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Mr. Punch's History of the Great War/Index

From Wikisource


  1. "According to plan," 243
  2. Admirals, retired, accept commissions in R. N. R., 150
  3. Admiralty and Zeebrugge despatches, 230
  4. Africa, German South-West, Botha makes clean sweep in, 43
  5. After one Year, 49
  6. Airmen, Allied
  7. Bombard Karlsruhe, 39
  8. German, increased activity of, 140
  9. Air Raids
  10. Daylight, extend to London, 160
  11. Public to be warned, 166
  12. Aisne, Battle of, 5
  13. Alarming spread of bobbing, 251
  14. Albert, King of Belgium
  15. Tribute to, 269
  16. Victorious on Flanders coast, 256
  17. Allenby, General
  18. Advances steadily, 180
  19. Captures Damascus, 248
  20. Enters Jerusalem, 190
  21. Allied Council, new, formed, 186
  22. Allotment workers, 226
  23. Alsace-Lorraine reunited to France, 278
  24. Also Ran, 141
  25. America
  26. Enters War, 145
  27. War of Notes, 50
  28. American, an, interviews German Crown Prince, 114
  29. American Troops
  30. Enter firing line, 207
  31. First land in France, 158
  32. Ammunition expended round Neuve Chapelle, 32
  33. Amundsen, Roald, prepares for trip to North Pole, 180
  34. Ancre, British push extends to, 119
  35. Anglia, East, air-raids in, 28
  36. Antwerp, Fall of, 10
  37. Anzac, British heroism at, 50
  38. Armenia, martyrdom of, 270
  39. Armentières, Germans break through at, 213
  40. Armistice
  41. Big Ben breaks silence, 272
  42. How England took news of, 272
  43. Signed, 265
  44. Women ring church bells, 272
  45. Armistice Day, 271
  46. Army Signalling Alphabet, 139
  47. Asquith, Mr.
  48. Ceases to be Prime Minister, 124
  49. Discusses new Votes of Credit, 80
  50. Goes to Ireland, 90
  51. Promises to purge Peerage of Enemy Dukes, 105
  52. Recants hostility to Women's suffrage, 148
  53. Rejected at General Election, 275
  54. Athens, riot in, 128
  55. "Au Revoir!" xi
  56. Austria
  57. Defeated by Servia, 20
  58. Defeated on Italian front, 229
  59. Gives in, 264
  60. Issues Peace Note, 251
  61. Sues for Peace, 257
  62. Threatens Roumania, 20
  63. Austrians driven from Belgrade, 15
  64. Australians, valour of, 65
  65. Bad Dream, A, 153
  66. Baghdad, taken by British, 139
  67. Balfour, Mr.
  68. Appointed First Lord, 39
  69. Returns from U.S.A., 161
  70. Balkans, irrelevant news from, 64
  71. Banana, return of the, 278
  72. Bapaume
  73. Germans take, 207
  74. Recaptured by Allies, 242
  75. Beatty, Admiral, German Fleet surrenders to, 272
  76. Belgium
  77. Opposes German invasion, 2
  78. Resurrection of, 270
  79. Belgrade occupied by enemy, 57
  80. Bennett, Mr. Arnold, appointed Director of Propaganda, 262
  81. Berlin
  82. Bombed, 278
  83. French flags burnt at, 290
  84. Revolution breaks out, 264
  85. Strikes in, suppressed, 202
  86. Bernstorff, Count
  87. Mendacity of, 23
  88. Promotes strikes in U.S.A., 52
  89. Best Smell of All, the, 234
  90. Bethmann-Hollweg, dismissed, 164
  91. Betrayed, 191
  92. Big Four's secrecy, 288
  93. Big Push, The, 103
  94. Billing, Mr. Pemberton
  95. Elected for Mid-Herts, 80
  96. Offers to raid enemy aircraft bases, 86
  97. Suspended from House of Commons, 239
  98. Birdwood, General, 267
  99. Birrell, Mr., apologia of, 90
  100. Bismarck, Prince, 31
  101. Bissing, Baron von,
  102. Reported dead, 148
  103. Retires from Belgium, 130
  104. Bloaters, unprecedented price of, 194
  105. Blücher, the, sunk by British, 24
  106. Blume, General von, depreciates
  107. American intervention, 168
  108. Boat-race, Oxford and Cambridge, suspended, 30
  109. Bobbing, Alarming spread of, 251
  110. Bordeaux, Paris Government removed to, 5
  111. Botha, General
  112. Enters War, 6
  113. Makes clean sweep in S.W. Africa, 43
  114. Bottomley, Mr. Horatio, visits France, 185
  115. Bravo, Belgium, 3
  116. Brazil enters War, 158
  117. Bread, curtailment of, 151
  118. Brest-Litovsk
  119. Conference, 190
  120. Taken by enemy, 47
  121. Treaty signed, 202
  122. British Expeditionary Force Lands in France, 1
  123. Brockdorff-Rantzau, Count, 290
  124. Bruges, reoccupied by Allies, 256
  125. Brusiloff, General
  126. Opens new Russian offensive, 163
  127. Successful against Austrians, 94
  128. Brussels.
  129. Fall of, 2
  130. Murder of Edith Cavell at, 60
  131. Buckmaster, Lord, appointed Lord Chancellor, 42
  132. Bukarest, fall of, 124
  133. Bulgaria surrenders, 248
  134. Bulgarians smashed by Allies, 248
  135. Bull-dog Breed, the, 11
  136. Bungalows, Government, increase of, 120
  137. Burns, Mr. John, re-emerges, 101
  138. Byng, General, 267
  139. Victory at Cambrai, 186
  140. Byron, Lord, and Greece, 57
  141. By special request, 211
