Mr. Punch's History of the Great War/Index
- "According to plan," 243
- Admirals, retired, accept commissions in R. N. R., 150
- Admiralty and Zeebrugge despatches, 230
- Africa, German South-West, Botha makes clean sweep in, 43
- After one Year, 49
- Airmen, Allied
- Bombard Karlsruhe, 39
- German, increased activity of, 140
- Air Raids
- Daylight, extend to London, 160
- Public to be warned, 166
- Aisne, Battle of, 5
- Alarming spread of bobbing, 251
- Albert, King of Belgium
- Tribute to, 269
- Victorious on Flanders coast, 256
- Allenby, General
- Advances steadily, 180
- Captures Damascus, 248
- Enters Jerusalem, 190
- Allied Council, new, formed, 186
- Allotment workers, 226
- Alsace-Lorraine reunited to France, 278
- Also Ran, 141
- America
- Enters War, 145
- War of Notes, 50
- American, an, interviews German Crown Prince, 114
- American Troops
- Enter firing line, 207
- First land in France, 158
- Ammunition expended round Neuve Chapelle, 32
- Amundsen, Roald, prepares for trip to North Pole, 180
- Ancre, British push extends to, 119
- Anglia, East, air-raids in, 28
- Antwerp, Fall of, 10
- Anzac, British heroism at, 50
- Armenia, martyrdom of, 270
- Armentières, Germans break through at, 213
- Armistice
- Big Ben breaks silence, 272
- How England took news of, 272
- Signed, 265
- Women ring church bells, 272
- Armistice Day, 271
- Army Signalling Alphabet, 139
- Asquith, Mr.
- Ceases to be Prime Minister, 124
- Discusses new Votes of Credit, 80
- Goes to Ireland, 90
- Promises to purge Peerage of Enemy Dukes, 105
- Recants hostility to Women's suffrage, 148
- Rejected at General Election, 275
- Athens, riot in, 128
- "Au Revoir!" xi
- Austria
- Defeated by Servia, 20
- Defeated on Italian front, 229
- Gives in, 264
- Issues Peace Note, 251
- Sues for Peace, 257
- Threatens Roumania, 20
- Austrians driven from Belgrade, 15
- Australians, valour of, 65
- Bad Dream, A, 153
- Baghdad, taken by British, 139
- Balfour, Mr.
- Appointed First Lord, 39
- Returns from U.S.A., 161
- Balkans, irrelevant news from, 64
- Banana, return of the, 278
- Bapaume
- Germans take, 207
- Recaptured by Allies, 242
- Beatty, Admiral, German Fleet surrenders to, 272
- Belgium
- Opposes German invasion, 2
- Resurrection of, 270
- Belgrade occupied by enemy, 57
- Bennett, Mr. Arnold, appointed Director of Propaganda, 262
- Berlin
- Bombed, 278
- French flags burnt at, 290
- Revolution breaks out, 264
- Strikes in, suppressed, 202
- Bernstorff, Count
- Mendacity of, 23
- Promotes strikes in U.S.A., 52
- Best Smell of All, the, 234
- Bethmann-Hollweg, dismissed, 164
- Betrayed, 191
- Big Four's secrecy, 288
- Big Push, The, 103
- Billing, Mr. Pemberton
- Elected for Mid-Herts, 80
- Offers to raid enemy aircraft bases, 86
- Suspended from House of Commons, 239
- Birdwood, General, 267
- Birrell, Mr., apologia of, 90
- Bismarck, Prince, 31
- Bissing, Baron von,
- Reported dead, 148
- Retires from Belgium, 130
- Bloaters, unprecedented price of, 194
- Blücher, the, sunk by British, 24
- Blume, General von, depreciates
- American intervention, 168
- Boat-race, Oxford and Cambridge, suspended, 30
- Bobbing, Alarming spread of, 251
- Bordeaux, Paris Government removed to, 5
- Botha, General
- Enters War, 6
- Makes clean sweep in S.W. Africa, 43
- Bottomley, Mr. Horatio, visits France, 185
- Bravo, Belgium, 3
- Brazil enters War, 158
- Bread, curtailment of, 151
- Brest-Litovsk
- Conference, 190
- Taken by enemy, 47
- Treaty signed, 202
- British Expeditionary Force Lands in France, 1
- Brockdorff-Rantzau, Count, 290
- Bruges, reoccupied by Allies, 256
- Brusiloff, General
- Opens new Russian offensive, 163
- Successful against Austrians, 94
- Brussels.
