My life in China and America/16 Proposal of my Educational Scheme
Having scored in a small way this
educational victory, by inducing the Viceroy to establish
a mechanical training school as a corollary
to the arsenal, I felt quite worked up and encouraged
concerning my educational scheme which
had been lying dormant in my mind for the past
fifteen years, awaiting an opportunity to be
brought forward.
Besides Viceroy Tsang Kwoh Fan, whom I counted upon to back me in furthering the scheme. Ting Yih Chang, an old friend of mine, had become an important factor to be reckoned with in Chinese politics. He was a man of progressive tendencies and was alive to all practical measures of reform. He had been appointed governor of Kiangsu province, and after his accession to his new office, I had many interviews with him regarding my educational scheme, in which he was intensely interested. He told me that he was in correspondence with Wen Seang, the prime minister of China, who was a Manchu, and that if I were to put my scheme in writing, he would forward it to Peking, and ask Wen Seang to use his influence to memorialize the government for its adoption. Such an unexpected piece of information came like a clap of thunder and fairly lifted me off my feet. I immediately left Suchau for Shanghai. With the help of my Nanking friend, who had helped me in the work of translating “Parsons on Contracts,” I drew up four proposals to be presented to Governor Ting, to be forwarded by him to Minister Wen Seang, at Peking. They were as follows:
The first proposal contemplated the organization
of a Steamship Company on a joint stock
basis. No foreigner was to be allowed to be a
stockholder in the company. It was to be a
purely Chinese company, managed and worked
by Chinese exclusively.
To insure its stability and success, an annual government subsidy was to be made in the shape of a certain percentage of the tribute rice carried to Peking from Shanghai and Chinkiang, and elsewhere, where tribute rice is paid over to the government in lieu of taxes in money. This tribute rice heretofore had been taken to Peking by flat-bottom boats, via the Grand Canal. Thousands of these boats were built expressly for this rice transportation, which supported a large population all along the whole route of the Grand Canal.
On account of the great evils arising from this mode of transportation, such as the great length of time it took to take the rice to Peking, the great percentage of loss from theft, and from fermentation, which made the rice unfit for food, part of the tribute rice was carried by sea in Ningpo junks as far as Tiensin, and from thence transhipped again in flat-bottom boats to Peking. But even the Ningpo junk system was attended with great loss of time and much damage, almost as great as by flat-bottom scows. My proposition was to use steam to do the work, supplanting both the flat-bottomed scows and the Ningpo junk system, so that the millions who were dependent on rice for subsistence might find it possible to get good and sound rice. This is one of the great benefits and blessings which the China Merchant Steamship Co. has conferred upon China.
The second proposition was for the government
to send picked Chinese youths abroad to be
thoroughly educated for the public service. The
scheme contemplated the education of one
hundred and twenty students as an experiment.
These one hundred and twenty students were to
be divided into four installments of thirty
students each, one installment to be sent out
each year. They were to have fifteen years
to finish their education. Their average age was
to be from twelve to fourteen years. If the
first and second installments proved to be a
success, the scheme was to be continued indefinitely.
Chinese teachers were to be provided to keep up
their knowledge of Chinese while in the United
States. Over the whole enterprise two
commissioners were to be appointed, and the government
was to appropriate a certain percentage of
the Shanghai customs to maintain the mission.
The third proposition was to induce the
government to open the mineral resources of the
country and thus in an indirect way lead to the necessity of introducing railroads to transport
the mineral products from the interior to the
I did not expect this proposition to be adopted and carried out, because China at that time had no mining engineers who could be depended upon to develop the mines, nor were the people free from the Fung Shui superstition.[1] I had no faith whatever in the success of this proposition, but simply put it in writing to show how ambitious I was to have the government wake up to the possibilities of the development of its vast resources.
The encroachment of foreign powers upon the
independent sovereignty of Cliina has always
been watched by me with the most intense interest.
No one who is at all acquainted with Roman
Catholicism can fail to be impressed with the
unwarranted pretensions and assumptions of the
Romish church in China. She claims civil jurisdiction over her proselytes, and takes civil and
criminal cases out of Chinese courts. In order to
put a stop to such insidious and crafty workings
to gain temporal power in China, I put forth
this proposition: to prohibit missionaries of any
religious sect or denomination from exercising
any kind of jurisdiction over their converts, in
either civil or criminal cases. These four
propositions were carefully drawn up, and were
presented to Governor Ting for transmission to
Of the four proposals, the first, third and
fourth were put in to chaperone the second, in
which my whole heart was enlisted, and which
above all others was the one I wanted to be taken
up; but not to give it too prominent a place, at the
suggestion of my Chinese teacher, it was
assigned a second place in the order of the arrangement.