  142. Cabinet pool salaries, 40
  143. Cadet battalions housed in colleges, 138
  144. Caligny, Americans at, 222
  145. Callousness of smart people, 184
  146. Cambrai
  147. Byng's victory at, 186
  148. Recaptured by Allies, 256
  149. Cambridge, Cadet battalions at, 254
  150. Camouflage, new art of, 176
  151. Caporetto, enemy break through at, 180
  152. "Captain of Koepenick" reported dead, 212
  153. Carson, Sir Edward
  154. Pays tribute to Major Redmond, 161
  155. Resigns Office, 58
  156. Casement, Sir Roger, and German Kaiser, 24
  157. Castlenau, General, 266
  158. Casualties, British, 24
  159. Cavell, Edith
  160. Murder of, 60
  161. Names of her principal assassins, 60
  162. Cecil, Lord Robert, appointed Minister of Blockade, 82
  163. Celestial Dud, the, 227
  164. Censorship and War Correspondents, 8
  165. Challenge, the, 75
  166. Chamberlain, Mr. Austen, resigns office, 166
  167. Champagne, French offensive at, 57
  168. Chemin des Dames, Germans capture, 220
  169. Children of Consolation, 200
  170. Children's Peace, 17
  171. China, food prices in, 194
  172. Christmas
  173. Musings, Punch's, 276
  174. Truce and fraternisation, 20
  175. Church bells requisitioned, 238
  176. Churchill, Mr. Winston
  177. Appointed Minister of Munitions, 173
  178. Dardanelles expedition, 28
  179. Paints landscapes, 50
  180. Rejoins his regiment, 61
  181. Resigns Duchy of Lancaster, 61
  182. Retires to Duchy of Lancaster, 39
  183. Civilian, the, and the War Office, 201
  184. Civil Service Estimates, 286
  185. Clemenceau, M.
  186. Attempted assassination of, 280
  187. Tribute to, 266
  188. Clyde, labour troubles on the, 70
  189. Coal Commission appointed, 284
  190. Coalition Government
  191. Formed, 36
  192. Leaders' pledges, 275
  193. Coalitionists triumph at General Election, 275
  194. Coat that didn't come off, the, 212
  195. Cologne, Archbishop of, and the Kaiser, 50
  196. Combles taken by Allies, 110
  197. Coming Army, the, 214
  198. Commission
  199. To inquire into Dardanelles expedition, 100
  200. To inquire into Mesopotamian expedition, 100
  201. "Complete accord," 228
  202. Compulsory rationing a fact, 211
  203. Comrades in Victory, 116
  204. Conscientious Objectors in Non-combatant Corps, 198
  205. Constables, special, guard King's highway, 58
  206. Constantine, King of Greece
  207. Abdicates, 158
  208. Contemplates abdication, 153
  209. Forms Cabinet of Professors, 120
  210. Mr. Asquith's appeal to, 114
  211. To receive £20,000 a year, 168
  212. Treated tenderly, 128
  213. Contemptibles, the old, 261
  214. Corn Production Bill, 151
  215. Coronel avenged, 15
  216. Correspondents, Mr. Punch's, 22, 51, 64, 112
  217. Cradock, Admiral, 12
  218. Crank, Whip's definition of a, 225
  219. Craonne taken by French, 152
  220. "Credibility index," 19
  221. Crown Prince, German
  222. American interviews, 18
  223. Common brigand, a, 5
  224. Has misgivings, 148
  225. In exile, 274
  226. Cuba declares war on Austria, 190
  227. Cuffley, Zeppelin brought down at, 110
  228. Daily Mail, candour of, 73
  229. Daily News and Punch, 225
  230. Daily Telegraph, Lord Lansdowne's letter to, 192
  231. Damascus, captured by Allies, 248
  232. Dance of Death, the, 181
  233. Danube, Serbians reach the, 257
  234. Dardanelles Commission, 142
  235. Dawn of Doubt, the, 129
  236. Daylight Saving, 26
  237. Bill passed, 88
  238. Death Lord, the, 215
  239. Debeney, General, 266
  240. Praises Americans, 222
  241. Defence of the Realm Act, 123
  242. (De)merit, the reward of, ix
  243. Demobilisation commences, 275
  244. Derby, Lord
  245. Director of Recruiting, 61
  246. Minister of War, 163
  247. Dernburg, Dr., his picture of German innocents, 182
  248. Deutschland, German submarine, exploits of, 99
  249. Devonport, Lord
  250. Appointed Food Controller, 127
  251. Approves new dietary for prisoners, 144
  252. Retires as Food Controller, 163
  253. Diary—
  254. 1914, August, 1
  255. 1914,  September, 5
  256. 1914,  October, 10
  257. 1914,  November, 11
  258. 1914,  December, 15
  259. 1915, January, 20
  260. 1915,  February, 24
  261. 1915,  March, 26
  262. 1915,  April, 31
  263. 1915,  May, 34
  264. 1915,  June, 39
  265. 1915,  July, 43
  266. 1915,  August, 47
  267. 1915,  September, 52
  268. 1915,  October, 57
  269. 1915,  November, 61
  270. 1915,  December, 65
  271. 1916, January, 69
  272. 1916,  February, 74
  273. 1916,  March, 78
  274. 1916,  April, 83
  275. 1916,  May, 88
  276. 1916,  June, 92
  277. 1916,  July 97
  278. 1916,  August, 102
  279. 1916,  September, 109
  280. 1916,  October, 112
  281. 1916,  November, 118
  282. 1916,  December, 124
  283. 1917, January, 128