- Fall of, 2
- Murder of Edith Cavell at, 60
- Buckmaster, Lord, appointed Lord Chancellor, 42
- Bukarest, fall of, 124
- Bulgaria surrenders, 248
- Bulgarians smashed by Allies, 248
- Bull-dog Breed, the, 11
- Bungalows, Government, increase of, 120
- Burns, Mr. John, re-emerges, 101
- Byng, General, 267
- Victory at Cambrai, 186
- Byron, Lord, and Greece, 57
- By special request, 211
- Cabinet pool salaries, 40
- Cadet battalions housed in colleges, 138
- Caligny, Americans at, 222
- Callousness of smart people, 184
- Cambrai
- Byng's victory at, 186
- Recaptured by Allies, 256
- Cambridge, Cadet battalions at, 254
- Camouflage, new art of, 176
- Caporetto, enemy break through at, 180
- "Captain of Koepenick" reported dead, 212
- Carson, Sir Edward
- Pays tribute to Major Redmond, 161
- Resigns Office, 58
- Casement, Sir Roger, and German Kaiser, 24
- Castlenau, General, 266
- Casualties, British, 24
- Cavell, Edith
- Murder of, 60
- Names of her principal assassins, 60
- Cecil, Lord Robert, appointed Minister of Blockade, 82
- Celestial Dud, the, 227
- Censorship and War Correspondents, 8
- Challenge, the, 75
- Chamberlain, Mr. Austen, resigns office, 166
- Champagne, French offensive at, 57
- Chemin des Dames, Germans capture, 220
- Children of Consolation, 200
- Children's Peace, 17
- China, food prices in, 194
- Christmas
- Musings, Punch's, 276
- Truce and fraternisation, 20
- Church bells requisitioned, 238
- Churchill, Mr. Winston
- Appointed Minister of Munitions, 173
- Dardanelles expedition, 28
- Paints landscapes, 50
- Rejoins his regiment, 61
- Resigns Duchy of Lancaster, 61
- Retires to Duchy of Lancaster, 39
- Civilian, the, and the War Office, 201
- Civil Service Estimates, 286
- Clemenceau, M.
- Attempted assassination of, 280
- Tribute to, 266
- Clyde, labour troubles on the, 70
- Coal Commission appointed, 284
- Coalition Government
- Formed, 36
- Leaders' pledges, 275
- Coalitionists triumph at General Election, 275
- Coat that didn't come off, the, 212
- Cologne, Archbishop of, and the Kaiser, 50
- Combles taken by Allies, 110
- Coming Army, the, 214
- Commission
- To inquire into Dardanelles expedition, 100
- To inquire into Mesopotamian expedition, 100
- "Complete accord," 228
- Compulsory rationing a fact, 211
- Comrades in Victory, 116
- Conscientious Objectors in Non-combatant Corps, 198
- Constables, special, guard King's highway, 58
- Constantine, King of Greece
- Abdicates, 158
- Contemplates abdication, 153
- Forms Cabinet of Professors, 120
- Mr. Asquith's appeal to, 114
- To receive £20,000 a year, 168
- Treated tenderly, 128
- Contemptibles, the old, 261
- Corn Production Bill, 151
- Coronel avenged, 15
- Correspondents, Mr. Punch's, 22, 51, 64, 112
- Cradock, Admiral, 12
- Crank, Whip's definition of a, 225
- Craonne taken by French, 152
- "Credibility index," 19
- Crown Prince, German
- American interviews, 18
- Common brigand, a, 5
- Has misgivings, 148
- In exile, 274
- Cuba declares war on Austria, 190
- Cuffley, Zeppelin brought down at, 110
- Daily Mail, candour of, 73
- Daily News and Punch, 225
- Daily Telegraph, Lord Lansdowne's letter to, 192
- Damascus, captured by Allies, 248
- Dance of Death, the, 181
- Danube, Serbians reach the, 257
- Dardanelles Commission, 142
- Dawn of Doubt, the, 129
- Daylight Saving, 26
- Bill passed, 88
- Death Lord, the, 215
- Debeney, General, 266
- Praises Americans, 222
- Defence of the Realm Act, 123
- (De)merit, the reward of, ix
- Demobilisation commences, 275
- Derby, Lord
- Director of Recruiting, 61
- Minister of War, 163
- Dernburg, Dr., his picture of German innocents, 182
- Deutschland, German submarine, exploits of, 99
- Devonport, Lord
- Appointed Food Controller, 127
- Approves new dietary for prisoners, 144
- Retires as Food Controller, 163
- Diary—
- 1914, August, 1
- 1914, September, 5
- 1914, October, 10
- 1914, November, 11
- 1914, December, 15
- 1915, January, 20
- 1915, February, 24
- 1915, March, 26
- 1915, April, 31
- 1915, May, 34
- 1915, June, 39
- 1915, July, 43
- 1915, August, 47
- 1915, September, 52
- 1915, October, 57
- 1915, November, 61
- 1915, December, 65
- 1916, January, 69
- 1916, February, 74
- 1916, March, 78
- 1916, April, 83
- 1916, May, 88
- 1916, June, 92
- 1916, July 97
- 1916, August, 102
- 1916, September, 109
- 1916, October, 112
- 1916, November, 118
- 1916, December, 124
- 1917, January, 128
- 1917, February, 134
- 1917, March, 139
- 1917, April, 145
- 1917, May, 151
- 1917, June, 158
- 1917, July, 163
- 1917, August, 168
- 1917, September, 174
- 1917, October, 180
- 1917, November, 186
- 1917, December, 190
- 1918, January, 195
- 1918, February, 202
- 1918, March, 207
- 1918, April, 213
- 1918, May, 220
- 1918, June, 226
- Diary July, 236
- Diary August, 242
- Diary September, 248
- Diary October, 256
- Diary November, 264
- Die Nacht am Rhein, 259
- Dogger Bank, 48
- German reverse off, 24
- Domestic servant's philosophy, 132
- Dominions, loyalty of, 268
- Douai regained by Allies, 256
- Drake's Way, 217
- Drocourt-Quéant switchline breached by Allies, 248
- Dud, the, 224
- Duke, Mr., retires from Irish Chief Secretaryship, 223
- Dumba, Dr., promotes strikes in U.S.A., 52
- Dunraven, Lord, excuses Irishmen, 216
- Dynastic Amenities, 149
- Easter offering, the, 285
- Economy, appeals for, 286
- Editor of the Vorwärts arrested, 108
- Education Bill
- Second reading of, 211
- Lord Haldane lectures on, 101
- Ekaterinburg, Ex-Tsar and family murdered at, 238
- Emden sunk by the Sydney, 12
- Emmas, the two, 251
- Empire, indispensable in winning War, 267
- End of a perfect " Tag," 291
- England
- Tribute to, by New York Life, 74
- War could not have been won without, 266
- Enver Pasha goes to Medina, 78
- Epilogue, 275
- Erzerum falls to Russians, 74
- Euphemists, 47
- Excursionist, the, 13
- Exile, the Irish, 260
- "F. E." appointed Lord Chancellor, 278
- Falaba, the, sunk by German submarine, 32
- Falkland Islands, 48
- Battle of, 15
- Farmer and Farm Labourer, 253
- Far-reaching effect of the Russian Push, the, 95
- Ferdinand, King of Bulgaria
- Abdicates, 257
- Declares war on Serbia, 57
- Goes to Vienna, 251
- Inscrutability of, 52
- Fidgety Wilhelm, the story of, xii
- Fifth British Army, Germans break through, 207
- Final, the, 267
- Fisher, Lord, will not give explanations, 61
- Fisher, Mr., eulogised, 211
- Flag days, 43
- Flanders coast evacuated by Germans, 256
- Fleet, German, surrenders, 272
- Flight that failed, 21
- Flying of the Atlantic, 288
- Foch, General
- Appointed Generalissimo of Allied Forces, 213
- Arranges Armistice, 264
- Made a G.C.B., 16
- Receives German envoys, 264
- Tribute to, 265
- Food at the Front, 206
- Control, public for, 120
- Production, urgency for increased, 151
- Question discussed in Parliament, 204
- Question in Germany, 23
- Restriction, 144
- Stocks increasing, 174
- Ford, Mr. Henry
- Offers his works to American authorities, 134
- Visits Europe, 66
- For Neutrals—For Natives, 71
- Fort Douaumont falls, 74
- Fourth of July celebrated in France, 241
- France, destruction and desolation of, 145
- France's Day, 236
- Franchet d'Esperey, General, 266
- Francis Joseph, Emperor, dies, 118
- French, General
- Appointed Viceroy of Ireland, 223
- His "contemptible little army," 2
- Relinquishes his command, 66
- Responsible for Home Defence against enemy aircraft, 77
- Fryatt, Captain, murder of, 105
- Funchal, U-boats busy at, 196
- Gaiety at military hospitals, 87
- Gallipoli, 268
- Allies land in, 32
- Casualties in, 46
- Complete evacuation of, 65, 70
- Discomforts of, 42
- Garibaldi still an animating force in Italy, 36
- Gaul to the New Caesar, viii
- Gaza taken by British, 186
- Geddes, Sir Eric
- Defends Admiralty, 188
- First Lord, 188
- General Election, 275
- General Janvier, 20
- Geography taught by War, 200
- George, Mr. Lloyd
- Appointed Minister of Munitions, 40
- Defines British policy, 114
- Deputed to confer with Irish leaders, 90
- Expounds plan for Irish Convention, 154
- Prime Minister, 124
- Secretary for War, 105
- Suffers in prestige, 288
- Triumph of, 275
- Warns peacemongers, 245
