Motif-Index of Folk-Literature/Volume 1/A/2700
A2700—A2799. Origin of plant characteristics.
A2700. Origin of plant characteristics. Jewish: Neuman.
A2710. Plant characteristics as reward.
F1099.4.1. Blades of corn grow through hair of saint as reward for guarding corn kiln.
A2711. Plant blessed for pious act. (Cf. A2221.)
Q20. Piety rewarded.
A2711.1. Plant blessed for help at Jesus' birth. Dh II 19f.
A2711.2. Trees blessed that made the cross. Dh II 207.
A2711.2.1. Elder tree is never struck by lightning because it was used in making the cross. England: Baughman.
A2711.3. Plant blessed for helping holy fugitive. Dh II 58ff. — Spanish Exempla: Keller; Lithuanian: Balys Legends Nos. 197f., 202ff.; Irish: Beal XXI 306.
R220. Flights.
A2711.4. Tree protects Jesus from rain: is green all year. (Cf. A2765.1.) — Esthonian: Aarne FFC XXV 152 No. 80 (fig); Livonian: Loorits FFC LXVI 94 No. 113 (pine).
A2711.4.1. Hazel gives Virgin Mary shelter. Blessed. *BP III 477; Lithuanian: Balys Legends No. 198f., 204.
D950.1. Magic hazel tree. D1402.10.1. Rod from magic hazel tree kills snake immediately.
A2711.4.2. Thistle serves as milk-cup for Virgin Mary: white spots on leaves. England: Baughman.
A2711.4.3. Plant receives name because of service to Virgin Mary. German: Grimm No. 207.
A2711.5. Rowan helps Thor out of river. Icel.: MacCulloch Eddic 84.
A2711.6. How the plum tree came to be so hardy: blessed by Ram. India: Thompson-Balys.
A2771. Budding and bearing of plant.
A2711.7. Fig tree stays with the angels: rewarded with sap of all other trees. India: Thompson-Balys.
A2720. Plant characteristics as punishment.
A2688.1. Origin of thistles.
A2721. Plant cursed for impious act.
A2721.1. Plant cursed for disservice to child Jesus. (Cf. A2772.2.) — Flemish: DeMeyer FFC XXXVII 90 No. 130a (rush).
A2721.2. Plant cursed for disservice at crucifixion. (Cf. A2711.2.) — Lithuanian: Balys Index No. 3222, Legends No. 323.
Q221.2. Punishment for opposition to Christ at crucifixion.
A2721.2.1. Tree cursed for serving as cross. (Cf. A2751.3.1, A2751.3.2, A2755.2, A2762.1, A2775.) — Dh II 207ff. — Finnish: Aarne FFC VIII 23 No. 131, XXXIII 56 No. 131; Esthonian: Aarne FFC XXV 152 No. 77; Livonian: Loorits FFC LXVI 94 No. 108; North Carolina: Brown Collection I 636.
Z352. All trees except aspen refuse to make Christ's cross.
A2721.2.1.1. Aspen cursed for serving as cross. (Cf. A2762.1.) — England, Scotland: Baughman.*
A2721.2.1.2. Poplar cursed for serving as cross. (Cf. A2762.2.) — U.S.: Baughman.
A2721.2.1.3. Cottonwood cursed for serving as cross. U.S.: Baughman.
A2721.2.1.4. Elder cursed for serving as cross. (Cf. A2766.1.) — England: Baughman.
A2721.2.2. Indentations on plants from Christ's biting them at crucifixion. (Cf. A2751.3.1.) — Dh II 198.
A2721.3. Plant punished for ungracious answer to holy person.
A2721.3.1. Man tells Jesus he is sowing stones. "You shall get stones." Why peas do not soften in boiling. Esthonian: Aarne FFC XXV 152 No. 78; cf. Livonian: Loorits FFC LXVI 96 No. 124; Lithuanian: Balys Index No. 3016.
