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My Life in Two Hemispheres/Index

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1681488My Life in Two Hemispheres — IndexCharles Gavan Duffy



Aberdeen, Lord, i. 84 note ; ii. 122

Adair, John George, i. 203 ; letter to C. G. D., ii. 269

Aikenhead, James, ii. 191

Alderley, ii. 100 note

Alencon, Duc d', ii. 353

Alingham, Wm., ii. 355

Allen, John, ii. 150

Anderson, R. S., ii. 371

Anstey, Chisholm, i. 209, 215

Antisell, Thomas, i. 261

Ardagh, the Bishop of, i. 176

Argyll, Duke of, ii. 66 note, 122

Aspinall, Butler Cole, ii. 95; letter from, 139, 193, 206, 210, 215 note, 237 note, 281-367

Aspinall, Mrs., ii. 193, 367

Association, Repeal, Davis and Dillon join, i. 80-1, 99, 105-8-9, 114; Mr. John O'Connell left in charge of, 115-7. 133 et seq., 150-9, 164 et seq.; secession of Young Irelanders, 174-7-8, 181 et seq., 191-2, 279


Ballad Poetry of Ireland, i. 89

Ballangarry, unsuccessful stand at, i. 291, ii. 79, 114, 265

Banim, Michael, i. 90, ii. 104

Barkley, Sir Henry, ii. 159, 285

Baron, Henry Winston, i. 193

Barrett, Richard, of the Pilot, i. 102; his libel on the Primate, 133-4. 170, 294-5, ii 69, 76

Barry, M. J., i. 91 note 126, 165 note, 251 note

Barry, Sir Redmond, letter from, ii. 345, 336

Berry, Graham, ii. 329, 371, 381

Bianconi, Charles, ii. 27

Bindon, S. H., i. 194, 231, ii. 39, 140, 324

Birch, Mr., ii. 69, 79

Black, Dr., ii. 126

Blake, Dr., Bishop of Dromore, i. 54, 181, 318, ii. 8, 18, 73, 302

Blake, J. H., social experience, ii. 255

Blanc, Louis, ii. 120-1

Bleckley, Mr., entrance to his school, how I left him, i. 12

Blessington, Lady, ii. 125

Bogue, Father, explains to me the political conversation of my father's friends, i. 17 note

Bohn, Mr., ii. 105

Bowen, Sir George, ii. 379

Brady, Dr., i. 174 note, ii. 43, 58, 88, 103-4, 120, l87, letter from, 253

Bright, John, opinion on C. G. D.'s Peasant Proprietary, ii. 17, 53 et seq., 110, 116; letter from, 181-2, 223, 281, 319, 360, 376

Brooke, John Henry, ii. 201-5, 210 et seq., 236

Browning, Robert, i. 1, ii. 223, 258 et seq., 277, 342, 355-6

Burke, Father Tom, i. 71, ii. 273-6

Burke, Larry, ii. 34

Burke, Martin, i. 307, 308 and note

Burke, Mrs. Martin, i. 308

Burrows, Waldron, i. 143

Butler, Edward, ii. 100 note; letter welcoming C. G. D. to Australia 137, 141, 174, 345, misses the Chief Justiceship, 346; death of, 382

Butt, Isaac, i. 40, 70, 202, 291, 301-8 note, 313, 333, ii. 9, 57, 74, 116, 267, 344, 349, 351; letter from, 355; unwilling that C. G. D. should enter Parliament without joining the League, 359, 364-6

Byrne, Colonel Miles, i. 74, ii. 238

Byrne, Mrs., letter from, ii. 238 Byrne, Robert, ii. 300


Cairns, Professor, i. 52

Callan, Mrs., i. 72 and note, 286, ii. 4; letters to C. G. D., 155, 337

Cane, Dr., i. 96-7, 175

Canterbury, Lord, ii. 311, 341 note, 342

Cantwell, James, i. 251

Cardwell, ii. 264

Carleton, William, declares himself a Nationalist, i. 58, 70, 91 note, 220; letters to C. G. D. from, 221, 222; letter from Lord Morpeth to, 223; letter from C. G. D. to, 223, 224, 318, ii. 104; letter to Carleton, 154-5

Carlyle, Mrs., i. 77, 141, ii. 124; letter from, 254-5

Carlyle, Thomas, i. 52; my introduction to, 77; letter from, 78, 122; week in Dublin, 136, 140, 141, 217, 335, ii. 9 and note, 95, 124, 222, 254-8-9-317; letter from, 336-7, 343, 355

Carnarvon, Lord, ii. 352

Carroll, Charles, ii. 133

Caulfield, Rev. John, talks to me of the religious persecutions in Ulster, i. 17

Chapman, H. S., ii. 140, 195, 218

Childers, H. C. E., ii. 163 168; letter from, 237, 243, 256, 264, 326 note, 338, 381

Chisholm, Mrs., ii. 363

Clarendon, Lord, i. 264-5, 2 78-9, 296, 301, 304, 308, 319, ii. 10, 39, 77-8

Clarke, Marcus, letters from, ii. 313, 314, 367, 377

Clarke, Sir Andrew, ii. 256, 335, 367

Cloncurry, Lord, i. 91, 284

Clontarf Submission, i. 93, 95

Clough, Arthur Hugh, ii. 376

Cobden, Richard, ii. 33, 37, 53 et seq., 110, 119; letter from, 220, 222, 250

Coffey, James, i. 32

Coleridge, later Chief Justice, ii. 281

Conciliation Hall, i. 145, 155-6, 171, 179, 185-7, 216

Confederation, The Irish, i. 194, 205, 215, 231-4-8, 242, 253-7, 262-3, 270-4, 295, 316

