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Notes and papers relating to Belfast Natural History Society

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Notes and papers relating to Belfast Natural History Society
1042530Notes and papers relating to Belfast Natural History Society

Belfast Natural History Society Fragmentia (notes and papers relating to) Belfast Natural History Society

Loudon’s Magazine of Natural History Volume 1 1828

Art. V. Natural History in Ireland. Belfast Botanic and Horticultural Garden. — A number of gentlemen of Belfast, and its vicinity, have formed a committee for establishing a garden ;they have already purchased fourteen acres within a mile of Belfast. The objects are, a delightful place of resort ; the cultivation of botanical science; a superior style of gardening ; and the improvement of agriculture. The garden will be the property of holders of shares of five guineas each. Annual subscribers, of half a guinea each, shall have free access to the garden ; and, with that liberal hospitality characteristic of the country,the greatest facility is to be given to the admission of strangers. The Belfast Natural History Society, of the origin and progress of which we hope soon to give some account, hold their anniversary, and publish a report for the past year, on the 24th of May, the birth-day of Linnaeus.An interesting memoir of Mr. Templeton, a well known botanist, was read last year by the President, and will be found in our biography in a succeeding Number. The report, among other things, states that the members of the Society are increased to sixty-seven. No very large addition has been made to the collection of minerals ; but some exchanges have been effected, and others are contemplated, by which the different suites will be rendered more complete, and better adapted to illustrate this department of natural science. A collection of native birds was commenced towards the close of last session,to which several valuable specimens have been lately added; and it is to be expected that still larger additions will soon be made to this interesting part of the collection. Some of the members who direct their attention principally to entomology have, for some time, been engaged in forming a collection ofnative insects, particularly of those found in the immediate neighbourhood ;and preparations are now making for receiving them into the museum.Various additions have been made to the Hortus Siccus, and we may soon look forward to having a complete collection of the indigenous plants ofIreland. An interchange of specimens, too, has been commenced with America, by means of which the museum will be enriched with the vegetable productions of that extensive continent.Some valuable exotics were lately received, which it is the intention of the members to present to the Botanical Society; and thus, as should always be the case, one scientific institution will lend its aid to the furtheranceof the plans of another. The connections already formed by the Natural History Society will empower them occasionally to procure seeds and plants from various quarters ; and the garden of the Botanical Society will enable the Natural History Society to cultivate, to greater advantage, the study of one of the most attractive branches of natural history.The views of this Society are not confined to the formation of a museum,consisting, exclusively, of specimens of botany, mineralogy, or zoology.Everything which can illustrate the history or antiquities of Ireland is willingly received ; and the object embraces every thing interesting, as connected with the arts and sciences, or the history of man. Besides some Irish antiquities, a few coins have been lately received, which it is hoped willform the commencement of an interesting collection in this department.During last summer excursions were occasionally made, by individual members, to different parts of the adjoining country ; and plants, minerals,and insects collected, to illustrate the natural history of the various districts.Extra papers, founded on notes taken on those occasions, have been read, and materials are thus gradually accumulating, which may form the ground-work of more extensive statistical surveys. A series of meteorologicalobservations were also made, at the request of the Royal Irish Academy.Various donations of books have been received during the present session; and the library, with very little assistance from the funds of the Society, has thus been gradually increased.By referring to the analysis book, it appears that twenty-nine papers have been read during the present session. Of these, two were on botany,eleven on mineralogy, three on topography, besides several local communications not noticed among the analyses, and thirteen on the different branches of zoology. By comparing this number with that read last session,there appears an increase of five, which can only arise from a greater number of extra papers. This is the best proof, if proof were required, of the increased interest members now take in the affairs of the Society.In looking over the list of donations presented during the last year, we are struck by the variety of countries whence they have been received.We find the productions of the arctic regions in the next line to those of the tropics, the crystals of Iceland beside the minerals of Peru. Science seems to have power to annihilate distance, and to make the antipodes hold converse with each other ; for, besides many specimens of plants, minerals,and subjects of zoology, presented from different parts of Ireland and England, donations have been received from Ceylon, Iceland, the Mediterranean,the West Indies, Mexico, Peru, the Cape of Good Hope, St. Michael’s, Lapland, and Antigua. From all these circumstances, from the gradual but constant progress of the Society during the present session, from the increase of its numbers,from the additions to its library, and from the enlargement of its museum,the curators feel confident of its future utility and advancement. The Juvenile Natural History Society of Belfast is, we believe, one of the first societies of the kind that has ever been instituted. The general idea is excellent, and we hope soon to give such particulars as will lead to the formation of similar societies in other large towns. Dr. Drummond, in speaking of this Society in his anniversary address, says," the Juvenile NaturalHistory Society has wisely received your countenance and assistance ;and in the young gentlemen who compose it, you naturally look forward to future members to supply the places of those of us whose exertions cannot be much longer expected."

Art. V. Natural History in Ireland, The Belfast Natural History Society held their anniversary meeting on the 24th of May. The report of the curator of the museum was read by the president. Dr. James L.Drummond, by which it appears that the number of members, which was last year 67, is now 85 ; that considerable additions have been made to the museum, by purchase, by exchange, and by donation,and that a portion of the funds has been devoted to the library. " During the last year, the meetings of the Society were uninterrupted,and a great variety of papers were read; many of these were continuationsof subjects formerly commenced. It is to be remarked, that members are beginning to confine themselves more to particular branches of natural history,thus giving to the others the advantage of a regular series of papers. In this way, mineralogy has been fully treated of, especially by one gentleman,Mr. James M'Adam. Entomology has its own admirers. Some individuals have devoted themselves to ornithology, and the first of a series of lectures on conchology was delivered on our last night of meeting. The total number of papers read during the session, is 30 ; twelve of these were on mineralogy, five on botany, one on topography, two on meteorology, and ten on the various branches of zoology. " For the purpose of directing to this Society the attention of our countrymen abroad, we have drawn up a circular letter, containing directions for the preservation of objects of natural history, and at the same time requesting their co-operation in furtherance of our views, by sending such specimens connected with our pursuit, as occur in their respective places of abode. In this way much might be done, as there are few persons who have it not in their power to contribute something to a museum ; and the members feel they can make a request of this kind without hesitation, as they have no individual right of property in a museum intended solely for the promotion of natural science in this part of Ireland.'* The address of the president. Dr. J. L. Drummond, contains a short analysis of the principal papers read, and an eloquent and interesting address on the study of natural history, which, as we have been favoured with a copy, we intend giving in our next Number. Speaking of the Magazine of Natural History, the president observes," I hope to see many of its future pages occupied with communications from this Society" — a hope which,we are sure, all our readers will earnestly desire to see fulfilled, and for the expression of which we are sure they will join with us in thanking the president and the society.— Cond.

1834 Mr. Coulter A collection of scorpions, insects and birds from Mexico; Mr Robert Patterson- Specimens of Sea Anemones and other marine animalsof Belfast Lough: Miss Grimshaw Two polished Shells of Nautilus Gift of Mr. Hyndman Manuel du naturaliste préparateur ou l’art d’empailler les animaux et de conserver les végétaux et les minéraux by M Boitard and M. Canivet

1837-1838 Mr. Adams, gamekeeper, Shane’s Castle- Eggs of the Heron and Silver Pheasant.Mr. S. Alexander, Larne- some fossil Echini. Dr. Adams-two specimens of the Crossbill, shot at Portglenone.Mrs. Batt, Purdysburn- specimen of the Golden Pheasant. Mr Narcisus Batt, jun.- the Skeleton and Skin of a Snake, Skins of three quadrupeds and of three birds from Van Diemen’s Land. Dr Berwick H.E.I.C.S.-two skins of Leopards, one of the Zibet [Asian Civet] and odf the Felis Chaus [Jungle Cat] from India, and specimens of numerous marine animals, two tusks of the Tiger.James Black, Esq.-specimen of the Palmetto tree from South Carolina. James E. Bowman. Esq. FLS, Manchester- a plant of Bupleureum tenuissimum from the Estuary of the Dee. George Birnie Esq., RN [ Surgeon Royal Navy serving on convict ships bound for Australia[1] Echidna– A seal, two Echidnas, specimens of gigantic Fern, Medusae, Asterias, Fungi, Chitons and legs of the Emu.George Calwell, Esq., Lismoyne- Head of a Crocodile and box of shells from Florida.Robert Calwell, Esq., Dublin- Specimens of [ ] from China. Mr. Joohn Cassidy- A preserved specimen of the Guinea Pig.More

