Nathaniel Hawthorne/Index
Advertisement, the tenth Muse, 71
Æsthetic Papers, Hawthorne's contributions to.
Alcott, Amos Bronson.
Aliston, Washington.
American Magazine of Useful and
Entertaining Knowledge, The, Hawthorne edits.
American Monthly Magazine, The;
Hawthorne's contributions to;
Benjamin writes of Hawthorne in.
Andrews, Ferdinand, a Salem printer.
Androscoggin Loo Club.
Annuals, contemporary opinion of.
Arbella, the ship.
Athenæum Society at Bowdoin College.
Athenæum, The London, favorable
notice of Hawthorne in.
Atherton, Senator Charles G., meets Hawthorne.
Atlantic Monthly, The, Hawthorne's contributions to.
Atlantic Souvenir, The, Philadelphia.
Augusta, Maine, Hawthorne visits Bridge at.
Austin, William, so-called "American predecessor"
of Hawthorne.
Bacon, Delia, Hawthorne's kindness to.
Bancroft, George, appoints Hawthorne
weigher and ganger in Boston Custom House;
offers Hawthorne a clerkship in Charlestown
Navy Yard.
Benjamin, Park, recognizes Hawthorne's genius;
coolness of Hawthorne toward.
Bewick Company, The, Boston.
Blithedale Romance, The, estimate of;
external realism of.
Blodgett, Mrs., with whom Hawthorne
boarded at Liverpool.
Boston American Stationers' Company.
Boston Athenæum.
Boston Miscellany, The, "A Virtuoso's
Collection" published in.
Bowditch family, the.
Bowdoin College;
simplicity of;
Hawthorne's distinguished classmates in.
Boys' and Girls' Magazine, The,
Hawthorne's contributions to.
Bradford, George P.
Bradley, Rev. Caleb, Hawthorne tutored by.
Bremer, Fredrika.
Bridge, Horatio, Hawthorne's early confidant;
Hawthorne's letters to, quoted;
his friendship for;
guarantees publication of "Twice-Told Tales";
again aids Hawthorne;
Hawthorne assists in revising
"Journal of an African Cruiser";
his "naval picnic," _note_;
visits Hawthorne in Berkshire;
"a reliable friend,".
Bright, Henry,
his "Song of Consul Hawthorne,"
Brook Farm;
Hawthorne at;
broken up.
Brown, Charles Brockden, so-called
"American predecessor"
of Hawthorne.
Brownings, the, Robert and Elizabeth Barrett.
Bryant, William Cullen.
Buchanan, James.
Buckingham, Joseph Tinker.
Barley, Miss Susan,
of Salem.
Shaker Community in.
Carlyle, Thomas,
wherein Hawthorne resembled.
Casa Bella,
Hawthorne's residence in Florence.
Chamber under the Eaves, the.
Charming, Ellery.
Channing, William Ellery.
Choate, Rufus.
Chorley, Henry F.
Cilley, Jonathan,
classmate of Hawthorne;
elected to Congress;
shot in a duel.
Clark, S. Gaylord,
editor Knickerbocker Magazine.
Concord, Mass.,
Hawthorne moves to Old Manse in;
literary work in;
hard conditions of Hawthorne's life in;
Hawthorne settles at The Wayside in.
Cooper, James Fenimore.
Custom House, Boston.
Custom House, Salem,
Hawthorne appointed surveyor;
his sketch of;
an antidote to Transcendentalism.
Democratic Review, The, Hawthorne's contributions to.
Dewey, Rev. Orville.
Dial, The, transcendental publication.
Diary, Hawthorne's first, _note_.
Dickens, Charles,
his manner suggested in "House of the Seven Gables".
Dike, Mrs. Priscilla Manning.
Duyckinck, Evert Augustus.
Dwight, Mrs. William (Eliza White).
Emerson, Ralph Waldo,
his visit to Sophia Peabody;
relations with Hawthorne.
Everett, Edward.
Faërie Queene, The,
Hawthorne's first book purchase.
Fairfield, Senator John,
meets Hawthorne at Portsmouth Navy Yard.
Farley, Frank.
Fesseuden, Thomas Green.
Fields, James T.,
his wise suggestion;
good advice;
Hawthorne writes to, from Montaüto;
from Rome;
regarding dedication to "Life of Franklin Pierce";
about "The Dolliver Romance".
Fuller, Margaret,
Hawthorne's hard judgment of.
Gardner family, the.
Giddings family, the.
Goodrich, Samuel Griswold,
"Peter Parley";
his "Recollections," quoted;
transactions with Hawthorne;
Hawthorne's ungenerous view of.
Graham's Magazine,
Hawthorne's contributions to.
Graves, William J.,
his duel with Jonathan Cilley.