- George, King of England
- Abolishes German titles held by family, 162
- His House to be known as Windsor,
- Sets a fine example, 269
- Visits Front, 16
- Gerard, Mr., Reminiscences of, 170
- German
- "Frightfulness," 32
- General Staff and set-backs, 18
- Substitutes, 104
- Germany
- Campaign of Falsehood in, 228
- Civil War in, 278
- Fleet surrenders, 272
- "German Truth Society" founded, 14
- Great mistake of, 268
- Hints to Italy, 28
- Ill-treats prisoners, 83
- Indulges in reprisals, 39
- Jealous of Lusitania records, 34
- Laments over Allied blockade, 70
- Lunatics called up for service, 163
- Mutiny at Kiel, 180
- New Peace offensive, 228
- Old, contrasted, 178
- Peace overtures, 124
- Signs armistice, 265
- Signs peace, 290
- Sinks two hospital ships, 119
- Sprays British soldiers with flaming petrol, 28
- Squirts boiling pitch over Russians, 28
- Torpedoes Neutral merchant ships, 24
- Warns Punch, 40
- Ghosts at Versailles, 291
- God (and the Women) our shield, 7
- Goeben, disaster to the, 199
- Good Hope, H.M.S., sunk, 12
- Gothas, activities of, 199
- Gouraud, General, 266
- Governesses, English, revelations of, 23
- Grandcourt, taken by British, 136
- Grand Fleet, ceaseless vigil of, 48
- Title, passes, 288
- Grapes of Verdun, the, 85
- Great incentive, a, 187
- Greece
- Dominated by pro-German Court, 57
- Hampers Allies, 57
- Territory violated by Bulgarian troops, 94
- Ultimatum presented to, 114
- Greenwich time applied to Ireland, 120
- Grey, Sir Edward
- Dissatisfied with Neutrals, 74
- Statements re France and Belgium, 1
- Grimsby fishermen's fight, 28
- Guy Fawkes Day, no fireworks on, 123
- Gwynn, Capt., undertakes to raise Irish brigade, 239
- Haig, Sir Douglas
- Commander-in-Chief of British Armies in France, 66
- Issues a Dispatch, 158
- Issues historic order, 213
- Haldane, Lord
- Debt to, for Territorials, 51
- Lectures on Education, 101
- Retires from Chancellorship, 40
- Hamlet, U.S.A., 35
- Hampshire, the, mined, 92
- Handyman, A, 55
- Hardinge Report, Lords discuss the, 100
- Harvest, a successful, 252
- Haunted ship, 33
- Havre, Belgian Government removed to, 10
- Hay, Ian, book by, 109
- Healy, Mr. Tim, champions Government, 80
- Heligoland Bight, 48
- Naval engagement in, 2
- Held! 89
- Hemline, Erzberger's campaign against Chancellor, 229
- Hidden Hand, the, 38
- Hindenburg, Marshal von
- Assumes command of Austrian troops, 104
- Presented with house, 263
- Retreats on Western Front, 139
- Hindenburgitis, 119
- Hindenburg line breached, 248
- His latest, 154
- Home Front, the, 22
- Derby, Lord, most prominent man on, 80
- Drink, a dangerous enemy, 32
- Education of those on, 107
- Flower-beds sacrificed, 55
- Khaki weddings, 42
- London Police strike, 252
- Pessimists, cure for, 47
- Railway Travelling, discomforts of, 184
- Trials of mistresses on, 19
- Hooge, British success at, 50
- Home, General, 267
- Hotels commandeered, 136
- House of Commons
- Attends church, 270
- Characteristics of, 34
- How to brighten the period of re-action, 287
- Hunding line, 146
- Hun to Hun, 236
- Hyde Park used for training troops, 6
- India, "lonely soldiers" in, 107
- Indian troops, 16
- Infectious hornpipe, the, 143
- Influenza, Spanish, 241
- In honour of the British Navy, 273
- In reserve, 250
- Inseparable, the, 177
- Invasion by sea, English Press fears, 43
- Ireland
- Debate on, in Parliament, 117
- Dominates proceedings in Parliament, 216
- Exempted from Military Service Bill, 70
- Greenwich time applied to, 120
- Insurrection in West of, 88
- Insurrectionist leaders executed, 88
- Irreconcilables triumph at General Election, 275
- Maxwell, Sir John, appointed to supreme command, 88
- Nationalists attack Sir John Maxwell, 105
- Placed under martial law, 83
- Irish Convention, 154
- Exile, the, 260
- Harvest labourers, 260
- Italy
- Bainsizza plateau saved, 176
- Declares war on Austria, 36
- Push on the Isonzo, 104
- Jaffa, British in, 186
- James, Mr. Henry
- Adopts British nationality, 91
- Tribute to England by, 272
- Jazz, outbreak of, 278
- Jellicoe, Lord, retires from post of First Sea Lord, 190
- Jericho captured by Allies, 202
- Jerusalem captured by British, 190
- Joffre, General, announces rolling back of enemy, 5
- John, Mr. Augustus, paints Mr. Lloyd George's portrait, 82
- Jones, Mr. Kennedy
- Declares beer a food, 162
- Resignation of, 174
- Journalists visit the Fleet, 72
- Jutland, Battle of, 92
- Kaiser, German
- Abdicates, 264
- Absent from Francis Joseph's funeral, 128
- Attila's understudy, 190
- Blasphemer and Hypocrite, 5
- Denies responsibility for War, 102
- Disappointed with Allah, 74
- Encourages war on non-combatants, 20
- First War birthday, 23
- Flees to Holland, 264
- Foiled before Nancy, 10
- Has another grandson, 32
- Murderer of innocents, 23
- Orders blockade of England, 24
- Poses as friend of the people, 165
- Pro-Socialist, 154
- Punch's views on, 276
- Refrains from active participation in military operations, 110
- Reprimands Prince Frederick Leopold of Prussia, 108
- Sorry for France, 58
- Speech to Eton College Volunteers, 58
- Talks of his conscience, 130
- Kaiser, Ex-, saws trees, 284
- Karl, Emperor of Austria's suggestion re Alsace-Lorraine, 220
- Karlsruhe bombarded by Allied airmen, 39
- Kerensky, appointed head of Russian Provisional Government, 176
- Overthrown, 186
- Keyes, Admiral, locks up German submarines, 230
- Kiel, mutiny at, 264
- Kipling, Mr., 58
- Kitchener, Lord
- Asks for more men, 36
- Death of, 92
- Eulogies of, 94
- Gives frugal information to Lords, 20
- Meets critics in Parliament, 92
- Obtains 1,000,000 men, 6
- Starts on the Hampshire for Russia, 92
- War Minister, 1
- Kluck, General von, failure of, 20
- Kölnische Zeitung and Punch, 30
- Kühlmann, von, fall of, 229
- Kultur, the reward of, 37
- Kut captured by British, 134
- Labour
- Demands of, 284
- Real voice of, 171
- Representation of, 275
- Troubles, 70
- Lansdowne, Lord, writes to Daily Telegraph, 192
- Laon, recaptured by Allies, 256
- Last Throw, the, 135
- Law, Mr. Bonar
- Announces air-raid reprisals, 182
- Appointed Leader of the House, 126
- Declares policy re indemnities, 284
- Introduces Budget, 155
- Made Chancellor of the Exchequer, 126
- Travels to France by aeroplane, 262
- Will not discuss military situation, 258
- League of Nations takes shape, 288
- Leinster, the, sunk by Germans, 256
- Lenin
- Appearance of, 152
- Attempted assassination of, 251
- Installed as dictator, 186
- Liberators, the, 203
- Lichnowsky's disclosures, 213
- Liége, Fall of, 2
- Lies, German campaign of, 6
- Lighting Orders, enforcement of, 199
- Lille regained by Allies, 256
- Lissauer, Herr, decorated by Kaiser, 16
- London, daylight air-raids extend to, 160
- Lonely soldiers, 107
- Long, Mr. Walter, his remedy for carping criticism, 65
- Loos, fighting at, 57
- Lord Mayor's banquet simplified, 118
- Lost chief, the, 93
- Lost land, a, 179
- Louvain, sack of, 2
- Lovelace, the modern, 70
- Ludendorff resigns, 257
- Lusitania, the
- American victims, 34
- Sinking of, 34
- Luxuries, imports of, curtailed, 76
- Lynch, Colonel, undertakes to raise Irish brigade, 239
- MacCabean Boy Scouts, 200
- MacNeill, Mr. Swift
- Endeavours to purge peerage of enemy dukes, 86
- Resents setting up of War Cabinet, 137
- Made in Germany, 209
- Mangin, General, 266
- Manifesto of German artists and professors, 26
- Marine, Mercantile, tribute paid to, by Parliament, 74
- Marne
- German push to, 220
- Germans again hurled back across, 236
- Mary, Queen of England, tribute to, 269
- Massacres by Bolshevists, 202
- Maude, General
- Captures Kut, 134
- Death of, 186
- Maunoury, General, 266
- Maurice affair, the, 225
- Max, Burgomaster of Brussels, 10
- Max, Prince
- German Chancellor, 257
- Issues pacific manifesto, 257
- McKenna, Mr.
- Chancellor of Exchequer, 40
- Introduces Bill for raising War Loan, 40
- Meatless days, 128
- Men of forty-one wanted, 120
- Merchant ships
- Dutch, sunk by German submarine, 140
- Neutral, torpedoed by German submarines, 24
- Mesopotamia, tide turning in, 134
- Messines Ridge captured, 158
- Michaelis, Dr.
