Notes and Queries/Series 1/Volume 1/Index
- Abbey of St. Wandrille, 382. 486.
- Abdication of James II., 39. 489.
- Aberdeen, Burnet prize at, 91.
- Aboriginal chambers near Tilbury, 452.
- A. (B ) on emancipation of the Jews, 475.
- Accuracy of references, 170.
- Addison's books, 212.
- Adolphus on a recent novel, 231.
- Advent bells, 121.
- Adversaria. 73. 86.
- Ælfric's colloquy, 168. 197. 232. 248. 278.
- Ælian, translation of, 267. 284.
- A. (F. R.) on Sterne's Koran, 418.
- — on a passage in Goldsmith, 83.
- — Queen of Hearts, 320.
- Agricola (C.), Propuguaculum anti-Pistorianum, 203.
- A. (J. D.) on swords worn in public, 415.
- Alban's(St) Day, 399.
- —, law courts at, 366.
- Albert (Le Petit), 474.
- Alchemy, metrical writings on, 60.
- Alexandria (Ptolemy of), 142. 170.
- Alfred's (King) geography of Europe, 257. 313.
- — works, 93.
- Alicui on Becket's grace-cup, 143.
- — on Bishop Barnaby, 132.
- All Angels and St. Michael's, feast of, 235.
- "All to-broke," 490.
- Allusion in Friar Brackley's sermon, 351.
- Almanack (Poor Robin's), 470.
- Alms-basins, ancient, inscription on, 44. 52. 171.
- Alms-dishes, ancient inscribed, 87. 117. 135. 254.
- Alpha on the origin of slang phrases, 185.
- Alsop (Anthony), 215. 249.
- Alythes on Belvoir Castle, 246.
- America known to the Ancients, 342.
- —, Madoc's emigration to, 12. 56. 57. 58. 232. 282.
- American aborigines, why called Indians? 254. 491.
- — bittern. 352.
- — lady, memoirs of, 335.
- — reprints of old books, 209.
- — stamp act; Lord Chatham's speech on, 12. 220.
- Ames, new edition of Herbert's, 8.
- —, by Herbert and Dibdin, 38.
- Ancient alms-basins, 171.
- — armour (Meyrick's), error in, 342.
- — inscribed alms dish, 87. 117. 135.
- — motto, 93.
- — MS, account of Britain, 174.
- — tiles, 173.
- Andrews (H.) on Burnet prize at Aberdeen, 91.
- André (Petit) on Welsh ambassador, 283.
- Anecdotes of books, 73.
- Anecdote of the civil wars, 93.
- — of a peal of bells, 382.
- Angels' visits, 102.
- Anglo-Cambrian on history of landed and commercial policy, and history of Edward II., 59.
- — on Madoc's expedition to America, 57.
- Anglo-Saxon "Lay of the Phœnix," 203.
- — MS. of Orosius, 371.
- — word "unlaid," 430.
- Anglo-Saxons, devices on standards of, 216.
- Annotators, anonymous, identity of, 213.
- Annus Trabeationis, 105. 252.
- Anonymous Ravennas, date of, 124. 220. 368.
- Antholin's, (St.,) 180. 260.
- Antiquarius on Queen Elizabeth's domestic establishment, 41.
- Antinephelegesita on Boduc, 252.
- A or An before words beginning with a vowel, 350. 407.
- Apocrypha, 401.
- Apposition, 384.
- A (P. R.) on yeoman, 440.
- Arabic numerals and cipher, 230. 279. 358. 367. 433. 435.
- Archæology, mathematical, 132.
- Archæus on "Under the rose," 214.
- — on Gray's elegy, 389.
- Architecture, glossary of terms, 189.
- —, introduction to the study of Gothic, 189.
- Armada, poem on, 12. 18.
- Armagh, etymology of, 158. 219. 264.
- A. (R.). "My mind to me a kingdom is," 489.
- — on all to-broke, 490.
- — on Dr. Strode's poem 490.
- — on Wotton's poem, to Lord Bacon, 489.
- Arun on autograph mottoes of Richard, Duke of Gloucester, and Harry, Duke of Buckingham, 252.
- — on change of name, 337.
- — on a curious monumental brass, 370.
- — on early statistics, Chart, Kent, 441.
- — on ecclesiastical year, 477.
- — on mercenary preacher, 489.
- — on "M. or N.," 476.
- — on Oliver Cromwell as a feoffee of Parson's Charily, Ely, 465.
- — on St. Martin's Lane, 375.
- — on throwing old shoes at wedding, 468.
- — on trunck breeches, 489.
- Asher (A.) on books by the yard, 166.
- — on genealogy of European sovereigns, 339.
- Ashgrove, Duke of, 92.
- "As lazy as Ludlum's dog, as laid him down to bark," 382. 475.
- "As morse caught the mare," 320.
- "As throng as Throp's wife," 485.
- Astle's MSS., 282.
- "Atlas Novus," Seutter's, 156.
- Aubrey (John), 71.
- Auctorite de Dibil, 460.
- Augustine on American bittern, 352.
- — on origin of calamity, 352.
- Augustinian Eremites of York, library of, 83.
- Austen (H. Morland) on curious symbolical custom, 363.
- — on the emancipation of the Jews, 401.
- Authors and books, (No. 6.) 42.
- — (No. 2), 102.
- — (No. 3.), 151.
- — (No. 4.), 178.
- — (No. 5.), 259.
- — (No. 6.), 363.
- Authors of old plays, 77. 120.
- — who have privately printed their own works, 469.
- Authorship of a couplet, 231.
- Autograph mottoes of Henry, Duke of Buckingham. and Richard, Duke of Gloucester, 138. 252. 283. 459.
- Ave Trici and Gheeze Ysenoudi, 215. 267.
- Avon, derivation of, 285.
- A. (W.P.), meaning of Cheshire round, 383.
- Aylmer (Bp.), letter to, from Lord Burghley, 12.
- Aylmer's (Bishop) letter respecting poem of the Armada, 18.
- B. on ancient motto, 156.
- — on Beaufoy's Ringer's True Guide, 157.
- — on change of name, 246.
- — on Colonel Hyde Seymour, 351.
- — on Elizabeth and Isabel, 488.
- — on form of petition, 43.
- — on Gloucestershire custom, 245.
- — on Miss Warneford and Mr. Cresswell, 157.
- — on Norman pedigrees, 214.
- — on Professor de Morgan and Dr. Johnson, 107.
- —, query about St. Winifreds, 384.
- —, query on Selden's titles of honour, 351.
- — on Sir Walter de Bitton, 157.
- — on Solomon Dayrolles, 476.
- — (A. E.) on derivation of news, 369.
- — (A.) on Martins the printer, 218.
- — on superstitions in the North of England, 294.
- —, Twm Shawm Cattie, 455.
- Bacon and Jeremy Taylors notes on, 427.
- Bacon's (Lord) metrical version of the Psalms, 202. 235. 263.
- Bacon Roger, hints for new edition of, 393.
- Badger, The, 381.
- Bagnio in Long Acre, 196.
- Bainbridge and Buckridge Streets, St. Giles, 229.
- Bald Head, defence of, 84
- Baldwin's Gardens, 410.
- Ballad, Kentish, 247.
- Ballads (Homeric) of Dr. Maginn, 470.
- Ballads of Dick and the Devil, 172. 473.
- — of the wars in France, 445.
- — makers and legislators, 153.
- Balliolensis, on Stephens' Sermons, 334
- Balloons, 309.
- Baptism register of Cromwell's, 136.
- Barclay's Satyricon, some account of, 27.
- Bardolph and Poins, 385.
- Barba Longa, 384.
- Barker (W. G. M. J.) on Henry, Lord Darnley, 123.
- — on Bishop Barnaby, 132.
- Barnabas, (St.), 136.
- Barnaby, (Bishop), 55. 132. 254.
- Barnacles, 117. 169. 254. 340.
- Barrister, a, on origin of the word chapel, 371.
- Barry (J. Milner), a note on Robert Herrick, the author of Hesperides, 291.
- —, Complutensian Polyglot, 251.
- —, M. D., on meaning of palace, 233.
- Barryana, 212.
- Bartlett's Buildings, 115.
- Bartholomew Legate, the martyr, 483
- Basse (William,) and his poems, 200. 265. 295. 348.
- Bawn, meaning of, 440.
- Baxter, (William ) 285.
- Bayley (W. D'Oyly,) on Barryana, 212.
- Bayswater and its origin, 162.
- B. (C.) on ancient motto, 104.
- — on Gray's Alcaic Ode, 382.
- — on Cromwell's estates, 421.
- — on shrew, 421.
- — on proverb, God tempers the wind, 325.
- — on horns, 419.
- — on Coleridge's Christabil and Byron's Lara, 324.
- — on hockey, 457.
- — on Temple Stanyan, 460.
- — on "Nomade," 389.
- — on mistake in Gibbon, 390.
- — on the true tragedy of Richard III., 315.
- — on death-bed superstition, 350.
- — on emerald, 340.
- B. (C. W.) on anecdotes of the civil wars, 338.
- — on shrew, 445.
- Bear, Louse, and Religion, Fable of, 321.
- Beauchamp (Stephen) on pilgrimages of kings, &c.—Blind man's buff—Muffin Hundred weight, 173.
- Beaufoy's Ringer's True Guide, 157.
- Beaumont, a poem attributed to, 146.
- Beaver, 417.
- Beaver hat, when first used in England, 100. 235. 266. 317. 338. 386.
- Becket's grace cup, 142.
- Becket (Thomas à), Mother of, 415. 490.
- Bedford Coffee House, Covent Garden, 451.
- Beeston (Sir William), journal of, 444.
- Beetle mythology, 194.
- Beggar's Opera, receipts of, 178.
- Bek (Anthony), Bishop of Durham, 173.
- Bell (John) of the Chancery Bar, 93
- Bell (Dr. W.) on ancient inscribed dishes, 135.
- Bell (Dr.) on the talisman of Charlemagne, 140.
- Bells, a peal of, 125. 154. 170.
- Bells (Judas), 195. 235. 357.
- Bells in ancient times, weight of, 195.
- Belvoir Castle, 246, 384.
- B. (E. M.) on Complutensian MSS., 402.
- — on Dulcarnon, 254.
- — on the emblem and national motto of Ireland, 415.
- — on Luther's portrait at Warwick Castle, 400.
- — on Latin distich and translation, 415
- — on Luther's translation of the New Testament, 399.
- — on Pope Felix, 415.
- — on Verbum Græcum, 415.
- Berkeley's theory of vision vindicated, 107. 130.
- Bernicia, 335. 388.
- Bess of Hardwick. 276. 339.
- Beta on prison dicipline and execution of justice, 70.
- Betterton's Duties of a Player, 67. 105.
- Bever's (Dr. Thomas) Legal Polity of Great Britain, 483.
- B. (F.) on Kentish Ballad, 247.
- B. (F. C.) on Bishop Blaize, 247.
- — on dedications, S26.
- — on error in Meyrick's Ancient Armour, 342.
- — errors corrected, 331.
- — on Hudibrastic couplet, 340.
- — on Mousetrap Dante, 339.
- — on plagiarisms and parallel passages, 347.
- B. (F. C.) on proverbial sayings and their origins, 332. 347.
- — on shipster, 339.
- — on straw necklaces, and method of keeping notes, 104.
- B. (F. J.) on quotations from Pope, 102.
- — on masters of St Cross, 404.
- B. (G. H.) on Ccld Harbour, 50.
- — on Colinaeus, 158.
- — on the Field of the Brothers' Footsteps, 178.
- — on Gilbert Brown, 381.
- — on Lord Erskine's brooms, 138.
- — on Weeping Cross, 154.
- — on thistle of Scotland, 90.
- B. (H.) on Pandoxare, 202.
- B. (H. L.) on Ave Trici, 215.
- B. (J. S.) on the reconciliation in 1554, 186.
- Bible and key, divination by the, 413.
- Bibliographic project, 9.
- Bibliographical notes, 413.
- Bibliographic Biographique, 42.
- Bigotry, 204.
- Bill of fare of 1626, 99.
- Billingsgate, origin of name, 93. 164.
- Bills of fare in 1683, 54.
- Biographers of Lydgate and Coverdale, 379.
- Birthplace of Andrew Borde, 88.
- Birchington's (Stephen) MSS., compilation of, 7.
- Bis dat qui citò dat, 330.
- Bishop that burneth, 87.
- Bishop Barnaby, Why lady-bird so called, 28. 131.
- Bishop Barlow, 206.
- Bitton, Sir Walter de, 157.
- Bive and chute lambs, 93. 474.
- B. (J.) on bust of Sir Walter Raleigh, 76.
- — on Countess of Pembroke's letter, 154.
- — on D'Israeli on the Court of Wards, 173.
- — on the Marescautia, 167.
- — on Scole Inn, 283.
- B. (J. M.) Auctorite de Dibil, 460.
- — on As lazy as Ludlum's dog, 475.
- — on Dr. Maginn's Shakspeare's papers, 470.
- — on Doctor Dobbs and his horse Nobbs, 253.
- — on etymology of Totnes, 470.
- — on finkle or finkel, 477.
- — on howkey or horkey, 457.
- — on etymology of Totnes, 470.
- — on a phonetic peculiarity, 463.
- — on Poor Robin's Almanack, 470.
- — queries concerning Chaucer, 303.
- — St. Winifreda, 475.
- B. (J. S.) what are depinges, 277.
- B. (L.) of Duncan Campbell, 186.
- Black broth, Lacedæmonian, was it coffee? 124. 139. 155. 242. 300. 399.
- Black doll at old store shops, 444.
- Blaise (Bishop), 247. 325.
- Blind man's buff, 173.
- Blink (G.) on a passage in Macbeth, 484.
- Blisters, charm for, used in Ireland, 349.
- Blockade of Corfe Castle in 1644, 401.
- Blood's (Colonel) house, 174.
- Bloomfylde (Myles and William), writings on alchemy, 60.
- Bloomfylde (Myles) Ortus Vocabulorum, 90.
- Bloomsbury Market, 115
- B. (N.), notes upon "notes," No. 1., 19.
- Bodenham, or Ling's Politeuphia, 29. 86.
- Boduc, or Boduoc, on British coins, 235. 252.
- Body and soul, 390.
- Bohn's edition of Milton's prose works, 483.
- Boleyn's (Sir Edward), spectre, 468.
- Bone-houses and catacombs, 171. 210. 221.
- Bonner on the Seven Sacraments, 452.
- Book of the Mousetrap, 154.
- Book plate, 212.
- Books by the yard, 166.
- Bookworm on Bodenham, or Ling's Politeuphia, 29.
- Boonen (portrait by), 3S6.
- Borde (Andrew), birthplace of, 88.
- — Boke of Knowledge, 38.
- Borromei, Sermones Sancti Carolsi, 27.
- Borrowed thoughts, 482.
- Boston de Bury, 186.
- Botfield (Beriah) on the Treatise of Equivocation, 357.
- Bothwell and Mary Queen of Scots, marriage contract of, 97.
- Bourne (Vincent), epigram from the Latin of, 253.
- — translation from, 152. 311.
- Brass, curious monumental, 247.
- Braybrooke, Lord, on pilgrimage of princes, &c. &c., 203.
- — on " Where England's monarch," 458.
- — on Lord Carrington, or Karinthon, 490.
- — on etymology of Havior, 230.
- — on pokership or porkership, 185. 236. 269.
- — on Vertue MSS., 372.
- — on letter attributed to Sir Robert Walpole, 336.
- — on journeyman, 458.
- — on the word brozier, 485.
- — on Killigrew family and Scole Inn sign, 283.
- — on howkey or horkey, 263.
- — on Catherine Pegge, 200.
- Breton (Nicholas), 409.
- — crossing of proverbs, 361.
- Bride Lane, St. Bride's, 396.
- Bristol riots, 352. 460.
- — Red Maids of, 219.
- Britain, ancient MS. account of, 174.
- Britain (Great), Defoe's tour through, 205.
- British Museum, portraits in the, 305.
- British coins, Boduc or Boduoc on, 235.
- Britton (John) on John Aubrey, 71.
- — on Mr. Poore's Literary Collections, Inigo Jones, medal of Stukeley, Sir James Thornhill, 122.
- Brockett's glossary on "to fettle," 169.
