Myths and Legends of Our Own Land/Volume 2/Tales of Puritan Land
Tales (not listed in original)
- Harry Main; the Treasure and the Cats
- The Wessaguscus Hanging
- Goody Cole
- General Moulton and the Devil
- The Skeleton in Armor
- Martha's Vineyard and Nantucket
- Love and Treason
- The Headless Skeleton of Swamptown
- The Crow and Cat of Hopkins Hill
- The Old Stone Mill
- Origin of a Name
- Micah Rood Apples
- A Dinner and its Consequences
- The New Haven Storm Ship
- The Windham Frogs
- The Lamb of Sacrifice
- Moodus Noises
- Haddam Enchantments
- Block Island and the Palatine
- The Buccaneer
- Robert Lockwood's Fate
- Love and Rum