Mother Bunch's golden fortune-teller
How to see a future Husband or Wife.
To know if your present Sweetheart will marry you.
To know whether a Man or Woman shall have the person
they love.
To know whether one shall enjoy their love or not.
To know whether a person shall be married.
To know what Fortune your future Husband shall have.
How to make the Dumb Cake.—birth of Children, &c.
Secrets of Nature displayed.
Art of telling Fortunes by the grounds of Tea or Coffee.
Important Signs, &c.
To pour out the tea or coffee grounds.
The Roads, or superfine lines, indicato ways; if they are covered with clouds, and in the thick, they are marks of past or future reverses; but if they appear elear or serene, they denoto somo fortunate change near at hand; encompassed with, many points or dots, they signify an accidental gain of money, likewise long life.
The Ring signifies marriage; if a letter near it, it denotes to the person that has his fortuno told the initial of the name of the person to be married. If the ring is in the clear, it portends happy and lucrativo friendship. Surrounded with clouds, denotes that the party is to use precaution in the friendship ho is about to contract, lest ho should bo insidiously deceived; but is most inauspicious if the ring appear at tho bottom of tho eup, as it forbodes the entire separation from a beloved object.
A Leaf of Clover is, as well hero as in common lifo, a lucky sign; its positions in the eup alono make tho difference; if it is on the top, it shows that good fortunto is not far distant; but it is subject to delay if it is in the middle, or at tho bottom. Should clouds surround it, many things disagreeable will attend tho good fortune; in tho clear, it prognosticates undisturbed happiness.
The Anchor, tho emblem of hope and commerce, implies successful business carried on by water and land, if on tho bottom of tho cup; at the top, and in a clear part, it shows eonstant love, and unshaken fidelity. In thick and clouded parts it also denotes love, but tinctured with tho inconstancy of tho butterfly.
The Serpent, always the emblem of falsehood and enmity, is hero a general sign of an enemy. On the top, or in the middle of the cup, it promises to the consulting party tho triumph which ho desires over his enemy: but he will not obtain it so easily if the serpent be in the thick or cloudy part By the letter which frequently appears near the emblem, the enemy may easily be guessed, as it marks the initial of his name.
The Letter.—By letters we communicate to our friends either pleasant or unpleasant news; such is the case here. If this emblem is in the clear part, it denotes the speedy arrival of welcomo news; surrounded with dots, it announces the arrival of a considerable remittance in money; but hemmed in by clouds, it is quite the contrary, and forbodes some melancholy tidings. If it be in the clear, and accompanied by a heart, lovers may expect a letter, which secures to the party tho possession of the beloved object; but in the thick it denotes a refusal.
The Coffin, the emblem of death, prognosticates tho same thing here, or long illness if it be in the thick. In the clear, it denotes long life; in tho thick, at the top of the cup, it signifies a considerable estate left to the party by some rich relation: in the same manner, at tho bottom, it shews that tho deceased is not so nearly related to the consulting party.
The Star denotes happiness if in tho clear, and at the top of the cup; clouded, or in the thick, it signifies long life, though exposed to various troubles; if dots are about it, it foretells great fortune, honours, &c. Several stars denote so many good and happy children; but surrounded by dots, show that your children will cause you grief and vexation.
The Dog, at all times an emblem of fidelity or envy, has also a two-fold meaning here. At the top, in the clear, it signifies faithful friends; but surrounded by clouds and dashes, it shows those whom you take for your friends are not to be depended on; but if at the bottom of the cup, you have to dread the effects of envy or jealousy.
The Lily, at the top or in the middle of the cup, signifies tho consulting party has, or will have, a virtuous spouso; if at the bottom, the reverse. In tho clear, it denotes long and happy life; if clouded, or in tho thick, it portends very great trouble or vexation.
The Cross, be there one or more, generally predicts adversity. As its position varies, so do the circumstances. At the top, in the clear, it denotes the party’s misfortunes near at an end; but if in the middle, or at tho bottom, in the thick, the party must expect many severe trials; if with dots, either in clear or thick, it promises a speedy change of sorrow.