  284. 1917,  February, 134
  285. 1917,  March, 139
  286. 1917,  April, 145
  287. 1917,  May, 151
  288. 1917,  June, 158
  289. 1917,  July, 163
  290. 1917,  August, 168
  291. 1917,  September, 174
  292. 1917,  October, 180
  293. 1917,  November, 186
  294. 1917,  December, 190
  295. 1918, January, 195
  296. 1918,  February, 202
  297. 1918,  March, 207
  298. 1918,  April, 213
  299. 1918,  May, 220
  300. 1918,  June, 226
    1. Diary  July, 236
    2. Diary  August, 242
    3. Diary  September, 248
    4. Diary  October, 256
    5. Diary  November, 264
    6. Die Nacht am Rhein, 259
    7. Dogger Bank, 48
    8. German reverse off, 24
    9. Domestic servant's philosophy, 132
    10. Dominions, loyalty of, 268
    11. Douai regained by Allies, 256
    12. Drake's Way, 217
    13. Drocourt-Quéant switchline breached by Allies, 248
    14. Dud, the, 224
    15. Duke, Mr., retires from Irish Chief Secretaryship, 223
    16. Dumba, Dr., promotes strikes in U.S.A., 52
    17. Dunraven, Lord, excuses Irishmen, 216
    18. Dynastic Amenities, 149
    19. Easter offering, the, 285
    20. Economy, appeals for, 286
    21. Editor of the Vorwärts arrested, 108
    22. Education Bill
    23. Second reading of, 211
    24. Lord Haldane lectures on, 101
    25. Ekaterinburg, Ex-Tsar and family murdered at, 238
    26. Emden sunk by the Sydney, 12
    27. Emmas, the two, 251
    28. Empire, indispensable in winning War, 267
    29. End of a perfect " Tag," 291
    30. England
    31. Tribute to, by New York Life, 74
    32. War could not have been won without, 266
    33. Enver Pasha goes to Medina, 78
    34. Epilogue, 275
    35. Erzerum falls to Russians, 74
    36. Euphemists, 47
    37. Excursionist, the, 13
    38. Exile, the Irish, 260
    39. "F. E." appointed Lord Chancellor, 278
    40. Falaba, the, sunk by German submarine, 32
    41. Falkland Islands, 48
    42. Battle of, 15
    43. Farmer and Farm Labourer, 253
    44. Far-reaching effect of the Russian Push, the, 95
    45. Ferdinand, King of Bulgaria
    46. Abdicates, 257
    47. Declares war on Serbia, 57
    48. Goes to Vienna, 251
    49. Inscrutability of, 52
    50. Fidgety Wilhelm, the story of, xii
    51. Fifth British Army, Germans break through, 207
    52. Final, the, 267
    53. Fisher, Lord, will not give explanations, 61
    54. Fisher, Mr., eulogised, 211
    55. Flag days, 43
    56. Flanders coast evacuated by Germans, 256
    57. Fleet, German, surrenders, 272
    58. Flight that failed, 21
    59. Flying of the Atlantic, 288
    60. Foch, General
    61. Appointed Generalissimo of Allied Forces, 213
    62. Arranges Armistice, 264
    63. Made a G.C.B., 16
    64. Receives German envoys, 264
    65. Tribute to, 265
    66. Food at the Front, 206
    67. Control, public for, 120
    68. Production, urgency for increased, 151
    69. Question discussed in Parliament, 204
    70. Question in Germany, 23
    71. Restriction, 144
    72. Stocks increasing, 174
    73. Ford, Mr. Henry
    74. Offers his works to American authorities, 134
    75. Visits Europe, 66
    76. For Neutrals—For Natives, 71
    77. Fort Douaumont falls, 74
    78. Fourth of July celebrated in France, 241
    79. France, destruction and desolation of, 145
    80. France's Day, 236
    81. Franchet d'Esperey, General, 266
    82. Francis Joseph, Emperor, dies, 118
    83. French, General
    84. Appointed Viceroy of Ireland, 223
    85. His "contemptible little army," 2
    86. Relinquishes his command, 66
    87. Responsible for Home Defence against enemy aircraft, 77
    88. Fryatt, Captain, murder of, 105
    89. Funchal, U-boats busy at, 196
    90. Gaiety at military hospitals, 87
    91. Gallipoli, 268
    92. Allies land in, 32
    93. Casualties in, 46
    94. Complete evacuation of, 65, 70
    95. Discomforts of, 42
  301. Garibaldi still an animating force in Italy, 36
  302. Gaul to the New Caesar, viii
  303. Gaza taken by British, 186
  304. Geddes, Sir Eric
  305. Defends Admiralty, 188
  306. First Lord, 188
  307. General Election, 275
  308. General Janvier, 20
  309. Geography taught by War, 200
  310. George, Mr. Lloyd
  311. Appointed Minister of Munitions, 40
  312. Defines British policy, 114
  313. Deputed to confer with Irish leaders, 90
  314. Expounds plan for Irish Convention, 154
  315. Prime Minister, 124
  316. Secretary for War, 105
  317. Suffers in prestige, 288
  318. Triumph of, 275
  319. Warns peacemongers, 245
  320. George, King of England
  321. Abolishes German titles held by family, 162
  322. His House to be known as Windsor,
  323. Sets a fine example, 269
  324. Visits Front, 16
  325. Gerard, Mr., Reminiscences of, 170
  326. German
  327. "Frightfulness," 32