- Appointed German Chancellor, 164
- Dismissed, 180
- Military Service Bill
- Becomes law, 74
- Ireland exempted from, 70
- Milner, Lord, on misleading war news, 64
- Minesweepers, honour due to, 28
- Ministry of Munitions created, 40
- Missing, 184
- Mistresses, trials of, 19
- Monastir
- Fall of, 65, 70
- Recaptured by Serbians and French, 119
- Monmouth, H.M.S., sunk, 12
- Mons
- British reach, 264
- Retreat from, 5
- Monte Sabotino captured by Italians, 104
- Moon our enemy, 183
- Morning Hate, Prussian household having its, 27
- Mort Homme, carnage at, 74
- Mottoes and proverbs, 43, 128
- Mule humour, 81
- Müller, Captain, a chivalrous antagonist, 15
- Munitions, smart people work at, 56
- Museum, British, war spirit at, 31
- Museums, London, closed, 76
- Mutiny of sailors at Kiel, 180
- Muzzling Order, 288
- Namur, Fall of, 2
- Narrows, the, failure to get through, 28
- National Industrial Conference, 284
- National Party, the new, 182
- National Registration Bill, second Reading of, 46
- National Thrift Campaign, 68
- Navy, its efficient work, 254
- Need of men, the, 193
- Neuve Chapelle captured by British, 28
- New Armies
- Composition of, 24
- Education of, 105
- Training of, 232
- New Conductor, the, 126
- New Guinea taken by Allies, 74
- New language, the, 194
- Newmarket, racing stopped at, 154
- Newspaper readers, "credibility index" for, 19
- Nicholas, Emperor of Russia
- Abdicates, 139
- Generalissimo of his armies, 52
- Nineteen-nineteen Model, the, 281
- Northcliffe, Lord, and his correspondence, 56
- Visits U.S.A., 161
- North Sea, U-boats active in, 28
- Novo-Georgievsk taken by enemy, 47
- Noyon recaptured by Allies, 242
- Officer, wounded, experiences of, 54
- Officers, young, splendid record of, 268
- Oil discovered in Derbyshire, 288
- Old Man of the Sea, 45
- Old-timer, the, 261
- Omen of 1908, 34
- On Earth—Peace, 16
- One up! 188
- On the Black List, 40
- Opera by English composer produced, 225
- Optimist, the, 170
- Order of British Empire, 233
- Orlando, Italian Statesman, 287
- Ostend
- Naval exploit at, 216
- Regained by Allies, 256
- O.T.C. and the Universities, 30
- Our Man, 266
- Our persevering officials, 157
- "Ourselves Alone," motto of Sinn Fein, 223
- Overweighted, 286
- Oxford, cadet battalions at, 254
- Pacificists
- Dilemma of, 210
- Impressed by Germany's lamentations, 70
- Paris
- Exodus to, 278
- Peace Conference at, 278
- Shelled by long-distance gun, 213
- Parliament
- Assembles, 280
- Dissolution of, 274
- Extension of life of, 105
- Houses of, Stars and Stripes and Union Jack fly over, 145
- Passchendaele Ridge stormed by British, 186
- Peace
- Signed, 290
- The children's, 17
- Penny Postage gone, 224
- Perfect Innocence, 175
- Péronne
- British enter, 145
- Fall of, 207
- Recovered by Allies, 248
- Persuading of Tino, the, 63
- Pétain, hero of Verdun, 266
- Piave, Italians cross the, 257
- Picture galleries, London, closed, 76
- Pill-boxes, German, made of British cement, 225
- Pitiful pose, a, 231
- Place in the moon, a, 183
- Place of Arms, a, 155
- Plain duty, a, 137
- Plumer, General
- Stands firm on the Piave, 186
- Victorious in Flanders, 256
- Poison gas, Germans use, 32
- Police, London, strike, 252
- Political truce, 42
- Politician who addressed the troops, the, 219
- Pommern, the, sunk by British, 43
- Portugal enters War, 78
- Posters
- And Publicity, 38
- And War Loans, 50
- Newspaper, absence of, 149
- Press
- Bureau, 46
- Campaign against Mr. Asquith, 126
- German, humours of, 47
- Prince of Wales
- Relief Fund, 4
- Takes his seat, 204
- Prinkipo, proposed conference at, 282
- Prisoner, British, sentenced for calling Germans "Huns," 189
- Prisoners
- German, arrive in Ireland, 11
- German offer re, 120
- Propaganda, German, in United States, 26
- Prophecy
- An old Arab, 202
- Punch's, re Kaiser, 195
- Proportional Representation rejected, 225
- Punch's
- Cartoons and the Kölnische Zeitung, 30
- Correspondents, 64, 152
- Queen Elizabeth, H.M.S., attacks in Dardanelles, 28
- Queries, futile, to wounded soldiers, 23
- Queues
- Disappear, 232
- For various commodities, 205
- "Queue War," 198
- Rabbit, the elusive, 198
- Raids by sea, 43
- Rasputin, sinister figure of, 139
- Rationing, compulsory, 189, 211
- Rawlinson, General, 267
- Realisation, 59