"Greenwood, Grace" (Sara Jane Lippincott),
Hawthorne's comment on.
Griswold, Rufus Wilmot.
Hathorne, family stock of.
Hathorne, Daniel,
of Revolutionary ballad fame.
Hathorne, Judge John,
of witchcraft memory.
Hathorne, Joseph.
Hathorne, William, emigrant planter.
Hathorne, Nathaniel.
Hawthorne, Elizabeth;
her mental resemblance to Nathaniel;
"an invisible entity,".
Hawthorne, Julian;
Hawthorne, Louisa;
letter from Nathaniel to, quoted;
no recluse;
letters to Nathaniel quoted;
death of.
Hawthorne, Mrs., mother of Nathaniel;
relations with her son;
her solitary life;
Elizabeth Peabody's description of;
delight in her grandchildren;
her home in Herbert Street;
moves to Mall Street;
Hawthorne, Nathaniel
date of birth;
life at Raymond, Me;
returns to Salem;
early reading;
preparation for college;
letters to his sisters and mother;
considers choice of profession;
enters Bowdoin College;
youthful characteristics;
excels in Latin and English;
narrow circumstances;
early friendships;
changes spelling of his name;
manner of life in Salem;
a born Solitary;
drifts into authorship;
choice of subjects;
literary ventures;
yearly journeys;
basis of imaginative work;
first substantial gains;
a close observer;
editor of American Magazine of
Useful and Entertaining Knowledge;
editorial difficulties;
quarrels with Benjamin;
his anonymity dispelled;
Bridge guarantees publication of "Twice-Told Tales";
Goodrich's services to;
reception of "Twice-Told Tales";
Pierce suggests South Sea Exploring Expedition;
challenges a man to a duel;
his solitude broken;
meets Miss Sophia Peabody;
is appointed weigher and gauger in Boston Custom House;
bids farewell to Herbert Street;
practical life wearies;
his courtship;
loses place in Boston Custom House;
reasons for joining Brook Farm;
life there;
letter to Sophia Peabody;
averse to literary society;
barren years;
Paradise in the Old Manse, Concord;
Una's birth;
straits for money;
Bridge and Pierce assist;
temperament and art analyzed;
literary faculty;
permanently influenced by Scott;
prime qualities in his work;
provincial note;
primary element in genius;
allegorizing temperament;
vivid symbolism;
his objectivity;
a moralist;
essentially an artist;
capacity for idleness;
his democracy;
"obscurest man of letters in America,";
made surveyor of the port of Salem;
his feeling for Salem;
as a government official;
literary revenge;
gossip concerning;
imagination languishes;
Julian born;
home happiness;
dismissed from office;
his resentment;
his susceptibility;
applies to Hillard;
his mother's death;
visited by Fields;
a bitter experience,
letter to Hillard;
finishes "Scarlet Letter";
fame established;
characteristics of his genius;
unsympathetic as an artist;
farewell to Salem;
family life in Berkshire;
productive period;
"House of the Seven Gables" written and published;
power of realistic detail;
marvelous art;
no sympathy with reform;
fatalistic trait;
Rose born;
delight in his children;
his "spiritual sense of life";
narrow intellectual interests;
temporary residence in West Newton;
"Blithedale Romance" written;
purchases "The Wayside";
objects to writing Pierce's "Life";
friendship for Pierce;
an unsparing critic;
accepts Liverpool consulate;
life at Liverpool;
notable official action;
his opinion of philanthropy;
kindly received in England;
good after-dinner speaker;
alien in England;
competence secured;
resigns consulate;
life in Italy;
its influence;
begins "Marble Faun";
describes Villa Montaüto;
Una's illness;
leaves Rome and finishes "Marble Faun";
height of his literary power;
sensitive temperament;
creative genius;
defective technique;
his fullest expression;
returns to Concord;
health fails;
despairs of the Union;
mental attitude in politics;
last days;
Alice Doane's Appeal;
Ambitious Guest, The;
American Note-Books;
Ancestral Footstep, The;
Artist of the Beautiful, The;
Bald Eagle;
Bell's Biography, A;
Biographical stories, note;
Birthmark, The;
Buds and Bird Voices;
Canterbury Pilgrims, The;
Celestial Railroad, The, note;
Chiefly about War Matters;