  328. General Staff and set-backs, 18
  329. Substitutes, 104
  330. Germany
  331. Campaign of Falsehood in, 228
  332. Civil War in, 278
  333. Fleet surrenders, 272
  334. "German Truth Society" founded, 14
  335. Great mistake of, 268
  336. Hints to Italy, 28
  337. Ill-treats prisoners, 83
  338. Indulges in reprisals, 39
  339. Jealous of Lusitania records, 34
  340. Laments over Allied blockade, 70
  341. Lunatics called up for service, 163
  342. Mutiny at Kiel, 180
  343. New Peace offensive, 228
  344. Old, contrasted, 178
  345. Peace overtures, 124
  346. Signs armistice, 265
  347. Signs peace, 290
  348. Sinks two hospital ships, 119
  349. Sprays British soldiers with flaming petrol, 28
  350. Squirts boiling pitch over Russians, 28
  351. Torpedoes Neutral merchant ships, 24
  352. Warns Punch, 40
  353. Ghosts at Versailles, 291
  354. God (and the Women) our shield, 7
  355. Goeben, disaster to the, 199
  356. Good Hope, H.M.S., sunk, 12
  357. Gothas, activities of, 199
  358. Gouraud, General, 266
  359. Governesses, English, revelations of, 23
  360. Grandcourt, taken by British, 136
  361. Grand Fleet, ceaseless vigil of, 48
  362. Title, passes, 288
  363. Grapes of Verdun, the, 85
  364. Great incentive, a, 187
  365. Greece
  366. Dominated by pro-German Court, 57
  367. Hampers Allies, 57
  368. Territory violated by Bulgarian troops, 94
  369. Ultimatum presented to, 114
  370. Greenwich time applied to Ireland, 120
  371. Grey, Sir Edward
  372. Dissatisfied with Neutrals, 74
  373. Statements re France and Belgium, 1
  374. Grimsby fishermen's fight, 28
  375. Guy Fawkes Day, no fireworks on, 123
  376. Gwynn, Capt., undertakes to raise Irish brigade, 239
  377. Haig, Sir Douglas
  378. Commander-in-Chief of British Armies in France, 66
  379. Issues a Dispatch, 158
  380. Issues historic order, 213
  381. Haldane, Lord
  382. Debt to, for Territorials, 51
  383. Lectures on Education, 101
  384. Retires from Chancellorship, 40
  385. Hamlet, U.S.A., 35
  386. Hampshire, the, mined, 92
  387. Handyman, A, 55
  388. Hardinge Report, Lords discuss the, 100
  389. Harvest, a successful, 252
  390. Haunted ship, 33
  391. Havre, Belgian Government removed to, 10
  392. Hay, Ian, book by, 109
  393. Healy, Mr. Tim, champions Government, 80
  394. Heligoland Bight, 48
  395. Naval engagement in, 2
  396. Held! 89
  397. Hemline, Erzberger's campaign against Chancellor, 229
  398. Hidden Hand, the, 38
  399. Hindenburg, Marshal von
  400. Assumes command of Austrian troops, 104
  401. Presented with house, 263
  402. Retreats on Western Front, 139
  403. Hindenburgitis, 119
  404. Hindenburg line breached, 248
  405. His latest, 154
  406. Home Front, the, 22
  407. Derby, Lord, most prominent man on, 80
  408. Drink, a dangerous enemy, 32
  409. Education of those on, 107
  410. Flower-beds sacrificed, 55
  411. Khaki weddings, 42
  412. London Police strike, 252
  413. Pessimists, cure for, 47
  414. Railway Travelling, discomforts of, 184
  415. Trials of mistresses on, 19
  416. Hooge, British success at, 50
  417. Home, General, 267
  418. Hotels commandeered, 136
  419. House of Commons
  420. Attends church, 270
  421. Characteristics of, 34
  422. How to brighten the period of re-action, 287
  423. Hunding line, 146
  424. Hun to Hun, 236
  425. Hyde Park used for training troops, 6
  426. India, "lonely soldiers" in, 107
  427. Indian troops, 16
  428. Infectious hornpipe, the, 143
  429. Influenza, Spanish, 241
  430. In honour of the British Navy, 273
  431. In reserve, 250
  432. Inseparable, the, 177
  433. Invasion by sea, English Press fears, 43
  434. Ireland
  435. Debate on, in Parliament, 117
  436. Dominates proceedings in Parliament, 216
  437. Exempted from Military Service Bill, 70
  438. Greenwich time applied to, 120
  439. Insurrection in West of, 88
  440. Insurrectionist leaders executed, 88
  441. Irreconcilables triumph at General Election, 275
  442. Maxwell, Sir John, appointed to supreme command, 88
  443. Nationalists attack Sir John Maxwell, 105
  444. Placed under martial law, 83
  445. Irish Convention, 154
  446. Exile, the, 260
  447. Harvest labourers, 260
  448. Italy
  449. Bainsizza plateau saved, 176
  450. Declares war on Austria, 36
  451. Push on the Isonzo, 104
  452. Jaffa, British in, 186
  453. James, Mr. Henry
  454. Adopts British nationality, 91
  455. Tribute to England by, 272
  456. Jazz, outbreak of, 278
  457. Jellicoe, Lord, retires from post of First Sea Lord, 190
  458. Jericho captured by Allies, 202
  459. Jerusalem captured by British, 190
  460. Joffre, General, announces rolling back of enemy, 5
  461. John, Mr. Augustus, paints Mr. Lloyd George's portrait, 82
  462. Jones, Mr. Kennedy
