Narrative of the Proceedings of Pedrarias Davila/Index
- Acla, province of, 9; origin of the name, ib.; dress of the natives, ib.; settlement formed by Vasco Nuñez, 19; judicial murder of Vasco Nuñez at, 22; colony removed from Darien to, 32.
- Adechame, province of, 11
- Aisquis, weddings at, 68–69
- Aldana, Lorenzo de, sent by Pizarro to arrest Belalcazar, 63, 81
- Alligators, 39
- Almagro, in partnership with Pizarro, 43; enters Cuzco, 52; marches to Chile, 53; defeat and death of, 54.
- Alvarado, Pedro de, 54; conquers Guatemala, 79
- Alvarado
— — —, Alonzo de, conquers Brocamoras, 54 - Alvites, Diego de, founds Nombre de Dios, 23
- Ampudia, Juan de, 61, 62
- Añasco, Pedro de, killed by the Indians, 61
- Andagoya, Pascual de, Inspector General of Indians, his expedition to Biru, 40; receives tidings of the empire of the Incas, 41; falls into the water, 42; gives up the discovery of Peru to Pizarro, 43; appointed Governor of New Castille, 59; sets out from Spain, and lands at Buenaventura, 60; marches to Lili, 61; restores peace to Popayan, 62; converts Indians round Popayan and Lili, 67–74.
- Animals on the isthmus, 17, 18
- Antioquia, 64
- Apirama, warlike Indians of, 78
- Arguello, Hernando de, judicial murder of, 22
- Atabalica (Atahualpa), receives Soto, 47; treacherously imprisoned by Pizarro, 48; his war with his brother, 50–1; murdered by Pizarro, 52
- Atanzeta, province of, 61
- Atrinceta, province of, 75
- Avila, Gil Gonzalez de, expedition to Nicaragua, 32, 37; murdered by Cristoval de Olid, 38
- Badajos, Gonzalo de, expedition of, 26, 28
- Badillo, licentiate arrives at Lili, 63; imprisons Heredia at Carthagena, 81; and marches to Lili, ib.
- Balboa, Vasco Nuñez de, his character of Pedrarias, 1 note; at Darien, 3; appointed Alcalde mayor of Darien, 4; sends Garavita to Cuba, 18; imprisoned by Pedrarias, 19; sent by Pedrarias to explore the South Sea, ib.; forms a settlement at Acla, ib.; plans of, on hearing of the appointment of a new governor, 21 and note; judicial murder of, 22 and note.
- Balsa, Rio de la, Vasco Nuñez builds ships on the, 19
- Bastidas, governor of Santa Martha, killed by one Villafuerte, 81
- Becerra, Captain, sent to explore Cenu, 27
- Belalcazar, Sebastian de, proceedings of, 62; Pizarro sends Lorenzo de Aldano to arrest, 63; destruction caused by, 65, 66; reaches Bogota, 77
- Biru, province of, 10 note; entered by Andagoya, 41; boundaries of, 44; shields used by people of, ib.; Pizarro touches at, 44, 45
- Bogota, province of, 77; discovery of by the licentiate Jimenez, ib. and 83
- Bonda, province of, near Santa Martha, 82
- Boritica, 64
- Botello, Luis, to return to Acla for news, 21; judicial murder of, 22
- Buenaventura, founded by Andagoya, 60; description of, 64
- Burica, province of, discovered by Espinosa, 24, 37
- Cajamalca, Pizarro arrives at, 47
- Call (see Lili)
- Camboya, province of, 64
- Campanon, Francisco, opposes the schemes of Hernandez, 36; his flight from Nicaragua, 37
- Candia, Pedro de, lands at Tumbez, 46
- Cannibals arrive at Paris, 40
- Capucigra, Indian chief, 44
- Careta, province of, 8; Cacique, 8 note
- Carthagena, salt on the Isla Fuerte, 3; affairs of, 80
- Castañeda, licentiate, governor of Nicaragua, 39
- Catellez, province of, 76
- Cenu, 27 (see Zenu)
- Chame, near Panama, 25, 28
- Chasquio, province of, 74
- Chepo, 28
- Chepobar, 28
- Chiman, 28
- Chiriqui, 37
- Chiru, chief of a province near Panama, 25, 26, 29
- Chochama, province of, 40
- Chucheres, a remarkable tribe of Indians, 23
- Ciaman, river of, 65
- Codro, the astrologer, warns Vasco Nuñez, 21 note
- Coiba, province of, 11, 25, 29, 31, 75
- Colon, Admiral, discoverer of the coast of Tierra Firme, 6
- Comogre, province of, 10, 27, 28
- Contreras, Rodrigo de, governor of Nicaragua, 39
- Cueva, province of, 11, 19, 23, 29, 31, 40, 75
- Cutatara, chief of Paris, destroys a race of cannibals, 40 (see Paris)
- Cuzco, entered by Soto and Almagro, 52; besieged by Inca Manco, 53; Pizarro sends succour to, 53