Chippings with a Chisel;
Christmas Banquet, The;
Cilley, Jonathan;
Custom House, The;
David Swan;
Devil in Manuscript, The;
Diary, First, authenticity questioned, note;
Dr. Grimshawe's Secret;
Dolliver Romance, The;
Dr. Heidegger's Experiment;
Downer's Banner, The;
Drowne's Wooden Image;
Duston Family, The;
Earth's Holocaust;
Edward Fane's Rosebud;
Edward Randolph's Portrait;
Egotism, or the Bosom Serpent;
Endicott and the Red Cross;
Ethan Brand;
Fancy's Show Box;
Famous Old People;
Fanshawe, note;
Fessenden, Thomas Green;
Fire Worship;
Footprints on the Sea-Shore;
Gentle Boy, The, note;
Grandfather's Chair;
Graves and Goblins;
Gray Champion, The;
Great Carbuncle, The;
Great Stone Face, The;
Hall of Fantasy, The;
Haunted Mind, The;
Haunted Quack, The;
Hollow of the Three Hills, The;
House of the Seven Gables, The;
Howe's Masquerade;
Intelligence Office, The;
Inglefield's Thanksgiving, 102, 225; Journal of a Solitary Man;
Lady Eleanore's Mantle;
Liberty Tree, The, note;
Lily's Quest, The;
Little Annie's Ramble;
Little Daffydowndilly;
Main Street;
Man of Adamant, The;
Marble Faun, The;
Maypole of Merry Mount, The;
Minister's Black Veil, The;
Monsieur du Miroir;
Mosses from an Old Manse note;
Mr. Higginbotham's Catastrophe;
Mrs. Bullfrog;
My Uncle Molineaux;
My Wife's Novel, attributed to Hawthorne;
Nature of Sleep;
New Adam and Eve, The;
New England Village, The;
Ontario Steamboat, An;
Niagara, My Visit to;
Old Apple Dealer, The;
Old Esther Dudley, first story to
bear Hawthorne's name;
Old French War, The;
Old Manse, The;
Old News;
Old Ticonderoga;
Old Tory, The;
Our Old Home note;
Papers of an Old Dartmoor Prisoner;
Passages from a Relinquished Work;
Pepperell, Sir William;
Peter Goldthwaite's Treasure;
"Peter Parley's" Universal History, note;
Pierce, Franklin, Life of;
Procession of Life, The;
Prophetic Pictures, The;
Province House Series;
Provincial Tales;
P.'s Correspondence;
Rappaccini's Daughter;
Rill from the Town Pump, A;
Roger Malvin's Burial;
Scarlet Letter, The;
Septimius Felton;
Seven Tales of my Native Land;
Seven Vagabonds, The;
Shaker Bridal, The;
Sights from a Steeple;
Sister Years, The;
Night Scenes under an Umbrella;
Sketches from Memory;
Snow Image, The, note;
Spectator, The, first essay in journalism;
Story-Teller, The;
Sunday at Home;
Sylph Etheredge;
Tanglewood Tales;
Three-fold Destiny, The;
Time's Portraiture;
Toll Gatherer's Day, The;
Twice-Told Tales, note;
Veiled Lady, The;
Village Uncle, The;
Virtuoso's Collection, A;
Vision of the Fountain, The;
Visit to the Clerk of the Weather, A,
never yet attributed to Hawthorne;
Wedding Knell, The;
White Old Maid, The;
Wives of the Dead;
Wonder-Book, A;
Young Goodman Brown;
Young Provincial, The, note.
Hawthorne, Mrs. Nathaniel. See
Sophia Peabody.
Hawthorne, Rose,
her sketch of Montaüto.
Hawthorne, Una,
a beautiful child;
illness at Rome.
Hillard, George S.,
Hawthorne writes to;
letter to Hawthorne.
Hoffman, Charles Fenno,
his apt characterization of "Twice-Told Tales".
Holden's Dollar Magazine,
"Ethan Brand" published in.
Holmes, Oliver Wendell.
Hosmer, Harriet,
Houghton, Lord (Richard Monckton Milnes).
House of the Seven Gables, The,
analysis of;
lax unity in;
local realism of;
suggestion of Dickens in;
ancestral quality;
ethical meaning in.
Howe, Dr. Samuel Gridley.
International Magazine, The,
"Snow Image" published in.
Irving, Washington,
Hawthorne compared to.
Italy, Hawthorne's life in.
Jameson, Mrs. Anna.
Kemble, Fanny.
Knickerbocker Magazine, The,
Hawthorne's contributions to.
Lander, Louisa.
Lathrop, George Parsons,
his study of Hawthorne;
Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth;
recognizes college days in "Fanshawe,";
Hawthorne's letter to;
notices "Twice-Told Tales" in North American Review.
Long Wharf.
Lord family, the.
Loring, Dr. George B.,
on Hawthorne's connection with Salem Custom House.
Maine Hall,
at Bowdoin College.
Mann, Horace.
Manning, Elizabeth Clarke. See Mrs. Hawthorne.
Manning, Richard,
of St. Petrox Parish.
Manning, Richard,
Hawthorne's grandfather.
Manning, Richard,
Hawthorne's uncle.