- Brooms, Lord Erskine's, 93. 138.
- Brothers' Footsteps, Field of, 178.
- Brougham (Lord) on Burnet, 40.
- Brown (Gilbert), 381.
- Brown study, 352. 418.
- Brown (W. J.) on Ptolemy of Alexandria, 170.
- B. (R. S.) As Morse caught the mare, 329.
- B. (R. W.) on Christian captives, 441.
- Brozier, the word, 485.
- Bruce (John), epigram against Luther and Erasmus, 51.
- —, lines in the style of Suckling, 20.
- — on capture of Duke of Monmouth, 3.
- — on charm for the toothache, 397.
- Bruce (Robert de), wife of, 187.
- —, captivity of his queen in England, 290.
- Buccaneers, Charles II., 410.
- Buckingham motto, 138. 252. 283. 459.
- Bug, origin of word, 237.
- Bull (John), 336.
- Bullfights, Spanish, 381.
- Bulls called William, 440.
- Bulstrode Park, camp in, 470.
- Buns, 244.
- Buriensis on the Duke of Marlborough, 415.
- — on the Song of the Bees, 415.
- — on seal of Killigrew, Master of the Revels, 204.
- — on cook eels, 412.
- — on meaning of Savegard and Russells, 202.
- — on Sangred—Dowts of Holy Scripture, 124.
- Burnet (Bp.), opinions respecting, 40. 181. 341.
- — as an historian, 493.
- — and Mr. Macaulay, 250.
- Burnet prize at Aberdeen, 91.
- Burney (Dr.), musical works of, 135.
- Burning the dead, 216. 308.
- Burns (Robert), inedited lines by, 300.
- Burton's Anatomy of (Religious) Melancholy, 305.
- Burtt (Joseph) on ancient libraries, 21.
- — on royal household allowances, 86.
- Buscapié, query as to the, 171. 206.
- B. ( W.) on The Complaynt of Scotland, 422.
- B. (W. G.) on French leave, 246.
- B. (W. J.) on genealogy of European sovereigns, 119.
- By hook or by crook, 205. 237. 281. 405.
- Byron's Childe Harold and Burton's Melancholy, 163.
- — Lara, on a passage in, 262. 443.
- Byron and Tacitus, 390. 462.
- C. on anecdote of the civil wars, 93.
- — on blunder in Malone's Shakspeare, 386.
- — on Cowley, or Coverley—Statistics of Roman Catholic Church—Whelps—Discovery of America, 107.
- — on definition of Grummelt, 358.
- — on devices of the standards of the Anglo-Saxons, 281.
- — on Dog-Latin, 284.
- — on logographic printing, 198.
- — on Lord Chatham's speech on the American stamp act, 220.
- —, Love's last shift, 476.
- — on M. or N., 476.
- — on Malone's blunder, 461.
- — on May-day, 221.
- —, meaning of pallace, 284.
- — on military execution, 476.
- — on political maxim, 93.
- — on Pope's translation of Horace, 230.
- — on Salt at Montem, 473.
- — on Sir William Hamilton, 270.
- — on slang phrases, 234.
- — on spurious letter of Sir R. Walpole, 388.
- — on tablet of Napoleon, 461.
- — on Temple Stanyan, 460.
- — on travelling in Eugland, 220.
- — on tureen, 307.
- — on Vertue's MS., 372.
- C. (A.) on black doll at old store shops, 441.
- — on Worm of Lambton, 453.
- — on camp in Bulstrode Park, 470.
- — on derivation of holy, 470.
- Caerphili Castle, 157. 237.
- Cæsar's wife, 277. 389.
- C. (A. G.), query as to references, 20.
- Calamity, derivation of, 215. 268. 352.
- Calver (Bernard), 203.
- Cambridge, motto of university, 76.
- Campbell (Duncan), query respecting, 186.
- Camp in Bulstrode Park, 470.
- Canidia, or the witches, MS. note in, 164.
- Cannibal, origin of, 186.
- Cantab. on coal brandy, 352.
- — on Hallam's Middle Ages, 51.
- —, origin of swot, 352.
- Canterbury, catalogue of ancient library of Christ Church, 21.
- Capel Court, 115.
- Captivity of the Queen of Bruce in England, 290.
- Capture of the Duke of Monmouth, 3. 82. 198. 324. 427.
- Caraccioli's Life of Lord Clive, author of, 108. 120.
- Caredon, meaning of, 217.
- Carena on the Inquisition, 186.
- Carlisle House, Soho, 450.
- Carrington, or Karinthon (Lord), murdered, 490.
- Cartwright's Poems (on some suppressed passages in), 108. 151.
- Cat, "Gib," 235. 281.
- Catacombs and bone houses, 171. 210.
- Catherine Street, Strand, 451.
- Catsup, catchup, ketchup, 124. 283.
- Cavell, 473.
- Cawood's Ship of Fools. MS. notes in, 165.
- C (B) on the symbolism of the fir-cone, 247.
- C. (C. J.), Phœnix, by Lactantius, 283.
- Cephas on the Advent bells, 121.
- — on Sangred—Judas Bell, 325.
- Ceredwyn on barnacles, 169.
- Certificate of Nat. Lee, 149.
- C. (G. A.), Dust pot—Frothlot, 320.
- — on Sir W. Godbold, 93.
- — on political maxims, 104.
- — on legislators and ballad makers, 153.
- CH. on buccaneers, 400.
- ― on Charles II. and Lord R.'s daughter, 399.
- — on college salting and tucking of freshmen, 390.
- — on Eachard's tracts, 404.
- — on error in Hallam's History of Literature, 435.
- — inedited letter of the Duke of Monmouth, 379.
- — on Locke's proposed Life of Ld. Shaftesbury, 401.
- — on Lord Shaftesbury and Dr. Whichcot, 382.
- — on Ludlow's Memoirs, 384.
- — on the Mosquito country; origin of the name; early connection of the Mosquito Indians with the English, 425.
- — on MSS. of Locke, 401.
- — on Queen's messengers, 445.
- — on Rawdon papers, 400.
- — on Savile, Marquis of Halifax, 384.
- — on Sir William Coventry, 381.
- — on Wellington—Wyrwast—Cokam, 401.
- —, who was Lord Karinthon? murdered 1665, 440.
- — on blockade of Corfe Castle in 1644, 401.
- Chancellors, Thynne's collection of, 60.
- Change of name, 246.
- Chapels, origin of the name, 363. 391. 417.
- Charlemagne's talisman, 140. 187.
- Charles I., portrait of, 187. 184.
- —, anecdote of, 437.
- —, his sword, 183. 372.
- —, bust of, 43.
- —, pictures of, in churches, 184.
- Charles II. and Lord R.'s daughter, 399. 478.
- Charms, old, 293.
- Charm for toothache used in Ireland, 349. 397.
- Charm for wounds, 482.
- Charms, 429.
- Charms—the evil eye, 429.
- Chart, Kent, early statistics of, 330.
- Chatham (Lord), speech on the American stamp act, 12. 220.
- Chaucer, queries concerning, 303.
- —, night charm, 229. 281.
- Cheshire round, 383. 456.
- Chest, Iland, 178.
- Chiffinch, letters of Mrs., 124.
- Childe Harold, parallel passages or plagiarisms in, 163. 299.
- Chip in porridge, 382.
- Christian captives, 441. 477.
- Christian doctrine, fraternity of, 213. 281.
- Christ Church, Canterbury, books lent from, 21.
- Christencat, meaning of, 109.
- Christie (W. D.) on Skinner's Life of Monk, 379.
- Christmas Hymn, 201. 252.
- Christ's Hospital, old songs once popular there, 313. 421.
- Chronicle, Morning, when first established, 75.
- Chrysopolis, 383.
- Church History, queries in, 158.
- Church livings, incumbents of, 91.
- Churchyard customs, ancient, 441.
- Cibber's Apology, characters of actors in, 67.
- Circulation of the blood, discovery of, 202. 250.
- Cirencester, Richard of, 93. 206.
- Civil wars, anecdote of, 93. 338.
- C. (J.) on M. or N., 415.
- — on regimental badges, 415.
- C. (J. T) on Dayrolles, 476.
- C. (J. W.) on passages from Pope, 245.
- C. (L.), query respecting "horns," 383.
- Clare Market, 196.
- Clarendon (Lord), opinions of, by English historians, 163.
- Clergy, alleged ignorance of, 51.
- Clericus, definition of, 149.
- Clericus on inscriptions of ancient alms-basins, 44.
- — on ordination pledges, 156.
- Clerkenwell, eminent residents, 180.
- Clive (Lord), Caraccioli's Life of, 108. 120.
- Close translation, 422.
- Clouds or shrouds in Shakspeare, 58.
- C. (M.) on Trophee, 339.
- C. (O.) on family of Steward or Stewart of Bristol, 335.
- Coach-bell, why ear-wigs so called, 383.
- Coal brandy, 352. 456.
- Cock Lane, 244.
- Coffee, notes on, 25. 154.
- Coffee-houses, the first in England, 314.
- Coffee, the Lacedæmonian black broth, 124. 139. 155. 242. 300. 399.
- Coffins, use of, 321.
- Coheirs, Mowbray, 213.
- Coins, British, Boduc or Boduoc on, 235.
- Cold Harbour, query as to origin of, 60.
- Cole (Robert) on Lady Arabella Stuart, 274.
- — extracts from old records, 317.
- — on Drayton and Young, 213.
- Coleman's music house, 395
- Coleridge, Cottle's Life of, 55.
- —, Christabel and Byron's Lara, 324.
- — on a passage in, 262.
- Colinæus, 158.
- Coll. Regall. Socius on Dr. Whichcott and Lord Shaftesbury, 444.
- College salting and tucking of freshmen, 261. 306. 321. 390.
- Colley Cibber's Apology, 29.
- Collier (J Payne) on Bishop Aylmer's letter and poem of the Armada, 18.
- — on defence of a bald head and stationers' registers, 85.
- — on English and American reprints of old books, 210.
- — on Love, the king's fool, 121.
- — Nicholas Breton's crossing of proverbs, 361.
- — on Dr. Percy and the poems of the Earl of Surrey, 471.
- — on Shakspeare and deer stealing, 4.
- — on shrouds or clouds in Shakspeare, 58.
- — on William Basse and his poems, 201.
- Colloquy, Ælfric's, 168. 197. 232. 248. 278.
- Comes (M.) on Bess of Hardwick, 339.
- Commercial and landed policy of England, 59. 91.
- Compendyous olde treatyse, 277. 404.
- Complaynt of Scotland, 422.
- Complexion, the meaning of, 352. 472.
- Complutensian Polyglot, 213. 251. 268. 325. 402. 461.
- Compton Street, Soho, 228,
- Conrad of Salisbury's Descriptio utriusque Britanniæ, 319.
- Consecration of Churches, Bishop Cosin's form, 303.
- Constantine the artist, 452.
- Constitution Hill, why so called? 28.
- Contradictions in Don Quixote, 73. 171.
- Convention Parliament of 1660, MS. diary of, 470.
- Cook (David), watchman of Westminster, 1716—Ode to, from V. Bourne, 152.
- Cook eels, 412
- Cooper (C. H) on college salting, 306.
- — on Pandoxare, 284.
- — on Scala Cœli, 402.
- — on teneber Wednesday, 459.
- — on the Duke of Marlborough, 490.
- — on Sayers the caricaturist, 187.
- — on White Hart Inn, Scole, 245.
- Cooper (W. Durrant), on bive and chute lamb, 474.
- — on Caraccioli's Life of Lord Clive, 120.
- — on decking churches with yew on Easter Day, 294.
- — on early statistics, parish registers, 443.
- — on Elizabeth and Isabel, 488.
- — Folk-lore, 482.
- Cooper (W. Durrant) on Norman pedigrees, 266.
- Cope (Rev. W. H.) on Craik's Romance of the Peerage, 384.
- Corfe Castle, 1644, blockade of, 401.
- Corinna, 303.
- Cornellys (Mrs.), 244.
- Corney (Bolton), bibliographic project of. 9.
- — on authors and books, No. 1. Bibliographique biographique, 42.;
- —— No. 2. Powell's Human Industry, 102.;
- —— No. 3. Cartwright's Poems, 151.;
- —— No. 4. Sonnet by Adamson, 178.;
- —— No. 5. Payne's Geometry, 260.;
- —— No. 6. Spence on the Odyssy, 363.
- — queries answered, No. 1. Aylmer (Bp.), 19.;
- —— No. 2. Madoc, 56.;
- —— No. 3. Flemish account, 74.;
- —— No. 4. Pokership, 218.;
- —— No. 5. Beaver of, 307.;
- —— No. 6. Grumete, 337.;
- —— No. 7. Malone, Shakspere, 403.
- —, queries proposed, 439. 469.
- Cornishman (A) on a curious monumental brass, 370.
- Corser (Rev. Thomas), on Nicholas Breton, 409.
- — on William Basse and his poems,
- Cosin's (Bishop) form of consecration of churches, 303.
- — MSS. 433.
- Cosmopolis, 213. 251.
- Cottle's Life of Coleridge, when reviewed in the Times, 55. 75.
- Couplet, authorship of, 231.
- Court of Wards, 455.
- — D'Israeli on the, 173.
- Coventry, Sir William, 381.
- Coverdale, birth-place of, 120.
- — and Lydgate and their biographers, 379.
- Cowley, Cowleas, or Coverley, 107.
- Cowper's Task, passage in, 222.
- Coxcombs vanquish Berkeley, author of? 384.
- Craik's Romance of the Peerage, 394.
- Cranmore on White Hart Inn, Scole, 323.
- Cresswell, Mr., and Miss Warneford, 157. 189.
- St. Croix (H. C.), etymology of Dalston, 352.
- Cromlech, meaning of, 319. 405.
- Cromwell (Oliver), as a feoffee of Parson's Charity, Ely, 465.
- — (query) did he write the New Star of the North? 202.
- — relics, 247.
- —, baptism, register of, 136.
- —, birth, 151.
- — estates, 277. 339. 389. 421.
- Crosby (James), on pictures in churches, 184.
- Crossing of proverbs (Nicholas Breton's), 364.
- Crowley (Robert), a treatise on the Lord's Supper by, 332. 355. 362.
- Cruch (G.) original letter by, on Lord Chatham, Queen Charlotte, 65.
- Crucifix of Edward the Confessor, 140.
- Crusader, Norman, the, 103.
- Cwn Annwn, 294.
- C. (T.) on Sapcote motto, 476.
- Cuckoo, 230. 419.
- Cunningham (Peter) on Katherine Pegg, 59.
- — on Dr. Johnson's library, 270.
- — on Lady Arabella Stuart, 10.
- — on Lady Rachel Russell, 462.
- — on Tower Royal, 28.
- Cunningham's Handbook of London, notes on, by Dr. Rimbault, 114. 159. 180. 196. 228. 244. 395. 410. 435. 450.
- — notes from, 435.
- — queries upon, 484.
- Cunningham's Lives of eminent Englishmen, 379.
- Cupid Crying, from the Latin, 172. 237.
- —, by Antonio Sebaldio, 308.
- Cure for the hooping-cough, 397.
- Curious custom, 245.
- — symbolical custom, 363.
- Curse of Scotland, Nine of Diamonds, why so called, 61. 90.
- Curtana, the sword called, 364.
- Custom, Gloucestershire, 245.
- C. (W.) on the birthplace of Coverdale, 120.
- — on date of anonymous Ravennas, 124.
- — on Franz von Sickingen, 389.
- — jun., on "hanap," 493.
- — jun., on "vert vert," 475.
- C. (W. H.) on Antony Alsop, 249.
- — on parliamentary writs, 305.
- — on parkership, porkership, pokership, 323.
- C. (W. M.) on Scarborough warning, 138.
- Cwn Wybir, or Cwn Annwn, 482.
- C. (Y. A.) on Dick and the Devil, 473.
- D. on Lord Chatham's speech on American stamp act, 12.
- — on golden frog, 214.
- — on inquisition in Mexico, 352.
- — on John Hopkins, the psalmist, 119.
- — on John Ross Mackay, 125.
- — on meaning of emerod, 217.
- — on Morning Chronicle, 7.
- — on Reinerius and inquisition in France, 106.
- — (A.) on inedited song by Sir John Suckling, 72.
