Myths and Legends of British North America/Chipmunk (Thompson River)
Thompson River
ONE day, as Grizzly Bear came along the trail, Chipmunk called her names and mocked her. Grizzly Bear rushed at Chipmunk. Chipmunk ran under a log. Grizzly Bear rushed at her again. Chipmunk did the same thing. Grizzly Bear shouted, "I'll get you!" and the fourth time almost caught her. Her claws scratched Chipmunk's back. Therefore the chipmunk has stripes on his back even today, because Grizzly scratched her in that way.
Later, Marmot met Grizzly Bear. He teased her in the same way that Chipmunk had, and the very fourth time that Grizzly rushed at him, she almost caught him, and scratched him, too. So Marmot also has stripes, even today.