The Clouds, if more light than dark, you may expect a good result from your hopes; but if black, you must give it up. Surrounded by dots, they imply success in all your undertakings.
The Sun is an emblem of great luck and happiness, if in the clear; but in the thick it denotes a great deal of sadness; if surrounded by dots or dashes, an alteration will speedily take place.
The Moon, if in the clear, denotes high honours, if in the thick parts, sadness without great prejudice; but if at the bottom of the cup, fortunate both by sea and land.
Mountains.—If only one, it indicates the favour of people of high rank; but several of them, in the thick, are signs of powerful enemies; in the clear, tho contrary.
Trees.—One tree only, if it bo in the clear or thick part, points out lasting good health; several trees denote your wish will be accomplished; if they are encompassed with dashes, your fortune is in its blossom, and requires time to bring it maturity. If accompanied by dots, you will make your fortune in the country where you reside.
The Child, in the clear part, bespeaks of some innocent intercourse with another person; in the thick part, excess in love matters, attended with great expense; at the bottom of the cup it denotes the consequence of libidinous amours.
The Woman signifies much joy in general; if in the clear more favourable; there it shows very great happiness; in the thick a great deal of jealousy. If dots surround the image, it explains the lady’s fertility or wealth. The different positions in the cup show, at the top and in the middle, that you will be in love with a virgin; at the bottom, with a widow.
The Pedestrian denotes in general a merchant, good business, pleasant news, and recovery of lost things; also, that the consulting party will soon enlist, or get some engagement.
The Rider denotes good news from abroad, in money matters, a good situation in a foreign country, or good prospects. Who doubts his fortune is promised a lasting one by this emblem.
The Mouse, living by stealth, is here an emblem of theft or robbery; if it be in the clear, it shows that you will get again in a wonderful manner what you have lost; but if in the thick, you may renounce the hope.
The Rod shows difference with relations about legacies; in the thick, illness.
Flowers.—If the party be married, he may expect good children, who will be a blessing to him in his old age.
The Heart, if in the clear, signifies future pleasure; it promises recovery of money, if surrounded by dots. If a ring, or two hearts, the party is about to be married or betrothed; if a letter be perceptible near it, it shows the initial of the person’s name; if the letter be in the clear, the party is a virgin; if in the thick, a widow.
The Garden' or Wood, signifies a largo company. In the clear, it indicates good friends of which it will consist; in tho thick, or encompassed with streaks, it warns the consulting party to be cautious, and not to take for his friends those who merely profess themselves such.
The Bird, if in tho clear, signifies that you will have to combat with troubles, but of short duration; in the thick, good living, and a speedy successful voyage or journey, and to a great distance if there are dashes.
Fish imply lucky events by water, if in the clear: but if in the thick, the consulter will fish in troubled water, and rely upon that which others have already lost before him. Surrounded by dots, his destiny calls him to somo distant place.
The Lion, or any other ferocious beast, at the top, in the clear, signifies prosperity; at the bottom, it warns you of persons who envy your fortune.
The Green Bush shows the benevolence of your patrons, and gives you hopes of the honours you wish for; without foliage, is a token of tho caprice of fortune; in the clear, it announces an unexpected remittance of money.
Worms at the top, or in tho middle of the cup, denote good luck at play, and in matrimony; below, it warns you against rivals in your courtship, and enviers in your trado.
The House indicates, at tho top of the cup, success in your enterprises, and that your situation will soon bo better. In the middle or below, it cautions you to bo vigilant over your servants.
The Scythe, if combined with an hour-glass, denotes imminent dangers; below, a long and
To see a Future Husband.—On Midsummer night just at sunset, three, five, or seven young women are to go into a garden, in which there is no other person, and each gather a sprig of red sage; and then going into a room by themselves, set a stool in the middle of the room, and on it a clean bason full of rose-water, in which the sprig of sage are to be put; and tying a line across tho room, on one side of the stool, each woman is to hang on it a clean shift, turned the wrong side outwards; then all are to sit down in a row, on the opposite side of the stool, as far distant as the room will admit, not speaking the whole time, whatever they see, and in a few minutes after twelve, each one’s future husband will take her sprig out of the rose-water, and sprinkle her shift with it.