- Darien, Pedrarias lands at, 3; Pizarro with the remnant of Ojeda's followers, settles at, 4; condition of the colony at, 6, 7; abandoned, 32
- Dominica, island of, 2 and note
- Escoria, a chief at war with Nata, 25; war between Paris and, 30
- Espinosa, the Licentiate Gaspar de, accompanies Pedrarias, 2 note; appointed to try Vasco Nuñez, 22; goes by land to Panama, 23; commands an expedition by sea to Nicaragua, 24; expedition of, to the westward, 28; account of, 29 note; in partnership with Pizarro, 43 note; death of, 59; account of, 59, note; Belalcazar hears of death of, 62
- Enciso, The Bachiller, goes to Darien with Pedrarias, as alguazil mayor, 2 note
- Estete, Martin, sent by Pedrarias to Manalca, 38
- Federman reaches Bogota, 77
- Gallo, island of, 44, 45; heroic resolution of Pizarro at, 45; account of the Indians on the coast opposite to, 76
- Garavita, Francisco, sent by Vasco Nuñez to Cuba, 18; to be sent to Acla for news by Vasco Nuñez, 21 note
- Gorgone, island of, 45
- Guanacaba Inca, 49, 57
- Guanate, province of, alligators in, 39
- Guarage, 30
- Guatemala, conquered by Alvarado, 79; account of, 79–80
- Guazcar Inca, brother of Atabalica, 49
- Heredia, Pedro de, governor of Carthagena, 80; imprisoned by Badillo, 81; governor of Santa Martha, ib.
- Hernandez, Francisco, settles Nicaragua, 36; revolts against Pedrarias, 36; beheaded by Pedrarias, 37
- Huista, province of, discovered by Espinosa, 24
- Hurtado, Benito, founds a town called Fonseca, 37
- Incas (see Yncas)
- Indians on the isthmus, treatment of, 7; manners and customs of, 13–17; mode of dispensing justice, 13; laws of, 13; superstitions of, 14; method of performing obsequies of the dead, 15; weapons of, 17; division of, in repertimiento, 23; remarkable tribe of, called Chuchures, 23; of Nicaragua, customs of, 33; of Popayan, revolt of, 61; dress of, 66; conversion of, by Andagoya, round Popayan and Lili, 67–74; warlike Indians of Apirama, 78; of Santa Martha, 80
- Infanta, Dr., governor of Santa Martha, 82
- Ingas (see Yncas)
- Isthmus, see seasons on; Indians of; animals of; languages on
- Jamindi chief, people massacred by Belalcazar, 65
- Jangono, an Indian chief, of the province of Aisquis, 68, 74
- Jauja, city founded there by Pizarro, 52; Morgobajo defeated at, 53
- Jimenez, discoverer of Bogota, 77–83
- Jitirigiti, language of, 65; conversion of Indians of, 68
- Languages, on the Isthmus, 25, 31; of Nicaragua, 33; round Popayan, 65
- Lebron, Geronimo, governor at Santa Martha, 77–83
- Lerma, Garcia de, governor of Santa Martha, 82
- Lili (or Cali), province of, Andagoya marches to, 61; Andagoya's efforts to convert Indians of, 70; food of the people of, 75; customs of natives of, 75
- Lima, founded by Pizarro, 52; climate of, 58
- Lugo, Don Pedro de, governor of Santa Martha, 82; Alonzo, 82
- Luque in partnership with Pizarro, 43
- Maldonado, licentiate, succeeds Alvarado in the government of Guatemala, 80
- Manalca, province of, 37; Martin Estete sent to, by Pedrarias, 38
- Meneses forms a colony called Santa Cruz, 12
- Meta, 25
- Mompox, 81
- Morales, Gaspar de, expedition of, 9
- Morgobajo defeated at Jauja, 53
- Nata, province of, 25 note, 26, 29; people of, attack the Spaniards, 27
- Nicaragua, Espinosa discovers coast of, 24; Indians of, their customs, 33; expedition of Gil Gonzalez de Avila to, 32; volcano in, 34; affairs of, 36–39
- Nicuesa, Diego de, 4; fate of, 5
- Nisca, 37
- Nombre de Dios founded by Diego Alvites, 23; Andagoya arrives at, 60
- Ojeda, Alonzo de, 4
- Olid, Cristoval de, murders Gil Gonzalez de Avila, 38
- Osorio, Captain, killed by the Indians, 61; bishop, governor of Nicaragua, 39
- Oviedo, the historian, goes to Darien with Pedrarias, as inspector of gold foundries, 2 note
- Pacora, 28
- Palms, island of, 45, 60, 77
- Palomino, governor of Santa Martha, is drowned, 81
- Panama, founded by Pedrarias, 23
- Pararaca, 28
- Paris, province of, invaded by Gonzalo de Badajos, 26; and by Espinosa, 29; war between Escoria and, 30; fierce cannibals arrive at, 40
