Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers: Series II/Volume XII/Gregory the Great/Register of Epistles/Book I/Chapter 10

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Epistle XI.

To Clementina, Patrician[1].

Gregory to Clementina, &c.

Having received your Glory’s letter speaking of the passing away of the late Eutherius of magnificent memory, we give you to understand that our mind no less than yours is disturbed by such a sorrow, in that we see how men of approved repute are by degrees removed from this world, whose ruin is already evidenced in the actual effects of the causes thereof.  But it becomes us to withdraw ourselves from it by the wise precaution of conversion[2], lest it involve us too in its own ruin.  And indeed our sorrow for the loss of friends ought to be the more tolerable as our condition of mortality requires from us that we should lose them.  Nevertheless, for the loss of aid to our carnal life He Who granted permission for its removal is powerful to console, and to come Himself as a comforter into the vacant place.

That we are unable to accede to your request that the deacon Anatholius should be sent to you is due to the circumstances of the case, and not to any rigorous austerity.  For we have appointed him our steward[3], having committed our episcopal residence to his management.


  1. Another Epistle, X. 15, is addressed to the same lady.
  2. The word conversio commonly denotes entering a monastery.
  3. Vicedominum.