  463. Declares beer a food, 162
  464. Resignation of, 174
  465. Journalists visit the Fleet, 72
  466. Jutland, Battle of, 92
  467. Kaiser, German
  468. Abdicates, 264
  469. Absent from Francis Joseph's funeral, 128
  470. Attila's understudy, 190
  471. Blasphemer and Hypocrite, 5
  472. Denies responsibility for War, 102
  473. Disappointed with Allah, 74
  474. Encourages war on non-combatants, 20
  475. First War birthday, 23
  476. Flees to Holland, 264
  477. Foiled before Nancy, 10
  478. Has another grandson, 32
  479. Murderer of innocents, 23
  480. Orders blockade of England, 24
  481. Poses as friend of the people, 165
  482. Pro-Socialist, 154
  483. Punch's views on, 276
  484. Refrains from active participation in military operations, 110
  485. Reprimands Prince Frederick Leopold of Prussia, 108
  486. Sorry for France, 58
  487. Speech to Eton College Volunteers, 58
  488. Talks of his conscience, 130
  489. Kaiser, Ex-, saws trees, 284
  490. Karl, Emperor of Austria's suggestion re Alsace-Lorraine, 220
  491. Karlsruhe bombarded by Allied airmen, 39
  492. Kerensky, appointed head of Russian Provisional Government, 176
  493. Overthrown, 186
  494. Keyes, Admiral, locks up German submarines, 230
  495. Kiel, mutiny at, 264
  496. Kipling, Mr., 58
  497. Kitchener, Lord
  498. Asks for more men, 36
  499. Death of, 92
  500. Eulogies of, 94
  501. Gives frugal information to Lords, 20
  502. Meets critics in Parliament, 92
  503. Obtains 1,000,000 men, 6
  504. Starts on the Hampshire for Russia, 92
  505. War Minister, 1
  506. Kluck, General von, failure of, 20
  507. Kölnische Zeitung and Punch, 30
  508. Kühlmann, von, fall of, 229
  509. Kultur, the reward of, 37
  510. Kut captured by British, 134
  511. Labour
  512. Demands of, 284
  513. Real voice of, 171
  514. Representation of, 275
  515. Troubles, 70
  516. Lansdowne, Lord, writes to Daily Telegraph, 192
  517. Laon, recaptured by Allies, 256
  518. Last Throw, the, 135
  519. Law, Mr. Bonar
  520. Announces air-raid reprisals, 182
  521. Appointed Leader of the House, 126
  522. Declares policy re indemnities, 284
  523. Introduces Budget, 155
  524. Made Chancellor of the Exchequer, 126
  525. Travels to France by aeroplane, 262
  526. Will not discuss military situation, 258
  527. League of Nations takes shape, 288
  528. Leinster, the, sunk by Germans, 256
  529. Lenin
  530. Appearance of, 152
  531. Attempted assassination of, 251
  532. Installed as dictator, 186
  533. Liberators, the, 203
  534. Lichnowsky's disclosures, 213
  535. Liége, Fall of, 2
  536. Lies, German campaign of, 6
  537. Lighting Orders, enforcement of, 199
  538. Lille regained by Allies, 256
  539. Lissauer, Herr, decorated by Kaiser, 16
  540. London, daylight air-raids extend to, 160
  541. Lonely soldiers, 107
  542. Long, Mr. Walter, his remedy for carping criticism, 65
  543. Loos, fighting at, 57
  544. Lord Mayor's banquet simplified, 118
  545. Lost chief, the, 93
  546. Lost land, a, 179
  547. Louvain, sack of, 2
  548. Lovelace, the modern, 70
  549. Ludendorff resigns, 257
  550. Lusitania, the
  551. American victims, 34
  552. Sinking of, 34
  553. Luxuries, imports of, curtailed, 76
  554. Lynch, Colonel, undertakes to raise Irish brigade, 239
  555. MacCabean Boy Scouts, 200
  556. MacNeill, Mr. Swift
  557. Endeavours to purge peerage of enemy dukes, 86
  558. Resents setting up of War Cabinet, 137
  559. Made in Germany, 209
  560. Mangin, General, 266
  561. Manifesto of German artists and professors, 26
  562. Marine, Mercantile, tribute paid to, by Parliament, 74
  563. Marne
  564. German push to, 220
  565. Germans again hurled back across, 236
  566. Mary, Queen of England, tribute to, 269
  567. Massacres by Bolshevists, 202
  568. Maude, General
  569. Captures Kut, 134
  570. Death of, 186
  571. Maunoury, General, 266
  572. Maurice affair, the, 225
  573. Max, Burgomaster of Brussels, 10
  574. Max, Prince
  575. German Chancellor, 257
  576. Issues pacific manifesto, 257
  577. McKenna, Mr.
  578. Chancellor of Exchequer, 40
  579. Introduces Bill for raising War Loan, 40
  580. Meatless days, 128
  581. Men of forty-one wanted, 120
  582. Merchant ships
  583. Dutch, sunk by German submarine, 140
  584. Neutral, torpedoed by German submarines, 24
  585. Mesopotamia, tide turning in, 134
  586. Messines Ridge captured, 158
  587. Michaelis, Dr.
  588. Appointed German Chancellor, 164
  589. Dismissed, 180
  590. Military Service Bill
  591. Becomes law, 74
  592. Ireland exempted from, 70
  593. Milner, Lord, on misleading war news, 64
  594. Minesweepers, honour due to, 28
  595. Ministry of Munitions created, 40
  596. Missing, 184
  597. Mistresses, trials of, 19
