- Nocturne, a short story by Marjorie Bowen
- Nocturne, versions of a poem by Florence Earle Coates (The houseless wind has gone to rest)
- Nocturne, a poem by Karel Dewetter
- "Nocturne", a poem by Julia Caroline Dorr
- "Nocturne", a poem by Alice Duer and Caroline Duer
- "Nocturne", a poem by Donald Jeffrey Hayes
- Nocturne, a poem by E. Pauline Johnson (Night of Mid-June, in heavy vapours dying)
- Nocturne, a poem by Georgiana Goddard King
- Nocturne, a poem by Francis Ledwidge (The rim of the moon)
- Nocturne, a poem by Vladimir Nazor (Gently, gently, gently, spider)
- Nocturne, a poem by Sigbjörn Obstfelder (The windmill's pinions no longer flutter)
- Nocturne, versions of a poem by Edmund Clarence Stedman (The silent world is sleeping)