Another Way to see a future Spouse in a Dream. The party inquiring must lie in a different county from that in which she commonly resides, and on going to bed must knit the left garter about the right-leg stocking, letting the other garter and stocking alone; and as you rehearse the following verses, at every comma knit a knot.
This knot I knit, to know the thing I know not yet,
That I may see, the man that shall my husband be,
How he goes, and what he wears,
And what he does, all days and years.
Accordingly in a dream, he will appear with the insignia of his trade or profession.
To know if your present Sweetheart will marry you.—Let any unmarried woman take the blade of a shoulder of lamb, and borrowing a knife, (but be sure not to mention for what purpose,) on going to bed stick tho knife once threugh tho bone, every night, for nine nights, in different plaees, repeating every night, while sticking the knife, these words:—
'Tis not this bone I mean to stick,
But my lover’s heart I mean to prick,
Wishing him neither rest nor sleep,
’Till he comes to me to speak.
Aeeordingly, at the end of nine days, or shortly after, ho will ask for something to put to a wound he will have met with during tho timo you were charming him.
To know whether a Woman will have the Man she wishes.—Get two lemon peels, wear them all day, one in each poeket, at night rub the four posts of tho bedstead with them; if she is to sueeeed, the person will appear in her sleep, and present her with a couplo of lemons; if not, there is no hope.
To know whether one shall enjoy their Love or not.—Take the number of tho first letter of your names, the number of the planet, and of the day of the week; put all theso together, and divide them by 40: if it be above, it will come to your mind, and if below, to tho eontrary; be particular in minding the number whieh is under 30.
To know whether a new-born Child shall live or die.—Write down tho proper names of the father and mother, and the day the child was born, and put to each letter its number as before, and to the total sum, being put together, add 25, and divide the whole by 7; and then if it be even, the child will die, but if odd, it shall live.
To know whether a person will be married.—Get a peasepod, in which are nine peas, hang the same over tho door, and take notice of the person who comes in, (who is not of the family,) and if he bo a bachelor, you will certainly be married within the year.
On any Friday throug out the year, tako rosemary, flowers, bay leaves, thyme, and sweet marjoram, of each a handful; dry these and make them into fine powder; then take a tea-spoonful of each sort, mix tho whole together, then take twico the quantity of barley-flower, and mix the whole into a cake, with the milk of a red cow: this cake is not to be baked, but wrapped in elear writing-paper, and laid under your head any Friday night. If tho person dream of music, sho will shortly wed him sho wishes; if she dream of fire, she will be crossed in love; if of a church, she will die single. If any thing be written, or there be the least spot on the paper, it will not do.
Any unmarried woman fasting on Midsummer Eve, and at midnight laying a elean cloth, with bread, eheese, and ale, and sitting down as if going to eat, the street door being left open, the person whom she is afterwards to marry will come into the room, and drink to her by bowing; and after filling the glass, will leave it on the table, make another bow, and retire.
To know what Fortune your future Husband shall have.—Take a walnut, a hazel-nut, and a nutmeg, grate them together, and mix them with butter and sugar, and make them into small pills, of whieh exaetly nine must be taken on going to bed, and aecording to your dreams so will be the stato of the person you will marry. If a gentleman, of riches; if a elergyman, of white linen; if a lawyer, of darkness; if a tradesman, of odd noises and tumults; if a soldier or sailor, of thunder and lightning; if a servant, of rain.
To see a future Spouse in a Dream, by charming the Moon.—At the first appearance of the new moon. immediately after new-year’s day, go out in the evening, and standing, over the spars of a gate or stile and looking on the moon, repeat the following lines:—
All hail to thee, Moon, all hail to thee!
I pr’ythoe, good Moon, reveal to me
This night who my husband shall be.
