Ningpo to Shanghai in 1857/Nan-dzing to Jin-zek
Hoochow stands partly on the Ane-chē (Gnan-keih) District, partly on the District of Wu-Dzing (30) and after leaving by the Canal, the route to Pahledeo, three or four miles from the eastern walls is about E. by S.—Two miles or so East of Pahledeo is Sing-sang and about a mile further Yah-jong-kok.
From this point to Shou-ming fu, a distance of ten miles E. by N.—the canal runs by the villages of Tching zu—Sun-quon-deo, Chang-teng and Yat-ling-jow—the low hills around being thickly studded with Firs or Mulberry trees, over Wheat, Beans and Grassicher.—Bridges of excellent workmanship are met at various points where the streams go north or south from the principal Channel A little way beyond Yatling-jow is the Poo-dee-mew; from which Nan-Dzing or Noan-zin, and unwalled town of 40 or 50,000 inhabitants bears N.E. distant about 3 miles. Nan-Dzing is a very busy place, giving employment to many coopers of the lacquered tubs and implements sold in northern China markets, and occasionally seen in the south.