1838 Library Illustrations of the conchology of Great Britain and Ireland : with the description and localities of all the species, marine, land, and fresh water / drawn from nature by Captain Thomas Brown [Thomas Brown and W.H. Lizars Manchester :Ainsworth & Sons ... ;[1837-1844] Donations Miss Grimshaw- Fifteen cowries Three Corals, and sundry other specimens from the Nicobar Islands Mr. Francis Walker, Southgate A specimen of the Giant Clam Shell, Tridacna gigas, from the Indian Ocean

1839 Donations Mr. Francis Walker, Southgate A (second) set of Lappland insects. Mr James Sheldon- a large Turtle , Chelonia myclas

1840 Mr Pascoe Twenty-nine species of New South Wales and South American Insects.

1842 Purchase Purchased from Mr. [Lovell Augustus Reeve] Collections of British shells, insects Donations Mr. Robert Grimshaw- Specimens of Crustacea, Gorgonia, and Polyzoa, chiefly from Sorrento, Mediterranean Mr. William Thompson- A collection of Specimens, chiefly Marine, collected on a voyage to and from Greece Hugh Crawford - A Skin and Skeleton of the Wandering Albatross

1844 Donations Hugh Andrews The skeleton of a Flying Lemur {Galeopithecus) ; two polished sections of Elephant Teeth ; and twenty Skulls of Mammals, Birds, and Fish.

1845 Donations Herr Dohrn Stettin – A collection of beetles from Java, some recently-described [Via AHH] Donations Mr Hyndman- Coleoptera from Senegal

1850 Mr. Jeffreys- 270 specimens of 76 species of shells

1853 The collection of British birds and their eggs comprises specimens of the greater number of those of common occurrence and some of great rarity. The foreign ornithological collection is still more extensive, including donations from many countries. Amongst those deserving special notice are the valuable specimens of Antarctic and Australian birds presented by Captain Crozier R.N. and the large collection of Cingalese birds Rceived from Robert Templeton Esq. R.A. The entomological collection comprises a variety of insects belonging to this country; and in addition to the home series, the mmuseum is enriched with an extensive and most attractive collection of specimens from Ceylon presented by Sir James Emerson Tennent: and by Robert Templeton Esq. R.A. all of which have not yet been received.

