Morning, Evening, and Midnight Hymns/A Morning Hymn (1697)
[TEXT OF 1697.]
A Morning HYMN.
AWAKE my Soul, and with the Sun,
Thy daily stage of Duty run;
Shake off dull Sloth, and early rise,
To pay thy Morning Sacrifice.
Redeem thy mispent time that's past,
Live this day, as if 'twere thy last:
T'improve thy Talent take due care,
'Gainst the great Day thyself prepare.
Let all thy Converse be sincere,
Thy Conscience as the Noon-day clear;
Think how all-seeing God thy ways,
And all thy secret Thoughts surveys.
Influenc'd by the Light Divine,
Let thy own Light in good Works shine:
Reflect all Heaven's propitious ways,
In ardent Love, and chearful Praise.
Wake and lift up thy self my Heart,
And with the Angels bear thy part,
Who all night long unwearied sing,
Glory to the Eternal King.
I wake, I wake, ye Heavenly Choire,
May your Devotion me inspire,
That I like you my Age may spend,
Like you may on my God attend.
May I like you in God delight,
Have all day long my God in sight,
Perform like you my Maker's Will,
O may I nevermore do ill.
Had I your Wings, to Heaven I'd flie,
But God shall that defect supply,
And my Soul wing'd with warm desire,
Shall all day long to H'eav'n aspire.
Glory to Thee who safe hast kept,
And hast refresht me whilst I slept.
Grant Lord, when I from death shall wake,
I may of endless Light partake.
I would not wake, nor rise again,
Ev'n Heav'n it self I would disdain;
Wer't not Thou there to be enjoy'd,
And I in Hymns to be imploy'd.
Heav'n is, dear Lord, where e'r Thou art,
O never then from me depart;
For to my Soul 'tis Hell to be,
But for one moment without Thee.
Lord I my vows to Thee renew,
Scatter my sins as Morning dew,
Guard my first springs of Thought and Will,
And with Thy self my Spirit fill.
Direct, controul, suggest this day,
All I design, or do, or say;
That all my Powers, with all their might,
In Thy sole Glory may unite.
Praise God, from whom all blessings flow,
Praise Him all Creatures here below,
Praise Him above y' Angelick Host,
Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost.