Native Flowers of New Zealand/Plate 27

All the species of Calceolaria are confined to South America, with the exception of two native to New Zealand—the present one and C. repens—which thus afford a good illustration of the affinity existing between the floras of the two countries. C. Sinclairii is, however, of very local distribution, being confined to the district between the East Cape and Napier. The flowers, though pretty, are very small compared with those of many of the American species. (Cheeseman). It flowers in March.

There are probably only about a score of members of this genus, which really deserve specific rank, although a large number have been described as distinct. The Eyebrights are found in temperate regions of both hemispheres, about five being represented in the flora of New Zealand, and these are distinct enough from those which occur in Arctic Europe, &c. The generic name is derived from the Greek euphraino to delight, the plants being supposed to possess the power of curing blindness. In rustic practice in Britain E. officinalis is still used as an eye medicine. (Nicholson). It flowers in January. Mount Egmont.