SPECIMENS OF NATURAL HISTORY (REPORT) Mr T. Rankin – a great black back gull and a razorbill.Mr.V. Whitla- the nest of a long tail tit.Mr J.R. Garrrett- a stuffed quail, two black guillemots, a rock dove and a hooded crow.Mr Dickie A squirrel and a monkey (Semnopithecus), from Singapore. Mr G. Hancock – a water rail. Dr. Templeton_ a collection of insects from Ceylon. Mr. J. Davison- a collection of shells, corals etc from Egypt. Dr Ball Casts of four skulls of bears. Miss Grimshaw – a bone of sawfish. Mr R. M’Calmont- a drawing of a nondescript fish. Mr G Johnson- a bone of a cetaceous animal.Mr. G. Ensor- two American grouse and on blue jay. Mr Mcadam – several specimens of minerals. Captain Howell- specimens of minerals insects and lizards. Hon. East India Company- a collection of the raw products of India. Mr. R. Bell- specimens of Leptocephalus morrissii. Major McPherson- two specimens of fish from Lough Neagh. Dr. Pirrie – Specimens of lizards.Thirteen Bottles of Indian [Family built India line ships [2] ] Reptiles ; presented by Mr Hyndman.Alexander Charters Esq.- a skin of the Sable. William Cairns, Esq. –a pied Blackbird. Mr. William Daragh- a nest of the Tree Wasp and specimens of the Scoup [Scaup] Duck and Cottius Scorpius. Hon. John L. Cole, Florencecourt – specimen of the Char from Lough Melvin. Marriot Dalway, Esq., Bellahill- a native specimen of the Red-breasted Merganser.Mr. R. Davis, jun., Clonmel- specimens of Willow Wren etc.Captain Fayrer, RN [3] ? - specimens of Lepto-cephalus Moriisii and Nemertes [Nemertea] Borlassi (Cuv.). Mr John Gould FLS, London Skins of twentyfive foreign birds.Lieut. Graves- A bottle of insects from the [Malay]] Archipelago. Mr. James Grimshaw, jun. specimens of freshwater Sponge. Rev. William Hamilton-specimen of native Cuttlefish. Mr. John Inglis, Park keeper, Glenarm Castle, a pair of Hen Harriers- George Matthews Esq., Springvale- specimen of the Turnstone and of the Sygnathus aequoreus and a case of butterflies collected by him in France. Dr. M’Creight FLS, London – a fine collection of flowering plants from Switzerland.Francis Motgomery, Esq.- A Cape Petrel. Mr M’Authur, Randalstown- specimen of polished Greenstone from Broughshane, Mr.R. S. M’Adam- A collection of South American ferns, Lycopodia etc. Thomas M’Leroth, Esq. Killynether House-a beautiful specimen of the Snowy Owl shot in his neighbourhood. James M’Tear Esq.-a tropical Cuttlefish. Mr James M’Adam jun.- a specimen of the Coot. Mr. Middlemas, Shane’s Castle-specimen of Calcareous Spar from Cranfield well. Mr. M’Authur - a fosiil Nautilus.Mr. John J Marshall, Portumna, a specimen of Cormorant….Mr. Page, Castle Place- Hair of an Albino. W. Ogilbie, Esq. London -A skin of the Hamster. Robert Patterson –specimens of the Anomalocera Pattersoni, a new species of Crustacea discovered by him in Larne Lough. Richard K. Sinclair Esq.- native specimens of Great Black Backed Gull and Little Tern.A.M. Skinner, Esq- Bottle of Water dissolved from the ice on board H.M.S. Terror in Lat.65 deg.32 min. N and Long 85 deg. 16 min.Gordon Thompson, Esq. A young Bear. William Thompson, Esq.-specimensof the Shell Drake, and Parus caudatus, the sternum, trachea tc. Of the Cygnus Bewickii, a native specimen of the Long-tailed Duck (Harelda glacialis) and skins of the Toucan and some other birds from Demerara. Mrs. Templeton- a Parrot. Francis Thompson, Esq. HEICS- a valuable collection of Organic Fossils remains from the Sivalic range of the Himalaya mountains, made by Dr. Falconer [Hugh Falconer] and Captain Cautley [Proby Cautley] . Dr. Allen Thompson, Woburn Abbey-specimens of Char from Scotland.Dr. Wylie, Ballantrae, Atyrshire_a very large Riband Fish (Cepola rubescens), taken there and an Iceland Gull> mr Waard-specimen of Snake from Demerara. Francis Walker, Esq., London- some hundreds specimens of Insects from Lapland, systematically arranged. Thomas Walker, jun. Esq., Wexford- a young Woodcock bred in that county. J.T. Wade, Esq.-some fossil shells from the Lias near Carrickfergus. Zollogical Society of London- a stuffedAntelope, skin of a Kangaroo, etc. Belfast Botanic Gardens- a Shell Drake. Mr. S. Hawksett, a native Hare. Richard Langtry, Esq. –a Spotted Dogfish.

