Nicholas Nickleby/front matter
To the Editor of the Times.
Sir,—I now beg to forward for publication, at Lady Sophia Grey's own request, her letter, detailing a Cure of Consumption.
I cannot but express my astonishment, that after the repeated cases of cure which, during a period of fourteen years, have been performed under the Hygeian system—which fact must be within the knowledge of many of the medical body—the truth of that system being moreover confirmed by the most distinguished members of the profession, such as the late Dr. James Hamilton, of Edinburgh, as to the practice, and now by Professor Magendie, as to the theory—the medical profession generally should persist in treating diseases on the principles of Organic Pathology, by multifarious and pernicious drugs.
The cure of Consumption here alluded to, is not by many the only one performed under the Hygeian treatment, as Mr. Tothill, Surgeon, of Heavitree, near Exeter, has effected several cures of that disease by my medicines; and I should also cite the case of Sir Richard Sutton's son, who was cured of it, after having been given over by the faculty. In proof of the case now reported being consumption, we have the sound judgment of Lady Sophia Grey, who had been acquainted with the family twenty-nine years, and knew them to be consumptive, two of its members having fallen victims to the disease. The party took my medicine as a last resort. I am, Sir, yours obediently,
James Morison, the Hygeist.
British College of Health, New Road, London, Jan. 2, 1839.
P.S. I am aware that the faculty deem such cases, and many others, incurable. So should I, did I believe in their untenable doctrine of Organic Pathology, which in the language of Magendie "attributes everything to the solids, and refuses the liquids all participation in the production of morbid alterations."—Lancet page 463, 22d December, 1838. But according to the Hygeian treatment the Blood is purified and the progress of disease stopped.
Ashton Hayes, near Chester, Dec. 31, 1838.
Sir,—Having so greatly benefited by your invaluable medicines, for the last five years, that if my constitution had not been completely ruined by loss of blood and mercury twenty years before I was so fortunate as to hear of your medicines, I am confident I should now be as strong as the strongest of my age (61); but excepting very slight ailments, I now, comparatively speaking, enjoy good health; and it gives me sincere pleasure in having it in my power to send you to be published a Cure of Consumption, under my own eye, of a young man, whom I have known from his birth, and all his family for the last twenty-nine years—two of them died of rapid decline, and he was fast going in the same most dreadful and incurable complaint, and was urged by some friends of his to try your medicines. He began by taking three of No. 1 at night and three of No. 2 the next morning, and continued increasing until he got to ten of each, and then felt so well he decreased to one pill, but the night-sweats returned, and he began taking them again in larger doses, and on a different plan—No. 1 Pills one night and No. 2 Pills the next, and so on till he got to twenty-eight at one dose, and this conquered the complaint; he then decreased them to one pill, and is now in good health. He does not wish to have his name published, but if any one wishes for further particulars, they may apply by letter or in person to me, and may hear everything from him by word-of-mouth. He lives in the parish of Tarven.—Your medicines are highly valued in this parish, and the poor are most grateful for them. If I had permission, I could tell you of many that are rich, who have been restored to health by them. Whenever I have any case that I have attended and can vouch for the truth of, you may depend on my informing you of it, for merit and benevolence ought to be encouraged, and it is hard that those who cannot afford advice, or are called incurable, should not benefit, as I have done, by your wonderful medicines. I remain, Sir, your obedient and obliged.
Whereas spurious imitations of my Medicines are now in circulation, I, James Morison, the Hygeist, hereby give notice, that I am in no wise connected with the following Medicines purporting to be mine, and sold under the various names of "Dr. Morrison's Pills;" "The Hygeian Pills;" "The Improved Vegetable Universal Pills;" "The Original Morison's Pills, as compounded by the late Mr. Moat;" "The Original Hygeian Vegetable Pills;" "The Original Morison's Pills;" &c. &c.
That my Medicines are prepared only at the British College of Health, Hamilton Place, King's Cross, London; and sold by the General Agents to the British College of Health, and their Sub-Agents; and that no Chemist or Druggist is authorised by me to dispose of the same.
None can be genuine, without the words "Morrison's Universal Medicines" are engraved on the Government Stamp, in white letters upon a red ground.—In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand.
Sold in Boxes, at 1s. 1½d, 2s. 9d., 4s. 6d., and Family Packets, containing three 4s. 6d. Boxes, at 11s. each.
Medical Dissenter Office. 368, Strand; Mrs, Twell, 10, Hand-court, Holborn; Mr. Good, Western Branch, 72, Edgeware-road; Mr. Field, 65, Quadrant, Regent-street; Mr. Haslett, 118, Ratcliffe-highway; Mr. Lofts, 3, Park-place, Mile-end-road; Messrs. Hannay & Co., 63, Oxford-street; Mr. Chappell, 84, Lombard-street.
N.B—Sub-Agents may be found in every Town or Village throughout the Kingdom, duly appointed by the General Agents; and the Public are hereby further cautioned against purchasing the Medicine, except of (he regularly-appointed Agents to the British College of Health, as many spurious imitations are in circulation.