Q591.2. Punishment: man says salt he carries is stones; immediately becomes so.
A2721.3.2. Farmer tells begging monk that potatoes are hard as stones: why potatoes are hard. Japanese: Anesaki Japanese Myth 252.
A2721.4. Plant cursed for betraying holy fugitive. Dh II 58ff.
R220. Flights.
A2721.5. Tree on which Judas hanged himself cursed. Dh II 236ff.; **Taylor "The Gallows of Judas Iscariot" Washington University Studies (Humanistic series) IX (1922) 135ff.
A2721.6. Why the mogli flower and the lime are cursed by gods. India: Thompson-Balys.
A2721.7. Trees fail to come at god's leavetaking, now bear bitter fruit. India: Thompson-Balys.
A2721.8. Barren trees as punishment of earth for disobedience at man's fall. Jewish: Neuman.
A2722. Plant punished for disobedience.
A2722.1. Plantain disobeys mother: hence bears but one stalk. (Cf. A2771.2.) — Mpongwe: Nassau 76 No. 16.
A2723. Plant punished for discontent. Chinese: Eberhard FFC CXX 134 No. 91.
A2723.1. Discontented pine-tree: cause of pine needles. Pine tree given silk leaves, glass leaves, etc. Always discontented. Finally has needles again. (Cf. A2767.1.) — *Dh III 337. — Livonian: Loorits FFC LXVI 94 No. 114.
A2723.2. God changes nature of plant to punish wastefulness of man: yield of plant is decreased. German: Grimm No. 194.
A2725. Plant punished for tardiness.
A2725.1. Ash-tree late at distribution of qualities at creation: therefore buds last. (Cf. A2771.1.) — Livonian: Loorits FFC LXVI 95 No. 115.
A2726. Plant punished for tale-telling.
A2726.1. Curse of tale-telling banana affects all others. India: Thompson-Balys.
A2730. Miscellaneous reasons for plant characteristics.
A2731. Plant characteristics from transformation.
A2615. Object transformed to plant.
A2731.1. Trickster's burnt flesh becomes gum on trees. N. A. Indian: Thompson Tales 304 n. 1091.
A2731.2. Plant characteristics from tears. (Cf. A2755.3.1, A2755.3.2.) — Greek: Frazer Apollodorus II 82 n. 2, 86 n. 2.
A2731.2.1. Plant characteristics from Virgin Mary's tears. *Dh II 255ff.
A2731.2.1.1. Plant characteristics from Virgin Mary's milk. England: Baughman.
A2711.4.2. Thistle serves as milk-cup for Virgin Mary; white spots on leaves.
A2731.3. Blood from wizard becomes red grain of cedar. Bleeding head of wizard who tries to kill the sun placed on top of a tree. (Cf. A2755.1.) — Yuchi: Alexander N. Am. 64.
A2731.4. Why agar-tree has magic properties. A transformed magician. India: Thompson-Balys.
A2733. Poppy characteristics from series of reincarnations. Opium produces each of the appropriate qualities. India: Thompson-Balys.
A2734. Plant characteristics from object thrown by devil.
A2734.1. Devil throws sand at aspen: hence rough bark. Angered because aspens will not cease quivering. (Cf. A2751.2.1.) — Finnish: Aarne FFC VIII 23 No. 132.
A2734.2. Devil throws tar at tree: hence tar in tree-heart. (Cf. A2755.3.) — Finnish: Aarne FFC VIII 4 No. 10. Cf. Type 153.
A2738. Christ puts knots in wood. Peter, angry at carpenters wants Christ to have iron knots in wood. Christ does make hard knots but not iron. (Cf. A2755.4.) — Dh II 174ff.
A2741. Plant characteristics from accident to original plant.
A2741.1. Bean laughs till it splits: cause of black stripe. (Cf. A2793.1, F1025.1.) — Type 295. — Flemish: DeMeyer FFC XXXVII 90 No. 126a; Livonian: Loorits FFC LXVI 95 No. 121.