JAMES R. GARRETT, ESQ. Natural History Review 1855 IT is with extreme regret we announce the death of James R. Garrett, Esq., of Belfast, one of the Council of the Natural History and Philosophical Society of that town. He was by profession a solicitor, and as such possessed an extensive practice, and enjoyed the esteem and respect both of his clients and of his professional brethren. He had, from an early period, given attention to the habits of our native birds ; gradually he was led to regard them as a naturalist, and, in course of time, became an acute, skilful, and well-informed ornithologist. His name is of frequent occurrence in Thompson's " Birds of Ireland." The distinguished author of that work gave an expressive intimation of his high opinion of Mr. Garrett's capability and judgment, by appointing him one of the literary executors, to whom the publication of his extensive MSS. was confided. Mr. Garrett did not restrict himself to ornithology; he studied all departments of vertebrate zoology, and for the last two or three years of his life had given considerable attention to our native fishes especially to the points of distinction laid down by ichthyologists, as existing among nearly allied species.His residence at Holywood, County Down, extended the sphere of his observations, until they embraced portions of the marine invertebrata of its shores, and the flora of the neighbourhood. The subject, whatever it might be, which engaged his attention at any time, was examined with the utmost diligence ; and in critical points, such as come under the notice of the naturalist, he delighted to compare the specimens before him with the recorded descriptions of the best authorities on the subject, and then to form his own opinion. This great assiduity and care, which was with him habitual, found exercise in the copious manuscripts which his deceased friend, Mr. Thompson, had entrusted to him; and we believe we are correct in stating, that the mammalia, reptilia, and fishes were almost entirely revised and arranged for publication by Mr. Garrett, in the very limited leisure his professional duties allowed.He was of remarkably unassuming manners, kindly disposition, and simple, yet refined, tastes. It was natural, therefore, that he should have acquired a large circle of sincere and zealous friends He was, in point of fact " One who in life, where'er he moved, Draw after him the hearts of many." And his death has occasioned in his native town a corresponding degree of regret.He was elected a corresponding member of the Dublin University Zoological Association in February, 1853. He died of fever, the 2nd of April, 1855, in the thirty-eighth year of his age.

WILLIAM THOMPSON REPORT BRITISH ASSOCIATION CORK —1843. The chief collections of objects illustrative of the Zoology of Ireland are the following. In Dublin there are of public collections, the Ordnance Museum, Phoenix Park, good in various departments of Vertebrata and Invertebrata , the Royal College of Surgeons Museum, in which Mr. J. V. Thompson's collection of Crustacea is preserved ; Trinity College, containing the late Mr. Tardy's fine collection of Insects, added to by Dr. Coulter ; Natural History Society, Zoophytes, &c. ; Royal Dublin Society, Vertebrata and Invertebrata- of private collections there are in the metropolis Mr. R. Ball's, very rich in the various branches of Vertebrata and Invertebrata ; Miss M. Ball's, Insects chiefly, and Shells ; Mr. Warren's, very fine in Shells and Birds ; Dr. Farran's, also very fine in Shells, and good in Birds ; Dr. Bellingham's, in Entozoa ; Mr. Egan's, in Insects ; Dr. George J. Allman's, in freshwater Zoophytes and Mollusca Nudibranchiata ; Mr. O'Kelly's, in Shells +. In Belfast, the Museum of the Natural History Society contains a general collection of Vertebrata and Invertebrata, including the late Mr. Templeton's ; Mr. Hyndman's collection is rich in Mollusca, Insects, &c. ; Mr. Haliday's very rich in some orders of Insects; Dr. Drummond's in Entozoa and various Invertebrata; Mr. Patterson's in Insects ; my own in various departments, Vertebrata and Invertebrata. In Cork, Dr. Harvey has a good collection of Vertebrata, as Mr. Clear has of Insects ; Mr. Humphreys, of Shells ; Mr. Samuel Wright, of Shells, &c. : Mr. Samuel Green of Youghal has a good collection of the eggs of native birds. In Limerick, Mr. Wm. Henry Harvey has a good collection of land, freshwater and marine Shells. In the county of Tipperary Mr. Robert Davis, Jun. of Clonmel, has a collection of Birds, and of the Eggs of Birds, the best in Ireland : the Rev. Thomas Knox of Toomavara has a good collection of Birds, as Mr. Edward Waller of Finnoe has of land and freshwater Shells : the late Mr. Hely had an extensive collection of the Insects of his district. Dr. Burkitt of Waterford has a large collection of Birds. Mr. John Vandeleur Stewart of Rockhill, Letterkenny, county of Donegal, has an extensive collection of Mammalia and Birds :—the Rev. Benj. J. Clarke, now of Tuam, of land and freshwater Mollusca :—Mrs. W. J. Hancock of Lurgan, of Shells, &c., from two localities on the western coast. The collection of Irish Shells formed by Capt. Brown now belongs to Lady Jardine, and that of Dr. Turton is in the possession of Mr. Jeffreys of Swansea. +This collection having been formed previous to the publication of the catalogues of Dr. Turton and Capt. Brown, is frequently referred to by them. Mr. O'Kelly states that it was from him Dr. Turton first imbibed a taste for conchology : the genus Kellia was dedicated to him by this author.