- Patia, chief of, his kindness to the Spaniards, 69
- Pearls, islands of, 9; Vasco Nuñez reaches the, in his ships, 20; fisheries near Cabo de la Vela, 83
- Peccaries, 17, and note; method of hunting, 24
- Pedrarias de Avila, governor of Castilia del Oro, embarks at Seville, 1; his character, ib. note; lands at Darien, 3–6; imprisons Vasco Nuñez, 19; sends Vasco Nuñez to explore the South Sea, ib.; arrives at Acla, 21; sends for, and imprisons Vasco Nuñez, ib.; murders Vasco Nuñez, 22; founds Panama, 23; goes in search of Becera, 28; goes to Nicaragua, and beheads Hernandez, 37; superseded by Pedro de los Rios, 38; in partnership with Pizarro, Almagro, and Luque, 43
- Pequeo, province of, Vasco Nuñez lands at, 20
- Periquete, 28
- Peru, origin of the name, 42 (see Pizarro)
- Peruqueta, province of, 11
- Peties, Indians of, 74
- Pizarro, Francisco, chosen leader of Ojeda's followers, 4; settles at Darien, ib.; undertakes the conquest of Peru, 43: sets out on his expedition, ib.; heroic resolution of, at Gallo, 45; arrives at Cajamalca, 47; captures the Inca, 48; murders the Inca Atahualpa, 52; dispute with Almagro, 54; sends Aldana to arrest Belalcazar, 63; Juan, death of, 53; Hernando wounded at Puna, 46; imprisoned by Almagro, 53; his treachery to Almagro, 54; Diego sent to relieve Cuzco, and killed by Indians, 53
- Pocorosa, funeral obsequies of the chief of, 16; province of, 28
- Popayan, 61; Andagoya restores peace to, 62; conversion of Indians round, 67; description of, 74; food of the people of, ib.
- Puelles, Pedro de, founds Pasto, 65
- Puna, island of, natives attack the Spaniards, 46
- Puricachima, general of Atabalica, 51
- Quevedo, Juan de, bishop of Darien, accompanies Pedrarias, 2, note
- Quitatara, chief of Paris (which see)
- Quizquiz, general of Atabalica, 51
- Ramada, province of, discovered by Alonzo de Lugo, 82; pearl fisheries at, 83
- Rios, Pedro de los, supersedes Pedrarias, as governor of Panama, 38; is driven out of Nicaragua, ib.
- Robledo, Jorge, proceedings of, 63
- Salcedo, Diego Lopez de, arrives in Nicaragua, 38
- Salt, supply of, near Panama, 25, 59
- Sangana, 30
- San Juan river, 45, 59, 65; city of, 41
- San Miguel, gulf of, 11; ships of Vasco Nuñez reach the, 20
- San Sebastian de Uraba founded, 80
- Santa Cruz, sent out as judge to Carthagena, 81
- Santa Cruz, settlement formed by Meneses, 12; fate of a Spanish woman at, ib.
- Santa Maria, river of, 76
- Santa Martha, Pedrarias lands at, 3; many of Ojeda's people perish at, 4; Geronimo Lebron, governor at, 77; affairs of, 81; climate of, 83
- Seasons on the isthmus, 39
- Sosa, Lope de, appointed governor of Darien, 20–38
- Soto, in Nicaragua, 36; is outwitted by Gil Gonzalez de Avila, 37; Hernando de, joins Pizarro, 46; his embassy to the Inca, 47
- South Sea, discovery of by Vasco Nuñez, 7; expedition of Gaspar Morales to, 9; expedition of Pedrarias to, 22; currents in the, 76; navigation of, 77
- Suema, 30
- Tabore, 28
- Tamasagra, Indian chief, 44
- Tapia, Gonzalo de, sent to relieve Cuzco, and killed by the Indians, 53
- Tauraba, province of, cannibals at, 40
- Tijajos, Indians of, 79
- Timana besieged by the Indians, 61, 65
- Tobreytrota, province of, 25
- Tubanama, 28
- Tumbez, 47
- Tunceta, province of, 65
- Ubsagano, a vassal of Paris, 30
- Uraba, San Sebastian de, founded, 80
- Valderrabano, arranges with Vasco Nuñez to return to Acla, 20; judicial murder of, 22
- Valverde, Fray Vicente de, his interview with Atabalica, 48
- Vasco Nuñez (see Balboa)
- Villafuerte kills Bastidas, 81; executed, 83
- Villavina (Huillac Umu or high priest) goes with Almagro to Chile, 33
- Volcano in Nicaragua, 34
- Ynca Manco besieges Cuzco, 53
- Yncas (see Atabalica, Guazcar, Guanacaba), Viracocha, the first Ynca, 55; roads made by the, ib.; laws and civilisation of the, 56; religion, 57; ceremonies, 58
- Yolo, province of, 64
- Zenu, province of, gold found in tombs, 81 (see Cenu)
- Zinzy, bay of, 64