Motif-Index of Folk-Literature/Volume 1/A/800
A800.—A899. The earth.
A800. Creation of the earth. *H. F. Feilberg Skabelses og Syndflodssagn (1915); A. Kühn Berichte über den Weltanfang bei den Indochinesen und ihren Nachbarvölker (1935); Irish myth: Cross; Persian: Carnoy 280; India: *Thompson-Balys; Chinese: Graham. — N. A. Indian (general): Thompson Tales 272 n. 1, (Ojibwa) Skinner JAFL XXXII 287, (Kaska) Teit JAFL XXX 441ff. — See also all references in this section (A800-839).
A801. Earth born of Chaos. Greek: Grote I 4ff.
A605. Primeval chaos.
A802. China first land to appear in our world. India: Thompson-Balys.
A810. Primeval water: In the beginning everything is covered with water. — **Dh I 1—89 passim; Gaster Oldest Stories 69. — Irish myth: Cross; Icel.: MacCulloch Eddic 325—26; Finnish: Kalevala rune 1; Egyptian: Müller 48; Babylonian: Spence 71; Jewish: Neuman; Siberian: Holmberg Siberian 313ff.; Buddhist myth: Malalasekera II 786; India: *Thompson-Balys. — Batak: Voorhoeve Oversicht 63ff.; Marquesas: Handy 122; Marshall Is.: Davenport 221; Oceanic: Dixon 8 n. 7 (Maori), 18f. (Samoa), 20 (Society Is., Tonga), 105 (Admiralty Is., Polynesia, Indonesia, Micronesia), 157 (Minahassa), 158f. (Borneo), 248f. (Marshall Is., Yap), 270 (Arunta); Bushongo: Werner African 144, African: Stanley 5; S. Am. Indian (Guarayu): Métraux BBAE CXLIII (3) 437. — N. A. Indian: *Thompson Tales 279 n. 29, Alexander N. Am 260 (Haida), (Calif.): Gayton and Newman 53; Mixtec: Alexander Lat. Am. 86; Quiché: ibid. 160.
A810.1. God and Devil fly together over primeval water. Dh I 6.
A50. Conflict of good and evil creators.
A810.2. Primeval water to subside in a specified time. Calif. Indian: Gayton and Newman 55.
A810.2.1. Waters of heaven would engulf earth were it not for firmament. Jewish: Neuman.
A811. Earth brought up from bottom, of primeval water. (Cf. A812.) — India: Thompson-Balys. — New Britain, New Hebrides: Dixon 105.
A811.1. Earth originates from fish brought from bottom of sea. The fish is hacked with knives; hence, mountains. — Oceanic (Maori, Hawaiian, Central Polynesian, Tonga, Samoan, New Hebrides, Union Group, Gilbert Is., New Britain): Dixon 43f.
A962. Mountains from hacked-up fish drawn from primeval water.
A811.2. Earth brought up by three gods. Icel.: MacCulloch Eddic 326.
A812. Earth Diver. From a raft in the primeval sea, the creator sends down animals to try to bring up earth. After a number of animals have failed, one (often the muskrat) succeeds. The earth is made from the bit brought up. — **E. W. Count The Earth Diver and the Rival Twins (Proceedings 29th International Congress of Americanists [Chicago, 1952] 55—62); Walk "Die Verbreitung des Tauchmotivs in den Urmeerschöpfungs- (und Sintflut-) Sagen" Mitteil. d. anthrop. Gesellschaft Wien LXIII (1933) 60—76. — Siberian: Holmberg Siberian 318, *322ff.; Hatt Asiatic Influences 12—36; India: *Thompson-Balys. — N. A. Indian: *Thompson Tales 279 n. 30, (Calif. Indian): Gayton and Newman 53.
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A878.3.4. Wise eagle in the earth-tree. Holmberg Baum 67ff. — Icel.: MacCulloch Eddic 332ff., Boberg.
A878.3.5. Hawk in the earth-tree. Holmberg Baum 67ff. — Icel.: Mac Culloch Eddic 332ff., Boberg.
A878.3.6. Golden cock in earth-tree. Icel.: Boberg.
A878.4. Earth-tree furnishes health-giving and hunger-satisfying sap. Siberian: Holmberg Siberian 350, 353.
D1472. Food and drink from magic objects.
A881. Zones of earth corresponding to Zodiac. Jewish: Neuman.