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Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers: Series II/Volume VI/Prolegomena/Chronological Tables

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Chronological Tables of the Life and Times of St. Jerome A.D. 345–420.



Contemporary History.

Contemporary History (Ecclesiastical).

345. Jerome born at Stridon (Pannonia or Dalmatia).

340. Death of Constantine.

341. Athanasius at Rome.

360. Jerome at school.

352. Cyril, Bishop of Jerusalem.

363. To study at Rome. Baptism.

353. Constantius sole Emperor.

366. To Treves.

356. Eusebius of Vercellæ, and other orthodox Bishops banished by Constantius.

366–69. Jerome copies works of Hilary.

356. Death of Antony.

369. Jerome writes a mystical Commentary on Obadiah.

359. Councils of Ariminum and Seleucia.

370. To Aquileia.

370. First letter—On the woman seven times struck with the axe.

360. Julian Emperor.

373. Leaves Aquileia for the East.

361. Death of Constantius.

362. Eusebius of Vercellæ and other Bishops recalled from exile.

363. Death of Julian. Jovian Emperor.

364. Death of Jovian. Valentinian and Valens.

374. Illness at Antioch. Anti-Ciceronian dream.

374. Life of Paulus, the first hermit.

365. Apollinarius, Bishop of Laodicæa.

374–79. In Desert of Chalcis.

374–79. Jerome copies Gospel of the Hebrews and other books.

366. Invasion of the Alemanni repelled by Valentinian.

366. Damasus Pope.

379. Dialogue against the Luciferians.

367–69. Gothic war.

379–80. At Antioch.

367–70. Britain restored by the elder Theodosius.

370. Law of Valentinian against clerical legacies.

379. Ordination by Paulinus.

371. Death of Eusebius of Vercellæ and of Lucifer.

380. To Constantinople.

373. Death of Athanasius. Peter and Lucius, rival Bishops.

381. Translation of Eusebius’ Chronicle.

374. Ambrose, Bishop of Milan.

381. Translation of Origen’s Homilies on Jeremiah and Ezekiel.

374. Melania and Rufinus leave Rome for the East.

382–85. At Rome.

375. Death of Valentinian. Valens and Gratian Emperors.

383. Translation of Psalms from LXX. and of New Testament.

376. Theodosius, after restoring Africa, executed at Carthage.

383. Book against Helvidius (Perp. Virg. of B.M.V.)

377–80. Persian war.

385. Leaves Rome (August); to Antioch (December).

385–87. Translation of Origen on Canticles.

378. Battle of Adrianople. Valens killed. Gregory Nazianzen at Constantinople.

378. Gregory Nazianzen at Constantinople.

386. Through Palestine to Egypt, and settlement at Bethlehem.

386–90. Translation of LXX. into Latin.

379. Theodosius Emperor.

387. Revision of version of New Testament.

380. Baptism of Theodosius.

381. Council of Constantinople.

381. Peter, Bishop of Alexandria, succeeded by his brother Timothy.

388. Commentary on Ecclesiastes.

382. Council at Rome.

388. Commentary on Galatians, Ephesians, Titus, Philemon.

382. Altar of Victory in Roman Senate removed.

388. Book of Hebrew Names.

383. Death of Gratian. Maximus Emperor.

388. Questions on Genesis.

384. Treaty with Persia.

384. Death of Damasus (December).

388. Translation of Eusebius on Sites and Names of Hebrew Places.

385. Theophilus, Bishop of Alexandria, succeeds Timothy.

385. Siricius Pope.

388. Translation of Didymus on the Holy Spirit.

386. John succeeds Cyril as Bishop of Jerusalem.

386. Execution of Priscillian for heresy at Treves.

389. Translation of Origen on St. Luke.

387. Sedition of Antioch.

390. Lives of Malchus and Hilarion, hermits.

388. Death of Maximus. Valentinian II. Emperor.

389. Temple of Serapis destroyed.

391. Vulgate version of Old Testament begun.

390. Massacre of Thessalonica. Penance of Theodosius.

390. Death of Gregory Nazianzen.

392. Aterbius at Jerusalem.

392. Book of Illustrious Men.

391. Death of Valentinian II. Eugenius usurper.

392. Laws of Theodosius against Paganism.

392. Epiphanius visits Jerusalem. Schism between Jerome and John of Jerusalem, till 397.

392. Commentary on Nahum, Micah, Zephaniah, Haggai, Habakkuk.

394. Defeat of Eugenius. Theodosius sole Emperor.

393. Books against Jovinian.

394. Death of Theodosius. Arcadius (æt. 18) Emperor of the East; Honorius (æt. 14) of the West. Stilicho Minister and General in the West. Death of Rufinus the Prefect at Constantinople.

