Noah's Ark (film)

Male singer
Female singer
Musical score
Vitaphone Symphony Orchestra
Conducted by
Louis Silvers
Produced with
Western Electric Apparatus
The Vitaphone Corporation
present Dolores Costello
Noah's Ark
George O'BrienCopyright MCMXXVIII
Technical Director
Fred Jackman
Hal Mohr & Barney McGill
De Leon Anthony
Edited by
Harold McCord
· Esdras Hartley ~ Lewis Geib ~ Frank Murphy ~ Harold Miles ~ Paul Grimm ~ Ned Mann ~ Henry Blanke ~ John Daumery ~ Victor Vance ·
Dolores Costello
George O'Brien
Noah Beery
Louise Fazenda
Gwynn Williams
Paul McAllister
Myrna Loy
Gen. Chap. 8.
Gen. Chap. 9.
Gen. Chap. 11.
Gold became man's only god, and money his only king, in a world gone mad at the feet of the..Golden Calf.
steel collapses · drops 100 points · exchange in frenzied trading · · DS 376278
And throughout the ages, the worship of the Golden Calf remains man's religion.
Towers of Babel multiply throughout the world...
And brother wars with brother...
"You swindler——you've ruined me and my family! I've lost everything I own!"
"I can't help it! You don't think we're running this market just for your benefit—do you?"
Silenced was the voice of Him who had said to the troubled waters, " still;" while the world rushed onwards towards destruction.
In 1914, near the borders of France——The Oriental Express, speeding from Paris to Constantinople.
On this night, ancient and forgotten prejudices found voice———all languages spoke of the impending war!
"——run along, old man. Read your Bible somewhere else."
"That's what we call the bums-rush, in my country."
"When he misses them, I get 'em."
A small theatrical troupe on their way to Bucharest.
"Don't let this war-talk frighten you—war will help our business. People want to laugh before they die."
24. Juli, 1914
Ölnische Zeitung
für das Deutschtum im Auslande
Österreich stellt Ultimatum an Serbien.
"You are German, are you not?"
"A pretty girl like you should be riding in a private compartment."
Department of War
La vie parisienne.
"The Lord hath said, 'measure not thy wrath against thy child.'"
"The Lord never had an obstinate brat like this!"
"No wonder hate rules the world, when mothers strike their little ones in anger."
"Children are like men. You must whip them into obedience."
"The Bible won't work nowadays—science is God!"
"There is no God, gentlemen, there is only a Goddess. Her name is woman—and she's a Devil!"
"Military might is the only God!"
"Only with the eye of Faith can we see God's eternal plan."
"Faith is food for fools and invalids. If there is a God why doesn't he show himself?"
"Peace, brother, lest He show Himself—in wrath!"
"Help us, brother."
"We're near the French frontier. You'll find shelter at the lodge up there——"
"The train was wrecked—we brought you here."
"Sure—me an' him are pals."
"We were in a wreck—we want rooms for the night."
"If you'll show me the way to your cellar, I'll buy you a drink."
"The little girl is quite popular tonight."
"Your friend is fighting—he needs help."
"If my pal is fighting, it's the other guy that needs help."
"Attention, everyone! Show your identifications. War has been declared!"
"I am an officer of the Russian Secret Service. Quick——the girl upstairs is a German!"
"Don't worry, little baby, I'll be back some day."
Not yet had Paris flung all her young manhood into the maw of War——not yet.
It's wonderful how a train wreck brought us together. Isn't it, Marie?
It's even more wonderful, Travis, that this war can't keep us apart.
Oh, listen to those soldiers!
Woo! I thought I was shot.
Girl 2
Girl 1
It looks as if your friend is out with the chorus this evening.
What do you say we have another drink, babies?
Here's to France! May she never grow old.
Girl 2
Vive la France!
So is your old man.
I think Al has been imbibing in too much French patriotism.
Oh, Travis, I wish we were in Berlin tonight.