  598. Monastir
  599. Fall of, 65, 70
  600. Recaptured by Serbians and French, 119
  601. Monmouth, H.M.S., sunk, 12
  602. Mons
  603. British reach, 264
  604. Retreat from, 5
  605. Monte Sabotino captured by Italians, 104
  606. Moon our enemy, 183
  607. Morning Hate, Prussian household having its, 27
  608. Mort Homme, carnage at, 74
  609. Mottoes and proverbs, 43, 128
  610. Mule humour, 81
  611. Müller, Captain, a chivalrous antagonist, 15
  612. Munitions, smart people work at, 56
  613. Museum, British, war spirit at, 31
  614. Museums, London, closed, 76
  615. Mutiny of sailors at Kiel, 180
  616. Muzzling Order, 288
  617. Namur, Fall of, 2
  618. Narrows, the, failure to get through, 28
  619. National Industrial Conference, 284
  620. National Party, the new, 182
  621. National Registration Bill, second Reading of, 46
  622. National Thrift Campaign, 68
  623. Navy, its efficient work, 254
  624. Need of men, the, 193
  625. Neuve Chapelle captured by British, 28
  626. New Armies
  627. Composition of, 24
  628. Education of, 105
  629. Training of, 232
  630. New Conductor, the, 126
  631. New Guinea taken by Allies, 74
  632. New language, the, 194
  633. Newmarket, racing stopped at, 154
  634. Newspaper readers, "credibility index" for, 19
  635. Nicholas, Emperor of Russia
  636. Abdicates, 139
  637. Generalissimo of his armies, 52
  638. Nineteen-nineteen Model, the, 281
  639. Northcliffe, Lord, and his correspondence, 56
  640. Visits U.S.A., 161
  641. North Sea, U-boats active in, 28
  642. Novo-Georgievsk taken by enemy, 47
  643. Noyon recaptured by Allies, 242
  644. Officer, wounded, experiences of, 54
  645. Officers, young, splendid record of, 268
  646. Oil discovered in Derbyshire, 288
  647. Old Man of the Sea, 45
  648. Old-timer, the, 261
  649. Omen of 1908, 34
  650. On Earth—Peace, 16
  651. One up! 188
  652. On the Black List, 40
  653. Opera by English composer produced, 225
  654. Optimist, the, 170
  655. Order of British Empire, 233
  656. Orlando, Italian Statesman, 287
  657. Ostend
  658. Naval exploit at, 216
  659. Regained by Allies, 256
  660. O.T.C. and the Universities, 30
  661. Our Man, 266
  662. Our persevering officials, 157
  663. "Ourselves Alone," motto of Sinn Fein, 223
  664. Overweighted, 286
  665. Oxford, cadet battalions at, 254
  666. Pacificists
  667. Dilemma of, 210
  668. Impressed by Germany's lamentations, 70
  669. Paris
  670. Exodus to, 278
  671. Peace Conference at, 278
  672. Shelled by long-distance gun, 213
  673. Parliament
  674. Assembles, 280
  675. Dissolution of, 274
  676. Extension of life of, 105
  677. Houses of, Stars and Stripes and Union Jack fly over, 145
  678. Passchendaele Ridge stormed by British, 186
  679. Peace
  680. Signed, 290
  681. The children's, 17
  682. Penny Postage gone, 224
  683. Perfect Innocence, 175
  684. Péronne
  685. British enter, 145
  686. Fall of, 207
  687. Recovered by Allies, 248
  688. Persuading of Tino, the, 63
  689. Pétain, hero of Verdun, 266
  690. Piave, Italians cross the, 257
  691. Picture galleries, London, closed, 76
  692. Pill-boxes, German, made of British cement, 225
  693. Pitiful pose, a, 231
  694. Place in the moon, a, 183
  695. Place of Arms, a, 155
  696. Plain duty, a, 137
  697. Plumer, General
  698. Stands firm on the Piave, 186
  699. Victorious in Flanders, 256
  700. Poison gas, Germans use, 32
  701. Police, London, strike, 252
  702. Political truce, 42
  703. Politician who addressed the troops, the, 219
  704. Pommern, the, sunk by British, 43
  705. Portugal enters War, 78
  706. Posters
  707. And Publicity, 38
  708. And War Loans, 50
  709. Newspaper, absence of, 149
  710. Press
  711. Bureau, 46
  712. Campaign against Mr. Asquith, 126
  713. German, humours of, 47
  714. Prince of Wales
  715. Relief Fund, 4
  716. Takes his seat, 204
  717. Prinkipo, proposed conference at, 282
  718. Prisoner, British, sentenced for calling Germans "Huns," 189
  719. Prisoners
  720. German, arrive in Ireland, 11
  721. German offer re, 120
  722. Propaganda, German, in United States, 26
  723. Prophecy
  724. An old Arab, 202
  725. Punch's, re Kaiser, 195
  726. Proportional Representation rejected, 225
  727. Punch's
  728. Cartoons and the Kölnische Zeitung, 30
  729. Correspondents, 64, 152
  730. Queen Elizabeth, H.M.S., attacks in Dardanelles, 28
  731. Queries, futile, to wounded soldiers, 23
  732. Queues
  733. Disappear, 232
  734. For various commodities, 205
  735. "Queue War," 198
  736. Rabbit, the elusive, 198
  737. Raids by sea, 43
  738. Rasputin, sinister figure of, 139
  739. Rationing, compulsory, 189, 211
  740. Rawlinson, General, 267
  741. Realisation, 59
  742. Reconstruction, 279
