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National anthem of Mongolia

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National anthem of Mongolia
Tsendiin Damdinsüren (lyrics); Bilegiin Damdinsüren or Luvsanjambyn Mördorj (melody)

The National Anthem of Mongolia was created in 1950. The music is a composition by Bilegiin Damdinsüren (1919–1991) and Luvsanjambyn Mördorj (1919–1996), the lyrics were written by Tsendiin Damdinsüren (1908–1988).

2426514National anthem of MongoliaTsendiin Damdinsüren (lyrics); Bilegiin Damdinsüren or Luvsanjambyn Mördorj (melody)

Translation of original lyrics in English

Our sacred independent countryIs the ancestral hearth of all Mongols,May all of the world's good deedsWill prosper and continue for eternity.
Our country will strengthen relationsWith all righteous countries of the world.And let us develop our beloved MongoliaWith all our will and might.
Our great nation's symbol blesses usAnd the people's fate supports usLet us pass on our ancestry, culture and languageFrom generation to generation.
The brilliant people of the brave MongoliaHave gained freedom and happiness,The key to delight, and the path to progress.Majestic Mongolia — our country, live forever.

 This work is a translation and has a separate copyright status to the applicable copyright protections of the original content.


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This work is in the public domain in Mongolia and other jurisdictions.

According to the Law of Mongolia on Copyright from September 1st, 1993 as amended on February 1st, 1997, May 21st, 1999 and Jan 19, 2006, works first published in Mongolia are exempt from copyright if they fall under one of the following categories:

  • legislation and other legal documents
  • administrative decisions and official documents of legal entities and organizations
  • court decisions, resolutions, judge's decrees, and other documents and speeches delivered during court hearings
  • translations of any of the above
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  • any news for the purpose of reporting currents events and results
  • works of folklore and national traditions
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