- Dacre's, (Lady), almshouses, 180.
- Dalrymple (Sir J.), on Burnet, 40.
- Dalston, etymology of, 352.
- Dalton's Doubting's Downfall, 77.
- Dance Thumbkin, 493.
- Darkness at the crucifixion, 186.
- Darnley (Henry Lord), where was he born? 123. 220.
- Dartmouth (Lord) on Burnet, 40.
- Daundelyon (John de), 92.
- Day (C.) on the poets, 122.
- Dayrolles, 476. 267. 419.
- Daysman, etymology.of, 188. 267. 419.
- D. (E. A.) on a Flemish account, 286.
- Death-bed superstition, 315. 350. 467.
- Decker's Raven's Almanack, 400.
- Dedications, 326.
- Dee's (Dr.) petition to James I., 142.
- —, petition, 187.
- —, why did he quit Manchester? 216. 284.
- Deering (Charles), M.D., 375.
- De Foe (Daniel) and his ghost stories, 241.
- — tour through Great Britain, 18. 205.
- Dei Gratia, lines on omission of, from the new florin, 118.
- Dekker and Nash, tracts by, 454.
- Denmark Street, St. Giles's, 229.
- Denton (Wm.) on Rev. Wm. Stephens' sermons, 118.
- Depinges, what are they, 277. 326. 387.
- Deputy-lieutenants of the Tower of London, 400.
- De Quincey, line quoted by, 388.
- Dering's (Sir E.) household book of, A.D. 1648-52, 130. 161.
- Derivation of snob and cad, 250.
- — of sterling and penny, 411.
- Dermot Macmurrough, Eva, daughter of, 92. 163.
- Deverell (Robert), 469.
- Devices on standards of the Anglo-Saxons, 216. 284.
- Devotee, 222.
- Dibdin's and Herbert's Ames, 38.
- Dibdin's typographical antiquities, 56.
- Dick and the Devil, ballad of, 172. 473.
- Dick Shore, 141. 220.
- Direct and indirect etymology, 331.
- Discurs modest, 142. 205.
- Discovery of America, 107. see Madoc.
- Dishes, ancient inscribed, 87. 135. 171. 254.
- D'Israeli on the Court of Wards, 173.
- Dissenting ministers, 445.
- —, London, lines on, 454.
- Divination by the Bible and key, 413.
- D. (M.) on Burton's Anatomy of (Religious) Melancholy, 305.
- Dobbs (Doctor) and his horse Nobs, 253.
- Doctor Dove, of Doncaster, 73,
- Dodo, notes on the, 410.
- —, queries, 261. 485.
- —, replies, 353.
- Doges of Venice, Sanuto's, 35. 75.
- Dog Latin, 230. 284.
- Dogs, Isle of, 141.
- Dombec, Is it the Domesday of Alfred, 365.
- Domestic establishment of Queen Elizabeth, 41.
- Don Quixote, contradictions in, 73. 171.
- Dore of Holy Scripture, 189. 205.
- Dorne the bookseller, 12. 118.
- — and Henno Rusticus, 75. 88.
- Douce (Francis) on John of Salisbury, 9.
- Dove (Doctor Daniel) of Doncaster, and his horse Nobs, 316.
- Downing Street, 436.
- Dowts of Holy Scripture, 124. 154.
- D. (Q.) on authors of old plays, 77.
- — on Bishop Barnaby, 254.
- — on a chip in porridge, 382.
- — on Doctor Daniel Dove of Doncaster, and his horse Nobs, and golden age of magazines, 316.
- — on Lady Jane of Westmoreland, 103.
- Dramaticus on the Beggar's Opera, 178.
- — on Colley Cibber's Apology, 29.
- Drayton's Poems, 82. 119.
- — works, Dr. Farmer's notes on, 28.
- Draytone and Yong, 213.
- Dredge (John J.) on error in Johnson's Life of Seiden, 451.
- — on Dr. Sclater's works, 478.
- Dr. Faustus, Dutch version of, 169.
- — works ascribed to, 190.
- Dryasdust (Dr.), 26.
- D. (S. D.) on change of name, 337.
- D. (T. E) on guildhalls, 357.
- D. (T. S.) on Arabic numerals, 279.
- — reply to query about Arabic numerals and cypher, 367.
- — on coal brandy, 456.
- — on mathematical archæology, 133.
- — on the Roman numerals, 434.
- — on swot, 369.
- Dudley Court, St. Giles's, 244.
- Duke Street, Westminster, 196.
- Dulcarnon, 254.
- Durham, Anthony Bek, bishop of, 173.
- Dustpot, query as to, 320.
- Dutch language, works on 383. 492.
- Duties of a Player, Betterton's, 105.
- Dyce versus Warburton and Collier, 53.
- Dyot Street, St. Giles's, 229.
- E. on Betterton's Essay, 105.
- — on Dalton's Doubting's Downfall, 77.
- Eachard, tracts by, 320. 404.
- E. (A. H.) on Sir W. Hamilton, 216.
- — on St. Philip and St. James, 216.
- E. (A. J) on travelling in England, 68.
- East Anglican on how key or horkey, 407.
- Easter Day, decking churches with yew on, 294.
- Easter eggs, 244. 397. 482.
- East Winch on spur money, 373.
- Eastwood (Rev. J) on symbols of Evangelists, 472.
- Ecclesiastes on living dog better than a dead lion, 376.
- Ecclesiastical year, 351. 420. 477.
- Ed., what are deepenings? 326.
- Eden (Rev. C Page) on reprint of Jeremy Taylor's works, 483.
- Editors, hints to intending, 243.
- Edward II., history of, 59. 91. 220.
- Edward the Confessor, crucifix of, 140.
- Edward the Black Prince's shield, 183.
- Edwards (Rev. I.) on metal for telescopes, 174. 206.
- Edwards (H.) on saveguard, 268.
- — on masters of St Cross, 352.
- E. E. on statistics of the Roman Catholic Church, 61.
- E. F. why are gloves not worn before royalty? 366.
- — on old painted glass, 197.
- — on Sir William Ryder, 282.
- E. (H. T.) anecdote of a peal of bells, 382.
- — on by hook or by crook, 206.
- — on Greene of Greens Norton, 43.
- E. (H.) on Sir William Rider, 325.
- — on the use of coffins, 321.
- Eiton (Stephen), or Eden's "Acta Regis Edw. II.," 230.
- E. (J.) on abdication of James II., 39.
- — on accuracy of references, 170.
- — "as throng as Throp's wife," 485.
- — on Cæsar's wife, 389.
- — on Decker's Raven's Almanack, 400.
- — on horns to a river, 456.
- — on Q. Mary's expectations, 188.
- Elizabeth (Queen), domestic establishment of, 41.
- — pictures of, in churches, 184.
- Elizabeth and Isabel, 439. 488.
- Ellacombe (Rev. H. T.) on Vincent Gookin, 492.
- — on peal of bells, 154.
- Emancipation of the Jews, 401. 474.
- Emblem and national motto of Ireland, 415.
- Emdee on passages in Coleridge's Christabel and Byron's Lara, 263.
- — on pet names, 299.
- — on charms, 429.
- —, etymology of havior, 388.
- Emerod, meaning of, 217. 476.
- Emerald, 340.
- Eminent English men, Cunningham's Lives of, 379.
- Endeavour oneself, the verb, 124. 154. 373.
- Engelbert (Archbishop of Treves), treatise by, 214.
- England, fall of rain in, 173. 235.
- England, landed and commercial policy of, 59. 91.
- England, travelling in, 33. 87. 167. 220.
- English historians, opinions respecting Bp. Barnet, 40.;
- —— Lord Clarendon, 165.
- — reprints of old books, 209.
- — songs, John Lucas's MS. collection of, 174.
- — translations of Erasmus' Encomium Moriæ, 385.
- Epilepsy, charm for, used in Ireland, 349.
- Epigram (Latin) against Luther and Erasmus, 51.
- — from the Latin, 204.
- — from which Pope borrowed, 233. 284.
- — from the Latin of Vincent Bourne, 253.
- — from the Latin of Owen, 308.
- — by La Monnoye, 373.
- — on Louis XIV., 374.
- — (Latin) complimentary, or the reverse, 416.
- Epistola de Miseria Curatorum, 380.
- Equivocation, treatise of, 263. 357.
- Erasmus and Luther, lines on, 27.
- — paraphrase of the Gospels, 172.
- — and Luther, woodcut likenesses of, 203.
- — and Luther, portraits of, 232.
- — Encomium Moriæ, English translation of, 455.
- Erminois on Sapcote motto, 366.
- Errors corrected, 331.
- Erskine's (Lord) brooms, 93. 138.
- Esquire and gentleman, 437. 475. 491.
- Essex Buildings, 180.
- Estates of Cromwell, 389.
- E (T.) on beaver hats, 386.
- Etoniensis on Mr. Macaulay and Bishop Burnet, 250.
- Etruria, sewerage in, 180.
- Etymology of Armagh, 264.
- — direct and indirect, 331.
- — of News, 270. 369. 487.
- — of Penniel, 449.
- Europe, Alfred's Geography of, 257. 313.
- European sovereigns, genealogy of, 92. 119. 250. 339.
- Eva, daughter of Dermot Macmurrough, 92. 163.
- Evangelists, symbols of, 385. 471.
- Evelyn's Sculptura, 285.
- Evona's (St.) choice, 253.
- Exaletation of Ale, a poem attributed to Beaumont, 146.
- Execution military, 246. 476.
- Extracts from old records, 317.
- F. on Vondel's Lucifer, 142.
- F. (A.) on the curse of Scotland, 90.
- Faber (G.S.) on Quem Deus vult perdere, 476.
- Fable—The Bear, the Louse, and Religion, 321.
- "Factotum," origin of word, 43. 88.
- Farmer, Dr., notes on Drayton's works, 28.
- Fall of rain in England, 178. 235.
- Father, when did clergymen cease to be so called? 158.
- Faustus (Dr.) Dutch history of, 169.
- —works ascribed to, 190.
- F. (A. W.) on wives of ecclesiastics, 148.
- Feast of St. Michael and All Angels, 202. 235.
- Felix (Pope), 415.
- — and Pope Gregory, 475.
- Female captive in Barbary, in 1756; narrative written by by herself, 305.
- Fettle, derivation of, 142.
- Few words to our friends, 17.
- Few words of explanation, 81.
- Fifth son, 482.
- Finkle or finkel, derivation of, 384. 419. 477.
- Fir-Cone, symbolism of, 247.
- Fischel (A.) on Zenobia, 383.
- Five Queries, 469.
- F. (J. H.) on French maxim, 233.
- — on singular motto, 233.
- F. (J. R.) on by hook or by crook, 168.
- — on Miryland Town, 167.
- Flaws of wind, 88.
- Flaying for sacrilege, 185.
- Flemish account, 8. 74. 119. 286.
- — work on the order of St. Francis, 385.
- Fletcher's Nice Valour, song in, by Dr. Strode, 146.
- — Purple Island, MS. notes in, 164.
- Florins, 119.
- Flowers, symbolism of, 457.
- Fly-leaves, notes from No. 1., 9.;
- —— No. 2., 27.;
- —— No. 3., 39.;
- —— No. 4., 164.;
- —— No. 5., 211.
- Folk Lore, 229. 244. 258. 293, 315. 397. 412. 429. 451. 467. 482.
- — of Wales, 294. 295.
- Food of the people, 54.
- Fool or a physician, 157.
- Forbes (C.) on "a" or "an," 407.
- — on endeavour, 373.
- — on a fool or a physician, 157.
- — on mistake in Gibbon, 342.
- — on Pope and Petronius, 452.
- — on Shakspeare's employment of monosyllables, 228.
- — on Spanish bull-fights, 381.
- — on sparse, 215.
- — on Vox populi vox Dei, 419.
- — on Zenobia, a Jewess, 460.
- Forlot, falot, forthlot, 320. 371.
- Forty Footsteps, Field of, 217.
- Foss (Edward), on the Middle Temple, 123.
- — on the or a Temple, 335.
- — on Sir William Skipwyth, King's Justice of Ireland, 23.
- Fox (John R.) on Masters of St. Cross, 404.
- — on meaning of Shipster, 216.
- — Sir Stephen, 214. 250.
- F. (C. P. F.) on Sewerage of Etruria, 180.
- F. (P. H. F.) on ancient alms-dishes, 254.
- — on saveguard, 267.
- — on singular motto, 214.
- — on the temple or a temple, 420.
- — on topography of foreign printing presses, 277.
- Franz von Sickingen, 336. 389.
- Fraternity of Christian doctrine, 213. 281.
- Fraternitye of vagabondes, 183. 220.
- French leave, 246
- — maxim, 215. 233. 251. 373.
- — Change, Soho, 410.
- Frere and Pardonere, 390.
- Friar Brackley's sermon, allusion in, 351.
- Friday weather, 303.
- Friswell (James H.) on epigram quoted by Pope, "Praise undeserved," 233.
- Frith's works, passage in, 373.
- Frog, golden, 214. 372.
- Frog he would a-wooing go, 458.
- Frusius (Andrew) or Des Freux, 180.
- F. (T. R.) ou by hook or by crook, pokership, gib-lat, emerod, 281.
- — on porkership, 324.
- — (W. A.) meaning of "tace is Latin for a candle," 385.
- — (W. R.) on derivation of shrew, 381.
- — on the badger, 381.
- G. on letter attributed to Sir Robert Walpole, 304.
- — on the cuckoo, 231.
- — on the derivation of sterling and penny, 411.
- — on Howard, Earl of Surrey, 440.
- — on parallel passages, 330.
- — on Robert Long, 422.
- — on catsup, catchup, ketchup, 124.
- — on Green, of Greens Norton, 75.
- G. (A.) on burning the dead, 308.
- — on Byron's Lara, 443.
- — on humble pie, 92.
- — on line quoted by De Quincey, 388.
- — on salting, 349.
- — on the origin of the word snob, 250.
- — on salt at montem, 384.
- — on Temple Stanyan, 382.
- — on paying through the nose, 335.
- Gastros on Abbey of St. Wandrille, 486.
- — on beaver hat, 235. 338.
- — on golden frog, 372.
- — on meaning of Pisan, 236.
- Gatty (Rev. Alfred) letter of Lord Nelson's brother, 38.
- — on the Abbey of St. Wandrille, 382.
- — on catacombs and bone-houses, 171.
- — five queries, 440.
- — on peal of bells, 125.
- — on May marriages, 468.
- — on spur money, 462.
- — the meaning of pallace, 284.
- — on versicle and response, 440.
- — what is a chapel, 334.
- Gatty (Margaret) Folk-lore, 429.
- Gazetteer of Portugal, 284.
- G. (B.) on balloons, 309.
- — on Berkeley's Theory of Vision, 107.
- — on Junius, 358.
- G. (B. W.) on Iland chest, 173.
- G. (C. W.) on Ælfric's colloquy, 248.
- — on Arabic numerals, 358.
- — on ballad of the wars in France, 445.
- — on Bishop Blaise, 325.
- — on Boduc on British coins, 235.
- — extract from parish register of North Runcton, 103.
- — on fall of rain in England, 235.
- — on havior, heavier, or hever, 269.
- — on lines on "woman's will," 247.
- — on Lord Bacon's metrical version of the Psalms, 235.
- — meaning of loscop, 319.
- — en pallace, 233.
- — on Vox et præterea nihil, 247.
- — on Gootet, 473.
- — on wives of ecclesiastics, 147.
- Genealogy of European sovereigns, 92. 119. 250. 389.
- Genesse (Rev. Mr.), 183.
- Genius (A), from the German of Claudius, 326.
- Gentleman's Magazine, 189.
- Geography of Europe, Alfred's, 258. 313.
- George (Llewelyn St.) on an ancient motto, 189.
- Germain's lips, 157.
- Gerrard Street, Soho, 114.
- Gesta Grayorum, 351. 489.
- G. G. on travelling in England, 35. 87.
- Gheeze Ysenoudi and Ave Trici, 215. 267.
- Ghost stories, by Daniel De Foe, 241.
- G. (H.) on lines, "When England's monarch," and "I'd preach as though," 415.
- Gib cat, 235. 281.
- Gibbon, mistake in, 341. 390.
- Gibson (John Westby) on reheting and rehetours, 298.