Finally, it should be stated that the various Classes of the Vertebrate and Invertebrate animals of Ireland contained in this and the former Report are not treated of for tiie first time. They were all studied by John Templeton and catalogues of the species they embrace, with the exception of Mollusca (omitted only because others had written on it), were published from his manuscript by his son (wlao is likewise most favourably known to zoologists) in the ninth volume of Loudon's Magazine of Natural History, and in the first volume of the same work conducted by Charlesworth : the former volume contains the Invertebrata ; the latter, the Vertebrata. The only portions of the Animal Kingdom as displayed in Ireland and not included in this Report (two parts), are Insecta (including Myriapoda, Arachnoidae &c.) and Infusoria. That the Insecta have not been altogether neglected, the following summary, kindly contributed by Mr. A. H. Haliday, will show. This distinguished entomologist remarks, — " My catalogue, which has lain untouched for several seasons, contained of named and described species — " Coleoptera, about 950. A good many of these from Mr. Tardy's MSS., and as his health for some years previous to his death had not allowed him to follow the progress of science, the additions from this source may require some revision. " Some particulars as to Irish Coleoptera are given in Entomologist, Annals of Nat. Hist. vol. ii. Entoni. Magazine, vol. iv. " Strepsiptera, 2 species. " Orthoptera, about 50. See Ent. Mag. vol. iii. iv. " Hemiptera, under 150. The order very little examined yet. " Diptera, about 1050. Annals Nat. Hist. ii. & iii. Zool. Journal, v. Ent. Mag. i. iii. iv. "Hymenoptera, about 1100. Annals Nat. Hist. ii. Ent. Mag. 1—5. F. Walker, Mouographia Chalciditum ; A. H. Haliday, Hymenoptera Britannica. " Lepidoptera, about 450, chiefly from Tardy's MSS. and collection, and requiring revision, as they had fallen into confusion. I had the liberty of availing myself of these from the late possessor, Dr. Coulter. " Thysanura, about 22, collected by me. See Templeton in Trans. Ent. Society, vol. i. p. 89. " Neuroptera, about 70. " Total number of Irish Insects known, about 3850. " Some additions in each I owe to W. Clear, Esq., and the collections, &c. of the late G. Hely and — Hafield, but I suppose nine-tenths of the whole (except Lepidoptera) were taken near Belfast ; so that independent of the numbers unexamined and unnamed the selection affords no clue to the numbers of Irish Fauna. I have had opportunity however to judge that the south of Ireland does not afford the same increase of forms which we find in the like change of latitude in Great Britain. " Stephens and Curtis both give, scattered throughout their principal works, information about the insects lound in Ireland. There are also some detached notices elsewhere which I cannot just now refer to." To the above from Mr. Haliday it may be added, that some species found in the north of Ireland are incidentally noticed in Patterson's volume on the ' Insects mentioned in Shakspeare's Plays ;' and that in Mr. Denny's work entitled Anoplura Britannica,' the Irish species are included. Mr. Robert Templeton, in addition to the Thysanura already mentioned, has published a list of the Myriapoda and Arachnoidae . The Infusoria have been little attended to : some native genera and species placed by some authors in tiie Animal Kingdom are described in Harvey's ' Manual of the British Algae :' others of a similar nature have been brought before the Microscopical Society of Dublin by Capt. Portlock and Mr. David Moore . Dr. Geo. J. Allman has likewise exhibited to that Society a few species of Infusoria,, which it is unnecessary to name here. In concluding this Report, it may be permitted me to state that no one can be more sensible than myself of its numerous imperfections. With the hope of diminishing their number by a more extended time, I was desirous of its postponement for another year, but it was urged that a Report on the Fauna of Ireland should be brought forward at an Irish meeting of the Association, and to this consideration I at length waived my desire for a longer period of preparation.