395. Augustin, Bishop of Hippo.

394. Beginning of controversy with Augustin.

395. Jerome denounced to the Emperor.

395. The Huns invade Northern Syria.

396. Alaric invades Greece.

395. Oceanus and Fabiola at Bethlehem.

397. Alaric conquered by Stilicho in Arcadia.

397. Death of Ambrose. Simplicianus, Bishop of Milan.

397. Theophilus of Alexandria turns against Origenism. Rufinus reconciled to Jerome and returns to Italy.

397. Commentary on Jonah.

398. Death of Gildo in Africa. Alaric Master-General of Illyricum and King of the Visigoths.

398. Chrysostom, Bishop of Constantinople.

398. Pope Siricius dies. Anastasius Pope.

397. Book against John, Bishop of Jerusalem.

399. Fall of Eutropius.

398. Jerome suffers from a long illness.

398. Commentary on St. Matthew.

400. Gainas, conspirator, defeated and slain.

400. Origenism condemned by Bishops of Alexandria, Rome, and Milan, and by the Emperors.

401–4. Controversy between Jerome and Rufinus.

400. (August 15). Simplicianus dies. Venerius, Bishop of Millan.

402. Against Rufinus, Books i. and ii.

402. Pope Anastasius dies. Innocentius Pope.

403. Commentary on Obadiah.

402. Death of Epiphanius.

403. Stilicho defeats Alaric at Pollentia and Verona.

404. Triumph of Honorius. Last gladiatorial shows.

404. Exile of Chrysostom to Cucusus.

404. Death of Paula.

404. Translation of the acetic rule of Pachomius.

404. Emperor’s court at Ravenna.

404. Gladiatorial shows at Rome ended by the sacrifice of Telemachus, the monk.

404. Close of controversy with Augustin.

404. Against Rufinus, Book iii.

404. Death of the Empress Eudoxia.

404–5. Jerome ill for several months.

405. Northern Palestine invaded by Isaurians.

406. Stilicho defeats Radagaisus at Fæsulæ, and negotiates with Alaric.

406. Commentary on Zachariah, Malachi, Hosea, Joel, Amos—concluding Minor Prophets.

407. Gaul overrun by barbarians.

407. Death of Chrysostom at Comana.

407. Constantine usurps power in Britain and Gaul.

406. Book against Vigilantius.

408. Rome besieged by Alaric, and ransomed.

408. Disgrace and death of Stilicho.

407. Commentary on Daniel.

408. Death of Arcadius. Theodosius II. Emperor. Pulcheria Regent.

410. Death of Rufinus.

410. Commentary on Isaiah.

409. Revolt of Britain.

409. Pelagius at Rome.

412. Cœlestius condemned at Carthage.

410. Sack of Rome by Alaric. Death of Alaric.

413. Pelagius in Palestine.

410. Egypt, Phœnicia, etc. threatened by barbarians (Ep. cxxvi.).

414. Orosius sent by Augustin to Jerome.

414. Commentary on Ezekiel.

411. Death of Constantine and other usurpers. Victories of Roman General Constantius.

411. Dispute between Catholic and Donatist Bishops at Carthage. Persecution of Donatists by the Civil Power.

414. Pinianus and Melania at Jerusalem.

412. Death of Theophilus, Bishop of Alexandria.

415. Synod at Jerusalem admits Pelagius.

413. Expedition and death of Heraclian, Count of Africa.

417. Monasteries of Bethlehem burnt by adherents of Pelagius.

414. Adolphus, successor of Alaric, marries Galla Placidia.

415. Goths established in Aquitaine and Spain.

415. Schism at Antioch healed. Alexander sole Bishop.

416. Dialogue against the Pelagians.

415. Council of Diospolis (Lydda) accepts Pelagius.

418. Death of Eustochium.

418–19. Commentary on Jeremiah.

417. Pope Innocentius dies. Zosimus Pope.

420. Jerome dies (September 20) at Bethlehem.

417. Death of John, Bishop of Jerusalem. Succeeded by Praylus.