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Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers: Series I/Volume V/Contents

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preface to the american edition.

prefatory note by the american reviser.

introduction to augustin’s anti-pelagian writings. By the Rev. Professor B.B. Warfield, D.D.

dedication of vol. i. of edinburgh edition.

dedication of vol. ii. of edinburgh edition.

preface to vol. i. of edinburgh edition.

preface to vol. ii. of edinburgh edition.

“on the merits and remission of sins, and on the baptism of infants.”

Three Books. Written A.D. 412.

(De Peccatorum Meritis et Remissione, et de Baptismo Parvulorum.)

Extract from Augustin’s “Retractations” on “De Peccatorum Meritis,” etc.

The Treatise itself.

“on the spirit and the letter.” One Book. Written A.D. 412.

(De Spiritu et Litterâ.)

Extract from Augustin’s “Retractations” on “De Spiritu et litterâ.”

The Treatise itself.

“on nature and grace.” One Book. Written A.D. 415.

(De Naturâ et Gratiâ, contra Pelagium.)

Extract from Augustin’s “Retractations” on “De Naturâ et Gratiâ.”

Introductory Note.

The Treatise itself.

“on man’s perfection in righteousness.” One Book. Written about the end of 415.

(De Perfectione Justiciæ Hominis.)

Preface to the treatise.

The Treatise itself.

“on the proceedings of pelagius.” One Book. Written early in 417.

(De Gestis Pelagii.)

Extract from Augustin’s “Retractations” on “De Gestis Pelagii.”

Preface to the treatise.

The Treatise itself.

“on the grace of christ, and on original sin.” Two Books. Written in 418.

(De Gratiâ Christi, et de Peccato Originali, contra Pelagium.)

Extract from Augustin’s “Retractations” on “De Gratiâ Christi,” and “De Peccato Originali.”

Book I. On the Grace of Christ.

Book ii. On Original Sin.

“on marriage and concupiscence.” Two Books. Written early in 419 and 420.

(De Nuptiis et Concupiscientiâ.)

Extract from Augustin’s “Retractations” on “De Nuptiis et Concupiscientiâ.”

Advertisement to the Reader.

A Letter from Augustin to the Count Valerius.

Book I.

Preliminary Notes to the Second Book.

Book ii.

“on the soul and its origin.” Four Books. Written late in 419.

(De Animâ et ejus Origine.)

Extract from Augustin’s “Retractations” on “De Animâ et ejus Origine.”

Advertisement to the Reader.

Book I. Addressed to Renatus.

Book ii. Addressed to the Presbyter Peter.

Book III. Addressed to Vincentius Victor.

Book IV. Addressed to Vincentius Victor.

  • “Against two letters of the pelagians.” Four Books. Written in 420 or a Little Later.

(Contra Duas Epistolas Pelagianorum.)

Extract from Augustin’s “Retractations” on “Contra Duas Epistolas Pelagianorum.”

Book I.

Book ii.

Book III.

Book IV.

“on grace and free will.” One Book. Written in 426 or 427.

(De Gratiâ et Libero Arbitrio.)

Extract from Augustin’s “Retractations” on “De Gratiâ et Libero Arbitrio.”

Two Letters from Augustin to Valentinus and the Monks of Adrumetum, and forwarded with the Following Treatise.

The Treatise itself.

  • “on rebuke and grace.” One Book. Written in 426 or 427.

(De Correptione et Gratiâ.)

Extract from Augustin’s “Retractations” on “De Correptione et Gratiâ.”

The Treatise itself.

  • “on the predestination of the saints.” One Book. Written in 428 or 429.

(De Prædestinatione Sanctorum.)

  • “on the gift of perseverance.” One Book. Written in 428 or 429.

(De Dono Perseverantiæ.)

Note.—The treatises marked wth an asterisk above were translated by Dr. Wallis; the others by Dr. Holmes.