE WAKE OF THE SWORD, by Percy Hazleden.
HONEYSIGHT, by R. N. Tinkler.
HOMEWARD, by Irene Bell.
POST MERIDIAN, by W. E. Barnard.
MAY IN THE WOOD, by Dorothy Kempe (Mrs. Gardiner).ERSKINE MACDONALD, Ltd.
Malory House, Featherstone Buildings, London, W.C. 1