  743. Recruit who took to it kindly, 133
  744. Recruiting, posters to aid, 38
  745. Redmond, Major William
  746. Falls in Flanders, 160
  747. Makes thrilling speech, 127
  748. Tribute to, in Commons, 160
  749. Redmond, Mr. John, death of, 210
  750. Reichstag not blind to facts, 180
  751. Rejuvenating effect of Zeppelins, 113
  752. Reprisals on German cities advocated, 163
  753. Repudiation, the, 84
  754. Return of the Mock Turtle-Dove, 125
  755. Reunited, 277
  756. Reventlow, Count, and the Kaiser, 146
  757. Reward of Kultur, the, 37
  758. Rheims Cathedral bombarded, 8
  759. Rhine, British Army's watch on the, 278
  760. Rhondda, Lord
  761. Appointed Food Controller, 163
  762. Death of, 240
  763. Richter, Dr. Hans, clamours for British extinction, 26
  764. Riga, Gulf of, German defeat in, 50
  765. Riga occupied by Germans, 174
  766. Rivers, French, find their voices, 242
  767. Roberts, Mr., Minister of Labour, 263
  768. Roberts, Lord
  769. Death of, 12
  770. Germans pay tribute to, 12
  771. His reticence, 6
  772. Robertson, Sir William
  773. Accepts Eastern Command at home, 204
  774. Appointed Chief of Staff, 66
  775. Displaced, 204
  776. Robinson, Lieutenant, brings down Zeppelin, 110
  777. Roosevelt, Mr., invents new invective, 69
  778. Roumania joins Allies, 104
  779. Royal Family, British, fine example of, 269
  780. Royal Flying Corps, 62
  781. Great losses of, 140
  782. Running amok, 25
  783. Rupprecht, Crown Prince, entertains journalists, 38
  784. Russia
  785. Army retreats, 42
  786. Bolshevist coup d'état, 186
  787. Bolshevist régime stained with massacres, 202
  788. Collapses, 168
  789. Dark hour of, 169
  790. Débâcle in, 270
  791. End of Tsardom, 139
  792. Ex-Tsar and family shot, 238
  793. Provisional Government dissolved, 175
  794. Recovering herself, 174
  795. Republic proclaimed, 175
  796. Russian Army said to have passed through England, 8
  797. Saint-Quentin recaptured by Allies, 256
  798. St. James's Park, lake in, drained, 30
  799. St. Mihiel salient flattened out by Americans, 248
  800. Salonika
  801. Allies land at, 57
  802. Front, 136
  803. Triumphant advance by Allies on, 248
  804. Saluting abolished in Russian Army, 152
  805. Sands run out, the, 263
  806. San Gabriele, Italian success at, 176
  807. Santa Klaus, Punch welcomes, 195
  808. Scapa Flow, German Fleet surrenders at, 272
  809. Germans scuttle their warships at, 290
  810. Scarborough bombarded, 15
  811. Scott, Admiral Percy
  812. Expert adviser to Lord French, 77
  813. Scrapper scrapped, the, 165
  814. Secret
  815. Diplomacy, 205
  816. Session, 120
  817. Sedan, American Army reaches, 264
  818. Serbia
  819. Austrians and Germans invade, 57
  820. Liberation of, 270
  821. Overrun, 70
  822. Servant
  823. Domestic, problem, 132
  824. Officer's description of, 131
  825. Sevastopol, Germans Teach, 222
  826. Shaw, Mr. Bernard
  827. Colossal arch-super-egotist, 144
  828. Visits Front, 138
  829. Shirkers' War News, 22
  830. Shortt, Mr., appointed Chief Secretary for Ireland, 223
  831. Siegfried line, 146
  832. Sinn Fein
  833. Creed of, 223
  834. Excesses, 182
  835. Plays at war, 280
  836. Smart people, callousness of, 184
  837. Smith-Dorrien, General, at Le Gateau, 2
  838. Smuts, General, commands in East Africa, 74
  839. Soissons, Germans capture, 220
  840. Soldier and civilian, 257
  841. Soldiers, British
  842. Cannot imitate Hun, 287
  843. Ordeal on Western Front, 229
  844. Tribute to, 208
  845. Solid, xiv.
  846. Some bird, 41
  847. Somme
  848. Battle of the, commences, 97
  849. Guns heard in England, 97
  850. Results of Battle of the, 98
  851. "Song of Plenty," 229
  852. South-West Africa
  853. German, gives in to Allies, 74
  854. Germans poison wells in, 32
  855. Spanish influenza, 241
  856. Speaker of House of Commons re-elected, 280
  857. Spee, Admiral von, goes down with his squadron, 15
  858. Spies, German, 2
  859. Spurlos versenkt, 174
  860. Spy-hunting in East Anglia, 30
  861. Spy play, emergence of, 38
  862. Storm driven, 249
  863. Strain on the affections, 121
  864. Strasbourg, 276
  865. Strauss, Herr, does not sign German artists' manifesto, 26
  866. Study of Prussian household having its Morning Hate, 27
  867. Sturdee, Admiral, 15
  868. Submarine frightfulness, the new, commences, 78
  869. Submarines, British, in the Baltic, 50
  870. Submarines, German
  871. Cornered, 174
  872. Grimby's fight against, 28
  873. Locked up, 230
  874. Torpedo British battleships, 10
  875. Suffragists' cause triumphs, 198
  876. Suits, standard, 212
  877. Sumner, Lord, on Houses of Parliament, 77
  878. Sunlight-loser, the, 115
  879. Suvla Bay, British heroism at, 50