In order to make the Dumb Cake to perfection, it is necessary to observe strictly the following instructions:—Let any number of young women tako a handful of wheaten flour, (not a word is to be spoken by any one of them during the rest of the process,) and place it on a sheet of white paper; then sprinkle it over with as much salt as can be held between tho finger and thumb: then one of the damsels must bestow as much of her own water as will make it into a dough; which being done, each of the company must roll it up, and spread it thin and broad, and each person must (at some distance from each other) make the first letters of her Christian and surname, with a large new pin, towards tho end of tho cake; if more Christian names than one, the first letter of each must be made. The cake must then be sot before tho fire, and each person must sit down in a chair, as far distant from the firo as tho room will admit, not speaking a single word all the time. This must be done soon after eleven at night; and between that and twelve, each person must turn the cako once, and in a few minutes after the clock strikes twelve, tho husband of her who is first to be married will appear, and lay his hand on that part of
the cake which is marked with her name.
With respect to the Moon's Age, and Day of the Week.
To be born on tho first day of the new moon, portends their life shall be ploasant, with an increaso of riches.
A child born on the second day will grow apace, and be inclined to lust. It is lucky on this day to send messages of trade by land, and to sow seed.
A child born on the third day will be shortlived, Never begin any work of moment on this day. Theft committed on this day will be discovered.
The fourth day is bad. Persons falling sick on this day rarely recover ; and dreams will havo no effect.
The fifth day is favourable to begin a good work, and dreams will be tolerably successful; the child born on this day will be deceitful and proud.
The sixth day, dreams will not immediately come to pass: the child born on this day will not live long.
The seventh. Do not tell your dreams on this day,for much depends on concealing them: if sickness befall you on this day, you will soon recover: tho child born will live long, but have much trouble.
The eighth day the dream will come to pass, and is a very prosperous day.
The ninth day differs very little from tho former; the child born on this day will arrive at great riches and honours.
Tho tenth day is likely, to be fatal; those who fall sick will very rarely recover; but the child born on this day will live long, and be a great traveller.
The eleventh day is a day to be married, or commence a journey. A child born at this age of the moon, will be healthy, handsome, and of a good constitution, with a particular mole on its forehead. If a female, will be remarkable for wisdom.
On the twelfth day the child born will meet every affection, but be of a bad temper. This is a very unlucky day, particularly to those falling sick.
A child born on the thirteenth day will be unfortunate, both in temper and estate; though a good day for marriage, or to find things that have been lost. Persons imprisoned this day will soon have their liberty.
A child whose nativity is on the fourteenth day will die as a traitor. An excellent day to ask a favour. Take physic this day.
The fifteenth day is very unfortunate. A good day to find any thing that is lost.
A child born on the sixteenth day will be unmannerly and unfortunate. Buy and sell on this day. Dreams portend luck on this day.
A child born on the seventeenth day of the moon, shows it will be foolish. You may take physic, let blood, or transact business on this day.
The eighteenth day is fortunate, both for male and female born on it.
A nativity on the nineteenth day, the child will be wise and virtuous, and will arrive at great honours.
Your dreams portend good on the twentieth day of the moon; but a child then born will be dishonest.
A child born the twenty-first day, will be of so unhappy a disposition, that let him look to the sword of justice, perhaps “black with murder, sacrilege, and crimes.” An unhappy fatality attends this day.
On the twenty-second day, the child that is born will purchase a good estate; he will be handsome, religious, and well beloved. This is a good day to remove bees. On the twenty-third day, the child that is born will be of an ungovernable temper, a great traveller, but will die miserable. Good day to be married on, or commence business.
On the twenty-fourth day, the child born will achievo many heroic actions, and will bo much admired for them.
The child born on the twenty-fifth day will be very wicked, and meet with many dangers. It is a very unfortunate day, and threatens vexation.
On the twenty-sixth day, the child born shall be very amiable: a male will meet but an indifferent state in the world; if a female, she will be married to a rich man for her beauty.
On the twenty-seventh day, the child born will have every engaging quality; but will not rise to any great preferment. This is a very lucky day.