A2741.2. Yams dropped by bird and split: why some are good and some bad. (Cf. A2793.3.) — New Hebrides (Leper's Island): Dixon 144.
A2741.3. Sky rests on top of trees: hence flat leaves. (Cf. A2761.3.) — Polynesian: Dixon 51 n. 55.
A2741.4. Bush loses clothes in shipwreck: hence catches passerby looking for clothes. (Cf. A2792.1.) — See A2275.5.3.
A2741.5. Why khijur leaves are long and narrow: split with an arrow. India: Thompson-Balys.
A2760. Leaves of plant.
A2742. Plant characteristics from exchange of qualities. India: Thompson-Balys.
A2247. Animal characteristics: exchange of qualities.
A2743. Plant characteristic because plant belongs to the devil.
G303. Devil.
A2743.1. Fuschia belongs to devil: hence ball and red petals. North Carolina: Brown Coll. I 635.
A2750. Interior and bark of plant.
A2751. Bark of plant.
A2751.1. Origin of bark on plants. (See A2736.)
A2751.2. Texture of bark of plant.
A2751.2.1. Why aspen's bark is rough. (See A2734.1.)
A2751.2.2. Why bark of red willow is thin. Tahltan: Teit JAFL XXXII 223.
A2751.2.3. Why tinsa tree has no bark at bottom of trunk. India: Thompson-Balys.
A2751.3. Markings on bark of plant.
A2751.3.1. Indentions in stem of reed. (See A2721.2.1, A2721.2.2, A2732.) — Flemish: DeMeyer FFC XXXVII 90 No. 130b.
A2751.3.2. Crosses on certain trees. (See A2721.2.1.)
A2751.4. Color of bark of plant.
A2751.4.1. Why birch has white bark. Livonian: Loorits FFC LXVI 94 No. 110; Flemish: DeMeyer FFC XXXVII 91 No. 132f.
A2751.4.2. Why ebony tree is black. India: Thompson-Balys.
A2751.4.3. Why tamarind bark is black. India: Thompson-Balys.
A2751.4.4. Why bark of saja and tinsa is white. India: Thompson-Balys.
A2751.4.5. Why broom-corn is covered with blood-red spots. Korean: Zong in-Sob 10 No. 3.
A2751.4.6. Why kava plant is grey. Tonga: Gifford 72.
A2752. Thorns on plants. (See A2736). — Jewish: Neuman; India: Thompson-Balys.
A2688.1. Origin of thistles.
A2752.1. Why bombax tree has thorns. India: Thompson-Balys.
A2755. Internal parts of plant.
A2755.1. Origin of red grain of cedar. (See A2731.3.)
A2755.2. Origin of blood-colored sap in trees. (See A2721.2.1.) — India: Thompson-Balys.
A2755.2.1. Why the saja tree has no sap. India: Thompson-Balys.
A2755.3. Origin of tar in heart of trees. (See A2734.2.) — Tahltan: Teit JAFL XXXII 210.
A2755.3.1. Origin of amber in poplar trees. (Cf. A2731.2.) — Greek: Frazer Apollodorus II 82 n. 2.
A2755.3.2. Origin of gum in myrrh tree. (Cf. A2731.2.) — Greek: Frazer Apollodorus II 86 n. 2.
A2755.4. Origin of knots in wood. (See A2738.) — Irish myth: Cross.
A2755.4.1. Why there are knots on the saja tree. India: Thompson-Balys.
A2756. Why the bamboo has nodes. India: *Thompson-Balys.
A2757. Why certain reeds are hollow. Buddhist myth: Malalasekera II 36.
A2760. Leaves of plant.
E631.0.2. Flower from grave bears letters. These commemorate the buried person.
A2760.1. Why all trees have leaves. India: Thompson-Balys.