Oh, well, sweetheart, you're homesick, for some of your own music, aren't you?
It isn't the music, Travis. It's the possibility of being interned as a spy, or separated from you. That's what's worrying me.
Oh, now, don't you worry, honey. Why, you speak perfect English. And anyone would take you for an American girl. If necessary, why not take a good old American name? And who could guess you're a fraulein? Haha.
Soldier 1
Elle est jolie la petite, hein?
Soldier 2
Pas mal, pas mal.
Soldier 2
C'est la guerre, mon vieux. Embrasse-la pour la France, va.
Now, what do you think he's trying to tell me?
He said to kiss me for France.
He did?
Say, that's not a bad idea.
Soldier 2
Ouh! là là!
Soldier 1
C'est ça.
Soldier 2
Ça c'est bien, mon p'tit gars, ça, hein, petit gamin.
Soldier 1
Un sacré...
Soldier 2
Au revoir mon vieux, au revoir.
Soldier 1
Au revoir. À la bonne heure !
You know, I always did like the French people.
Travis had stayed in Paris because of Marie——and Al had stayed because of Travis.
Hahaha! Ah.
Travis? If you'll hurry, I'll serve breakfast in your room this morning.
Hey, that's a great idea, honey, if I can get this fellow, Al, up.
Well? Gonna sleep all day?
No! I'll leave that to you!
Say, Al, what's wrong with you, anyhow?
Ain't nothing wrong. Just been doing a lot of heavy thinking lately, that's all.
Oh. I thought it was agreed when I brought you over here, if there was any heavy thinking to be done, I'd do it.
Stop kidding! The whole world's on fire! And here we are, playing hide-and-go-seek with your father's dough, pretending you're studying art or something.
Oh, I know what's wrong with you. You're just lonesome for that taxicab stand in New York City.
I told you what's wrong. It ain't decent, the way we're acting—playing Ring Around the Rosie in a cemetery.
Well, what do you want to do? Step in and win the war? Is that the big idea?
It ain't a question of winning the war, Travis. Why, this war is more than just a fight. It's more like a funeral. And everybody ought to either be in the procession, or in the hearse.
Hahaha! That's good.
Here you are, my hero. Drink—for tomorrow, you may be vaccinated.
Hah, I'm kidding.
I'm not drinking, thank you.
Well, little more for me.
I may be goofy, but if you ask me, I think you're a funny sort of an American!
Don't crack that way, Al! Nobody, not even my pal, can get away with that!
Listen here! A lot of fellows are coming three thousand miles to get in this scrap. What kind of guys are we? Are we scared?
Dramatic, pal!
Read that!
The New York HeraldWar Declared Today by the United StatesPresident Signs New Army BillPresident Wilson Signs Declaration of War
Well, that's interesting. I suppose now is the time for all good citizens to come to the aid of their, uh, something or other? What is it? Do you know? Haha! Oh.
You can laugh all you want to. Here's what I've done.
10 Rue du TempleParis
25, April No — Mots. 13 Dépot le P. à
Major Lamphier
Department of State
You can't do this, Al. Listen, little fellow. You can't go without me. You haven't forgotten, we've promised to stick together?
The only way we can stick together, Travis, is for you to go my way.
I know. I should go, Al. I want to go. But I can't. You haven't forgotten Marie—the girl I love? Don't you understand—the girl I'm going to marry is a German?
Keep quiet, Al. Here. Don't make me mourn you, Al.
When the war-weary spirit of France had begun to droop, fresh blood came from across the seas.
"Look—quick!—There's Al!"
"Every boy in that line makes me feel ashamed of myself——"
"They're my people, Marie——don't you understand? I'm a traitor not to go!"
"You can't leave me——you're my husband——you belong to me!"
"I love you——I'll always love you—but I've got to go!"
"Where to?"
"Who knows or cares."
After Chateau Thierry, came the quiet before the Argonne Drive.