- Giles (Rev. J. A.) on works of King Alfred, 93.
- — of Worcestershire, family of, 76.
- Giles (St.) Pound, 244.
- — Hospital, 244.
- G. (J.) on ancient MS. account of Britain, 174.
- — on by hook or by crook, 222.
- — on Bishop Barnaby, 55.
- — charm for blisters used in Ireland, 349.
- — charm for epilepsy used in Ireland, 349.
- — charm to cure the murrain in cows, 349.
- — charm for toothache, 349.
- — charm for warts, 349.
- — on Eva, daughter of Dermot Macmurrough, 163.
- — on Hordys, gold florins, and Kilkenny, 157.
- — on Ogilby's Britannia, 153.
- — Ormonde House, 320.
- — new edition of Rev. Dr. Owen's works, 276.
- — Norfolk weather rhyme, 349.
- G. (J. M.) on the Bristol riots, 460.
- — on Christ's Hospital, 421.
- G. (J. W. G.) on Queen's messengers, 186.
- Gloves, 405.
- —, why not worn before royalty, 366.
- Godbold (Sir William), 93.
- God tempers the wind, 325. 357. 418.
- Godwin (W.), life of, 415. 478.
- Goethe, lines quoted by, 125. 188.
- Golden age, Epigram, 270.
- — of magazines, 316.
- Golden frog, 214. 282. 372.
- Gold florins, 157.
- Goldsmith, on a passage in, 83.
- Gomer on Bernicia, 335.
- — on Caerphili Castle, 237.
- — on Cromlech, 405.
- — on the cuckoo, 419.
- — on journeyman, 309.
- — on Madoc's emigration to America, 236.
- — on Prince Madoc, 406.
- — on Selago and Samolus, 232.
- Goodman's Field Wells, 396.
- Gookin (Vincent), 492.
- Gootet, meaning of, 397. 473.
- Gospels, Erasmus' paraphrase of the, 172.
- Gothic architecture, 59. 134.
- Gourders of rain, 335, 356. 419.
- Gournay (M. de), 308.
- Governor (the) on the derivation of snob and cad, 250.
- Gowghe's Dore of Holy Scripture, 205.
- G. (R.) on Annus Trabeationis, 252.
- — on Cosmopolis and Complutensian Polyglot, 251.
- — on Dowts of Holy Scripture, 154.
- — on Germain's lips, 157.
- — La Mer des Histoires, 325.
- — on Latin names of towns, 474.
- — on lay of the Phœnix, 235.
- — on Pope Felix and Pope Gregory, 475.
- — on portraits of Luther, Erasmus, and Ulric Von Hutten, 303.
- — on Speculum Exemplorum, Epistola de Miseria Curatorum, 380.
- — on symbols of the Evangelists, 472.
- — on wood-cut likenesses of Luther and Erasmus, 203.
- Grace-cup, Becket's, 142.
- Grayan (A.) on Torri's polyglot edition
- of Gray's Elegy, 150.
- Graves (Rev. James), a living dog better than a dead lion, 404.
- — on bishops of Ossory, 335.
- — on the second Duke of Ormonde, 380.
- Gray's Alcaic ode, 382. 416.
- Gray's Elegy (translation of), 101.
- — Elegy, 138. 221. 389.
- — Elegy (German version of), 150.
- — Elegy (editions and versions of), 150.
- Gray's Inn Lane, 244.
- Greek verse, 142.
- Greene of Greene's Norton. 43. 75.
- Greene (Richard), of Lichfield, 167.
- Greene's Royal Exchange, 38.
- Greenham, family of Pointz of, 94.
- Green (Richard), apothecary, 74.
- Gregori's Italian version of Gray's Elegy, 221.
- Gregory (Pope) and Pope Felix, 475.
- Gresset's Vert-vert, illustrations of, painted on enamel, 366. 475.
- Griffinhoof (Arthur, jun.), on the fraternity of vagabonds, &c., 183.
- Griffin, on the fable of the bear, the louse, and religion, 321.
- — on Lord Erskine's brooms, 93.
- — on John Bell of the Chancery Bar, 93.
- G. (R. I. H.) on horns, 419.
- Grimm (Dr. Jacob), letter to, on meaning of "Lærig," 292.
- Grog, origin of, 28. 52. 168.
- Grotto, Pray remember the, 5.
- Grottoes on St. James's Day, 6.
- Grummett, meaning of, 319. 337. 358.
- G. (S.) on Sir Jeffery Wyattville, 252.
- Guildhalls, 320. 357.
- Gules on Bess of Hardwick, 296.
- Gunner (W. H., Rev.) on William Basse and his poems, 348.
- — note on Herodotus by Dean Swift, 350.
- Gutch (J. W. G.) on lines attributed to Hudibras, 211.
- — on etymology of News, 270.
- — derivation of Avon, 285.
- Gutch (J. M.) on Herrick's Hesperides, 350.
- Guy Mannering, death-bed superstition in, 350.
- G. (W.S.) on fifth son, 482.
- — on meaning of fingle, 477.
- H. on autograph mottoes of Richard Duke of Gloucester and Henry Duke of Buckingham, 138.
- — on pity is akin to love, 248.
- H. (A.) on Bishop Jewell's papers, 351.
- Haigh's (Sir R.) letter-book, 463.
- Hailstone (E.) original letter of Peter le Neve, 451.
- H. (A. J.) on Christian captives, 477.
- — on lines attributed to Hudibras, 211.
- Haley, or Hales (Richard), Milton pedigree, 366.
- Hall (Spencer), unpublished letter of Horace Walpole, 273.
- Hallam's History of Literature, error in, 435.
- — Middle Ages: alleged ignorance of the clergy, 51.
- Halliwell (J. O.) on esquire and gentleman, 475.
- — on Table-Book, 215.
- — on the name of Shylock, 222.
- Hamilton, Sir William, 216. 270.
- Hamlet, tradition respecting Shakspeare's, 23.
- Hammack (J. T.) on bills of fare and humble pie, 54.
- — on Dick Shore, 22. 142.
- — on parish register statistics—Chart, Kent, 442.
- Hampson (R. T.) on King Alfred's Geography of Europe, 258.
- — on Ælfric's colloquy, 168.
- Hampson (R. T.) on Periplus of Hanno the Carthaginian, 361.
- Hanap, 477. 492.
- Hanging out the broom, 384.
- Hanno the Carthaginian, Periplus of, 361. 412.
- Hanover Square, 435.
- H. (A. P.) on a curious monumental brass, 370.
- — on the arrangement of a monastery, 452.
- Hapless Hunter; or Eva, daughter of Dermot Macmurrough, 92.
- Hardy (W.) on wives of ecclesiastics, 148.
- Hats, beaver, 235. 266. 338.
- "Havior," etymology of, 230. 269. 342. 388.
- Hawkins (Edward) on curse of Scotland, 61.
- — on satirical medal of the Pretender, 70.
- — on ships called whelps, 106.
- H. (C.) on chapels, 417.
- — on Christian captives, 477.
- — on gourders of rain, 335.
- —, on a Treatise on the Lord's Supper, by R. Crowley, 333.
- H. (C. A.) on a passage from an old play, 76.
- H. (C. W.) on paying through the nose, 421.
- H. (E.) on high doctrine, 187.
- — on the pursuits of literature, 212.
- "Hearty Well-wisher" on poem in Lansdowne MSS., 12.
- Heun (Oscar) on Arabic numerals, 280.
- H. (E. J.) on spur-money, 462.
- Henno Rusticus, 12. 89.
- Henry, Duke of Buckingham, autograph motto of, 138. 252.
- Herald, Morning, when first established, 75.
- Herbert's Anes, Dr. Maitland on, 8.
- — and Dibdin's Ames, 38.
- — (Sir Henry) office-book, 143.
- H. (E. R. J.) on early statistics of Chart, Kent, 330.
- — on howkey, or hockey, 457.
- Hermes on "brown study," 418.
- — on Dr. Dee's petition, 187.
- — on the Dutch version of Dr. Faustus, 169.
- — on Erasmus Encomium Moriæ, 455.
- — on J. B.'s Treatise on Nature and Art, 458.
- — on Martins the printer, 219.
- — on Vondel's Lucifer, 169.
- — on Vox et præterea nihil, 387.
- Herodotus, note on, by Dean Swift, 350.
- Herrick (Robert) and his Hesperides, note on, 291. 350.
- Hertford, extraordinary execution at, 70.
- Hesperides, a note on Robert Herrick the author of, 291.
- Hever, 405.
- Hexameter verses in the Scriptures, 109.
- H. (F.) Religious Tract by, 460.
- H. H. "The lucky have whole days," query as to authorship, 351.
- Hibernicus on Armagh, 219.
- Hickford's Rooms, Panton Street, Haymarket, 395.
- Hickson (Samuel) on early English and early German literature—"News" and "Noise," 428.
- — on Marlowe and the old Taming of a Shrew, 194.
- — on song in style of Suckling, 134.
- — on the old Taming of a Shrew, 227. 345.
- High doctrine, 187.
- — E. H. on, 187.
- Hints to intending editors, 386.
- H. (J. O. W.) Tale of a Tub, 326.
- — queries on outline, 318.
- Hobit, derivation of, 470.
- Hockey, 457.
- Holborn, Turnstile Lane, 244.
- Holsworth (Dr. Richard) and Thos. Fuller, 484.
- Holy Scripture, Gowghe's Dore of, 139. 205.
- Homer's Odyssey, Pope's, errors in, 331. 362.
- Homeric ballads of Dr. Maginn, 470.
- Homilies, allusions in, 229.
- Honnore Pelle, 76.
- Hook or by crook, 168. 205. 222. 237. 281. 405.
- Hopkins (John) the Psalmist, 119.
- Horace, Pope's translation of, 230.
- Hordys, 157. 404.
- Horns, query respecting, 383. 419. 456.
- — to a river, 456.
- — why Moses represented with, 383. 419.
- Horse's head, 258.
- Hours, MS. book of, 276.
- Household book of Sir E. Dering, 130.
- — A. D. 1648-52, 161.
- Howard (Earl of Surrey), 440.
- Howkey or horkey, 263. 457.
- Howlett the engraver, 321.
- H. (R.) on Anthony Alsop, 215.
- — on derivation of "Pimlico," 383.
- — death-bed superstition, 315.
- H. (R. F.) on John Bull, 336.
- H. (S.) on "Bis dat qui citò dat," 330.
- Hudibrastic couplet, 340.
- Hudibras, lines attributed to, 210.
- — on a passage in, 177.
- —, passage from, 203.
- Humble pie, 54. 92. 163.
- Hundred-weight, 173.
- Hunt (Leigh), sonnet on the poets, 122.
- Hunter (Rev. Joseph) on anecdotes of books, 73.
- Huntsman, the Wild, 363.
- H. (W.) on wives of ecclesiastics, 115.
- — on Temple Stanyan, 460.
- Hyde Park Corner, 436.
- Hymn (Christmas), 201. 252.
- Hypomagirus on havior, 342.
- — on muffins and crumpets, 253.
- Identity of anonymous annotators, 213.
- "I'd preach as though," 415.
- I. (J.) on St. Barnabas, 136.
- — on bigotry, 204.
- —, Dorne the bookseller and Henno Rusticus, 75. 118.
- — on Eva, daughter of Dermot Macmurrough, 163.
- — on execution of Duke of Monmouth, 237.
- — on Gothic architecture. 134.
- — on the transposition of letters, 298.
- — on Warton and Heinsius, 285.
- — on lines attributed to Tom Brown, 372.
- Iland chest, 173.
- Incumbents of church livings, 61. 91. 106.
- Indagator on lines attributed to Henry, Viscount Palmerston, 382.
- Indians, why American aborigines so called, 254. 491.
- Inedited letter of the Duke of Monmouth, 379.
- Inquisitorius on Liber Sententiarum—Inquisition of Thoulouse, 10.
- Inquisition in France, 106.
- — in Mexico, 352.
- — in Thoulouse, 10.
- Inscriptions on ancient alms-basins, 44. 73.
- Inscriptions, early, 491.
- Investigator on Cartwright's poems, 108.
- — on Nat Lee's certificate, 149.
- Ireland, emblem and national motto of, 415.
- — pamphlets respecting, 384. 473.
- Iron manufactures of Sussex, 87.
- — railings round St. Paul's, 446.
- Iter Boreale, MS. note on, 165.
- I. (T.) on Prince Madoc, 341.
- J. on meaning of Cavell, 473.
- — on mayors, 380.
- — on pamphlets respecting Ireland, 384.
- — on portrait of Sir John Poley, 385.
- Jackson (Sir George), was he not "Junius"? 172.
- — (Edward S.) on derivation of calamity, 268.
- Jackson (Edward S.), Quem Deus vult perdere, 351.
- James I., bust of, 43.
- — Dr. Dee's petition to, 142.
- James II., abdication of, 39. 489.
- James, St., 216.
- —, St., day, grottoes on, 5.
- Jarlzberg on the order of St. Francis, 385.
- — on Le petit Albert, 385.
- — on the symbols of the four Evangelists, 385. 472.
- on English translations of Erasmus's Encomium Moriæ, 385.
- J. (B. G.) on Gootet, 397.
- — on nursery games and rhymes, 401.
- Jebb (John, Rev.) nine queries by, 212.
- — on blunder in Malone's Shakspeare, 213.
- — on notes from fly-leaves, 228.
- Jemmy Dawson, ballad on, 158.
- Jennings (Peter H.) on the battle of Towton, 124.
- Jerdan (W.) on Zachary Boyd, 406.
- Jester to Henry VIII., Domingo Lomelyn, 193.
- Jewell's (Bishop) papers, 351.
- Jew's harp, origin of the, 215. 277. 312.
- Jews, emancipation of the, 401. 474.
- J. (G.) on buns, 244.
- — on Easter eggs, 244.
- Jhon-John, 234.
- J. (J) on anonymous Ravennas, 220.
- — on Dick Shore, 220.
- — on whelps, 77.
- John, 299.
- — origin of name, 234.
- John of Salisbury, Douce on, 9.
- John Bull, 372.
- Johnson (Dr.) and Professor de Morgan, 107.
- — library of, 214. 270.
- — and Dr. Warton, 481.
- Johnson (R. F.) on author of Coxcombs vanquish Berkeley, &c., 384.
- — on the seven champions of Christendom, 418.
- — on derivation of sterling, 384.
- — origin and signification of hanging out the broom, 384.
- — on Tickhill, God help me, 247.
- Jones (R. M.) on microscope, 217.
- Jones (T.) on Herbert and Dibdin's Ames, 39.
- — on litany version of the Psalms, 234.
- Jones (Inigo), sketches by, 122.
- Josias Ibach, Stada, 452.
- Journeyman, meaning of, 309. 458.
- J. (T.) on Arabic numerals, 455.
- — on dog Latin, 230.
- — on humble pie, 168.
- — on ordination pledges, 206.
- — on passage in Frith's works, 373.
- — on peruse, 252.
- — on Stephen Eiton or Eden's "Acta Regis Edw. II," 230.
- — on symbolism of flowers, 457.
- — on Welsh ambassador, 406.
- Judas Bell, 195. 235. 357.
- Julius on horse's head, 259.
- — on Rush bearings, 259.
- Junior on a Flemish account, 74.
- Junius, queries as to, 275. 322. 358.
- —, was he Sir G. Jackson? 172. 276.
- Karinthon (Lord), murdered in 1665, 400.
- K. (B. H.) on passages in Milton, 286.
- Kelke (W. Hastings) on travelling in 1590, 400.
- Ken (Bp.), hymns, 188.
- Kennaquhair (I.) on pet names, 299.
- Kennedy (Rev. B. H.) on the expression "mutual friend," 149.
- — on Tickhill, God help me, 325.
- — on pet names, 242
- Kentish ballad, 247. 399.
- Kersley (Henry), lines by Sir John Suckling, 419.
- — on Miry-Land Town, 257.
- — on Americans called Indians, 491.
- — on superstitious of the Midland Counties, 451.
- — on barnacles, 254.
- — on book called Theophania, 174.
- K. (G. J) on Charles Martel, 86.
- — on printer's couplets, 86.
- Kilkenny, when made a city, 157.
- Killaloe, Henry Ryder, Bishop of, 383.
- Killigrew family, genealogy of, 204. 251. 283.
