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Mormonism Exposed (Hancock)/Chapter 25

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4685588Mormonism Exposed — Chapter 25Golman Buford Leland Kimbrel Hancock
Chapter Twenty-five.

As positive proof that Joseph Smith had plural wives the following testimonies were given:

"I, Lovina Walker, hereby certify that while I was living with Aunt Emma Smith, in Fulton City, Fulton county, Illinois, in the year 1849, she told me that she, Emma Smith. was present, and witnessed the marriage or sealing of Eliza Partridge, Emily Partridge, Maria Lawrence, and Sarah Lawrence to her husband Joseph Smith, and that she gave her consent thereto. Lovina Walker."

We hereby witness that Lovina Walker made and signed the above statement on the 16th day of June, A. D. 1869, of her own free will and accord. Hyrum Walker.
Sarah E. Smith.
Jos. F. Smith."

Territory of Utah, ss
County of Salt Lake.

Be it remembered that on this first day of May, A. D. 1869, personally appeared before me, Elias Smith, Judge of Probate for said county, Emily Dow Partrige Young, who was by me sworn in due form of law, and upon her oath saith on the 11th day of May, A. D. 1843, at the city of Nauvoo, county of Hancock, state of Illinois, she was married or sealed to Joseph Smith, President of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, by James Adams, a High Priest in said church according to the law of the same regulating marriage, in the presence of Emma (Hale) Smith and Eliza Maria Partridge (Lyman).

Emily D. P. Young.

Subscribed and sworn to by the said Emily D. P. Young, the day and year first above written.

E. Smith, Probate Judge."

State of New Jersey, ss
County of Burlington.

Be it remembered that on this fourteenth day of November, A. D. 1883, personally appeared before me, J. W. Roberts, a Justice of the Peace, county and state aforesaid, Leonard Soby, who was by me sworn in due form of law, and upon oath saith, that on or about the 12th day of August, 1843, in the city of Nauvoo, in the state of Illinois, in the county of Hancock, before the High Council of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, of which body and Council aforesaid he was a member, personally appeared one Hyrum Smith, of the first presidency of said church, and brother to Joseph Smith, the president and prophet of the same and presented to said council the revelation on polygamy, enjoining its observance and declaring it came from God; unto which a large majority of the council agreed and assented, believing it to be of a celestial order, though no vote was taken upon it, for the reason that the voice of the prophet in such matters, was understood by us to be the voice of God to the church, and that said revelation was presented to said council as before stated, as coming from Joseph Smith, the prophet of the Lord, and was received by us as other revelations had been. The said Leonard Soby further saith that Elder Austin A. Cowles, a member of the High Council aforesaid, did, subsequently to the 12th day of August, 1843, openly declare against said revelation on polygamy, and the doctrines therein contained. Subscribed and sworn to by the said Leonard Soby, the day and year first above written.

Joshua W. Roberts, Justice of Peace."

"Salt Lake City, January 31, 1886.

A. M. Musser, Dear Brother:—Having noticed in the Deseret News an enquiry for testimony concerning the revelation on plural marriage, and having read the testimony of Brother Grover, it came to my mind that perhaps it would be right for me to add my testimony to his on the subject of Brother Hyrum reading it in the High Council.

I well remember the circumstances. I remember he told me he had read it to the brethren in his office. He put it into my hands and left it with me for several days. I had been sealed to him by Brother Joseph a few weeks previously, and was well acquainted with almost every member of the High Council, and know Brother Grover's testimony to be correct. Now if this testimony would be of any use to such as are weak in the faith or tempted to doubt, I should be very thankful. Please make use of this in any way you think best, as well as the copy of the letter addressed to Joseph Smith at Lamoni. Your sister in the gospel, Mercy R. Thompson."

The following is a copy of the letter referred to in the above communication:

"Salt Lake City, Sept. 5, 1886.

Mr. Joseph Smith, Lamoni, Iowa, Dear Sir:—After having asked my Father in heaven to help me, I sit down to write a few lines as dictated by the Holy Spirit. After reading the correspondence between you and L. O. Littlefield, I concluded it was the duty of some one to bear a testimony which could not be disputed.

Finding from your letters to Littlefield that no one of your Father's friends had performed this duty while you were here, now I will begin at once and tell you my experience.

My beloved husband R. B. Thompson, your father's private secretary to the end of his mortal life, died August 27, 1841. (I presume you well remember him.) Nearly two years after his death your father told me that my husband had appeared to him several times, telling him that he did not wish me to request your Uncle Hyrum to have me sealed to him for life.

Hyrum communicated this to his wife (my sister), who by request opened the subject to me, when everything within me rose in opposition to such a step; but when your father called and explained the subject to me I dared not refuse to obey the counsel, lest preadventure I should be found fighting against God, and especially when he told me the last time my husband appeared to him he came with such power that it made him tremble. He then inquired of the Lord what he should do; the answer was, "Go and do as my servant hath required."