On the twenty-eighth day, the child that is born shall be the delight of his parents, but have much sickness.
Tho child born on a Sunday shall be of a long life, and obtain riches.
On Monday,—Weak, of an effeminate temper, which seldom brings a man of honour.
On Tuesday,—the person born will be subject to violent starts of passion, not easily reconciled; if a man, given to illicit connexions, which cause misfortunes to rise, and ho will be in danger of dying by violence from them.
On Wednesday,—Shall be given to learning,
and profit thereby.On Thursday,—He shall arrive at great honour and riches.
On Friday,—He shall be of a strong constitution, and perhaps lecherous.
On Saturday.—This day is a bad day, though the child may come to good: they are of a dogged disposition.
They who have their nails broad, are of a gentle disposition, bashful, and afraid of speaking before their superiors, or indeed to any without hesitation and a downcast eye.
If around the nails thero is usually an excoriation, or sprouting of tho skin, the person is luxurious, fearful, and an epicure, loving enjoyment, provided it is to be obtained without danger.
When there are certain white marks at tho|the}} end, it testifies that the person is improvident, soon ruining their fortune through negligence.
Narrow nails.—The person with such nails is desirous of attaining knowledge in the sciences; but is never at peace long with his neighbours.
When to narrowness they add some degree of length, tho person is led away by ambitious desires, aiming at things he cannot obtain, one who, having formed notions of grandeur, grasps at tho shadow while he loses the substance.
If at both ends there is a redness, or mixture of several colours, the person is choleric, and dolights in fighting.
When the end is black, the man loves agriculutre; he places happiness in mediocrity, and from thence avoids the cares attendant on either extreme of fortune.
Round nails declare a hasty person, yet good matured, very forgiving, a lover of knowledge, honest in mind, doing no ono any harm, and acting according to his own imaginations, being rather too proud of his own abilities.
Long nails.—When the nails are long, the person is good natured, but placing confidence in no man, being from his youth conversant in deceit, yet not practising it, from the goodness of his nature, and a love of virtue.
Fleshy nails.—A calm person and idler, loving to sleep, eat, and drink; not delighting in bustle land a busy life.
Little nails.—Little round nails discover a person to be obstinate, seldom pleased, inclining to hate every one, as conceiving himself superior to others, though without any foundation for such conception.
Pale, or lead-coloured nails.—A melancholy person, one who, through choice, leads a sedentary life, and would willingly givo up all things for the sake of study.
Red and spotted nails.—Choleric and martial, delighting in cruelty and war: his chief pleasuro being in plundering towns, where every ferocious particle in human nature is glutted to satiety.
When upon the nails you find any black spots, they always signify evil, as white ones are a token of good.
White nails.—When the nails are white and long, the person is subject to great sickness; he is well made and comely, but much inclined to women, who deceive him through false pretences, and shortly bring him to ruin.
If upon the white there appear pale lead-coloured
spots, a short life, and addicted to mel(illegible text) SECRETS OF NATURE DISPLAYED.
Physiognomy is an ingenious science, or knowledge of nature, by which tho inclinations and dispositions of every creaturo are understood. And becauso some of the members are uncompounded, and entire of themselves, as tho tongue, the heart, &c.. and some are of a mixed nature, as the eyes, the nose, and others; we therefore say, that there are many things which agree and live together, that inform a wise man how to make his judgment before he be too rash to deliver it to the world.
