Myths and Legends of British North America/Calendar (Thompson River)
Thompson River
First month.—People-hunt-deer moon.
Second month.—"Going-in" moon. People go into their winter houses.
Third month.—Last "going-in" moon. Last of the people go into winter houses.
Fourth month.—"Little-coming-out" moon. Alternate cold and rain. Some people camp in lodges for a time.
Fifth month.—"Going-in-again" moon. Last cold when people go into winter houses again.
Sixth month.—"Coming-out" moon. Winter houses left for good. People catch fish in bag nets.
Seventh month.—People-go-on-short-hunts moon.
Eighth month.—People-pick-berries moon.
Ninth month.—People-begin-to-fish-for-salmon moon.
Tenth month.—People-fish-for-and-cure-salmon moon.
Eleventh month.—"To boil food a little." So called because people prepare fish oil.
Autumn.—People hunt large game and go trapping.