- Reconstruction, 279
- Recruit who took to it kindly, 133
- Recruiting, posters to aid, 38
- Redmond, Major William
- Falls in Flanders, 160
- Makes thrilling speech, 127
- Tribute to, in Commons, 160
- Redmond, Mr. John, death of, 210
- Reichstag not blind to facts, 180
- Rejuvenating effect of Zeppelins, 113
- Reprisals on German cities advocated, 163
- Repudiation, the, 84
- Return of the Mock Turtle-Dove, 125
- Reunited, 277
- Reventlow, Count, and the Kaiser, 146
- Reward of Kultur, the, 37
- Rheims Cathedral bombarded, 8
- Rhine, British Army's watch on the, 278
- Rhondda, Lord
- Appointed Food Controller, 163
- Death of, 240
- Richter, Dr. Hans, clamours for British extinction, 26
- Riga, Gulf of, German defeat in, 50
- Riga occupied by Germans, 174
- Rivers, French, find their voices, 242
- Roberts, Mr., Minister of Labour, 263
- Roberts, Lord
- Death of, 12
- Germans pay tribute to, 12
- His reticence, 6
- Robertson, Sir William
- Accepts Eastern Command at home, 204
- Appointed Chief of Staff, 66
- Displaced, 204
- Robinson, Lieutenant, brings down Zeppelin, 110
- Roosevelt, Mr., invents new invective, 69
- Roumania joins Allies, 104
- Royal Family, British, fine example of, 269
- Royal Flying Corps, 62
- Great losses of, 140
- Running amok, 25
- Rupprecht, Crown Prince, entertains journalists, 38
- Russia
- Army retreats, 42
- Bolshevist coup d'état, 186
- Bolshevist régime stained with massacres, 202
- Collapses, 168
- Dark hour of, 169
- Débâcle in, 270
- End of Tsardom, 139
- Ex-Tsar and family shot, 238
- Provisional Government dissolved, 175
- Recovering herself, 174
- Republic proclaimed, 175
- Russian Army said to have passed through England, 8
- Saint-Quentin recaptured by Allies, 256
- St. James's Park, lake in, drained, 30
- St. Mihiel salient flattened out by Americans, 248
- Salonika
- Allies land at, 57
- Front, 136
- Triumphant advance by Allies on, 248
- Saluting abolished in Russian Army, 152
- Sands run out, the, 263
- San Gabriele, Italian success at, 176
- Santa Klaus, Punch welcomes, 195
- Scapa Flow, German Fleet surrenders at, 272
- Germans scuttle their warships at, 290
- Scarborough bombarded, 15
- Scott, Admiral Percy
- Expert adviser to Lord French, 77
- Scrapper scrapped, the, 165
- Secret
- Diplomacy, 205
- Session, 120
- Sedan, American Army reaches, 264
- Serbia
- Austrians and Germans invade, 57
- Liberation of, 270
- Overrun, 70
- Servant
- Domestic, problem, 132
- Officer's description of, 131
- Sevastopol, Germans Teach, 222
- Shaw, Mr. Bernard
- Colossal arch-super-egotist, 144
- Visits Front, 138
- Shirkers' War News, 22
- Shortt, Mr., appointed Chief Secretary for Ireland, 223
- Siegfried line, 146
- Sinn Fein
- Creed of, 223
- Excesses, 182
- Plays at war, 280
- Smart people, callousness of, 184
- Smith-Dorrien, General, at Le Gateau, 2
- Smuts, General, commands in East Africa, 74
- Soissons, Germans capture, 220
- Soldier and civilian, 257
- Soldiers, British
- Cannot imitate Hun, 287
- Ordeal on Western Front, 229
- Tribute to, 208
- Solid, xiv.
- Some bird, 41
- Somme
- Battle of the, commences, 97
- Guns heard in England, 97
- Results of Battle of the, 98
- "Song of Plenty," 229
- South-West Africa
- German, gives in to Allies, 74
- Germans poison wells in, 32
- Spanish influenza, 241
- Speaker of House of Commons re-elected, 280
- Spee, Admiral von, goes down with his squadron, 15
- Spies, German, 2
- Spurlos versenkt, 174
- Spy-hunting in East Anglia, 30
- Spy play, emergence of, 38
- Storm driven, 249
- Strain on the affections, 121
- Strasbourg, 276
- Strauss, Herr, does not sign German artists' manifesto, 26
- Study of Prussian household having its Morning Hate, 27
- Sturdee, Admiral, 15
- Submarine frightfulness, the new, commences, 78
- Submarines, British, in the Baltic, 50
- Submarines, German
- Cornered, 174
- Grimby's fight against, 28
- Locked up, 230
- Torpedo British battleships, 10
- Suffragists' cause triumphs, 198
- Suits, standard, 212
- Sumner, Lord, on Houses of Parliament, 77
- Sunlight-loser, the, 115
- Suvla Bay, British heroism at, 50
- Sweden assists German Secret Service, 174
- Sweepers of the sea, 109, 111
- Swooping from the West, 147
- Tanks, coming of the, 110
- Tannenberg, Russian repulse at, 2
- Tares, the Sower of, xiii.
- T.B.D., 14
- Territorials
- Doing great work in India, 51
- Efficiency and keenness of, 10
- Mobilised, 6
- Teutons, panegyric of, in Die Welt, 38
- Thiepval taken by Allies, 110
- Threatened Peace Offensive, 221
- Thrift campaign, 50
- Tirpitz, Grand Admiral, dismissed, 82
- Tisza, Count, admits defeat, 257
- To all at home, 197
- Tommy, British
- Needs no vocabulary, 69
- Philosophy of, 66
- To the Glory of France, 79
- Townshend, General
- Besieged in Kut, 70
- Heroism of his force, 65
- Tramcar humour, 55
- Tramps disappear from England, 101
- Transitional period, 274
- Trawlers, honour due to, 28
- Trenchard, General, retires from Air Staff, 218
- Trenches, sportsmanship of, 38
- Trench warfare commences, 10
- Trials of a camouflage officer, 176
- Trotsky released from internment, 167
- Tsing-tau, Japanese take, 12
- Tuber's repartee, the, 164
- Turkey
- Appeals to Berlin for funds, 199
- Defeated in Caucasus, 20
- Defeated on Suez Canal, 24
- Enters war, 12
- Granted armistice, 257
- Two Germanies, the, 5
- "Two heads with but a single thought," 98
- U-boat interned at Cadiz, 180
- U-boats
- Appear off U.S.A., 116
- Sir E. Geddes's diagram re, 211
- Ulstermen and Conscription, 198
- Unauthorised flirtation, an, 67
- Unconquerable, 9
- Unemployment dole, 288
- United States
- Accused of stealing cypher key, 175
- German propaganda in, 26
- Issues warning Note on neutral trading, 20
- No peace with Hohenzollerns, 175
- Unsinkable Tirp., the, 53
- V.A.D., tributes to, 171
- Venizelos, M., resumes power, 42
- Verdun
- Germans closing in on, 83
- Struggle around, begins, 74
- Triumph of French at, 128
- Versailles
- Conference, 204, 264
- Council, foresight of, 218
- Peace signed at, 290
- Very much up, 237
- Victory! 265
- Vienna, peace kite-flying at, 66
- Villager, English, and prospects of invasion, 18
- Vimy Ridge, Canadians capture, 145
- Volunteers, training of, 38
- Von Pot and von Kettle, 244
- Wales, South
- Miners' strike, 46
- Provides recruits, 46
- Wanted—a St. Patrick, 90
- War
- Anniversaries of, 47, 102, 168, 242
- Cabinet, Mr. Henderson resigns from, 173
- Changes wrought by, 252
- Conference of the Empire called, 128
- Daily cost of, 126
- Loans, 12, 40
- News, the shirkers', 22
- Pictures, 240
- Propaganda, need for a, at home, 117
- Teaching geography, 200
- Vocabulary, 55
- Ward, Colonel, defends Compulsory Service Bill, 69
- Warsaw, Russians lose, 47
- Waterloo Campaign and Great War, 24
- Wayside Calvary, the, 48
- Weddings, khaki, 42
- Well done, the New Army, 99
- Wemyss, Sir Rosslyn, on R.N. and mercantile marine, 239
- Whigs and Tories, strife between, revived, 82
- Whitby bombarded, 15
- Wilhelm I.'s message to wife, 23
- Wilhelmshaven indefinitely closed, 92
- William o' the Wisp, 29
- Wilson, General, appointed Chief of Imperial Staff, 204
- Wilson, President
- And the Lusitania, 36
- Declines to be rushed, 52
- Forbearance of, 74
- His Fourteen Points, 258
- Last Note to Germany, 264
- Launches a new phrase, 130
- Wittenberg, ill-treatment of prisoners at, 83
- Wolff, mendacity of, 23
- Woman Power, 226
- Woman
- Belgian, used as a screen, 5
- Driving vans, 30
- Gardeners, 55
- Licensed as taxi-drivers, 139
- Obtain the Vote, 198
- Opportunities taken by, 95
- Punch delighted at their varied work, 96
- Undertake men's work, 6
- War and poetry, 247
- Word of ill-omen, a, 159
- Wotan line, 146
- Breached, 250
- Wounded, return of, to England, 54
- Ypres
- Germans repulsed at, 36
- Germans stopped at, 11
- Second battle of, 32
- Third battle of, commences, 163
- Zeebrugge, naval exploit at, 216
- Zeppelin, Count, swears to destroy London, 114
- Zeppelins
- French bag several, 184
- One brought down at Cuffley, 110
- Plague of, stayed, 110
- Raid encourages emulation, 87
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