- —, master of the revels, seal of, 204.
- Kingsmill (Rev. W. M.) on incumbents of church livings, 106.
- King's coffee-house, Covent Garden, 403.
- Kings, pilgrimage of, 173.
- K. (J.) on Cunningham's Lives of eminent Englishmen, 379.
- Kooez (Aredjid) on the Dutch language, 492.
- — on trunck breeches, 445.
- Koran by Sterne, 216. 418.
- K. (W. H.) on cure for the hooping-cough, 397.
- K. (W. M.). why Dr. Dee quitted Manchester, 284.
- L. on Fenkle, 419.
- — on incumbents of church-livings, 61.
- — on Nash's Terrors of the Night, 455.
- — on tureen, 455.
- Lacedæmonian black broth (coffee), 139. 155. 204. 242. 360.
- Lærig, what is the meaning of, 292.
- — (derivation of). 387. 406.
- Laicus, when "Father" last applied to clergymen, 158.
- Laissez faire, laissez passer, 390.
- L'Allegro (passage in), notes on Milton's minor poems, 316.
- Lambeth wells, 395.
- Lambs bive and chote, 93. 474.
- La Mer des Histoires, 236. 325.
- Lammin (W. H.) on Master of the Revels, 373.
- — on Mowbray coheirs, 388.
- Lamont (C. D) on dais-man, 267.
- La Monnoye, epigram by, 373.
- Lamp, smelling of, 335. 371.
- Lancaster, St. Thomas of, 234.
- Landed and commercial policy of England, 59. 91.
- Lansdown House, 436.
- Lansdowne MSS., poem in, 12.
- Lara (Byron's), on a passage in, 262.
- Larking (Rev. L. B.), on bill of fare in 1626, 99.
- — on household book of Sir E. Dering, 131.
- — on MSS of Sir Roger Twysden, 76.
- — on Kentish ballad, 339.
- — on strewing straw or chaff, 294.
- — on wages in 17th and 19th centuries, 227.
- — on the wife of Robert de Bruce, 187.
- — on wives of ecclesiastics, 148.
- Last of the villains, 139.
- Latin distich and translation, 415.
- — epigram, 416.
- — names of towns, 474.
- — verse, 215.
- Law courts at St. Alban's, 366.
- — of horses, 421.
- Lærig (derivation of), 387. 460.
- Lawyers' patron saint, 151.
- Lay of the Phœnix, 203, 235.
- L**b on family of Points of Greenham, 94.
- L. (B. L.)
- L. (C. L.) on history of Edward II., 98.
- — on landed and commercial Policy of England, 92.
- Legal polity of Great Britain (Dr. Thomas Bever's), 483.
- Legate (Bartholomew), the Martyr, 483.
- Legislators and ballad makers, 153.
- Legour on grog and Bishop Barnaby, 28.
- — why is an earwig called coach-bell, 383.
- Leman (Rev. Thomas), 59. 91.
- Lines on Pharaoh, 406.
- Lesly, Bishop of Ross, 186.
- Letter attributed to Sir Robert Walpole, 304. 321.
- — Book (Sir R. Haigh's), 463.
- — of Sir Robert Walpole, 388.
- Levite (Young), Macaulay's, 26. 167. 222. 374.
- Liber Sententiarum, 10. 20.
- Libraries (ancient), 21. 83.
- — public, 391.
- Library of Augustinian Eremites of York, 84.
- — of Dr. Johnson, 214. 270.
- Limb of the Law on a maiden assize and white gloves, 29.
- Limborch's Historia Inquisitionis, 20.
- Line quoted by De Quincey, 351. 388.
- Lines attributed to Henry Viscount Palmerston, 382.
- — Tom Brown, 372.
- — on London dissenting ministers, 383. 454.
- — quoted by Goethe, 125.
- — by Sir John Suckling, 439.
- — in the style of Suckling, 20.
- — on "Woman's Will," 247.
- Ling or Bodenham's Politeuphia, 28. 86.
- Lions in the Tower, 42.
- Literary Leisure, author of, 352.
- Literature, early English and early German, 428.
- — the pursuers of, 212.
- — pursuits of, 253.
- Liturgy version of the Psalms, 203. 234.
- Living dog better than a dead lion, 352. 370. 404.
- L. (J. H.) on King's coffee-house, Covent Garden, 493.
- — on Trimble family, 485.
- L. (L. B.) on Cowley or Cowleas, 107.
- — on Loscop, 371.
- L. L. L. on Howlett, the engraver, 321.
- Lobster in medal of the Pretender, 103. 167.
- Locke, MSS. of, 461.
- Locke's proposed Life of Lord Shaftesbury, 401.
- Logan (James), on ancient motto, 340.
- — on barnacles, 340.
- — on Conrad of Salisbury's Descriptio utriusque Britanniæ, 319.
- Logographic printing, 198.
- Lollius, meaning of, 393. 418.
- Lomax (T. G.) on Dr. Johnson's library, 214.
- Lomelyn (Domingo) jester to Henry VIII., 193.
- London, see Cunningham's Handbook for.
- — House Yard, 196.
- — improvements, Vanbrugh's, 142.
- Long, Robert, Admiral, 382. 422.
- —, Latin Epigram on a tall barrister so named, 422.
- Louvaine printer, Martin, 373.
- Lord Chatham, Queen Charlotte, original letter respecting, 65.
- Lord's Supper, a treatise on, by Robert Crowley, 332. 355.
- Loscop, 319. 371.
- Louis XIV., epigram on, 374.
- Love, the king's fool, 121.
- Love's last shift, 383. 476.
- Lower (Mark Antony) on definition of grummett, 358.
- — on the etymology of daysman, 188.
- — on seal of the Killigrew family, 204.
- — on shipster, 251.
- — on Shylock, 184.
- L. (R.) on the thistle of Scotland, 24.
- L. (S) on Vertue's MSS., 372.
- L. (T. H.), epigram on Louis XIV., 374.
- I. (T. J.) on characters of actors in Cibber's Apology, 67.
- Lucas's (John) MS. collection of English songs, 174.
- Lucifer, Vondel's, 142. 169.
- The lucky have whole days, 231. 351.
- Ludlow's (John) query as to Junius, 275.
- — memoirs, 384.
- Ludlum's dog (As lazy as), 475.
- Luther and Erasmus, lines on, 27.
- —, woodcut likenesses of, 203.
- —, portraits of, 232.
- —, Erasmus, and Ulric von Hutten, portraits of, 303.
- Luther's portrait at Warwick Castle, 400. 457.
- — translation of the New Testament, 1 John, v. 7., 399. 453.
- Lydgate and Coverdale, and their biographers, 379.
- Lynne (Walter), 474.
- L. (W.) on Honnore Pelle, 76.
- — on the omission of the words Dei Gratia from the new florin, 118.
- Lwyd (Merry), 315.
- M on Mon Myles Blomefylde Ortus Vocabulorum, 90.
- — on Roland Monoux, 137.
- — on Manuscript of Orosius, 371.
- — on journal of Sir William Beeston, 444.
- — on Seager a painter, 469.
- M. on à brebis près tondue, &c, 357.
- — on the Apocrypha, 401.
- — on Arabic numerals, 281.
- — on Burnet, 40.
- — on the ecclesiastical year, 420.
- — on Gray's Elegy, 221.
- — on J. B.'s Treatise on Art and Nature
- — on Latin names of towns, 402.
- — on Moria Encomium of Erasmus, 455.
- — on note books, 462.
- — on opinions of English historians, Lord Clarendon, 166.
- — on poetical symbolism, 219.
- — on Ptolemy of Alexandria, 170.
- — on symbols of the evangelists, 472.
- — on Temple Stanyan, 460.
- — on Theses, 401.
- — on vox populi vox Dei, 492.
- — on Zenobia, 421.
- M. (A.) on watching the sepulchre, 403.
- M. or N., 485. 476.
- Mac Cabe (W. B.) on barnacles, 117.
- — on Frusius, 218.
- Macaulay and Bishop Burnet, 40. 259.
- Macaulay's "Young Levite," 26. 167. 222. 374.
- Macaulay's account of Duke of Monmouth, 3.
- Macbeth, on a passage in, 484.
- Machoreus, see Macorovius.
- Mackay (Jonn Ross), 125. 356.
- Macorovius or Machoreus (Alexander), 186.
- M. (A. D.) on the capture of the Duke of Monmouth, 24.
- — on Cromwell relics, 247.
- — on Macaulay's "Young Levite," 222.
- — on travelling in England, 68.
- Madden (Sir Frederick) on Purvey on the Apocalypse, and Bonner on the Seven Sacraments, 452.
- — on Sanuto's Doges of Venice, 36.
- — on the Wycliffite translation of the Scriptures, 366.
- Madoc's expedition to America, 12. 25. 57. 58. 236. 282.
- Madoc, the son of Owen Gwynedd, 56. 135.
- Maginn, Dr. miscellaneous writings of, 341. 406. 470.
- Maiden assize, white gloves at, 29.
- Maiden Lane, Covent Garden, 451.
- Maids (Red) of Bristol, 183. 219.
- Maitland (Rev. S. R.; on college salting, 261.
- — on Dibdin's Typographical Antiquities, 56.
- — on repository for "notes" and Herbert's "Ames," 8.
- Maitland, (Rev. S. R.), on Robert Crowley, 355.
- Malone's Shakspeare, blunder in, 213. 386. 461.
- Man in a garret, on M. de Gournay, 308.
- Manuscripts respecting abdication of James II., 39.
- Mare de Saham, 106. 121.
- Marescaucia, 94. 167.
- Margarets' (St.), Westminster, extracts from church wardens' accounts of, 195.
- Markland (J. H.) on Dr. Johnson and Dr. Warton, 481.
- — on esquire and gentlemen, 491.
- Marlborough (Duke of), 415. 490.
- Marlow's autograph, 469.
- Marlow and the old "Taming of a Shrew," 94. 226.
- Marriage contract of Mary Queen of Scots and the Earl of Bothwell, 97.
- Martel (Charles), 86.
- Martel (the name), 274.
- Martin (F. S.) on derivations of calamity, 8. 215.
- Martins, see Mertens.
- Martins, the Louvaine printer, 373.
- Marylebone gardens, 383. 490.
- Mary on origin of Polly, 215.
- Mary Queen of Scots, marriage contract of with the Earl of Bothwell, 97.
- Mary, Queen, her expectations, 188.
- Master of Methuen, 305.
- Master of the revels, 158. 373.
- Masters of St. Cross, 352. 404.
- Mathematical Archæology, 132.
- Mathews (W. Franks) on mother of Thomas à Becket, 415.
- Mathews (W. Franks) on Urbanus Regius, 419.
- Maudeleyne (Grace), 437.
- Maxim, French, 215. 373.
- May-day, 221.;
- —— customs of, 187.
- May Marriages, 467.
- Maypole (Strand), 142.
- Mayor (Rev. J. E. B.) on Bishop Cosin's MSS.;
- —— index to Baker's MSS., 433.
- — on the circulation of the blood, 250.
- — notes on Bacon and Jeremy Taylor, 427.
- — on notes from fly-leaves, 212.
- — on smelling of the lamp, 371.
- Mayors, what is their correct prefix? 380.
- M. (B.), on Vanbrugh's London improvements, 142.
- M. (C. R.) on evangelistic symbols, 472.
- Medal of the Pretender, 58. 70. 103. 167.
- Mediæval geography (queries in), 60.
- Medical symbols, 399.
- Melandra on ancient alms-basins, 172.
- Melanion on French maxims, 373.
- — on "By hook or by crook," 205.
- — on Jew's-harp, 215.
- — on Macaulay Young Levite," 26.
- — on May-day customs, 187.
- — on military execution, 246.
- — on Nomade, 342.
- — on Periwinkle, a mocking emblem, 77.
- — on plagiarisms or parallel passages, 164. 260.
- — on Twm Shawn Cattie, 383.
- Mer des Histoires, 286. 385.
- Mercenary preacher, 384.
- Merry Lwyd, 315.
- Merser, Mr., House, Newington, painted glass in, 197.
- Mertens, Martins, or Martini the printer, 185.
- Merton (Ambrose) on Wesselcuphymin, 137.
- Mess. (A), meaning of, 153.
- Messengers (Queen's), 186. 445.
- Metal for telescopes, Rev. J. Edwards on, 174. 206.
- Methuen (Master of), 305.
- Metrical charms—Folk lore, 229.
- Metrical version of the Psalms, Lord Bacon's, 263.
- Metrical writings on alchymy, 60.
- Meyrick's Ancient Armour, error in, 342.
- M. (F.) on Astle's MSS., 282.
- M. (F.) on Compendyous Olde Treatyse, 277.
- — on Dore of Holy Scripture, 140.
- — on Dr. Hugh Todd's MSS, 282.
- — on Madoc, 282.
- —on MS. Book of Hours, 276.
- — on MSS. of Sir Roger Twysden, 282.
- — on royal genealogies, 282.
- — on "Factotum," 88.
- — on viridis vallis, 285.
- M. (G.) on incumbents of Church livings, 91.
- — on Katharine Pegg, 91.
- — on Rev, T. Leman, 91.
- — on Selago and Sainolus, 201.
- — on travelling hand-bills, 146.
- M. (H. J.) on ballad of Dick and the Devil, 172.
- Michael (St.) and All Angels, festival of, 202. 235.
- Microscope, 217.
- Middle Ages (Hallam's), 51.
- Middle Temple, 123.
- Miland (John) on trade editions—Cottle's Life of Coleridge, 55.
- Military execution, 246. 476.
- Milnes (Richard Monckton) on St. Thomas of Lancaster, 181.
- Milton, on passages in, 296.
- Milton's Defensio, MS. notes in, 164.
- — L'Allegro, 316.
- — Minor Poems, notes on, 316.
- — pedigree. Richard Haley or Hales, 366.
- Prose Works, Bohn's edition, 483.
- Minar's Book of Antiquities, 277.
- Minimum de Malis, 374.
- Minerva, order of, 188.
- Misquotations, 38.
- Mistake in Gibbon, 390.
- Miryland town, 166. 237.
- M. (J.) on Complutensian Polyglot, 268.
- — Evelyn's Sculptura, 235.
- — "God tempers the wind," &c., 357.
- — on Gray's elegy, 221.
- — on le petit Albert, 474.
- — on origin of Rococo, 356.
- — on Richard of Cirencester, 206.
- — on Roger Bacon; hints and queries for a new edition of his works, 393.
- — on theses, 461.
- — on treatise of equivocation, 264.
- —, wild huntsman, 363.
- —, did Oliver Cromwell write the new Star of the North. 202.
- M. (J. B.) on Bristol riots, 352.
- — on a French maxim, 251.
- M. (J. E.) on ancient motto, 93.
- M. (J. F.) on birthplace of Andrew Borde, 88.
- — on definition of clericus, 149.
- — on derivation of calamity, 268.
- — on Gray's elegy, 101.
- — hints to intending editors, 386.
- — on Mare de Saham and Portum Pusillum, 106.
- — on letters of Mrs Chiffinch, 124.
- — on notes from fly-leaves, No. iv.. 164.
- — on a passage in L'Allegro, notes on Milton's minor poems, 316.
- — on Richard Haley or Hales, 366.
- — on the fraternity of vagabonds, 220.
- — on Walewich or Watewich, 236.
- M. (J. H) on Burnet, 341.
- — on Jew's-harp, 342.
- — on Milton's L'Allegro, 316.
- — on "to fettle," 169.
- Modest discours, 205, 233.
- Monastery, arrangement of one, 452.
- Moneta Sanctæ Helenæ, 100.
- Monk, Skinner's life of, 378.
- Monmouth's ash, 82.
- —, Duke of, 358.
- —, execution of, 237.
- —, capture of, 324.
- —, inedited letter of, 379.
- —, memorials of the last days of, 198.
- —, correspondence, 427.
- —, his pocket-book, 397.
- Monody on Sir John Moore, 321. 418.
- Monoux, Roland, monumental brass, 137. 188.
- Monosyllables, use of, 285.
- Monro (Cecil) on form of petition, 75.
- Monson (Lord) on Lord Carrington or Karinthon, 490.
- Monumental brass, 370. 405.
- Moore, Sir John, monody on the death of, 321. 445.