"Must be great to be a dog! Yuh don't have to go to war an' yuh don't have to obey orders!"


"I could lick the guy that said there was a yellow streak in you!"
"Marie and I were married a week after you left."
"I've tried to find her—I've written a dozen letters—but never received an answer."
"If I get bumped off, there's a girl that's gonna cry about me, too."
God Bless You
"Some days those beer-hounds are gonna get me mad."
"That nest is holding up our advance. You take a squad and attack from the right."
"—and you grab a squad and attack from the left."
"—And listen, you eggs—be hard-boiled!"
"So long, old boy——see you
in Berlin.""So long, old boy——see you
in heaven!"Months later, near the Berlin front——an interval in the grim routine of war——
Theatre des Allies

United Cigar Stores Company of America
Why are you always staring at the soldiers? Who are you looking for?
Well, if you must know, I'm looking for an American soldier.
But that ought to be easy. There are only two million of them over here.
Really? I thought there were more.
No. Tell me the sad story.
I don't think you'd be interested in my story.
Stage manager
Here, girls, girls! Why, you're the next act on the bill. What are you sitting in here for? Come on, hurry on.
After the downfall of the Czar——Nickoloff had been retained by the Allied Intelligence Department.
Good luck.
Soldier 1
À votre santé!
Soldier 2
À la votre !
Soldier 2
Très bien, très bien.
Soldier 1
Très bien.
Not a bad-looking bunch of girls at all, eh? Today is not bad for the front. Hehehehehe.
Soldier 1
Vraiment je les trouve pas mal.
Audience member
Oh! là là! Oh, très bien!
That girl is a sitter. She looks familiar. Hey, hey. I believe that I know her.
Yes. I do know her.
Isn't my pretty little German girl on the wrong side of the lines?
Why, I'm just here for the show. We're leaving for another cab tomorrow.
Come, sit down. You see, I haven't forgotten you. I still carry the souvenir of our last meeting, the souvenir that your young American friend so graciously gave me. You've kept me waiting a long time. But I think you'll grant me an interview tonight?
Why, that's impossible! I...I have to rehearse with the other girls.
You'll meet me here at one o'clock. It might save you some very embarrassing questions concerning your identity. Besides, I might forget to ask you about your passports, and other identifications.
But, I...
You'll be here!
I knew I remembered her. She's a little German girl, though I hope for her own sake that her passports are in order. She's too blame pretty to be put in jail. Hehehehehehehe. Hehehe.
"I gave you a chance and you threw it away. Now you'll find out what happens to—a spy!"
"I'm not a spy, and you know it—!"
Stricty confidential
Avis confidentiel
Po sprogomu scretu
Strettamente in confidenza
"This girl is a German, posing as a French subject——hold her for investigation!"
"The Lord hath said, 'measure not thy wrath against thy child.'"
"It's Marie—Marie—my wife!"
"Don't you understand, boys? She's my wife—my Marie! She can't be a spy!"
"Headquarters has given you your orders. Proceed!"
"Oh, God! Have mercy on thy children! They know not what they do!"
"We are buried alive—we must pray and make our peace with God."
"As the Ark prevailed upon the flood waters, Oh, God, so let Thy righteousness prevail in this Deluge of Blood!"
"The Flood——it was a Deluge of Water drowning a World of Lust!"
"This War—it is a Deluge of Blood drowning a World of Hate!"
"The Flood and the War—God Almighty's Parallel of the Ages."
5 ¶ And God saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually.
The Feast of Gold in the City of Akkad, in the land of Ur of the Chaldees, when the mighty King drew tribute from many lands.
But King Nephilim had led his people from Jehovah, to worship the false god Jaghuth.
"Rich have been the harvests of field and hill. Wherefore, shall we not pay tribute to the mightiest of our gods, Jaghuth?"
"When the next cycle moon rises from out the Syrian hills, we shall sacrifice to Jaghuth the fairest virgin of our people."
From the fertile valley of the Tigris and the rock hills of Shinar..from the mountains of Lebanon to the sands of the Great Desert, they came, paying tribute.
Nor were the gods of war forgotten, who delighted in victims tortured.
Maidens who rebelled against Jaghuth's laws, were branded with the mark of slavery.
Those that dwelt in poverty were gorged that day by the King's bounty.
And in all the earth but one altar was raised to Jehovah, for Noah walked and talked with God.
Noah had three sons; Japheth, Ham and Shem, mighty men and blessed of God.
"Help us, brother."
