Myths and Legends of British North America/Duration of Human Life (Haida)

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AT one time Raven said to stones scattered about, "Get up and help me. I am tired;" so he said. The stones got up, but they were unable to stand erect. Then Raven said, "Remain stones forever!" so they did.

Now the grass on the landward side of the stones was thick, and the salmon-berry bushes were very thick indeed. Then Raven said to the salmon-berry bushes and the grass, "Get up! Get up and help me. I am tired!" Then the grass and the salmon-berry bushes both arose. They turned into human beings, and they helped Raven.

So we are salmon-berry bushes and grass. Therefore we die in a short time, because grass and salmon-berry bushes are weak. Therefore people die in just the same way the leaves fall.