- Morgan, De (Professor), and Dr. Johnson, 107.
- Morning Herald, when first established, 7.
- Morse As caught the mare, 320.
- Moses, why represented with horns, 383. 419.
- Mosquito country, origin of the name, early connection of the Mosquito Indians with the English, 425.
- Mother of Thomas à Becket, 415. 490.
- Motto, ancient, 93. 104. 156. 189. 340.
- —, of University of Cambridge, 76.
- —, Sapcote, 366. 476.
- —, singular, 214. 233.
- —, the Buckingham, 138. 252. 283. 459.
- Mousetrap, book of the, 154.
- —, Dante, 339.
- Mowbray coheirs, 213. 388.
- Morning Chronicle, when established, 7.
- M. (R. M.) on chrysopolis, 383.
- — on Darnley's birth place, 220.
- — on Sanuto, 220.
- — (S. A.) on Charlemagne's talisman, 187.
- — on the darkness at the crucifixion, 186.
- MS. volume of chronicles at Reigate, note of, 6.
- MSS. of Casaubon, 422.
- — of Dr. Hugh Todd, 340.
- — of Locke, 401. 461.
- — of the Wycliffite translations of the Scripture, 366.
- — sermons by Jeremy Taylor, 125.
- — of Sir Roger Troysden, 76.
- M. (J. B.), Flemish account, 8.
- M. (J. F.) on Ling and Bodenham, 86.
- M. (J. H.) on Countess of Pembroke's letter, 119.
- M. (J. R) on parallel passages or plagiarisms in Childe Harold, 299.
- Muffins and crumpets, derivation of, 173. 205. 253.
- Munford (George), query, Is the Dombec the Domesday of Alfred, 365.
- Murrain in cows (charm for) used in Ireland, 349.
- Musafir on a Flemish account, 74.
- Music room in Charles Street, Covent Garden, 395.
- — in Dean Street, Soho, 395.
- "Mutual friend," Dr. Kennedy on the expression, 149.
- M. (W.) on derivation of "finkle," 381. 477.
- M. (W. B.) on Mare de Saham-Portum Pusillum—Watewich, 121.
- M. (W. I..) on Gray's Elegy, 221.
- "My love and I for kisses played," &c., 302. 458.
- My mind to me a kingdom is, 489. 302.
- N. on Reinerius Saccho, 205.
- — on Bohn's edition of Milton's prose works, 488.
- — on busts of James I. and Charles I., and ancient tapestry, 43.
- — on discours modest, 205.
- — on Dr. Sam. Parr, and Dr. John Taylor of Shrewsbury school, 467.
- — on Katharine Pegg, 91.
- — on Rev. T. Leman, 91.
- — on William Godwin, 415.
- N. (A.), Minar's Books of Antiquities, 277.
- — on Reheting and Rehetours, 279.
- — on William Baxter. 285.
- Nagshead, Cheapside, 410.
- Name (change of), 246, 357.
- Names of towns (Latin), 402.
- Napoleon, tablet to, 262. 406. 461.
- Nares on Scarborough warning, 138.
- Nash's terrors of the night, 400. 468.
- Naso on Cock Lane, 244.
- — on Mary-le-bone Gardens, 383.
- — on the Norman crusades, 163.
- — on the Times, 136.
- Nat Lee's certificate, 149.
- Nathan on the ecclesiastical year, 381.
- — on "Vox et præterea nihil," 387.
- N (B.) on the lobster in the medal of the pretender, 167.
- — on Richard Green of Lichfield, 167.
- — on Thistle of Scotland, 166.
- Nec pluribus impar, 422.
- N. (E. L.) on the Koran by Sterne, 216.
- Nell Gwynne, Tennison's funeral sermon on, 28.
- Nelson's brother, letters of immediately after the battle of Trafalgar, 36.
- Nemo, Christ's Hospital, old songs once popular there, 318.
- — on the Memoirs of an American Lady, 335.
- —, what is the meaning of complexion, 352.
- —, query as to the author of Literary Leisure, 36.
- Neve (Peter Le) original letter of, 451.
- New Star of the North, did Oliver Cromwell write it, 202.
- New Year's Day custom, 214.
- Newcastle House, 436.
- New Exchange, 451.
- "News," origin of the word, 270. 319. 487.
- Nightingale (B.) medal of the pretender, 58.
- Nine of diamonds, why and when called the curse of Scotland, 61. 90.
- N. (J. E.) on John Stowe, 297.
- N. (J G.) on Constantine the artist, 452.
- — on Josias Ibach, Stada, 452.
- — on the Master of the Revels, 158.
- Nomade, 342. 389.
- Norman crusader, the, 103.
- Norman pedigrees, 214. 266.
- Norris on Gowghe's Dore of Holy Scripture, 205.
- Northman on Martin the Louvain printer, 373.
- — on Portugal, 246.
- —, why are North American aborigines called Indians, 254.
- Nosce Teipsuin, an exceptional Epigram, 391.
- Note on Herodotus, by Dean Swift, 350.
- — on Cold Harbour, 60.
- Notes on authors and books, 42.
- — on the Dodo, 410.
- — from fly leaves,
- —— No. 1. 9.;
- —— No. 11, 28.;
- —— No. 3. 39.;
- —— No. 4. 164.;
- —— No. 5. 211.;
- —— No. 6. 287.
- — method of keeping them, 104.
- — upon notes No. 1. 19.
- — query as to, 45.
- — value of a repository for, 8.
- — upon books, sales, catalogues, &c. in every number.
- — to correspondents, in every number.
- Novel a recent one, 231. 285.
- Novus on Compendyous Olde Treatyse, 404.
- — on Tracts, by F. H., 400.
- — on Walter Lynne, 474.
- — on Woolton's Christian manual, 400.
- Nudd (Gwynn ab), on Merry Lwyd, 316.
- Numismatic queries, 468.
- Nursery games and Rhymes, 401.
- O. on a Latin epigram, 416.
- O. (L.) on portraits in the British Museum, 306.
- O. (R.) on coffee, the Lacedæmonian black broth, 124. 204.
- — on portrait of Charles I., 138.
- — on register of Cromwell's baptism, 136.
- Office book of Sir Henry Herbert, 143.
- Ogilby's Britannia, 153.
- Old Auster Tenements, 217. 307.
- — books, English and American reprints of, 209.
- — Robin Gray, MS. notes in, 165.
- Oliphant (G. H. Hewit) on law of horses, 421.
- Oliver (George) on Daysman, 267.
- Omens from battle, 258.
- Opinions respecting English historians:—I. Bishop Burnet, 40.
- —— II. Lord Clarendon, 165.
- Order of Minerva, 88.
- Ordination, pledges, 156. 206. 235.
- Origin, of the Jews-harp, 277.
- — of the change of Mary into Polly, 299.
- Ormerod (Geo.) on Sydenham or Tidenham, 458.
- Ormonde, (second Duke of), 380.
- — house, 320.
- Orosius, (Anglo-Saxon MS. of), 371.
- Ortus Vocabulorum, 90.
- Ossory, (Bishops of), 305.
- Otloh the Scribe, by S. W. Singer, 113. 147.
- Our progress, 129. 289.
- — progress and prospects, 50.
- — further progress, 393.
- Owen (Rev. Dr.), new edition of his works, 276.
- — epigram from the Latin of, 308.
- Oxoniensis on Bp. Ken's Hymns, 188.
- — on MS. Sermons by Jeremy Taylor, 125.
- P. on Boston de Bury, 186.
- — on Carena, 186.
- — was not Sir George Jackson "Junius," 172. 276.
- Painted glass, 197.
- Painter, Seager, a, 469.
- P. (A. G. S.), Snow of Chicksand priory, 351.
- Pallace, the meaning of, 202. 233. 284.
- Pall Mall, 436.
- Palmerston (Herry Viscount), lines attributed to, 382.
- Pamphlets respecting Ireland, 384. 473.
- Pandoxare, 202. 234. 284.
- Paraphrase of the Gospels, Erasmus', 172.
- Parallel passages, 330.
- Pardonere (the) and Frere, 390.
- Parish registers, extracts from, 41.
- — statistics, Chart, Kent, 442.
- Parker street, Drury lane, 229.
- Parkership, porkership. See Pokership.
- Parliamentary writs, 305.
- Parnell, lines by, 427.
- Parr (Dr. Sam.) of Shrewsbury, and Shrewsbury school, 466.
- Parson's charity, Oliver Cromwell as feoffee of, 465.
- Passage from an old play, 76.
- — from Pope, 245.
- Patron saint of Lawyers, 151.
- Pavoise of the Black Prince, 283.
- Pawnbrokers' three balls, 42.
- Paying through the nose, 335. 421.
- P. (C.) on Parnell, 427.
- Peal of bells, a, 170.
- —, anecdote of a, 382.
- Peckham (East), Kent, extract from parish registers, 41.
- Pedigrees, Norman, 214. 266.
- Pedlar's song attributed to Shakspere, and tradition connected with Shakspere's "Hamlet," 23.
- Pegge (Catherine), 59. 90. 141. 200.
- Pembroke, Dorset, and Montgomery, countess of, celebrated letter of, 28. 119. 154.
- Penniel, etymology of, 449.
- Penny, etymology of, 384. 411.
- Percy (Dr.) and the poems of the Earl of Surrey, 470.
- Periergus Bibliophilus, on book of the mousetrap, 154.
- Periplus of Hanno, the Carthaginian, 361. 412.
- Periwinkle, a mocking emblem, 77.
- Peruse or pervise, the word, 215. 222. 319.
- Petit Albert, 385.
- Petition, form of, 43. 75.
- Pet names, 242. 299.
- P. (G.) on Annus Trabeationis, 105.
- —, query respecting Urbanus Regius, 367.
- Pharaoh, lines on, 406.
- Φ on florins, 119.
- — on lions in the Tower, 42.
- — on wives of ecclesiastics, 116.
- Philalethis Cestriensis, 334.
- Philautus, epigram to, 358.
- Philip, St., 216.
- Philobodius, lines on Pharaoh, 406.
- Phœnix, lay of, Anglo-Saxon, 203. 235.
- — by Lactantius, 283.
- Φιλολογος, on derivation of Zero, 268.
- —, on the origin of the change of Mary into Polly, 299.
- Phonetic peculiarity, 463.
- Physicians, proverb against, 277.
- Pictures of Queen Elizabeth and Charles I. in churches, 184.
- Pilgrimage of kings, 173.
- — of princes, 203.
- Pimlico, origin of name, 383. 474.
- Pisan, meaning of, 101. 236. 266. 299.
- Pitt's (Lord Chatham) resignation, 65.
- Pity is akin to love, 248.
- P. (J.) on origin of word "bug,” 237.
- P. (K. M.) on the festival of St. Michael and all angels, 203.
- Plagiarisms, or parallel passages, 163. 260. 332. 347.
- Planché (J. R.) on ancient tapestry, 68.
- — on armour of Black Prince and sword of Charles I., 183.
- — on Queen's messengers, 221.
- Plays, authors of old, 120.
- Poem by Sir Edward Dyer, 355.
- — in Lansdowne MSS., 12.
- Poems of William Basse, 265.
- Poetical symbolism, 219.
- Poets, Leigh Hunt's sonnet on, 122.
- Poghele, meaning of, 186. 406.
- Poins and Bardolph, 385. 418.
- Pointz of Greenham, family of, 94.
- Pokership or Porkership, meaning of, 185. 218. 236. 269. 281. 323. 369.
- Poley (Sir John), portrait of, 385.
- Policy, history of landed and commercial, in England, 59. 91.
- Political maxim, when first used, 93. 104.
- Polly, origin of the change of Mary into, 215. 299.
- Polyglot, Complutensian, 213. 251. 268. 325. 402. 461.
- Poor Robin's almanack, 470.
- Poore's (Edward) Literary Collections, 122.
- Pope Felix, 415. 475.
- Pope and Petronius, 452.
- —, Petronius, and his translators, 414.
- —, passages from, 245.
- —, quotations from, 102.
- —, on a passage in, 201.
- — vindicated, 362.
- Pope's Homer's Odyssey, errors in, 331.
- — revision of Spence's essay on the Odyssey, 396.
- — translations of Horace, 230.
- Porkership, 324. See Pokership.
- Portrait by Boonen, 386.
- — of Charles I., 137.
- Portraits in the British Museum, 305.
- — of Luther and Erasmus, 202.
- — of Luther, Erasmus, and Ulric von Hutten, 303.
- Portugal, gazetteer of, 246. 368.
- Portum pusillum, 106. 121.
- Potter (T. R.) on Belvoir Castle, 384.
- Pound, St. Giles's, 244.
- Powell's (Rev. T.) Human Industry, Bolton Corney on, 102.
- Powers (John) on Eva, daughter of Dermot Macmurrough, 163.
- Praise undeserved, origin of the line, 222.
- Pray remember the grotto, 5.
- Prebendaries, 400.
- Prendergast (M.) on Scole Inn, 283.
- Pretender, the lobster in the medal of the, 58. 167.
- Price (E. B.) on coffee, the Lacedæmonian black broth, 139.
- Printers' couplets, 86.
- Printing presses, topography of foreign, 277. 348.
- Priscian, query about a or an before vowels, 350.
- Prison discipline and execution of justice, 70.
- Propugnaculum, Anti-Pistorianum, 203.
- Proverb, a living dog better than a dead lion, 404.
- —, weather, 413.
- Proverbial sayings and their origin, 347. 382.
- Provincial words, 467.
- Prutenicæ, meaning of, 215. 284.
- Psalms, liturgy version of, 203. 234.
- Lord Bacon's metrical version of, 202. 235. 263.
- Ptolemy of Alexandria, 142. 170.
- Public libraries, 391.
- Pursuers of literature, 212.
- Pursuits of literature, 253.
- Purvey on the Apocalypse, 452.
- Pusan, Iklynton collar, 440.
- Pwcc on Caerphile Castle, and the use of Samolus and Selago by the Druids, 157.
- — on curious Welsh custom, 173.
- P. (W. P.) on a passage in Cowper's Task, 223.
- — on derivation of "calamity," 268.
- Q. Q. on a Flemish account, 74.
- Quæsitor, Vox Populi, monody on Sir John Moore, 321.
- Quarterly Review on Burnet, 41.
- Queen of hearts, 320.
- Queen's bagnio, 286.
- — messengers, 186. 221. 445.
- Queen Street, Great, Lincoln's Inn, 244.
- Quem Deus vult perdere, 351. 421. 476.
- Queries on outline, 318.
- —, Woolton's Christian Manual, 399.
- Query as to notes, 43.
- — on Ptolemy of Alexandria, 142.
- Quevedo, Spanish bull-fights, 381.
- R. on Caraccioli's life of Lord Clive, 108.
- — on Cartwright's poems, 151.
- — on Macaulay's Young Levite, 167.
- — on Sir R. Haigh's letter-book, 463.
- — on "sneck-up," 492.
- R. (A.) on Hordys, 404.
- R. (A. B.) on Bartholomew Legate, the martyr, 483.
- —, lines on London dissenting ministers, 454.
- — on Dr. Richard Holsworth and Thos. Fuller, 484.
- Rahere on curious monumental brass, 247.
- Rainbow in the morning, &c, 451.
- Rain, fall of, in England, 173. 235.
- Raleigh, bust of Sir Walter, 76.
- Ranelagh, Lord, daughter of, and Charles II., 478.
- Rappee (Brown) on "esquire" and "gentleman," 437.
- Ravennas, anonymous, date of, 124. 220. 368.
- Rawdon papers, 400.
- R. (C. J.) on catsup, 283.
- — on derivation of "lærig," 387.
- — on gourders of rain, 419.
- — on Quem Deus vult perdere, 421.
- — on MSS. of Dr. Hugh Todd, 340.
- — on Norman pedigrees, 267.
- — on tablet of Napoleon, 406.
- — on translation of Ælian, 267.
- — on the transposition of letters, 422.
- — on the use of monosyllables, 285.
- R. (C. J.), to endeavour oneself, 285.
- R. (C. U. B. E.) on a nation's ballads, 124.
- R. (D. N.) on misquotations, 38.
- Reconciliation, the, in 1554, 186.
- Record publications, 90.
- Records, extracts from old, 317.
- Red Lion Square, 436.
- Red maids of Bristol, 183. 219.