The handmaid of Noah's household was Miriam..beloved of Japheth.
Drunken with the King's wine, his soldiers had forgotten the purpose of their quest...a virgin fit for sacrifice.
"Behold the maid who shall be Jaghuth's bride a moon hence."
"It is my command that thou shalt be sacrificed to the mighty god Jaghuth!"
In the household of Noah there was weeping and lamentation, but Japheth did not weep...
"Do this deed of evil, oh Nephilim, and neither thy buckler nor shield will save thee, nor thy hosts of bearded archers!"
"Drag him to the stone-mill, where those that blaspheme our mighty god are punished!"
The golgotha of Akkad. Stone on stone, crushing mountains of stone...and the souls of those that had blasphemed.
"It is the king's command that thou shalt be blinded and tramp this treadmill until death."
The voice of God had whispered unto Noah: "Fear not for thy handmaid, nor for thy son. On Tersgah's heights will I give thee a sign..."
And behold, I, even I, do bring a flood of water upon the earth to destroy all flesh
Make thee an ark of gopher wood and thou shalt come into the ark, thou and thy sons and thy wife, and thy sons' wives with thee
And of every living thing of all flesh two of every sort shalt thou bring into the ark
"Thy will be done, on earth as it is in Heaven."
As God had commanded Noah, thus did he, even as God commanded.
"Many times has the Sabbath come and gone, yet God sends not back to us our brother and his betrothed——"
"Jehovah will not mock us. Trust thou in God and fear not."
Word had gone forth of Noah's folly..the Ark and the promised deluge.
"Shave the corners of thy beard, old man, to make nets to catch fish on the mountainside!"
"We come with the blessing of King Nephilim to destroy thy Ark—and thee!"
The crescent moon, from out the Syrian hills, had flung aloft its livid signal. The day of sacrifice had come.
"It is my command that the sacrifice shall now begin!"
From the four corners of the earth mighty tempests rose. God's wrath rode upon the winds.
"Repent of your sins, oh people! Jehovah may yet withhold His wrath!"
"Heed not the bearded fool! Our god Jaghuth speaks in this tempest—not Jehovah."
"Cast him to the dogs, lest he invoke Jaghuth to greater violence!"
"Release the soul of the virgin, oh my archers—pierce her heart with your arrows!"
"Why are my arrows unsped? Jaghuth grows mighty in his rage!"
"Hear me, oh thou mighty Jaghuth! Bring confusion to thine enemies!"
"Hold back the winds——shatter with thy thunderbolts the insolent Jehovah!"
"Now is the wrath of a just God smiting thee, oh Akkad!"
To the Ark they came..the Animal Kingdom..from the mountains and plains, from the rain-swept desert and the darkened sky, obedient to God's command.
The fleeing multitudes climbed the mountainsides, seeking the shelter of the Ark——the Ark that they had once called "Noah's Folly".
And then indeed were the fountains of the great deep loosened, and the clouds poured back again the sundering floods.
"The Lord God Almighty reigneth, and Thy name shall be called Wonderful!"
"Oh Lord, to whom darkness is as light, direct these sightless eyes of mine to Miriam."
God walked with Japheth..
"Call again on your great god Jaghuth—perhaps he sleepeth!"
"Japheth! Japheth!"
"That was the end of a world of lust and sin——God made His covenant and the rainbow appeared in the heavens."
"Above this deluge of blood, and the graves of ten million men, shall not the rainbow of a new covenant appear—the covenant of peace?"
"The Armistice——the Armistice is signed! The war is over!"

"Don't you understand? It is the beginning of the rainbow——the fulfilment of the sacrifice."
"You mean—there will be no more war?"
"I mean that war is now an outlaw, and will be hunted from the face of the earth. Those ten million men have not died in vain."

The End
Warner Brothers

Male singer
This work is in the public domain in the United States because it was published before January 1, 1930.
Copyright law abroad tends to consider the following people authors of a film:
- The principal director
- The screenwriter, and/or other writers of dialogue
- The composer/lyricist (if the film is accompanied by sound)
- The cinematographer
- By extension, the authors of any works that may serve as the basis for a film's plot
The longest-living of these authors died in 1979, so this work is in the public domain in countries and areas where the copyright term is the author's life plus 45 years or less. This work may be in the public domain in countries and areas with longer native copyright terms that apply the rule of the shorter term to foreign works.
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