Motif-Index of Folk-Literature/Volume 1/B/700
B700—B799. Fanciful traits of animals.
B700. Fanciful traits of animals.
A2200. Animal characteristics. B15. Animal with unusual limbs or members. F980. Extraordinary occurrences concerning animals. H1186. Task: making pigs dance. T591.1.2. Milk of hornless, single-colored cow drunk by man to make wife fruitful.
B710. Fanciful origin of animals.
A1700. Creation of animals. B12.1. Basilisk hatched from cock's egg. B16.14.1. Devastating elephant from divine world. B19.3. Horse born of egg. T573.0.1. Short pregnancy in animals.
B710.1. Fanciful origin of the jackal. India: Thompson-Balys.
B710.2. Clever and swift horse of fanciful origin.
B710.2.1. Clever and swift horse fed with worms' milk on the gold mountain Tecklen in India. Icel.: *Boberg.
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B784.1.1. Person drinking from brook swallows animal eggs (frog or newt). England, Ireland, U.S.: *Baughman.
B784.1.2. Person swallows pebble on beach; snake grows in stomach. U.S.: Baughman.
B784.1.3. Person swallows snake semen or egg while eating watercress. England: *Baughman.
B784.1.4. Girl swallows frog spawn; an octopus grows inside her with tentacles reaching to every part of her body. Eng.: Baughman.
B784.1.5. Swallowed blackbeetle reproduces inside person's body. England: Baughman.
B784.1.6. Girl eats plums and maggots in them; maggots multiply inside her body. England: Baughman.
B784.1.7. Scaly lizard jumps into person's mouth. U.S.: Baughman.
B784.1.8. Salamander gets into veins through cracks in feet when person goes barefoot. U.S.: Baughman.
B784.2. Means of ridding person of animal in stomach.
B784.2.0.1. No remedy possible. England: Baughman.
B784.2.1. Patient fed salt: animal comes out for water. The patient is fed salt or heavily salted food and allowed no water for several days. He then stands with mouth open before a supply of fresh water, often a running brook. The thirsty animal emerges to get fresh water. — Ireland, U.S.: *Baughman; Italian Novella: Rotunda (J1115.2.3).
F582. Poison damsel. F950. Marvelous cures. G274.1. Witch snared.
B784.2.1.1. Snake (frog) in human body enticed out by milk (water). India: Thompson-Balys.
B784.2.1.2. Husband ties a cock near wife's feet: snake-parasite in her stomach comes out to catch the cock and is killed by husband. — India: Thompson-Balys.
B784.2.2. Patient sits before tempting meal without eating; animal emerges. Ireland, England, U.S.: *Baughman.
B784.2.3. Frog is enticed from patient's mouth by offering it a piece of cheese. England: Baughman.
B784.2.4. Physician removes animal from stomach of patient. U.S.: *Baughman.
B785. Animal wards off spirits. Irish myth: Cross.
B524. Animal overcomes man's adversary.
B786. Monkeys always copy men. India: Thompson-Balys.
B787. Birds mock ascetic's devotions. India: Thompson-Balys.
B788. Bats keep fireflies to light their houses. India: Thompson-Balys.
B791. Elephants have power of bringing rain. Buddhist myth: Malala sekera I 41.
B792. Why certain animals are thought of as good or bad. Jewish: Neuman.