- R. (E. F.) on the Strand Maypole, 142.
- — on John Lucas's MS. collection of English songs, 174.
- — on Colonel Blood's house, 174.
- References, query as to, 20.
- —, accuracy of, 170.
- Regimental badges, 415.
- Reheting and Rehetours, meaning of, 155. 278.
- Reigate, MS. chronicles at, 6.
- Reinerius Saccho, 106. 205.
- Revells, the office of master of, 219. 273.
- R. (G. J.) on writers of notes on fly-leaves, 51.
- Richard of Cirencester, 93.
- Richard, Duke of Gloucester, autograph motto of, 138. 252.
- — III., true tragedy of, 315.
- Richardson, E. Bouchier, query relating to Rev. Dr. Thomlinson, 350.
- Richmond Buildings, Soho, 196.
- Rich (A.), Jun., on the Buckingham motto, 459.
- — on meaning of "grummett," 358.
- — (Anthony), Jun., on Pope, Petronius, and his translators, 414.
- Rider, Sir William, 203. 268. 325.
- Rimbault, E. F., Dr., on authors who have privately printed their own works, 469.
- — on ballad of Jemmy Dawson, 158.
- — on Betterton's duties of a player, 105.
- —, bibliographical notes, 413.
- — on Dr. Burney's musical works, 135.
- — on Cunningham's Handbook for London, which see.
- — on Cheshire round, 456.
- — on Domingo Lomelyn, jester to Henry VIII., 194.
- —, English translation of Erasmus Enconium Moriæ, 455.
- —, on the exaletation of ale, a poem, 146.
- — on the field of forty footsteps, 217.
- —, the first coffee-houses in England, 314.
- —, the French Change, Soho, 410.
- — on Gesta Grayorum, 489.
- — on Hudibras, 178.
- — on Lollius, 418.
- — on Lydgate and Coverdale and their biographers, 379.
- — on Marylebone Gardens, 490.
- — on the Maudeleyne Grace, 487.
- — on mother of Thomas à Becket, 490.
- — on office-book of Sir Henry Herbert, 143.
- — on office of Master of the Revels, 219.
- — on the origin of the Jews-harp, 277.
- — on Pimlico, 474.
- —, ten queries concerning poets and poetry, 302.
- — on Roger de Coverley, 118.
- — on salting, 492.
- — on Sir Edward Dering's household book, A.D. 1648-52, 162.
- — on William Basse and his poems, 266.
- — on spur money, 494.
- — on sword called curtana, 364.
- — tracts by Decker and Nash, 454.
- — on Turnstile Lane, Holborn, 244.
- — on use of beaver hats in England, 317.
- — Vertue's manuscripts, 319.
- — when were umbrellas introduced into England, 414.
- — who translated the Turkish Spy, 334.
- Ringers' true guide, Beaufoy's, 157.
- Riots, Bristol, 352. 460.
- R. (L. C.) on derivation of "to fettle," 142.
- R. (N. E.) allusion in Friar Brackley's sermon, 351.
- Roasted mouse, 430.
- Robson (W.) on the name Martel, 294.
- Rock (Rev. Daniel) on the fraternity of Christian doctrine.—Chaucer's night charm, 281.
- — on the watching of the sepulchre, 354.
- — on the Wickliffite version of the scriptures, 405.
- — on Vox Populi vox Dei, 370.
- Rococo, 321. 356.
- Rodd (Mr.) sale of his books, 190.
- Roger Bacon, hints and queries for a new edition of his works, 393.
- Roger de Coverley, 59. 118.
- Rogers (J. R.) on the meaning of palace, 202.
- Roman Catholic church, statistics of, 61.
- Roman numerals, 434.
- Roodloft, history of, 195.
- Rose, under the, 214.
- Rosh, query respecting Sir Robert Long, 382.
- Ross (C.) on the Duke of Monmouth's pocket-book, 397.
- — on author of Laissez faire laissez passer, 390.
- Roterodamus on Luther and Erasmus, 27.
- Rotton Row and Stockwell Street, 441.
- Rowland's Choise of Change, 38.
- Royal genealogies, 282.
- — household allowances, 85.
- Roydon on fall of rain in England, 174.
- R. (R) on golden frog, 282
- — on hints to intending editors, 243.
- — on provincial words, 467.
- R. (T. C) etymology of havior, 368.
- Rufa on the Red Maids of Bristol, 219.
- Rufus, Nosce teipsum, 391.
- — Cupid crying, 172.
- — on the Devotee, 222.
- — epigram from the Latin of Vincent Bourne, 253.
- — epigram by, 204.
- — epigram from the Latin of Owen, 308.
- — epigram on soul and body, 390.
- — epigram to Philantus, 358.
- — on the golden age, 270.
- — lines on Miminum de Malis, 374.
- — on "Nec pluribus impar," 422.
- — ode to David Cook from V. Bourne, 152.
- — translation from V. Bourne, 347.
- Runcton, North, Norfolk, extract from parish register of, 103.
- Runes, 478.
- Rush bearings, 258.
- Russell (Lady Rachel), 462.
- Russells and Savegard, meaning of, 202.
- R. (W. B.) on Vox et Præterea nihil, 421.
- R. (W. D.) on Henry Ryder, bishop of Killaloe, 383.
- R. (W. J. B.) on hexameter verses in the scriptures, 109.
- Ryder (Henry) bishop of Killaloe, 383. 418.
- — (Sir William), 282.
- Rye (W. B.) on captivity of the Queen of Bruce in England, 290.
- S. on the Buckingham motto, 283.
- — on Poins and Bardolph, 418.
- — of N. S. on queries in church history, 158.
- Σ. on law courts at St. Alban's, 366.
- — on Thynne's Collection of Chancellors, 60.
- — on tandem, 382.
- — on the meaning of grummett, 319.
- Sacrilege punished by flaying, 185.
- Safeguard, 419.
- Salisbury Change, 451.
- Salt at Montem, 384. 473.
- Salting (college) and tricking of freshmen, 261. 390. 492.
- — something else about, 349.
- Samolus and Selago, the use of, by the Druids, 157. 231. 368.
- Sangred, meaning of, 124. 325.
- Sanson (John), "a living dog better than a dead lion," origin of, 352.
- — on Bishop Cosin's form of consecration of churches, 303.
- — on C. Agricola's Propugnaculum, 88. 203.
- — on La Mer des Histoires, 286.
- — on treatise by Engelbert, 214.
- Sans Souci Theatre, Leicester Place, 150.
- Sanuto's Doges of Venice, 36. 75. 220.
- Sapcote motto, 366. 476.
- Sartorius on travelling in England, 145.
- Satirical medal of the Pretender, 58. 70. 103. 167.
- Savile, (Marquis of), Halifax, 384.
- Savegard and Russells, meaning of, 202. 267.
- Sayers, the caricaturist, 187.
- S. (C.) on water gate, 164.
- Scala Cœli, 366. 402. 455.
- Scarborough warning, 138.
- S. (C. F.) extracts from parish registers of East Peckham, Kent, 42.
- — on the fraternity of Christian doctrine, 214.
- — on origin of Epithet Factotum, 44.
- Scheible of Stuttgart, books published by, 130.
- Scole, White Hart Inn, 245. 283.
- Schoolboy on Byron and Tacitus, 390.
- Sclater (Dr.), in books of, 178.
- Scotland, curse of, nine of diamonds, why so called, 90.
- —, thistle of, 24. 166.
- Scotus on flaws of wind, 88.
- — on Duke of Monmouth's correspondence, 427.
- — on a Flemish account, 74.
- — on roasted mouse, 430.
- — on order of Minerva, 88.
- — on Madoc's expedition to America, 25.
- — on thistle of Scotland, 90.
- S. (C. W.) query, whence Shakspeare took the names Poins and Bardolph, 385.
- S. (D.) on the bishop that burneth, 87.
- — on Defoe's tour through Great Britain, 205.
- — on Marescausia, 94.
- — on Praise undeserved, 222.
- — on record publications, 90.
- — on St. Antholin's parish books, 423.
- S. (D. V.), query, brown study, 362.
- — on complexion, 473.
- — on direct and indirect etymology, 331.
- — "as lazy as Ludlum's dog as laid him down to bark," 382.
- Seager, a painter, 469.
- S. (E.) on Bayswater and its origin, 163.
- — on pokership, 369.
- Secretan (Rev. C. F.) on Sermones Sancti Caroli Borromai, 27.
- Selago and Samolus, the use of, by the Druids, 157. 231. 368.
- Selden (Error in Johnson's life of), 451.
- — titles of honour, 351.
- Seleucus on Anglo-Saxon lay of the Phœenix, 203.
- — on Cromwell's estates, 339.
- — on Eva, daughter of Dermot Macmurrough, 163.
- — on Folk Lore of Wales, 294.
- — on new-year's-day custom, 214.
- — on Tureen, 340.
- — on Twm Sion Catti, 456.
- Sepulchre (watching of), 318. 354.
- Seriopoli, 213.
- Sermones Sancti Caroli Borromai, 27.
- Serpent's eggs, and straw necklaces, 24.
- Scutter's "Atlas Novus." 156.
- Seven champions of Christendom, 418.
- Sewerage in Etruria, 180.
- Seymour, (Colonel Hyde), 351.
- S. (G. A.) on the Pardonere and Frere, 390.
- — (H.) on Complutensian MSS. 461.
- Shaftesbury (Earl of ), on Monmouth's Ash, 82.
- — (Lord), and Dr. Whichcot, 382.
- Shakespeare and dear stealing, 4.
- Shakespeare, employment of monosyllables, 228.
- — Malone's blunder in, 213.
- — MSS. 53.
- — and the old Taming of the Shrew, 345.
- — papers, Dr. Maginn's, 470.
- — Hamlet, tradition respecting. 23.
- — Pedlar's Song attributed to, 23.
- Shipster, meaning of, 216. 251.
- Sholbus. (D.) on old charms, 293.
- Shore (Dick), 220.
- Short's Gardens, Drury Lane, 129.
- Shrew, derivation of, 381. 421. 442.
- — Taming of the, 194. 227. 345.
- Shrewsbury and Shrewsbury School, Dr. Sam. Parr, and Dr. John Taylor of, 466.
- Shrouds, or clouds, in Shakespeare, 58.
- Shuck, the dog-fiend, 468.
- Shylock, on the name, 184. 221.
- S. (J.) on "By hook or by crook," 237.
- — on Forlot or Forthlot, 371.
- Sickingen, Franz Von, 336. 389.
- Signe of the end, query respecting, 12.
- Simpson (William Sparrow), on a curious monumental brass, 370.
- Singer S. W. on Ælfric's coloquy, 198. 278.
- — on king Alfred's Geography of Europe, 313.
- — on the Anglo-Saxon word Unlaed, 430.
- — on borrowed thoughts, 482.
- — on contradictions in Dox Quixote; and query as to the Buscapié, 171.
- — on the Dodo queries, 485.
- — Dodo replies, 353.
- — on Hanno's Periplus, 412.
- — to Dr. Jacob Grimm, 292.
- — on Lærig, 460.
- — on Luther's translation of the New Testament, 453.
- — on Pope's revision of Spence's Essay on the Odyssey, 396.
- — what books did Otloh write, 113.
- Singular motto, 214.
- Sir Roger de Coverley, 368.
- Siwel on God tempers the Wind, 418.
- S. (J. A.) on By hook or by crook, 405.
- — on Lord Bacon's metrical version of the Psalms, 263.
- — on ballad maker and legislators, 153.
- — on discours modest, 233.
- — on family of Dove of Doncaster, 253.
- — on Gesta Gravorum, 351.
- — on lines quoted by Goethe, 188.
- S. (J. J.) motto of University of Cambridge.
- S. (J. M.) on topography of foreign printing presses, 340.
- S. (J.) on Norman pedigrees, 267.
- — on Southwell's supplication, 351.
- — recent novel, 285.
- S. (J. P.) on dissenting ministers, 445.
- — on chapels, 417.
- Skinner's life of Monk, 378.
- Skipwyth (Sir William), king's justice in Ireland, 23.
- Skyring (G. William), on America known to the ancients, 342.
- S. (L.), on allusions in homilies, 229.
- — on omens from cattle, 259.
- — on Tempora mutantur, 234.
- Slang phrases, 234.
- Smelling of the lamp, 335. 371.
- Smirke (E), on the last of the villains, 139.
- — on old Auster Tenements, 307.
- — on pokership, 269.
- Smyth's extracts on Burnet, 41.
- Sneck up, 492.
- Snob, origin of, 185. 250.
- Snow of Chicksand priory, 351.
- Snow (Robert), query as to illustrations of cressets vert vert painted on enamel, 366.
- — on hanap, 478.
- — on horns, 456.
- — on Judas Bell, 357.
- — on "A Mess," 153.
- Soc, (C. R.) on college salting, 321.
- Soho Square, 450.
- Solomon Dayrolles, 476.
- Song of the bees, 415.
- Song in the style of Suckling, 133.
- Sonnets by W. J. Thoms, 203. 222.
- Soul and body, 390.
- Southwell's supplication, 351.
- S. (P.), on authorship of a couplet, 231.
- Sparse, meaning of, 215. 251.
- S. (P. C. S.), on Bernicia, 388.
- — on Mr. Cresswell and Miss Warneford, 189.
- — on Duke of Ashgrove, 92.
- — on Dr. Dove of Doncaster, 73.
- — on Gazetteer of Portugal, 284.
- — on iron railings round St. Paul's, 446.
- — on Sir W. Rider, 203.
- — on a passage in Pope, 202.
- — Pope vindicated, 362.
- — on verb to endeavour oneself, 154.
- Spectre, Sir Thomas Boleyn's, 468.
- Speculum Exemplorum, 380.
- Spence's Essay on the Odyssey (Pope's revision of), 396.
- Spenser's monument, 481.
- Spur money, 373. 374. 462. 494.
- Spurious letter of Sir R. Walpole, 388.
- S. (R S.), on Dance Thumbkin, 493.
- — on "A frog he would a-wooing go," 458.
- S. (R. J.) on History of Edward II., 220.
- — on a peal of bells, 170.
- S. (S.) on Sir William Rider, 269.
- S. (S. P.), query on line quoted by De Quincey, 351.
- S. S. S. on black broth, 399.
- — on daysman, 419.
- — on Deputy Lieutenants of the Tower of London, 400.
- — on Easter eggs, 397.
- — on gloves, 405.
- — on Hever, 405.
- — on "By hook or by crook," 405.
- — on monumental brass, 405.
- — on note books, 422.
- — on Poghell, 406.
- — on prebendaries, 400.
- — on safeguard, 419.
- — on the Steward family, 405.
- — on ancient tiles, 419.
- — on tureen, 407.
- — on Watewich, 405.
- S. (S. W.), on Antony Alsop, 249.
- — epigram by La Monnoye, 373.
- — on Ave Trici and Gheeze Ysenoudi, 267.
- — on Drayton's Poems, 83.
- — on Henno Rusticus, 89.
- — on Lacedæmonian black broth, 242.
- — on "My Love and I for kisses played," 458.
- — on portraits of Luther and Erasmus, 232.
- — on Otloh the scribe, 147.
- — poem by Sir Edward Dyer, 355.
- — on portraits of Ulrich of Hutten, 337.
- — on Warburton and Collier v. Dyce, 53.
- S. (S. W.) on Sanuto's Doges of Venice, 75.
- St. Antholin's parish books, 423.
- St. Chad (Henry), on burning the dead, 308.
- St. Croix (H. C.) on Gray's Elegy, 150.
- — on "Love's last Shift," 383.
- St. Evona's choice, 253.
- St. Francis (Flemish work on the Order of), 385.
- St. George (Lewelyn) on Bishop Lesly, 186.
- St. Martin's Lane, 376.
- St. Olave's, Crutched Friars, 115.
- St. Paul's Alley, 410.
- St. Paul's Churchyard, 410.
- St. Valentine in Norwich-Cook-Eels, 293.
- Standards of the Anglo-Saxons, devices on, 216.
- Stanesby (J. T.) on the word Sparse, 251.
- Stanyan (Temple), 382.
- Statistics (early) Chart, Kent, 330. 441.
- Stationers' Registers, 84.
- Statistics of the Roman Catholic Church, 61. 107.
- Stephens' (Rev. W.) sermons, 118. 334.