Hair.—Hair that hangs down without curling, if it be of a fair complexion, thin, and soft withal, signifies a man to be naturally faint-hearted, and of a weak body, but of a quiet, harmless disposition. Hair that is big and thick, and short withal, denotes a man to be of a strong eonstitution, secure, hold, deceitful, and for the most part unquiet and vain, lusting after beauty, and more foolish than wise, though fortuno may favour him. He whose hair not only eurls much but busheth out, and stands on end, if the hair be white, or of a yellowish eolour, he is by nature proud and bold, dull of apprehension, soon angry, a lover of venery, given to lying, malicious, and ready to do any mischief. He whose hair rises in the eerner ef his temples, and is gross and rough withal, is mest highly eoneeited of himself, inelined to maliee, but eunningly coneeals it, is very eourtly, and a lover of new fashions. Ho whoso hair is of a reddish complexion, is for the most part, if not always, proud, deeeitful, detraeting, venerous, and full of envy. Hair of a yellowish eolour, shows a man to be good eonditioned, and willing to do any thing, fearful, shamefaeed, and weak in body, but strong in tho abilities of the mind, and more apt to ⟨revenge⟩ an injury. He whose hair is of a brownish ⟨colour⟩, and curled a little, is a well-disposed man, ⟨and⟩ a lover of peace.
Forehead.—The forehead that riseth in a round, ⟨signifies⟩ a man liberally minded, of a good understanding, and generally inclined to virtue. Ho ⟨whose⟩ forehead is low and little, is of a good understanding, magnanimous, confident, and a great {{reconstruct|pretender to love and honour.
Eye-brows.—Those eye-brows that are much ⟨arched⟩, whether in a man or woman, show the ⟨person⟩ is proud, high-spirited, bold, and threatening, ⟨and⟩ a lover of beauty. Those, on the other side, ⟨whose⟩ eye-brows are black, and the hair of them ⟨but⟩ thin, will do nothing without great consideration, and are bold and confident in the performance ⟨of⟩ what they undertake.
Eyes.—He whose eyes are hollow in his head, ⟨is⟩ one that is suspicious, malicious, perverse in his ⟨conversation⟩, and of an extraordinary memory. ⟨He⟩ whose eyes are, as it were, starting out of his ⟨head⟩, is a simple foolish person. He who looks ⟨studiously⟩ and acutely, with his eyes and eye-lids ⟨downwards⟩, denotes thereby to be of a malicious ⟨nature⟩, very treacherous, and false. He who hath ⟨a⟩ wandering eye, and which is rolling up and ⟨down⟩, is for the most part a vain, simple, deceitful ⟨man⟩, lustful, treacherous, or high-minded. He ⟨whose⟩ eyes are twinkling, and which move forward or backward, show the person to be luxurious, ⟨unfaithful⟩, and hard to believe. They whose eyes ⟨are⟩ addicted to be bloodshot, ⟨aro⟩ naturally choleric, ⟨proud⟩, cruel without shame, and much inclined to ⟨superstition.⟩
Thus from the eyes we several things may see,
By nature's art of physiognomy;
And this may teach us goodness more to prize,
For where one s good, twenty are otherwise.
bold, furious, angry, vain, and credulous. A bottle-nose is what denotes a man to be vain, false, luxurious, weak, and uncertain. A nose broad in the middle, and less toward the end, denotes a vain, talkative person, a liar, and ono of a bad fortune. Ho who hath a long and great nose, is an ⟨admirer⟩ of the fair sex, addicted to vice, and very ignorant. A nose that turns up, and is long and full on ⟨the⟩ tip of it, shows a person that has it to be bold, envious, luxurious, a liar, and a deceiver. He ⟨whose⟩ nose riseth high in the middle, is prudent and polite, and of great courage. A nose big at the end shows a person to be of a peaceable disposition, industrious, and faithful, and of a good understanding.
Mouth.—A great and wide mouth shows a man to be bold, a great liar, and a great talker ⟨and⟩ eater. A little mouth shows the person to be ⟨of⟩ a quiet, pacific temper, secret, modest, and bountiful.
Lips.—The lips, when they are very big and blubbering, show a person to bo credulous, foolish and apt to be enticed to any thing. Lips of a different size denote a person to be discreet, of a ready wit, but somewhat hasty. To have one lip bigger than the other, denotes the party to be of a dull, sluggish temper, and much addicted to folly.
The lips they so much dote on for a kiss,
Oft tell fond lovers when they do amiss.