A2761. Shape of leaves of plant.
A2761.1. Why oak-leaves are indented. Flemish: DeMeyer FFC XXXVII 91 No. 132b.
A2761.2. Why vine-leaves are hand-shaped. Flemish: DeMeyer FFC XXXVII 91 No. 132b.
A2761.3. Why plant-leaves are flat. (See A2741.3.)
A2762. Movement of leaves.
A2762.1. Why aspen-leaves tremble. — *Fb "asp" IV 18a; Lithuanian: Balys Index No. 3105, Legends Nos. 203—213.
A2721.2.1.1. Aspen cursed for serving as cross.
A2762.2. Why poplar-leaves tremble. Flemish: DeMeyer FFC XXXVII 90 No. 131.
A2721.2.1.2. Poplar cursed for serving as cross.
A2762.3. Why pipal leaves tremble. India: Thompson-Balys.
A2763. Why certain leaves have holes in them. India: Thompson-Balys.
A2764. Why certain leaves are hollow.
A2764.1. Why taro leaves are hollow. Hawaii: Beckwith Myth 229.
A2765. Why leaves are evergreen. (See A2711.4.)
A2766. Why certain tree bleeds.
A2766.1. Why elder tree bleeds when cut. (A2721.2.1.4.) — England: Baughman.
A2767. Origin of tree's needles.
A2767.1. Origin of pine-needles. (See A2723.1.)
A2768. Why leaves hang head downward. Maori: Clark 96.
A2769. Leaves of plant — miscellaneous.
A2769.1. Why tamarind leaves are small. India: Thompson-Balys.
A2770. Other plant characteristics.
A2771. Budding and bearing of plant.
A2771.1. Why ash-tree buds last. (See A2725.1.) — Lithuanian: Balys Index No. 3222, Legends No. 324.
A2771.2. Why plantain bears but one stalk. (See A2722.1.) — India: Thompson-Balys.
A2771.3. Why sago bears fruit from the stem. India: Thompson-Balys.
A2742. Plant characteristics from exchange of qualities.
A2771.4. Why banana bears fruit from crown of tree. India: Thompson-Balys.
A2771.4.1. Why rice has ears only at top. Chinese: Eberhard FFC CXX 130 No. 86.
A2771.5. Trees bear first buds to commemorate reign of primitive hero. Irish myth: Cross.
A901. Topographical features caused by experiences of primitive hero (demigod, deity).
A2771.6. Why certain willow tree bears fruit when fruit trees bear. Irish myth: Cross.
A2771.7. Why sorrel grows on certain rock every winter. Irish myth: Cross.
A2771.8. Why tree has bitter fruit.
A2721.7. Trees fail to come at god's leavetaking, now bear bitter fruit.
A2771.8.1. Why olive is bitter. Jewish: Neuman.
A2771.8.2. Why laurel tree is bitter. Jewish: Neuman.
A2771.9. Why big trees have small fruit. India: Thompson-Balys.
A2771.10. Why willow flowers do not bear fruit. Chinese: Graham.
A2772. Color of plants.
A2772.1. Origin of rose's color. Sébillot RTP II 549.
A2772.2. Why end of rush is black. (See A2721.1.)
A2772.3. Why the heartsease (polygonum persicaria) has red stripes. Flemish: DeMeyer FFC XXXVII 90 No. 129a.
A2772.4. Why ebony tree has black wood and smoke-colored leaves. India: Thompson-Balys.
A2774. Why trees remain fixed. India: Thompson-Balys.
A2774.1. Why ayikha-bush is firmly rooted. India: Thompson-Balys.
A2775. Why certain trees are dwarfed. (See A2721.2.1.)
A2775.0.1. Why plants no longer reach sky. Chinese: Eberhard FFC CXX 134 No. 90.
A2776. Why certain plants are cursed.
A2776.1. Why birch is cursed. Flemish: DeMeyer FFC XXXVII 91 No. 132d.