Connor, William, i. 241

Conway, Michael George, i. 109-11

Corrigan, Sir D. J., letter from, i. 40 note, 195

Cowper, Sir Charles, ii. 164; letter to C. G. D., 178-9

Crampton Court Conspiracy, i. 310

Crawford, Sharman, i. 99, ii. 14, 29, 32, 35, 43-4, 53-5, 60-5 note, 87, 366

Crean, Michael, i. 251, 255, ii. 25

Crolly, Dr., the Most Rev., the Primate, i. 133

Crolly, Rev. George, i. 52

Croppies, i. 14

Crowe, Mrs., ii. 120-1

Cullen, Archbishop, ii. 27, 36-7, 63-5, 91-9, 102-6, 115-16, 218, 265 et seq., 302, 367, 364


Dalley, William Bede, ii. 142, 184, 222

Darling, Sir Charles, ii. 285-9, 297-8

Daunt O'Neill, i. 68, 126, 180

Davern, Father, i. 94 note, 95 note, 96; death of, 148-9

Davis, Thomas, my introduction to, i. 59; conference with Duffy and Dillon and agreement to establish the Nation, 59; debated with him the principles of the new journal, 61, 62; songs and ballads, 64, 64-5 note, 65; joins the Repeal Association, 80; letter to Smith O'Brien, 90 note; letter from C. G. D. to, 96, 99, 101; desired to, educate Catholic and Protestant students together, 107 et seq.; speech on the question of the provincial colleges, in; attacked by O'Connell, 112; letter to Smith O'Brien, 114; letter from Dillon to, on O'Connell's attack on America, 116, 117; letter from C. G. D. to, 121, 122; death of, 123, 125, 126, 128, 129, 130, 194

Defiance, Mallow, i. 86, 92, 99, 159, 169, 184

Deniehy, Daniel, letter to C. G. D. from, ii. 184-5

Dennison, Sir William, ii. 178, 191

Deuputtien, M., ii, 114

Dillon, John Blake, my introduction to, i. 59, 62-3-5; joins the Repeal Association, 80, 108, 116, 123-6, 130 note, 189-90, 220, 259, 277-8 283, 291; letter from John O'Hagan, 312, 322; letter to his wife, ii. 2 et seq., 43 61 108, 116-7; letter from, 186, 211-12, 262 et seq., 348-9; death of, 382

Dillon, Mrs. John, ii. 2, 6, 41, 61

Dillon, William, telegram signed with his name, ii. 348; letter from C. G. D., 348-9, 350, 351 note

Disraeli, Benjamin, ii. 38, 49, 50-6, 60, 84, 110-12, 175, 182, 187, 251-7, 271, 306

Doheny, Michael, i. 102, 126. 238, 254, 291

Don, "The O'Connor," i. 167, 193, ii. 381

Donnelly, Dr., Bishop of Clogher, ii 348

Donnelly, James, a martyr for his faith, i. 33-4

Dorian, Father, i. 53

Dowling, Mr., ii. 92

Doyle, Dr., i. 218

Doyle, Father Tom, ii. 39, 40, 41

Doyle, Henry, ii. 119

Doyle, Richard, ii. 11 note, 119

Drennan, William, jun., i. 74

Drummond, Thomas, i. 31; points out to Sheriff of Monaghan the impropriety of appointing Mr. Gray Sub-Sheriff, supersedes him and appoints the first Catholic High Sheriff since the reign of James II., 39

Dublin, introduction to library and theatres, reminiscences, i. 28 et seq.

Duffy, Anne, Mother of C. G. D., make a visit to, 38; last words and death, 38 note

Duffy, Charles Gavan, born, i. 3; loses his father, 4; earliest recollection of politics, 4, gains an unmerited prize, 5, schools, 6, abrupt ending of school life, 12, 15-6-7; first patron, 19, 20-2; first visit to Dublin, 23; entry into public affairs, 25; departure from home, 26; experiences as a reporter, 27 et seq.; appointed sub-editor of the Morning Register, 34; visit to his mother, and introduction to Thomas O'Hagan, 38; letter from Sir D. J. Corrigan, 40, note 41; entertained by Monaghan Liberal Club at first public dinner, 41, note 41; editor of the Vindicator, in Belfast, 42 et seq.; letter to Thomas O'Hagan, 47; letter from Thomas O'Hagan, 48, 51 et seq.; letter from Clarence Mangan, 55-6; letter from Henry MacManus, 58; determines to become a barrister 59; admitted a law student 59 note; engaged to be married, 60; debate with Davis, Dillon, and O'Hagan principles of the proposed journal, 62 et seq.; letter from Father Mathew, 67 et seq; letters from Leigh Hunt 75-6; introduced to the Carlyles, letter from Carlyle, 77-8; letter from Dr. McKnight, 78-9; ballad poetry of Ireland, 89; visit to O'Connell at Dennynane, 96; letter to Davis, 96-7; letter in the Nation to O'Connell on his adoption of Federalism, 100-1 note; 107 note; letter from MacNevin, 115-6-8; letters from Mitchel, Martin, and John O'Hagan, 119-20-21; letter to Davis, 121-2; letters from John Mitchel, 122-3; passes from the death-bed of Davis to that of his young wife, 124; letter from Father Mathew, 124-7; forms a Second Young Ireland Party, 127 et seq.; letter from John O'Hagan 132; letter from T. D. M'Gee, 134-5, 138-9; letters from John O'Hagan and S. Ferguson, 141 note; called to the bar, 143, 148-9; letter from John Mitchel, 150-1-2; letter from John O'Hagan, 153-7; letter to Smith O'Brien, 166 et seq., 179, 192; marriage with Susan Hughes, 194; letter from Dr. McKnight, 203-4-5, 211 et seq.; letter from Richard Moore Stack, 216-7; letter from (Speranza) Francesca Elgee, 217-8; letter from D. O. Maddyn, 218-19-20; letters from William Carleton, 221-2; letter to Carleton, 223; letters from Clarence Mangan, 225; letter from John O'Hagan, 229, 230; letter from J. E. Pigot, 230-1; letter to John O'Hagan, 232, 240 et seq., 258-9, 266; Creed of the Nation, 272-3-4; letter from Smith O'Brien, 275-8; arrested, 281; imprisonment in Newgate, 282 et seq.; The Tocsin of Ireland, 288, et seq.; put up for trial, 291; libel in the Daily News 293 et seq.; letter to Smith O'Brien, 296-7-8; struggle with Lord Clarendon for life and liberty, 299-319; How did Gavan Duffy escape conviction? 320-35; "Wanted a few Workmen," ii. 9; proposes to create Peasant Proprietary, 16, 19; letter to M'Gee, 23-4; labours to establish Tenant League, 32; addresses the election committee in New Ross, 39; letter to Sir Thomas Redington, 42, 46 note; public dinner in London, 49; Election Petition, 57, et seq., 65; letter from Martin, 81; accuses the Government of corruption, 85; letters from Mrs. Callan, 86, 87 note, 88; Water Cure and visit to Brussels, 95-6; letter from to Edward Butler, 100 note; resigns seat in Parliament, 101; difference of opinion with Lucas, 102; letter from Archdeacon Fitzgerald, 102; social engagements, 103 et seq., 106; letter from E. Whitty, 107; inquiries about Australia, 107 et seq.; interview with Disraeli, 110-1-2; letter from Sir Denham Norreys, 113; visit to O'Brien at Brussels, 113-4; letter from Rev. Dr. Murray, 115; interest in Maynooth College, 116; farewells, 117 et seq.; reception in new country, 131 et seq.; letter from Edward Butler, 137; letter from Aspinall, 139; letter from Orion Home, 140; urged to settle in Sydney, visit there, 141 et seq.; letter from Edward Wilson, 148; electioneering experiences, 150-1-2; elected to Parliament, 152; generous offer of John Mooney, 153; letter to Carleton, 155; chairman of committee on Federation of the Colonies, 163; endeavours to have the business of Parliament conducted as in the House of Commons, 164-5-6; Minister of Public Works, 170; fall of the first popular Administration, 175; in Office again, 177; letters from Charles Cowper, 179; from John Bright, 181; letter from W. K. Sullivan, 182-3; Daniel Deniehy, 184; Henry Parkes, 186; John Dillon, Cashel Hoey, 187-8; Sir William Stawell, 189; T. B. MacManus, 191; Archbishop of Tuam, 190; Edward Whitty, 192; Aspinall, 193; misunderstanding with O'Shanassy; serious illness, 195; resign office, 197; letter explaining my resignation, 198; re-elected to Parliament, 199; letter to Thomas O'Hagan, 200; decline to join the Nicholson Government, 201; form an Administration, but cannot carry it on without a dissolution, which the Governor refuses to promise, 210; letter from J. M'Evoy, 212 et seq.; letters from O'Shanassy, 218; Cobden, 220; Emerson Tennant, 220; Dr. Newman, 221; Arthur Helps, 222; Henry Parkes, 223; Professors of the Melbourne University, 224, 226-7; take up the Land Question promptly, 228 et seq.; Mr. Ireland's coup, 235; letters from Geo. Higinbotham, 236; Childers, 237; Lowe, 238; Mrs, Myles Byrne, 238; Arthur Geoghegan, 239; Sir James Martin, 240; letter to John O'Hagan, 241; letters from J. Dillon, 243; from Parkes, 244; Cashel Hoey, 245; Mrs. Kean, 246; visit to Europe, 250, welcoming letters from John Brady, 252; J. J. McCarthy, 253; Father Tom O'Shea, 253; Mrs. Carlyle, 255; social engagements, 255 et seq.; public dinner, 262; notes from Edward Wilson, John Forster, Sir Emmerson Tennant, social engagements, 264; visit to Dublin, 265; social engagements, 266; public dinner, 267; urged to re-enter the House of Commons, 268; interview with Disraeli, 271; notes from Father Neville, Stuart Mill, visit from Mr. O'Shanassy, introduce him to some political people, 272; Continental tour, Father Tom Burke, 273; Rome, 274 et seq.; letters to Thomas O'Hagan, letter from Rev. Dr. Murray, 279; lecture at the Society of Arts, note from Aspinall, letter to Thomas O'Hagan, 281; letters from Rev. Francis Mahony (Father Prout), 283; T. H. Fellows, 284; defeat of Mr. Higinbotham's Education Bill, 293-4; re-enter Parliament as member for Dalhousie, 297; letter from Sir Coleman O'Loghlen, 306; to Thomas O'Hagan, 306-7; on his becoming Lord Chancellor, and a peer, 308; letters from John O'Hagan, 309; from Cashel Hoey, 311-2; Marcus Clarke, 313-4; from Sir James McCulloch, 315; from Parkes, 317; Stuart Mill, 318; Prime Minister, 321; letter from Cashel Hoey, 322; state my political policy, its reception by the Press, 324-5; negotiations with Sir James Martin on Intercolonial Customs Duties, 326; defence of my policy as an Irishman in Ireland, 328; prison reforms, 331; letters from John O'Hagan, 333 note; Childers, 335; Carlyle, 336; fall of the Government, 339; knighted, 341; letters from John Forster, 343; Dr. Moriarty, 344; Sir Redmond Barry, 345; Henry Parkes, 346; second visit to Europe, 347; invited to stand for Meath, 347 et seq.; letters to Father Peter Reilly, 350; Cashel Hoey, 351; letters to my wife, 352-3; letter from Isaac Butt, 353; meet Dr. Manning, 354; letter from W. Allingham, 355; visit to Dublin, amazing proposal from Dr. Thresham Gregg, 356; renewed overtures to induce me to re-enter Parliament, 359; social engagements, 360, letters to my wife, 361-2-3-6; Summers makes my bust, 362; at the O'Connell Centenary Celebration, 364-5; letters to Lord O'Hagan, 366; from Marcus Clarke, 367; to Lord O'Hagan, 367-8; from Lord O'Hagan, 368; return to Melbourne, 370; re-enter Parliament, 371; unanimously chosen Speaker, 372; remonstrate with the Government against the proposed removal of the officers of Parliament, 373; letter from Mary Howitt, 374; appointed Knight Commander of St. Michael and St. George, 375; begin to write "Young Ireland," 377; letter to John O'Hagan, 377; letter to Pope Hennessy, 379; from Pope Hennessy, 379; Lord O'Hagan, 380; The MacDermott of Coolavin, Cashel Hoey, 381; to Lord O'Hagan, 380; death of my wife, 382; letters from Mrs. Hutton, 382; Archbishop Vaughan, 383; farewell to the Victorian Parliament, 384

Duffy, Francis, brother of C. G. D., death of, i. 23

Duffy, James, publisher, i. 220-3

Duffy, John, Father of C. G. D., i. 3

Duffy, John, jun., brother of C. G. D., touching story of, i. 18

Duffy, John Gavan, eldest son of C. G. D., i. note 60

Duffy, Mrs. Gavan, née McLaughlin, i. 119-21; death of, 124

Duffy, Mrs. Gavan, née Hughes, ii. 4, 241, 252-3; letters to, 352-3, 361-2-3; death of, 382

Duffy, Rev. James, guardian of C. G. D., i. 7, 10, 16, 19; will not consent to my going to Trinity College, 22, 24


Ebden, Mr., ii. 209, 211, 214-7

Elgee, Francesca (later Lady Wilde), see "Speranza."

(Eva) Miss Mary Eva Kelly, i. 217

Evans, Dr., ii. 163, 197, 207


Fagan, William, letter to Charlton S. Ralph

Fawkner, J. P., ii. 165 and note, 173, 304-5

Federalism, O'Connell embraces, i.99; letters from C. G. D. to O'Connell on, in the Nation, 100, note 100; O'Connell breaks with, 105

Ferguson, Samuel, i. note 64, 70, 82, 90, 91; his estimate of D'Arcy M'Gee, poetry note, 128; letter to C. G. D., 141 note, 194, 202-3, 243, 263; ii. 261-5

Fitzgerald, Archdeacon, ii. 102

Fitzsimon, Christopher, i. 193, ii. 21

Flood, Mr. Edward, ii. 142

Ford, Mr., ii. 116

Forster, John, ii. 95, 110, 124-6, 258 et seq.; letter from, 263, 271, 342; letter from, 243

Francis, J. G., ii. 218, 299-300, 329, 341, 371

Fulham, Mr. Bernard, i. 310


Geoghegan, Arthur, ii. 117; letter from, 239

Gladstone, William Ewart, i. 71. ii. 33-7, 50-2, 83-6-7 note, 223, 264, 279, 281, 307, 311 note, 312, 328, 344, 356, 379

Glass, Hugh, ii. 226

Godkin, Rev. James, i. 43, and note 43; ii. 34

Godley, Mr., ii. 126

Grant, J. MacPherson, ii. 241, 287, 290-91 373

Grattan, Henry, i. 74, 112, 113, 142, 158, 161, 193

Gray, Doctor, i. 259

Gray, Sam, appointed sub-sheriff, i. 39, ii. 35

Gray, Wilson, ii. 61, 193, 205, 210

Gregg, Rev. Treshem, i. 70, 71, ii. 356, letter from, 358

Griffin, Dr. Samuel, i. 182, 228

Griffin, Dr. William, i. 228

Griffin, Gerald, i. 58, ii. 104


Haines, William, C. ii. 160-9, and 175 et seq., 218-9, 226

Hatchell, Solicitor-General, i. 297, 327, ii. 42

Hawarden, Lord, i. note 94, 148, 149

Head Pacificator, i. 150, 169, 180, 206

Head, Sir Francis, ii. 94

Heales, Richard, ii. 209 et seq., 241

Hearn, W. E., ii. 224, 232

Helps, Arthur, letter from, ii. 222

Hennessy, Pope, ii., 257-8; letter from C. G. D., 379; letter to, 379

Higinbotham, George, late Chief Justice of Victoria, ii. 226-7, 233; letter from, 236, 286 et seq., 291-2, 301-2

Hoey, John Cashell, ii. 9; letters from, 59, 187, 243-5, 255-7, 305, 311, 312, 338, note 339, 343, 351-3. Cashel Hoey, Mrs., ii. 352, 307

Hogan, John, i. 12, 90 note

Holmes, Robert, father of the Irish Bar, i. 153, 154; his splendid defence of the Nation, 155, 182

Horne, H. H. (Orion), ii. 139, 216, 355, 376

Howitt, Mrs., ii. 108, 124; letter from, 127; letter from, 374

Howitt, William, ii. 107-9, 124

Huddlestone, Baron, ii. 59 note

Hudson, William Eliot, i. 136, ii. 58

Hughes, Archbishop, i. 206, ii. 126

Hughes, Christy, doyen of the Dublin reporters, his appearance and quickness of resource, i. 30, 34

Hughes, Don Juan, i. note 63, note 72

Hughes, T. M., i. 23, shows me Dublin and fires me to become a journalist, 24; Sunday walks with, 29, 41; ballad by, 56

Hutton, Mrs., i. 231, ii. 382-3


Innes, survivor of the battle of Ballynahinch, i. 118-9

Ireland, R. D., i. 232-5, 237

Irish Priest, see Rev. Dr. Murray


Jackson, William, i. note 46

Jameson, Mrs., letter to C. G. D., i. note 90

Jennings, Rev. William, ii. 10

Jennings, Sir Patrick, i. 4

Johnson, George, ii. 152


Kane, Sir Robert, i. note 91, 219, ii. 182

Kavanagh, Julia, ii. ii, letter to C. G. D. from, 12, 121

Keefe, Father Mat, ii. 14, 97-8, 102

Keen, Mrs Charles, ii. letter from, 246-7

Kemmis, Mr., i. 292

Kennedy, Colonel Pitt, i. 265

Kennedy, Dr., Bishop of Killaloe, i. 164

Kennedy, Dr. Evory, i. 265, note 265

Kennedy, Tristram, i. 265, ii. 19, 43, 119

Kenyon, Fr., letter from to C. G. D., i. 147; letter from to Mr. Ray, 147-84, 209, 227, 238-9, 242, 277-8, 284, ii. 71-2

Keogh, William, i. 187, ii 18, 37, 44, 47, 62, 83-4, 90-1, 102-6

Kerry, Bishop of, letter to from C. G.D., ii. 173

Kingsley, Rev. Charles, letter from, ii. 127

Kinkle, ii. 108

Knowles, Sheridan, ii. 88-9-90, 104

Knox, Alexander, ii. 27-8


Lalor, James Fintan, remarkable letter to C. G. D., i. 234-5, 238-9, 241; his theory adopted by John Mitchel, 242-4-7, 251-5 note, 261, 286, 292, 314-5 note, 322, ii. 74, 80, 128

Lalor, Patrick of Tinnakill, i. 193, 234, ii. 19

Lalor, Peter, ii. 218, 373

Landor, Savage, ii. 259-60

Lane, Denny, i. 64, 153, 178

Lang, Rev. Dr., ii. 145, 344

Latrobe, Mr., ii. 110

Lawless, John, i. 45, 46 note, 60, ii. 89

Lefanu, Joseph, i. 59 note, 70, note 91, 202, 216

Lemoinne, M. John, i. 269, 270

Leonard, J. P., ii. 353

Lever, Charles, i. 70, 91 note, ii. 100

Leyne, Maurice, i. 322, ii. 9, 21; his death, 88

Linton, W. J., ii. 53

Lover, Samuel, i. 89, ii. 103

Lowe, Robert, ii. 109, 116, 237; letter from, 238, 262 et seq.

Luby, Thomas Clarke, i. 71 note, 315 note

Lucas, Frederick, i. 77, 134, 140-1 note; letter to John O' Hagan, 208, 229, 251 note, ii. 27-9, 35 et seq., 43-8, 55, 63-6 note, 91 et seq.; his mission to Rome, and breakdown of health, 91-6 et seq.; difference of opinion between him and C. G. D., 101-2; last letter to C. G. D., 103; death of, 123, 173, 267, 276

Lytton, Bulwer, ii. 96, 125, 355, 376


MacCarthy, Denis Florence, i. 71, 96, 128 note, 137, ii. 253, 265, 351

MacCarthy, John George, ii. 9

Macaulay, Lord, i. 52, 65 note, 72, 88 note, 302, 306

MacCormic, Dr. Henry, i. 52

MacDermott, Martin, i. 251, 278

MacDermott of Coulavin, letter from, ii. 381

MacHale, Archbishop, letter to C. G. D. from, ii. 189-90

Mackay, Captain, trial of, i. 306-7

Mackay, Mr. Angus, ii. 376

MacKenzie, Morell, ii. 361

MacMahon, Heber, Bishop of Clogher, i. 14

MacMahon, Judith, maternal grandmother of C. G. D., flung a petition for the Union into the fire, i. 3

MacMahon, Marshal, ii. 353

MacMahon, Patrick, M.P., i. 59 note; ii. 43, 58, 187

MacManus, Henry, i. 12, 14, 24; takes me to see the Hogarths in Charlemont House, and other works of art in Dublin, 29, 58, 74

MacManus, Terence Belle w, i. 12, 24; Sunday rambles with, 29, 32 note, 278, 322; ii. 25, 75, 190; letter to C. G. D. from, 190

Macnamara, John, ii. 143, and note

MacNevin, Thomas, i. 76; his History of the Volunteers of 1782, 89; letter to C. G. D., 115, 126, 150

MacPherson, Mr., ii. 301-2-3, 323

Madden, Dr., i. 91 note, ii. 2 note, 125

Maddyn, D. O., i. 194, 218

Maguire, Father Tom, i. 38

Maguire, John Francis, ii. 43

Maher, Father, ii. 63

Mahon, O'Gorman, i. 69, 94, 202

Mahony, Rev. Francis (Father Prout), ii. 95; letter from, 282-3

Mangan, Clarence, Saturday nights with, i. 35; his stupendous rhymes, 35; his life made desolate, 36; letter from, 55, 56, 64, 90, 91 note, 137, 224; letters from, 224 et seq., ii. 25, 351

Manning, Archbishop, ii. 354

Martin, James (later Sir), ii. 142, 178, letter from 239-40, 326 and note, 327-8, 346

Martin, John, i. 115, letter from to C. G. D., 120-1-2, 129 note, 177-8, 188; his confidence in the Ulster Presbyterians, 269, 278 and note, 282-3, 286, 292, 302-8, 324, 330, ii. 25, 73 et seq., 81, 346, 363

Mathew, Fr., i. 53, 55, 65-6-7; letter from, 67; letter from, 124, 181, 309, 310, 314; letter from, 318, ii. 73

Maunsell, Dr., i. 70

Maynooth Professor, see Rev. Dr. Murray

McCarthy, J. J., ii. 117, letter from, 253, 265, 311; letter from, 348

McCarthy, Justin, i. 71 note, 130 note

McCormack, Widow, ii. 114

McCullogh, James (later Sir), ii. 163;

McCullogh, Sellars and Co., large station holders, 290, 296 et seq., 303-5, letter from, 315-6, 334~5 341

McEvoy, James, letter from, ii. 211

McGlashan, James, i. 194, 218, 223-5, 227, 230

McGrath, Mr. John, ii. 21-3

McKenna, Joseph Neale, (afterwards Sir), ii. 20-2, 351

McSweeny, Lord Mayor, ii. 364

Meagher, Thomas Francis, i. 128, 156, 162, 165, 167; the sword speech, 172; his arguments defended by Smith O'Brien, 173, 188; stands for Waterford and is beaten, 209, 218, 238, 251 note, 267-9, 270, 275-7, 317, 322-4, ii. 2, 7, 9, 15 note, 25, 68 note, 73-5-6, 9, 110, 348

Meehan, Rev., C. P., i. 178

M'Gee, Thomas D'Arcy, i. 121-7-8; Samuel Ferguson's estimate of as a poet, 128, and note; letter from, 134-5 note, 179, 202, 230, 254, 269; despatched to Scotland for arms and recruits, 285, 315, ii. 6, 22; letters from C. G. D. to, 23-4-5, 104, 266, 307

Michie, Archibald (later Sir), ii. 139, 163, 175, 264, 286, 353, 360-1

Mill, John Stuart, opinion of C. G. D.'s Peasant Proprietary project, ii. 18, 39, 117, 124, 223, 272, 317, 329

Mitchel, John, i. 62 note, 65 note, 115; letter from to C. G. D., 119-20 et seq., 127-9, 129 note; in temporary control of the Nation, 135 et seq.; his Railway Article, 139, 140, note 140; letter to C. G. D., 150-1-6, note 156; letter to the Tablet, 165, 178, 192-4, 205, 235-8; adopts Lalor's theory, 247, 251 and note; Smith O'Brien repudiates his theory, 252 et seq., 262 and note, 269, 270, 275 et seq., 315 and note, 324-7, 330, ii. 25; controversy with, 67-81 inclusive; 108, 110, 128, 256, 307, 347

Mitchel, William, i. 278

M'Keon, Hon. John, ii. 25

M' Knight, . Dr. James, i. 43; letter from, 78-9, 203-5, 264; ii. 29, 32, 34-8, 62-3-9, 90-1, 267

Mooney, John, ii. 153-4

Moore, George Henry, ii. 48, 62, 98, 256, 267-8 et seq.; death of, 312, 348

Moore, Mr. David, ii. 163

Moore, Thomas, a visit from, i. 37

Molesworth, Sir William, ii. 126

Monahan, Attorney-General, i. 302, ii. 42 note

Monckton, Milnes, i. 73

Monsell, William, M.P.,ii. 19, 75, 191, 312, see Lord Emly

Montalembert, Count de, ii. 245, 283

Mulgrave, Lord, receives Catholics and Protestants on equal terms for the first time since the Capitulation of Limerick, i. 24; my début in public life as secretary to his levée in Monaghan, 25, 35, 39

Murphy, Sergeant, ii. 55

Murray, John, ii. 271-280

Murray, John Fisher, i. 44, 137

Murray, Rev. Dr., Maynooth Professor, i. 57 and note; letters of "An Irish Priest" to Tablet, 299 and note, 303-5; ii. letter to C. G. D., 115, 267; letter from to C. G. D., 279-80


Napier, Joseph, Irish Attorney-General, ii. 47, 56-7, 60, 87, 110, 188

Napoleon, Louis, ii. 122, 244, 257

Nation, The. Conference on its establishment with Davis and Dillon, i. 59; rise and growth of, 63-5, 64-6 note, 69; spirit of, 72-3; contributors, 74-8, 85 et seq., 100; letter from C. G. D. to O'Connell on his adoption of Federalism, 100-1 note, 104-5, 120, 125 et seq., 136-7, 140 and note, 141 note, 143; shut out of Repeal Reading-rooms, 146, 157, 160 et seq., 175-6-9; O'Connell's war with, 180-1 note, 182, 197; insists on the duty of retaining the food in the country, 201, 211, 218, 238, 244-6; the Creed of the Nation, 272-4, 283; the entire issue of, seized, 290, 323; policy of the revived Nation, ii. 7, 21-2, 40; principle of Independent Opposition stated in, 44, 59, 69, 71, 81, 127, 200, 262

Neale, Edward, ii. 251, 257

Newman, John Henry, ii. 26-7, 116, 221, 267, 271-2

Nicholson, William, ii. 201-5-9-10, 218, 226

Norreys, Sir Denham, ii. 75, 112; letter from, 113

Nugent, Count, ii. 353

Nulty, Dr., Bishop of Meath, 348


O'Brien, R. Barry, i. 31 note

O'Brien, Sir Lucius, ii. 77-8

O'Brien, William Smith, letter from Davis, i. 90 note; joined the Repeal Association, appearance, manner, and character, 94-5, 112-3, 130-1, 141-2; refuses to attend a call of the House of Commons, 149; 'Eighty-two Club send deputation to London to assure him of their sympathy, 150; his release moved by Mr. Shaw, 151-60; letter to from the Bishop of Killaloe, 164, 166-8, 172; leaves Conciliation Hall, 174, 183; letter from C. G. D., 184, 185-9, 190,202-6-9, 233; letter from Mitchelto, 238, 239; letter from Mitchel to, 240; letter from C. G. D. to, 241, 243; letter from John Martin to, 244 note; letter from Meagher to 245-6, 252-3; letter to C. G. D. from, 259 note, 260 et seq., 269-70-1; letter to C. G. D. from, 275, 277-9, 285-6, 290-1; unsuccessful stand at Ballingarry and arrest, 291-6-8, 316-7, 322-4; letter from to C. G. D., 335, ii. 73-9, 80, 111 et. seq., 141; his death, 243, 265, 348

O'Callaghan, John Cornelius, i. 82,

O'Callaghan, Mark, i. 170, ii. 2

O'Connell, Daniel, my first impression of, i. 27, 29-30; declares he will hold a Repeal Meeting in Belfast, 47, 50-1, 68-9, 74, 80 et seq., 85; the Mallow Defiance, 86, 91-2; arrested on a charge of conspiracy with seven other Repealers, 93-4; discharged from custody, 95 note; C. G. D. visits him at Darrynane, 96-8; declares for Federalism, 99; letter to from C. G. D. in Nation, 100 note, 100 et seq.; Tait's Magazine on the controversy between him and the Young Irelanders, anent Federalism, 105-6, 107 note, 109 et seq.; ingratitude towards Davis, 113, 115 et seq., 127, 131 et seq., 139 et seq.; resolves to destroy the Nation, 145; asks an assurance from C. G. D. and John Mitchel that the Nation would not oppose decisions of the Association, and shuts the Nation out of Repeal Reading-rooms, 146, 148 et seq., 155; muster of Whig members at Lord John Russell's, 156, 159 et seq., 161 note; letter to Mr. D. R. Pigot in the interest of Whig candidates, 163, 164-6 et seq.; places the Nation on the Index Expurgatorius of Conciliation Hall, 180 note; suppresses the Bishop of Dromore's letter to the Association, 181-2-4; declares the Dublin Remonstrance ought not to have been flung but kicked out of Conciliation Hall, 185; Father Kenyon renounces his leadership, 186; disposed to make overtures to Smith O'Brien and Young Irelanders, but deterred by his son John, 189; negotiations for a reunion, accepts places for his family and followers, 193-8, 202-7; death of, long delayed funeral of, 208-9, 215, 234, 275 note, 295, ii. 6, 21, 33, 55, 66 note, 71, 119, 223, 262, 273, 274 note, 275, 302, 348, 363-6

O'Connell, Daniel, Jun., i. 162

O'Connell, John, i. 81-2, 108-9, 114, the most mischievous public man in Ireland, 115-7, 125, 133-8, 144-6, 164-7, 172-4; John had done it all, 174 note, 176-7, 180-3 5 directs the Dublin Remonstrance to be flung out, 185; prevents his father making peace with the seceders, 189, 193-8, 207-9, 238, 271 note, 279, ii. 22, 93

O'Connell, Maurice, i. 141, 193, 260; declares that John did all the mischief, 174, and note 174, 260

O'Connell, Morgan, i. 193

O'Connor, Count Condorect, i. 74, 91

O'Connor, Feargus, i. 69, 268, ii.

O'Doherty, Kevin, i. 282, 291-2 302, 330, ii. 25

O'Donaghue, The, ii. 256

O'Gorman, Richard, i. 126, 130, 150, 153, 156, 165; letter to M. J. Barry, 166, 178, 209, 251 note, 322, ii. 43

O'Grady, Michael, ii. 49, 118, 128, 304,

O'Hagan, John, my first meeting with, his early love of reading, i. 63-4; holiday with, 115, 120; letter to C. G. D., 121-9; letter to C. G. D 132-5; letter from C. G. D., 138, 151; letter to C. G. D., 153, 189, 197; letter from Frederick Lucas, 208; letter to C. G. D., 229-32, 244, 267; letter to John Dillon, 312, ii. 14; letter from G. D. to, 241-2, 265, 278, 282; letter from, 309-10; letter from, 333 note, 351 note; letter from C. G. D. to, 377

O'Hagan, Thomas, afterwards Lord O'Hagan, i. 20; my first meeting with, 38, 40; letter from C. G. D. to, 47-8; letter from to C. G. D., 48-9, 52, 90, 301 note, ii. 19-23, 27; letter to from C. G. D., 200, letter from C. G. D. to, 278, 281-2; letters from C. G. D.-to, 306-9, 311, 351 note, 352, 364, 366; letter from C. G. D. to, 367-8; letter from, 380; letter from C. G. D. on the birth of an heir, 380

O'Hara, William, ii. 41-58

O'Keefe, ii. 278

O'Leary, John, ii. 278, 353

O'Leary, Pagan, ii. 278

Olivera, ii. 51

O'Loghlen, Sir Coleman, i. 114, 188-9, 202, 243, 259, 301, 313, 322, ii. 27, 262; letter from 306, 352

O'Loghlen, Sir Michael, i. 302

O'Malley, Mr., Q.C., ii. 59 note

O'Reilly, Rev. Peter, ii. 347

O'Shanassy, John (later Sir), welcomes me to Melbourne, ii. 132-36, 147, 153, 163; forms an Administration, 169 and note, 172 et seq., 194; alienation from C. G. D., 195, 197 note, 199 et seq., 209 et seq.; friendly relations re-established between him and C. G. D. by the intervention of the Bishop of Brisbane, 218; letter to C. G. D., 219, 226, 236, 272-3, 291 et seq., 340

O'Shea, Fr. Tom, ii. 14, 32-9,96, 102; letter from, 253-4

Owens, Dr., ii. 240, 291


Palmerston, Lord, i. 103, ii. 52-4, 111-2, 191-2, 259

Parkes, Henry (later Sir), ii. 137, 142-3; letter from, 144-5, 147, 185; letter from, 186; letter from, 222-3, 243; letter from, 316, 327, 345; letter from, 346

Peace Resolutions, i. 164-7

Pearson, C. H., ii. 375-81

Peel, Sir Robert, i. 4, 22, 82, 92, 95; declares that he desires to make peace with Ireland, 106, 113-4, 131-2, 158, ii. 51, 83, 122-5, 223

Pennefather, Judge, i. 153

Peyrat, M., ii. 95

Pigot, D. R., the Right Hon., i. 133-5; letter from O'Connell to, 163 and note

Pigot, John E., i. 126-9, 136, 145, 153; letters from to C. G. D., 231, 251, 229, 230; letter to C. G. D., note

Pigott, Mr., of the Leader, ii. 95

Plunkett, Alderman, ii. 117

Plunkett, John Hubert, ii. 141

Polding, Archbishop, ii. 338

Porter, Grey, i. 117; declared that Protestants would never join Repeal Association with a despotic and irresponsible treasurer, 177

Potter, M. de, ii. 114

Potter, Mr., sent to me by O'Connell with bill of costs for the defence of Fr. Davern against Lord Hawarden, i. 148

Precursor Society, i. 32

Purcell, Peter, i. 32, 74, ii. 19, 366


Quinn, Dr. James, late Bishop of Brisbane, ii. 27, 218, 267


Ray, T. M., i. 146-7, 183, 185, 188

Redington, Sir Thos., i. 309 note, ii. 39, 40-1

Reilly, Thomas Devin, appointed sub-editor of Irish Life, i. 135,, 275, ii. 74

Repeal Cavalry, i. 93

Repeal Reading-rooms, i. 68, 175; Nation shut out of, 180 note

Reynolds, John, ii. 83

Roden, Lord, ii. 60

Roebuck, Mr., ii. 53

Rogers, Rev. John, ii. 34, 62

Rollin, Ledru, i. 84, ii. 120

Ronayne, Richard, i. 69

Ross of Bladensburgh, i. 203-9, 255

Russell, Dr., President of Maynooth, ii. 267, 311

Russell, Lord John, i. 131-2, 145, 152-8, 161, 198, 207, 222, 267, ii. 36-8-9, 63, 93

Russell, Lord Odo, ii. 277-8

Ruthven, Edward, jun., i. 193

Ryan, Dr., Bishop of Limerick, i,


Sadlier, James, ii. 65, 82-3-8, 90-2-3, 257

Sadlier, John, ii. 18, 19, 20, 37, 44, 62-3-5, 82-5, 92-3

Scratehley, Mr. Arthur, ii. 17

Scully, Vincent, Q.C., ii. 18

Shaw, William, ii. 9

Shee, Sergeant, ii. 19, 34-8, 44-7, 52-6-7, 60, 86

Sheil, Richard, i. 68, 133, 145, 160; selected for Dungarvan, 162-3, 167

Sladen, Charles (later Sir), ii. 297

Spencer, Lord, ii. 309

"Speranza," letter from, 217; Jacta Alea Est, 287; letter from, 271 note

Stack, Richard Moore, i. 216, 217, ii.

Stawell, William Foster (later Sir), i. 59 note, ii. 169; letter to C. G. D. from, 189

Stephenson, George, i. 207

Stacpoole, Margaret, i. 35-6

Sullivan, A. M., ii. 81-8, 364 and note

Sullivan, Barry, ii. 193

Sullivan, Dr. William K., ii. 14, 19, 182-3

Swift, Richard, i. 175 note, ii. 52, 99,


Teeling, Charles Hamilton, my first patron, i. 19; invites me to contribute to the Northern Herald, 20; urges my guardian to send me to Trinity College, 21-5

Tenant League established, ii. 33

Tennant, Sir Emerson, ii. 121-7; letter from, 220; letter from, 263

Thackeray, W. M., i. 74 and note, ii. 11 note; letter from, 123, 375

Thomasine (Miss Olivia Knight), i. 217

Thompson, General Peronet, i. 74

Trevelyan, Sir Charles, i. 88 note

Trumble, Matt, schoolfellow, i. 7, 8, 12, 21, 24, 62 note, ii. 49

Tuam, the Archbishop of, i. 304

Tithe Martyr, funeral of a, i. 32


Urquhart, David, i. 209, 211; his extravagances, 212 et seq., ii. 251


Vaughan, Archbishop, letter from, ii.

Verdon, George (later Sir), ii. 210; letter from, 335-6, 338 and note


Wallis, Thomas, i. 59 note, 129, 136; letter from to C. G. D., 215, 220

Wallscourt, Lord, i. 215, 258, 284

Wilde, William (later Sir), i. 70

Williams, R. D. (Shamrock), i. 64, 261, 301-2, 324, 330

Wilson, Edward, ii. 147; letter to C. G. D. from 148-9; letter to C. G. D., 165 note, 247-8, 263, 323

West, the Rev. Mr., ii. 143

Wood, Dennistoun, ii. 201, 232, 381

Wood, Marshal, ii. 377

Whitty, Edward,ii. 10, ii, 85, 95, 107, 119, 139, 192, 193


Young Ireland, i. 105; second party, 144

Young Irelanders, i. 68, 91 note, 162, 170, 177, 183-5-7, 207, 209, 216, 235, ii. 14