Loudon's Magazine of Natural History Art. IV. Natural History in Ireland. Natural History in Belfast.—The town of Belfast, though containing little more than 40,000 inhabitants, possesses two literary establishments of public foundation : the "Academy," founded in 1786, and the "Academical Institution," founded in 1810. From the similarity of the names,the constitutions, and the original objects of these two seminaries, they are frequently confounded by persons living at a distance. Mr. James Bryce, who is at the head of the mathematical department of the Academy,has lately introduced into his course of geography a series of lectures on mineralogy and geology. His pupils, lads from eighteen to twelve years of age, became exceedingly interested in the subject; some of them attended, as visitors, the meetings of the Belfast Natural History Society, an institution mentioned in a former Number of your work (Vol.1, p. 85.), and at length, one morning at the close of a lecture, they astonished their teacher by a proposal that they should form a Natural History Society for the Academy. The idea was cordially taken up by Mr. Bryce, and the consentof the Principal of the Seminary being joyfully given, the Society was instituted.Its objects are, to give mutual instruction in the various branches of natural history, and to form a museum for the Academy. Its constitution is almost a copy of that of the Belfast Natural History Society.Its meetings are held on alternate Wednesdays in the Academy library,where the specimens are kept ; a separate apartment not having been as yet provided for the museum. Mr. Bryce, himself a very young man, is President of the Society, and an ordinary member; and reads his paper inis turn. The writer of this article was present at one meeting of this juvenile association, when, Mr. Bryce being to read, the chair was occupied by one of the vice-presidents, a very manly, gentleman-like, yet modest lad of about fifteen, and the whole business was carried on with as much decorum and propriety as could have been observed by the gravest assembly in the land. Mr. Bryce intends soon to enlarge his lectures, andinstead of confining them to his own geographical pupils, to give the inhabitantsof Belfast generally an opportunity of attending them. Belfast, April 9. 1829.

Memoir of the Late William Thompson, Esq., President of the Natural and Philosophical Society of Belfast.
by Robert Patterson
1042530Memoir of the Late William Thompson, Esq., President of the Natural and Philosophical Society of Belfast.Robert Patterson


A "WISH has been expressed by some of the personal friends of the late William Thompson, that this volume should contain a biographical notice of his life and labours : in deference to the desire so expressed, the pre- sent memoir has been prepared. It is brief, for his was a quiet and uneventful life ; no " stirring incidents by flood or field" have to be recorded ; nor difficulties long encountered and successfully overcome. It is brief for another reason: his letters do not in general contain those outpourings of thought or sentiment, those revelations of the inner man, which to reflective minds are even more interesting than the open and noon-day occurrences of the outward life. To his most intimate friends, his correspondence, though frequent, was of the briefest possible kind. Such letters do not furnish the biographer with materials likely to be of general interest; and remarks on persons or occurrences, made on the impulse of the moment, and transmitted in the full confidence of private friendship, should not, we think,be torn from their shrines, and exposed to public comment.

Our author, born 2nd of November, 1805, was the eldest son of a Belfast merchant, then extensively engaged in the linen trade; and, being intended by his parents for the same business, he received such an education as was at the time considered suitable for commercial life. In 1821 he was apprenticed to a highly respectable firm in the linen business, the staple trade of the North of Ireland. The senior partner of that firm, himself a keen sportsman, has survived the subject of the present memoir, and is not unfrequently referred to in the volumes on " The Birds of Ire- land," as an authority on their habits.

A gentleman who was then in the same counting-house, and is now a merchant resident in Belfast, has kindly communicated some particulars respecting Mr. Thompson's habits and tastes at this period of his life. According to him, Thompson never showed any great inclination for business, but while engaged in it his habits were strictly methodical.His leisure hours were chiefly spent in rural walks, in which this gentle man, though ten years his senior, was frequently his companion. He adds that he was fond of reading poetry, particularly the works of our great Dramatist.[4]Information still more detailed and more ample respecting the same period, has fortunately been obtained from one who had been Thompson's chosen playmate in childhood, his comrade at school, his companion in the same office when at business, and his friend in maturer years. This gentleman, Mr. William Sinclaire, had emigrated to America with his family, a few years prior to Mr. Thompson's death. When this little memoir was contemplated, application was made to him for reminiscences of the character and habits of his departed friend during the early period of his life, and he was more especially requested to give such particulars as he could furnish, as to the period when a fondness for Natural History pursuits first became apparent. To this request he had the kindness to reply, in two letters so creditable to himself, and so highly characteristic of his friend Thompson, that they are given almost entire.