  880. Sweden assists German Secret Service, 174
  881. Sweepers of the sea, 109, 111
  882. Swooping from the West, 147
  883. Tanks, coming of the, 110
  884. Tannenberg, Russian repulse at, 2
  885. Tares, the Sower of, xiii.
  886. T.B.D., 14
  887. Territorials
  888. Doing great work in India, 51
  889. Efficiency and keenness of, 10
  890. Mobilised, 6
  891. Teutons, panegyric of, in Die Welt, 38
  892. Thiepval taken by Allies, 110
  893. Threatened Peace Offensive, 221
  894. Thrift campaign, 50
  895. Tirpitz, Grand Admiral, dismissed, 82
  896. Tisza, Count, admits defeat, 257
  897. To all at home, 197
  898. Tommy, British
  899. Needs no vocabulary, 69
  900. Philosophy of, 66
  901. To the Glory of France, 79
  902. Townshend, General
  903. Besieged in Kut, 70
  904. Heroism of his force, 65
  905. Tramcar humour, 55
  906. Tramps disappear from England, 101
  907. Transitional period, 274
  908. Trawlers, honour due to, 28
  909. Trenchard, General, retires from Air Staff, 218
  910. Trenches, sportsmanship of, 38
  911. Trench warfare commences, 10
  912. Trials of a camouflage officer, 176
  913. Trotsky released from internment, 167
  914. Tsing-tau, Japanese take, 12
  915. Tuber's repartee, the, 164
  916. Turkey
  917. Appeals to Berlin for funds, 199
  918. Defeated in Caucasus, 20
  919. Defeated on Suez Canal, 24
  920. Enters war, 12
  921. Granted armistice, 257
  922. Two Germanies, the, 5
  923. "Two heads with but a single thought," 98
  924. U-boat interned at Cadiz, 180
  925. U-boats
  926. Appear off U.S.A., 116
  927. Sir E. Geddes's diagram re, 211
  928. Ulstermen and Conscription, 198
  929. Unauthorised flirtation, an, 67
  930. Unconquerable, 9
  931. Unemployment dole, 288
  932. United States
  933. Accused of stealing cypher key, 175
  934. German propaganda in, 26
  935. Issues warning Note on neutral trading, 20
  936. No peace with Hohenzollerns, 175
  937. Unsinkable Tirp., the, 53
  938. V.A.D., tributes to, 171
  939. Venizelos, M., resumes power, 42
  940. Verdun
  941. Germans closing in on, 83
  942. Struggle around, begins, 74
  943. Triumph of French at, 128
  944. Versailles
  945. Conference, 204, 264
  946. Council, foresight of, 218
  947. Peace signed at, 290
  948. Very much up, 237
  949. Victory! 265
  950. Vienna, peace kite-flying at, 66
  951. Villager, English, and prospects of invasion, 18
  952. Vimy Ridge, Canadians capture, 145
  953. Volunteers, training of, 38
  954. Von Pot and von Kettle, 244
  955. Wales, South
  956. Miners' strike, 46
  957. Provides recruits, 46
  958. Wanted—a St. Patrick, 90
  959. War
  960. Anniversaries of, 47, 102, 168, 242
  961. Cabinet, Mr. Henderson resigns from, 173
  962. Changes wrought by, 252
  963. Conference of the Empire called, 128
  964. Daily cost of, 126
  965. Loans, 12, 40
  966. News, the shirkers', 22
  967. Pictures, 240
  968. Propaganda, need for a, at home, 117
  969. Teaching geography, 200
  970. Vocabulary, 55
  971. Ward, Colonel, defends Compulsory Service Bill, 69
  972. Warsaw, Russians lose, 47
  973. Waterloo Campaign and Great War, 24
  974. Wayside Calvary, the, 48
  975. Weddings, khaki, 42
  976. Well done, the New Army, 99
  977. Wemyss, Sir Rosslyn, on R.N. and mercantile marine, 239
  978. Whigs and Tories, strife between, revived, 82
  979. Whitby bombarded, 15
  980. Wilhelm I.'s message to wife, 23
  981. Wilhelmshaven indefinitely closed, 92
  982. William o' the Wisp, 29
  983. Wilson, General, appointed Chief of Imperial Staff, 204
  984. Wilson, President
  985. And the Lusitania, 36
  986. Declines to be rushed, 52
  987. Forbearance of, 74
  988. His Fourteen Points, 258
  989. Last Note to Germany, 264
  990. Launches a new phrase, 130
  991. Wittenberg, ill-treatment of prisoners at, 83
  992. Wolff, mendacity of, 23
  993. Woman Power, 226
  994. Woman
  995. Belgian, used as a screen, 5
  996. Driving vans, 30
  997. Gardeners, 55
  998. Licensed as taxi-drivers, 139
  999. Obtain the Vote, 198
  1000. Opportunities taken by, 95
  1001. Punch delighted at their varied work, 96
  1002. Undertake men's work, 6
  1003. War and poetry, 247
  1004. Word of ill-omen, a, 159
  1005. Wotan line, 146
  1006. Breached, 250
  1007. Wounded, return of, to England, 54
  1008. Ypres
  1009. Germans repulsed at, 36
  1010. Germans stopped at, 11
  1011. Second battle of, 32
  1012. Third battle of, commences, 163
  1013. Zeebrugge, naval exploit at, 216
  1014. Zeppelin, Count, swears to destroy London, 114
  1015. Zeppelins
  1016. French bag several, 184
  1017. One brought down at Cuffley, 110
  1018. Plague of, stayed, 110
  1019. Raid encourages emulation, 87

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