Manning, Robert;
undertakes Hawthorne's education.
Manning, Samuel,
Hawthorne travels with.
Manning, William,
Hawthorne writes in office of.
"Manning's Folly".
Marble Faun, The;
ethical weakness of;
source of its interest;
Puritan romance masquerading;
analytic study of nature of evil.
Marsh and Capen, Boston,
publish "Fanshawe" at Hawthorne's expense.
Mason, Alfred,
Hawthorne's roommate in college.
Melville, Herman.
Montaüto, villa of,
where Hawthorne began "Marble Faun".
Morituri Salutamus, Longfellow's.
Mosses from an Old Manse.
Motley, John Lothrop,
Hawthorne's friendliness toward.
National Era,
The "Great Stone Face" published in.
Navy Club.
Navy Yard, Charlestown.
New England;
homes of;
colonial tradition of;
central fact in life of;
the secret of.
New England Magazine, The,
Hawthorne's contributions to, note;
Hawthorne noticed in.
North American Review, The;
Longfellow's notice of "Twice-Told Tales" in.
Note-Books, Hawthorne's,
beginning of;
his use of.
"Oberon," signature Hawthorne used
in writing to Bridge;
farewell to his eidolon.
Old Manse, the.
Oliver, Benjamin.
O'Sullivan, John,
editor "Democratic Review,";
U. S. minister at Lisbon.
Our Old Home; remorseless impressionism of, note.
Peabody, Elizabeth, quoted;
letters of Hawthorne to.
Peabody, Mary (Mrs. Horace Mann).
Peabody, Sophia;
her love story;
Hawthorne's letters to;
recovers health and is married;
"A New Adam and Eve";
Hawthorne's devotion to;
courage in ill-fortune;
spends winter in Lisbon;
English life interests;
uncertain health;
death of.
"Peter Parley." See Goodrich, S. G.
Peter Parley's Universal History on
the basis of Geography, written
by Nathaniel and Elizabeth Hawthorne.
Peucinian Society, at Bowdoin College.
Phelps family, the.
Pickering, John.
Pierce, Franklin
early friendship for Hawthorne;
interests himself in his fortunes;
elected Senator from New Hampshire;
advises change of scene for Hawthorne;
his affection for;
at Portsmouth Navy Yard;
Hawthorne writes Life of;
elected President of the United States,
and appoints Hawthorne to Liverpool consulate;
offers Hawthorne a post in American Legation at Lisbon;
Hawthorne's love for;
writes Bridge about Hawthorne's last days.
Pioneer, The,
Hawthorne's contributions to.
Plymouth, N. H.,
Hawthorne's death at.
Poe, Edgar Allan,
Hawthorne's only rival in harmony of tone.
Polk, James K.
Portsmouth Navy Yard,
political "naval picnic" at.
Potter family, the.
Powers, Hiram.
Raymond, Captain George.
Raymond, Maine,
Hawthorne's boyhood home.
Rome, Hawthorne in.
Ropes, Joseph.
Hawthorne born at;
Dr. Worcester's school in;
Hawthorne's life in;
much missed in;
unappreciative "of its illustrious son";
Hawthorne characterizes people of;
Hawthorne's debt to.
Salem Athenæum, The.
Salem Gazette, The,
Hawthorne writes Carrier's Address for.
Salem Lyceum, Hawthorne an officer of.
Sargent, Epes.
Sargent, John Osborne.
Saturday Club, the.
Sawtelle, Cullen,
a classmate of Hawthorne.
"Scarlet Letter, The";
analysis of;
genesis of;
a study of punishment;
reality of;
parable of soul's life in sin;
moral despair of.
Scott, Sir Walter, Hawthorne influenced by.
Sebago Lake, Maine.
Sedgwick, Catherine Maria.
Siena, Hawthorne's happy days at.
Sleepy Hollow, Concord, Hawthorne's burial place.
Southern Rose, The,
Charleston, S. C., "The Lily's Quest" appeared in.
Spectator, The,
Hawthorne's first essay in journalism.
Stoddard, Richard Henry.
Story, William Wetmore;
Hawthorne's happy days with.
Thompson, Launt.
Thoreau, Henry D.
Ticknor, William D., sudden death of.
Token, The;
Hawthorne's contributions to;
Park Benjamin notices Hawthorne's articles in.
Tupper, Martin Farquhar,
Hawthorne's visit to.
Tyler, John.
Upham, Charles W.
Verplanck, Gulian Crommelin.
Very, Jones.
War, the Civil.
Wayside, The,
Hawthorne's home in Concord.
Willis, Nathaniel Parker.
Worcester, Dr. Joseph Emerson,
Hawthorne's first master.
Youth's Keepsake, The,
Hawthorne's contributions to.