Near and Far (Blunden)/Return
Deed and event of prouder stature Dare not always overshadeThe first fresh buddings of our nature; Their hidden colour does not fade.
We well may quit our laboured a&ion At some sweet call to early loves,And find the jewel of self-contra&ion Like saints in rocks and springs and groves.
Win back the world when true Aurora Dawned a goddess, not an hour!Think, have you caught the smile of Flora Since your own life was a young flower?
And Love, even Love, has dropped her lilies On the hot highroad; once she knewHow columbines and daffadillies Created her own sun and dew.
Return; how stands that man enchanted Who, after seas and mountains crossed,Finds his old threshold, so long scanted, With not a rose or robin lost!
The wise, from passion now retreating To the hamlets of the mind,In every glance have claimed the greeting Of spirits infinitely kind.