- Sterling and Penny, derivation of, 384. 411.
- Sterne's Koran, 216. 418.
- Stevens (David) on divination by the Bible and key, 413.
- — on errors in Pope's Homer's Odyssey, 332.
- — on John Ross Mackay, 356.
- Steward or Stewart, family of, Bristol, 335. 405.
- Stoke on ancient churchyard customs, 441.
- Storey's Gate, Birdcage Walk, St. James's Park, 114.
- Stowe (John), 291.
- Strand (Maypole), 142.
- Straw necklaces, 104.
- Strewing straw or chaff, 294.
- Strode's (Dr.) poem, 490.
- — song by attributed to Fletcher, 146.
- Strickland (H. E.) on the Dodo, 410.
- — on Dodo queries, 262.
- Street (John) on sword of Charles I., 372.
- Stuart (Lady Arabella) new facts about, 10. 274.
- Student on Madoc's expedition, 12.
- Stukeley (Dr.), Medal of, 122.
- Subscriber, on Scala Cœli, 366.
- — on wives of ecclesiastics, 77.
- Suckling, inedited song by, 72.
- — lines in the style of, 20. 133.
- Sudlow (Jno) on Dr. Dobbs and his horse Nobbs, 253.
- Superstition, Death-bed, 315.
- Superstitions of the midland counties, 451.
- — in the north of England, 294.
- Supper of the Lorde, 332. 355. 362.
- Surrey (Earl of) and his poems, and what Dr. Percy did with them, 471.
- Sussex, iron manufactories of, 87.
- S. (W. H.) on the origin of grog, 168.
- Swift's opinion of Burnet, 41.
- —, note of, on Herodotus, 350.
- Swingeing tureen, 406.
- Sword called Curtana, 364.
- Sword of Charles I. 372.
- Swords worn in public, 415.
- Swot, origin of, 352. 369.
- Sydenham or Tidenham, 458.
- Symbolical custom, 363.
- Symbolism of the fir cone, 247.
- — of flowers, 457.
- — poetical, 219.
- Symbols of the four Evangelists, 385. 471.
- T. on Bishop Burnet, 181.
- — on bone houses, 221.
- — on burning the dead, 216.
- — on Pedlar's song atttibuted to Shakespere, 23.
- — on MSS. of Casaubon, 422.
- — on the word Rococo, 321.
- — on Woolton's Christian Manual, 399.
- T. (A.) on Discurs Modest, 142.
- — on Rev. Thomas Leman, 59.
- Table book, 215.
- Tablet to Napoleon, 406. 461.
- Tace Latin for a candle, 385.
- Tacitus and Byron, 390.
- Tale of a tub, 326.
- Talisman, Charlemagne's, 140. 187.
- Taming of the Shrew, the old, 194.
- Taming of a Shrew, play of, 194. 227. 345.
- Tandem, 382.
- Tapestry, ancient, 43. 68.
- Tavistock Street, Covent Garden, 196.
- Taylor (Jeremy), MSS. sermons by, 125.
- — reprint of his works, 483.
- Taylor (Dr. John) of Shrewsbury and Shrewsbury school, 466.
- Telescopes, Rev. J. Edwards on metal for, 174. 206.
- Temple, the, or a temple, 335. 420.
- Temple Stanyan, 460.
- Tempora mutantur, 234. 419.
- Teneber Wednesday, 459.
- Tenements, Old Auster, 217. 307.
- Tennison's funeral sermon on Nell Gwynne, 28.
- Ten queries concerning poets and poetry, 302.
- T. (E. S.), numismatic queries, 468.
- T. (E. S.), on "Shuck," the dog-fiend, 468.
- — on Sir Thomas Boleyn's spectre, 468.
- þa on ancient church plate, 73.
- Theophania, 174.
- Theory of Vision (Berkeley's) vindicated, 107. 131.
- Θ on devices on standards of the Anglo-Saxons, 216.
- — on MSS. of Locke, 461.
- — on religious tract by F. H., 460.
- Theses, bibliography of, 401. 461.
- Thistle of Scotland, 24. 90.
- Thomas à Becket, mother of, 415.
- Thomas (St.) of Lancaster, 181. 234.
- Thomlinson (Rev. Dr.), Query relating to, 350.
- Thoms (William I.), "Pray remember the grotto," 5.
- — on white gloves at a maiden assize, 72.
- — sonnets by, 200. 222.
- — on metrical charms, 229.
- — weather proverb, 413.
- Thornhill (Sir J.), pocket-book of, 123.
- Thorpe (B.), on Ælfric's Colloquy, 232.
- Thoulouse, inquisition of, 10.
- Three balls of pawnbrokers, 42.
- Throwing old shoes at a wedding, 468.
- Thynne's collection of chancellors, 60.
- Tickhill, "God help me," 249. 325. 422.
- Tilbury, aboriginal chambers near, 462.
- Tiles, ancient, 173. 419.
- Times, when first established, 7. 75.
- Times, Herald, Chronicle, when first established, 75.
- Times paper, history of, 36.
- Titles of honour, 351.
- T. (J.) on Antony Alsop, 259.
- — on Bishop Barnaby, 132.
- — on catacombs and bone-houses, 210.
- — on curious custom, 245.
- T. (J. M.), on Madoc's emigration to America, 136. 236.
- Todd (Rev. James H.), on ancient libraries, 83.
- — on Berkeley's Theory of Vision vindicated, 130.
- — on cromlech, 319.
- — on etymology of Armagh, 264.
- — on reheting, rehetours, &c., 155.
- Todd (Dr. Hugh), MSS. formerly belonging to, 246. 282. 340.
- To endeavour oneself, 285.
- Tom Brown, lines attributed to, 372.
- Tomlinson of Southwingfield, Derbyshire, 215.
- Toothache, charm for the, 429.
- Topography of foreign printing-presses, 277. 340.
- Totness, etymology of, 470.
- Tottenham Street, 150.
- Tottenham Court Road, 228.
- Torri's Polyglot edition of Gray's elegy, 150.
- Treatise upon the microscope, 217.
- Trebor on Emerods, 476.
- — on lines quoted by Goethe, 125.
- — on death bed superstition, 467.
- Trevelyan (Sir W. Calverly), on anonymous Ravennas, 368.
- — on St. Alban's Day, 399.
- — on Lacedæmonian black broth, 204.
- — on Portugal, 368.
- — on Selago, 368.
- — on Sir Roger de Coverley, 368.
- — on watching the sepulchre, 403.
- Treves (Engelbert, Archbishop of), treatise by, 214.
- Trimble family, 485.
- Trophee, 303. 339.
- T. (T. H.), on Tower Royal, 116.
- T. (T.), on Macaulay's Young Levite, 374.
- Tower royal, origin of, 28. 116.
- — of London, lions in, 42.
- — deputy lieutenants of, 400.
- Towton, the battle of, 124.
- Tracts, by Eachard, 320.
- — by Dekker and Nash, 454.
- — religious, by F. H., 460. 490.
- — Trade editions, 55.
- Trafalgar, battle of, letters of Lord Nelson's brother after, 36.
- Tragedy of Richard III. 315.
- Transportation of letters, 184. 293. 422.
- Translation of Ælian, 267.
- Translation of the Scriptures, MSS. of, 366.
- Travelling of old, in England, 87. 145. 167. 220.
- — hand bills, 146.
- — in 1590, 400.
- Treatise on Art and Nature, J. B's, 401. 458.
- Trunck breeches, 382. 384. 445. 489.
- Tub, tale of a, 326.
- Tureen, origin of, 246. 307. 340. 407. 455.
- "Turkish Spy," who translated it, 334.
- Turnbull (W. B. D. D.), on Scutter's Atlas Novus, 156.
- Turner's MS. History of Westminster, 140.
- Turner (T. Hudson), on beaver hats, 266.
- — on Pisan, 266.
- — on Moneta Santa Helena, 101.
- Turnstile Lane, Holborn, 244.
- T. (W. C.), on public libraries, 391.
- Twm Shawn Cattie, 383. 455, 456. 489.
- Two noble kinsmen, 133.
- Twysden, MSS. of Sir Roger, 76. 282.
- Tyburn gallows, 180.
- Tyndale, 303.
- Typographical Antiquities by Dibdin, 56.
- V. on Cromwell's estates, 389. 277.
- — on El Buscapie, 206.
- — on muffins, 205.
- — on serpents' eggs and straw necklaces, 24.
- — on travelling in England, 68.
- Van Voorst's Polyglot edition of Gray's Elegy, 150.
- Vagabonds, fraternitye of, 183. 220.
- Vanbrugh's London improvements, 142.
- Vaux on origin of Grog, 52.
- V. (E.), on anecdote of Charles the First, 437.
- — on Arabic numerals, 230.
- — on Christinas hymn, 201.
- — on college salting, 306.
- — on a curious monumental brass, 370.
- — on Dutch language, 383.
- — on feast of St. Michael and All Angels, 235.
- — on a Latin verse, 215.
- — on ordination pledges, 235.
- — on Pusan Iklynton collar, 400.
- — on Tower Royal, 116.
- — on watching the sepulchre, 403. 454.
- Venator on Sir Stephen Fox. 250.
- Venice, Sanuto's Doges of, 35. 175. 220.
- Venison, proclamation respecting sale of, 5.
- Ventris (Edw.) on Frusius, 180.
- — of Roland Monoux, 188,
- Verbum Græcum, 415.
- Versicle and response, 440.
- Vert Vert, illustrations of Gresset's, painted on enamel, 366. 375.
- Vertue's manuscripts, 319. 372.
- Villains, last of the, 199.
- Vincent (R.), on Gothic architecture, 59.
- Viridis vallis, 213. 285.
- Viz. why used for videlicet, 120.
- Vondel's Lucifer, 142. 189.
- Vox on Billingsgate, 164.
- Vox et præterea nihil, 247. 387. 421.
- Vox populi, vox Dei, 31. 370. 419. 492.
- V. (R) on French maxim, 215.
- — on Palm Sunday wine, 363.
- — on the punishment of sacrilege, 185.
- Vulgate, early edition of, 213.
- Vulpes on Sir Stephen Fox, 214.
- W. on the word cannibal, 186.
- — on beaver, 417.
- — on Junius, 322.
- — on lines on London dissenting ministers, 383.
- — on papers of John Wilkes, 125.
- — on Roger de Coverley, 59.
- W. (L.), epigram on a very tall barrister named Long, 422.
- — a close translation, 422.
- — on Dorne the bookseller, and Henno Rusticus, 12. 88.
- — on Gray's elegy, 138.
- — on Gray's Alcaic ode, 416.
- — on Henry Ryder, Bishop of Killaloe, 418.
- — on Lacedæmonian black broth, 156, 300.
- — on Mertens, 185.
- — W. (A.) on translations of Ælian, 284.
- — on apposition, 384.
- — on discovery of the circulation of the blood, 202.
- — on "Tempora mutantur nos et mutamur in illis," 419.
- Wages in 17th and 19th centuries, 226.
- Walbran (J. R.) on MSS, formerly belonging to Dr. Hugh Todd, 246.
- Walcott (Rev. M.) on grog. 52.
- — on Turner's MS. history of Westminster, 140.
- — on St. Margeret's, Westminster, 196.
- Watewich or Waterwich, 236.
- Waller's poems, MS. notes on, 165.
- Walpole (Horace), unpublished letter of, 273.
- — (Sir Robert), letter attributed to, 304. 321. 336. 388.
- Walter (Henry) on Christencat, 109.
- Wandrille (St.), abbey of, 382.
- Warburton and Collier v. Dyce, 53.
- Wards, D'Israeli on the court of, 173.
- Waring (Elijah) on Duke of Monmouth, 358.
- — on Cwn Wybir and Cwn Annwn, 482.
- — on Toom Shawn Cattie, 489.
- — on Bishop Burnet as an historian, 493.
- Warneford (Miss) and Mr. Cresswell, 157.
- Warning to watchmen, 167.
- Warton and Heinsius, 285.
- Warts, charms for cure of, 349. 432.
- Watchmen, warning to, 167.
- Watching the sepulchre, 318. 354. 403.
- Watewich, 121. 405.
- Was (Albert) on ancient inscribed dish, 117.
- — on MS. chronicles at Reigate, 6.
- — on Pandoxare, 234.
- — on shipster and gourders, 356.
- W. (B.) on derivation of Larig, 387.
- — on John and Pisan, 299.
- W. (E.) on abdication of James II., 489.
- Weather proverbs, 413.
- — rhyme (Norfolk), 349.
- Weeping cross, 154.
- Wellington, Wyrwast, Cokam, 401.
- Welsh custom, curious, 173.
- — ambassador, or the cuckoo, 230. 283. 406.
- W. (E. N.) on Spenser's monument, 481.
- Wessel-cup Hymn, 137.
- Westminster, Turner's MS history of, 140.
- Westmoreland, Lady Jane of, 103.
- W. (G.) on American aborigines called Indians, 491.
- W. (G.) on college salting, 322.
- — on havior, 342.
- — on tureen, 246.
- W. (H.) on Arabic numerals and cipher, 433.
- — on Byron and Tacitus, 462.
- — on the word peruse or pervise, 215. 319.
- — on a passage in Frith's work, 319.
- — on Scala Cœli, 455.
- — on the Supper of the Lorde, 362.
- — on three balls of pawnbrokers, 42.
- — why Moses represented with horns, 420.
- Whelps, what ships so called, 77. 106.
- "Where England's monarch," authorship of, 415. 458.
- W. (H. F.) on Dr. Dryasdust, 26.
- Whichcot (Dr.) and Lord Shaftesbury, 382. 444. 488.
- White Conduit House, 395.
- White gloves at a maiden assize, 29. 72.
- Whitgift and Cartwright, Cunningham's lives of, 379.
- Whitehall, 436.
- White Hart Inn, Scole, 245. 323. 410.
- Why Moses represented with horns, 420.
- Wiccamicus on "Angels' visits," 102.
- Wickliffite version of the Scriptures, 405.
- Wild House, Drury Lane, 228.
- Wild Huntsman, The, 363.
- Wilkes (John), papers of, 125.
- Wilkinson (Henry) on fall of rain in England, 235.
- — reply to query about the Arabic numerals, 368.
- Williams (B.) on transposition of letters, 184.
- Williams (W.) on Billingsgate, 94.
- Winifreda (St.), 384. 475.
- Wives of ecclesiastics, 77. 115. 147.
- W. (J. K. R.) on Christmas Hymn, 252.
- W. (J.) on early inscriptions, 491.
- W. (M.), answer to A Limb of the Law, 72.
- Wodderspoon (John) on St. Valentine, in Norwich-Cook-Eels, 293.
- Woman's will, lines on, 247.
- Woodcut likenesses of Luther and Erasmus, 203.
- Woolton's Christian Manual, 399. 400.
- Worm of Lambton, 453.
- Wotton's Poem to Lord Bacon, 489.
- Wreford (J. Reynell) on inedited lines by Robert Burns, 300.
- Writers of notes on fly leaves, 51.
- W. (S.) on German version of Gray's Elegy, 150.
- — on Luther's translation of the Bible, 453.
- — on Luther's portrait at Warwick Castle, 457.
- W. (T.) on "Bive" and "Chute" lambs, 93.
- — on the genealogy of European sovereigns, 250.
- — on Pavoise of the Black Prince, 283.
- — on Queen's Bagnio, 286.
- W. (T. T.), on gib cat, 235.
- — why did Dr. Dee quit Manchester, 216.
- —, watching the sepulchre—Dominus factotum—Robert Passellew, 318.
- Wyatt (Rev. Geo.), on tracts by Eachard, 320.
- Wyattville (Sir Jeffery), 215. 252.
- Wycliffite translation of the Scriptures, MSS. of, 366.
- Yard, books by the, 166.
- Yarrell (Wm.) on havior, heavier, or hever, 269.
- Yates (J. B.) on medal of the Pretender, 103.
- Y.(D. S.) on Defoe's Tour through Great Britain, and etymology of Armagh, 158.
- — on ghost stories of Daniel De Foe, 241.
- Yeoman, what is the meaning of, 440.
- Yong and Drayton, 213.
- Yorkshire subscriber on Erasmus' Paraphrase of the Gospels, 173.
- Young Levite, Macaulay's, 26. 374.