Voice.—A great and full voice, in either sex, shows them to be of a great spirit, confident, proud, and wilful. A faint and weak voice shows a person of a good understanding, nimble fancy, a little eater, but weak of body and timorous. A loud and shrill voice denotes one sagacious and ingenious but capricious, vain-glorious, and too eredulous. A weak, trembling voiee, denotes one to be I envious, suspicious, slow in business, and fearful. A loud, shrill, and unpleasant voiee, signifies one bold and valiant, but quarrelsome. A voice beginning low, or in the bass, and ending high in the treble, denotes a person to be violent, angry, bold, seeure
Thus by our voice 'tis to the artist known,
Unto what virtue, or what vice we’re prone;
And he that will of a good wife make choice.
May choose her by observing of her voice.
Chin.—A thick and full ehin shows a man inclined to peace, honest, but slow of invention. A peaked chin, reasonably full of flesh, shows a good understanding, a high spirit, and laudable of conversation. A double chin shows a man of peaceable disposition, but of dull apprehension, vain, eredulous, and secret in his actions.
Ears.—Great and thiek ears are eertain sign of a foolish person; but small and thin ears show a person to be a good wit, grave, secret, modest, and one willing to serve his friend. He whose ears are no longer than ordinary, is a bold man, uncivil, vain, and foolish.
Whoe’er his praise unwillingly does hear,
Shows a good life as well as a good ear.
Face.—A faeo apt to sweat on every motion, shows the person to be of a hot constitution. A very fleshy faee shows the person to be of a fearful disposition, but a merry heart, and withal, bountiful and discreet. A lean face denotes the person
to be of a good understanding, but somewhat capricious. SIGNS.
A mole against the heart, denotes undoubtedly wickedness.
A mole on the belly, signifies a glutton.
A molo on tho bottom of the belly, signifies weakness.
A molo on the kneo, signifies obtaining a comely wealthy wifo.
If a woman have a mole on the right knee, she will be honest and virtuous; if on the left, she will have many children.
If a man have a molo athwart the noso, ho will be a traveller.
A molo on a woman's noso, signifies she will travel on foot through divers countrios
A molo on a man’s throat shows that ho will become rich.
If a woman have a molo on tho lower jaw, it signifies she shall lead her lifo in sorrow and pain of body.
A molo in the midst of tho forehead, near the hair, denotes a discourteous, cruel mind, and of unpleasant discourse; if it is of a honey colour, will be beloved; if red, sullen and furious; if black, inexpert and wavering; if raised moro liko a wart, very fortunato. But if a woman, shows her to be a slut; and if in her forehead black, treacherous, consents to evil and murder.
A molo on the right side, about tho middle of tho forehead, declares a man to abound in benefits by friendship of great men; will be loaded with command, esteemed and honoured; the paler tho colour tho greater the honour; if red, he is loved by tho clergy; if black, let him bewaro resentment of great men; if warty it increaseth good fortune. A woman having this shall be fortunate in all her actions; but if black beware of hor tongue.
A mole on the left side of the forehead, near the hair, predicts misery, and abundance of tribulations to a man by means of his own misconduct; if honey-eoloured or red, his sorrows are lessened; but if black, in danger of imprisonment; if a wart, thoso ill fortunes are moderated. To a woman, it indicates her needy; if black, unfortunate in every undertaking.
A mole on the left side of the forehead about tho midway, threatens a man with persecutions from his superiors; if of a honey colour, he prodigally wastes his estate; if red, will become poor; if black, let him bewaro the wrath or malice of groat men; if a woman, it threatens sorrow by the perfidy of somo man; if black, she will partake of the extreme of misery.
A mole on tho left side of the forehead, a little above the temple, if it appears red, ho has excellent wit and understanding; if blaek in danger of being branded for his falsehoods; if as a wart, his fate is mitigated. To a woman it signifies justification of innocence, though not deserved; if black, malignity, and represents every evil.
A mole appearing on tho right temple above the eye, near tho head, denotes a long life and good fortune; if pale or red, he is studious; to a woman it signifies good and happy fortunes and marriage, as she will be of careful conduct.
This work was published before January 1, 1930, and is in the public domain worldwide because the author died at least 100 years ago.
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