Morning, Evening, and Midnight Hymns/A Midnight Hymn (1697)
A Midnight HYMN.
LORD, now my Sleep does me forsake,
The sole possession of me take,
Let no vain fancy me illude,
No one impure desire intrude.
Blest Angels! while we silent lie,
You Hallelujahs sing on high,
You, ever wakeful near the Throne,
Prostrate, adore the Three in One.
I now awake do with you joyn,
To praise our God in Hymns Divine:
With you in Heav'n I hope to dwell,
And bid the Night and World farewell.
My Soul when I shake off this dust,
Lord, in Thy Ams I will entrust;
O make me Thy peculiar care,
Some heav'nly Mansion me prepare.
Give me a place at Thy Saints feet,
Or some fall'n Angel's vacant seat;
I'll strive to sing as loud as they,
Who sit above in brighter day.
O may I always ready stand,
With my Lamp burning in my hand,
May I in sight of Heav'n rejoyce,
When e'r I hear the Bridegroom's voice.
Glory to Thee in light arraid,
Who light Thy dwelling place hast made,
An immense Ocean of bright Beams,
From Thy All-glorious Godhead streams.
The Sun, in its Meridian height,
Is very darkness in Thy sight:
My Soul, O lighten, and enflame,
With Thought and Love of Thy great Name.
Blest Jesu, Thou on Heav'n intent,
Whole Nights hast in Devotion spent,
But I, frail Creature, soon am tir'd,
And all my Zeal is soon expir'd.
My Soul, how canst thou weary grow
Of Ante-dating Heav'n below,
In sacred Hymns, and Divine Love,
Which will Eternal be above?
Shine on me, Lord, new life impart,
Fresh ardours kindle in my Heart;
One ray of Thy All-quickning light
Dispels the sloth and clouds of night.
Lord, lest the tempter me surprize,
Watch over Thine own Sacrifice,
All loose, all idle thoughts cast out,
And make my very Dreams devout.
Praise God, from whom all Blessings flow,
Praise Him all Creatures here below,
Praise Him above y' Angelick Host,
Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost.