My hart I gaue the not to do it payne

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Arundel- Harington MS
My hart I gaue the not to do it payne

Witness description: c. late 16th century. The Arundel- Harington Manuscript is a verse miscellany originally comprised of 228 leaves, now 145, prepared by, or for, John Harington of Stepney and his son Sir John Harington of Kelston. 55 of the Arundel- Harington poems are attributed to Wyatt. See My harte I gave the not to do it paine in the Devonshire Manuscript.

1310585Arundel- Harington MS — My hart I gaue the not to do it payne

My hart I gaue the not to do it payne
but to preserve, it was to the taken
I servid the not to be forsaken
but that I shulde be rewardid agayne
5 I was content thie servant to remayne
but not to be payed vnder this fasshion
no sens in the is none other reason
Displayse the not if that I do refrayne
Vnsaciate of my woe and thie desyre
10 Assured by crafte to excuse thie fault
but syns it please the to faine a default
ffarewell I saye parting from this fyre
ffor he that belevith bearing in hand
Plowithe in water and sowith in sand