A2776.2. Why weeping-willow is cursed. Flemish: DeMeyer XXXVII 91 No. 132d.
A2777. Why certain plants (trees) are blessed.
A2777.1. Why fig tree is chief priest of the trees. India: Thompson-Balys.
B252.2. Priest of snakes.
A2777.2. King of trees. India: Thompson-Balys.
A2778. Why certain tree is tall.
A2778.1. Why coconut tree is tall. Hawaii: Beckwith Myth 98.
A2778.2. Why palm is tall. India: Thompson-Balys.
A2781. Origin of plant names. Jewish: Neuman.
A2782. Origin of combustible property of wood. Tonga: Gifford 23.
A2783. Medicinal properties of trees. Jewish: Neuman.
A2785. Origin of shape of particular tree.
A2785.1. Origin of shape of wiliwili tree. Hawaii: Beckwith Myth 495.
A2788. Why certain tree is hardy.
A2711.6. How the plum tree came to be so hardy: blessed by Ram.
A2791. Sundry characteristics of trees.
A2791.1. Why trees do not talk. All ask to be spared when man begins cutting them. Esthonian: Aarne FFC XXV 151 No. 75; Livonian: Loorits FFC LXVI 94 No. 107; Lithuanian: Balys Index No. 3215, Legends No. 302f.; India: Thompson-Balys.
A2791.2. Why lightning spares the nut-tree. Flemish: DeMeyer FFC XXXVII 91 No. 132e.
A2791.3. How banyan got its milk. India: Thompson-Balys.
A2791.4. Why no one can find flower of wild fig. India: Thompson-Balys.
A2791.5. Why tamarind fruit is sour. India: Thompson-Balys.
A2791.7. Why some trees have no fruit. India: Thompson-Balys.
A2791.8. Why sap comes from top of palm. India: Thompson-Balys.
A2791.9. Why fruit of sago palm looks like an eye. India: Thompson-Balys.
A2791.10. Why sago palm gives abundant sap. India: Thompson-Balys.
A2791.11. Why fruit of date palm looks like breasts of old woman. India: Thompson-Balys.
A2791.12. Why the bija tree is often struck by lightning. India: Thompson-Balys.
A2791.13. Why the roots of the banyan hang down. India: Thompson-Balys.
A2792. Sundry characteristics of shrubs.
A2793. Sundry characteristics of grains and vegetables.
A2793.1. Why bean has black stripe. (See A2741.1.)
A2793.1.1. Why beans bear everywhere. Chinese: Graham.
A2793.2. Why grain of wheat is divided. Flemish: DeMeyer FFC XXXVII. 90 No. 126b.
A2793.2.1. Why wheat must be planted in one year and harvested in the next. Chinese: Graham.
A2793.3. Why some yams are good, some bad. (See A2741.2.)
A2793.4. Why potatoes are hard. (See A2721.3.2.)
A2793.5. Why grain grows only at top of stalk (punishment for men's sinfulness). Grimm No. 194; BP III 417ff.; Lithuanian: Balys Index No. 3220, Legends Nos. 305—313; Cheremis: Sebeok-Nyerges.
A2793.5.1. Why corn does not yield in the middle. Chinese: Graham.
A2793.6. Origin of shapes of grain. Lithuanian: Balys Index No. 3221, Legends Nos. 315—322.
A2793.7. Why rice is so abundant. Chinese: Graham.
A2793.8. Why millet is red on top. Chinese: Graham.
A2793.9. Why buckwheat produces twice a year. Chinese: Graham.
A2794. Sundry characteristics of vegetables.
A2794.1. Why mushrooms are slimy. India: Thompson-Balys.
A2794.2. Why yams are small but plentiful in certain place. New Hebrides: Codrington No. II 3.
A2795. Sundry characteristics of flowers.
A2795.1. Why some flowers have no scent. India: Thompson-Balys.