He then took all opportunity to communicate this to your uncle Hyrum, who told me that the Holy Spirit rested upon him from the crown of his head to the soles of his feet. The time was appointed, with the consent of all parties, and your father sealed me to your Uncle Hyrum for time in my sister's room with a covenant to deliver me up in the morning of the resurrection to Robert Blaskell Thompson with whatever offspring should be the result of the union, at the same time counselling your uncle to build a room for me and move me over as soon as convenient, which he did, and I remained there as a wife the same as my sister to the day of his death. All this I am ready to testify to in the presence of God, angels and men. Now I assure you I have not been prompted or dictated by any mortal living in writing to you; neither does a living soul know it but my invalid daughter. God bless you, is the sincere prayer of your true friend, Mercy R. Thompson.

P. S.—If you feel disposed to ask me any questions, I will be pleased to answer concerning blessings which I received under the hands of your late mother, by the direction of your father. M. R. T."

Gentle readers, you now have an insight into the inner temple of Mormonism. The stench is sickening. The view shocks our moral sensibilities. Our task has not been a pleasant one, but has been performed as a matter of duty—a duty performed in behalf of truth. If a proposition can be established by the force of testimony the Mormon prophet was a polygamist, and one of the most corrupt imposters that ever lived on earth. He was the author of that God dishonoring, heaven-defying, soul-destroying, moral-corrupting, woman-degrading and heathenish document, called "The Revelation on Celestial Marriage," every sentiment and principle of which is void of moral principle, and, hence, heathenish and degrading. To connect the name of the Holy One of Israel with such and make him responsible for it places its author among the most vile and lying blasphemers that ever lived on earth. The testimony of Mrs. Thompson bears the impress of truth, breathes the spirit of sincerity, and shows a conscientiousness upon the part of the writer. Poor woman. One can have no feeling toward her but one of pity, such as we would have for any conscientious; deluded mortal. But how different the case of Joseph and Hyrum Smith, who persued the course they did in order to accomplish their fiendish purpose! Joseph, the prophet is converted into a veritable witch of Endor, and has several visits from the unseen world, the Lord gives instructions and the Holy Spirit overwhelms the prophet's brother. All this in order to one end. In order to what end was all this co-operation of heaven and hades with these two Mormon officials? To gratify the lusts of Hyrum Smith!!! We need not however, express surprise at this; for be it remembered, Joseph Smith was called, commissioned and inspired to restore the fulness of the gospel. The revelation on celestial marriage is the key to that fulness. It was to consist in restoring all things. And, so certain as there is meaning in language, that restoration was to consist in restoring to the "Saints" the right exercised by David and Solomon, that is, the right of taking to themselves a plurality of wives and concubines! That same key of knowledge gives us to understand that exaltation in the next world depends upon a faithful practice of this right. All hence, who oppose this right are to be damned.

Such are the moral principles that underlie the Mormon system. Those principles must be accepted by all who accept Joseph Smith, for he was the oracle of that system. If we accept Smith as one called and sent of God to reveal and establish that system we must accept the system as he gave it. As we have seen, however, the polygamous revelation embodies the true principles of the Mormon system. It follows, hence, that the polygamous Utah church is the true Mormon church. All others, hence, are apostates, with the condemnation of Smith's inspiration resting upon them. If, therefore, Smith was inspired of God the anathemas of heaven rest upon all who reject polygamy. Such being true the New Testament is false from beginning to end. It is, hence, a matter of choice between Christianity and Mormonism, between Jesus the Christ and Joseph Smith.

The lessons we have learned demonstrate the fact that there is no safety for any soul except in a strict adherence to the doctrine of Jesus Christ. Jesus made no mistakes. He was God manifest in the flesh. His teaching was the teaching of God. God is perfection, and his teaching is perfection, designed to perfect all who will accept and abide in it. In that teaching we have both the Father and the Son. "All things that the Father hath are mine," said Jesus. "All things that I have heard of my Father I have made known unto you," said Jesus to his apostles. In Christ we have all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge. Hence, "In Him dwells all the fullness of the Godhead bodily." When, therefore, we need something beyond God's treasures of wisdom and knowledge, and something in addition to the fulness of the God and Christ of the Bible, we will need an additional revelation to what we have in the New Testament. When humanity needs an additional Christ in order to salvation they will need an additional institution to the New Testament church in order to enable the people of God to work out their salvation. And when the people of God need something in addition to the infinite wisdom of God, they will need addititional rules and regulations to those given in the New Testament, in order to glorify God.

To all who enquire for the way of salvation God commands them to hear his Son. Christ says, I am the way, the truth and the life." If any would know the way of life as it is revealed in the truth of God, "Go to my apostles," says Christ.