Governor Ting recognized this, and
accordingly wrote to Prime Minister Wen Seang
and forwarded the proposals to Peking. Two
months later, a letter from Ting, at Suchau, his
headquarters, gave me to understand that news
from Peking had reached him that Wen Seang's
mother had died, and he was obliged, according
to Chinese laws and customs, to retire from office and go into mourning for a period of twenty-seven
months, equivalent to three years, and to
abstain altogether from public affairs of all
kinds. This news threw a cold blanket over my
educational scheme for the time being. No sooner
had one misfortune happened than another took
its place, worst than the first — Wen Seang
himself, three months afterwards, was overtaken by
death during his retirement. This announcement
appeared in the Peking “Gazette,” which I
saw, besides being officially informed of it by
Governor Ting. No one who had a pet scheme
to promote or a hobby to ride could feel more
blue than I did, when the cup of joy held so near
to his lips was dashed from him. I was not entirely
disheartened by such circumstances, but had an
abiding faith that my educational scheme would
in the end come out all right. There was an
interval of at least three years of suspense and
waiting between 1868 and 1870. I kept pegging
at Governor Ting, urging him to keep the
subject constantly before Viceroy Tsang's mind.
But like the fate of all measures of reform, it had
to abide its time and opportunity.
The time and the opportunity for my educational scheme to materialize finally came. Contrary to all human expectations, the opportunity appeared in the guise of the Tientsin Massacre. No more did Samson, when he slew the Timnath lion, expect to extract honey from its carcass than did I expect to extract from the slaughter of the French nuns and Sisters of Charity the educational scheme that was destined to make a new China of the old, and to work out an Oriental civilization on an Occidental basis.
The Tientsin Massacre took place early in 1870. It arose from the gross ignorance and superstition of the Tientsin populace regarding the work of the nuns and Sisters of Charity, part of whose religious duty it was to rescue foundlings and castaway orphans, who were gathered into hospitals, cared for and educated for the services of the Roman Catholic church. This beneficent work was misunderstood and misconstrued by the ignorant masses, who really believed in the rumors and stories that the infants and children thus gathered in were taken into the hospitals and churches to have their eyes gouged out for medical and religious purposes. Such diabolical reports soon spread like wild-fire till popular excitement was worked up to its highest pitch of frenzy, and the infuriated mob, regardless of death and fearless of law, plunged headlong into the Tientsin Massacre. In that massacre a Protestant church was burned and destroyed, as was also a Roman Catholic church and hospital; several nuns or Sisters of Charity were killed.
At the time of this occurrence, Chung Hou was viceroy of the Metropolitan province. He had been ambassador to Russia previously, but in this unfortunate affair, according to Chinese law, he was held responsible, was degraded from office and banished. The whole imbroglio was finally settled and patched up by the payment of an indemnity to the relatives and friends of the victims of the massacre and the rebuilding of the Roman Catholic and Protestant churches, another Catholic hospital, besides a suitable official apology made by the government for the incident. Had the French government not been handicapped by the impending German War which threatened her at the time, France would certainly have made the Tientsin Massacre a casus belli, and another slice of the Chinese Empire would have been annexed to the French possessions in Asia. As it was, Tonquin, a tributary state of China, was afterwards unscrupulously wrenched from her.
In the settlement of the massacre, the Imperial commissioners appointed were: Viceroy Tsang Kwoh Fan, Mow Chung Hsi, Liu * * * and Ting Yih Chang, Governor of Kiang Su. Li Hung Chang was still in the field finishing up the Nienfi rebellion, otherwise he, too, would have been appointed to take part in the proceedings of the settlement. I was telegraphed for by my friend, Ting Yih Chang, to be present to act as interpreter on the occasion, but the telegram did not reach me in time for me to accompany him to Tientsin; but I reached Tientsin in time to witness the last proceedings. The High Commissioners, after the settlement with the French, for some reason or other, did not disband, but remained in Tientsin for several days. They evidently had other matters of State connected with Chung Hou's degradation and banishment to consider.
- ↑ The doctrine held by the Chinese in relation to the spirits or genii that rule over winds and waters, especially running streams and subterranean waters. This doctrine is universal and inveterate among the Chinese, and in a great measure prompts their hostility to railroads and telegraphs, since they believe that such structures anger the spirits of the air and waters and consequently cause floods and typhoons. — Standard Dictionary.