West Hoboken, N. J.,

January 26, 1853.

" The death of my poor friend in his very prime gave me much sorrow, and it was so little anticipated, that I could hardly realize that William Thompson was dead. I shall do everything in my power to elucidate the life of my oldest friend, even from his boyish days.

" William Thompson and I were at school together for several years, during all which time he never evinced the remotest taste for those pursuits to which he devoted himself with such ardour at an after period, and he passed through the different branches of an education, such as it was in those days, with nothing more than average ability, nothing very brilliant, and in no respect ever dull. In regard also to the various sports and pastimes common to boys at that period, he never showed much aptitude, especially for such as required much muscular exertion. After leaving school, and in, I should think, his sixteenth year, he came into my father's office to learn the linen business, which I had been at some time previously. Here he came into immediate contact with my ornithological pursuits, the taste for which was, I may say, in me decidedly innate, as my earliest perceptions were drawn towards the flights of swallows as seen from the nursery windows, where I have spent many an hour in the summer evenings of my earliest days. At the time above alluded to I had commenced forming a collection of stuffed birds, and an old edition of ' Bewick's British Birds,' which was lent me by Dr. Drummond,[5], was at the time in my office drawer, and at all leisure moments in constant use both for study and reference ; it was therefore a very natural consequence that W. T., who was my sporting companion, should take some interest in the pursuit he saw me attending to with considerable ardour, and when the spoils of the day were brought home he began to be interested in identifying the species acquired ; and the above volume of Bewick, with its beautiful and characteristic illustrations, gradually brought about in my friend a taste for birds, so that he then purchased a more recent edition of the work in two volumes, which thenceforth became our only work of reference. At this period, and for two or three years, he spent the summer in Holywood with the family, coming up to town every morning for business during the day, and returning in the evening for dinner. During the autumn he was in the habit of shooting along the shore in the early mornings prior to coming up to town, and the various species of ' Grallatores ' which at that season visit Belfast Lough were constantly acquired and identified from Bewick upon coming to the office ; and I well recollect the interest taken in a very rare species killed one morning, the description of which was given to me, and the bird to have been brought the next day for preservation, when judge of the vexation of both of us at the miserable fate of the much-prized species, it having been plucked and cooked ere my friend's return in the evening! During this time my collection was going on, and W. T. began to have a few species preserved, which he had himself procured ; I had previously given him lessons in the manual operations necessary for stuffing birds, but he never liked the trouble, especially the soiling his fingers, and I well recollect his first visit to a bird preserver in Belfast, to have stuffed a very fine heron which he shot ; the bird being unwieldy from its great length of neck and legs, he did not like carrying it through the streets in the day-time (I may observe that in youth he was naturally shy, and did not like to attract personal notice), so we deferred our visit till evening, when we started with the bird for Nicholl's, who then lived in North Street ; it was carried by my friend, holding it by the legs, and in order to prevent the head coming in contact with the ground, it had to be held so high, that even under gas light it became a most conspicuous object, and in passing along the streets attracted universal attention, and even remark, to the very great annoyance of poor T., and I am sorry to add to my great delight, suggesting that probably the amazement of the spectators was caused by the length of legs of both parties, viz., T. and the heron. That excursion was a standing joke in the office for many a day, and always taken by T. with the most imperturbable good nature."


West Hoboken, N. J.,

February 9, 1853.

"Our various sporting and ornithological pursuits then went on for several years, up to the summer of 1826, when my friend made a tour upon the Continent ; he was at that time so conversant with the birds of his own country that he made notes in regard to various species met with abroad, some of which are adverted to in his work on the ' Birds of Ire- land.' I think I was at this time a member of our Natural History Society, which I well recollect urging him to join, without at that time success ; he had not yet become enthusiastic enough in the pursuit, and was, as I remarked before, rather shy and diffident. From this time, for several years, he hunted regularly a good deal with me, seldom missing a day when the hounds were out ; these were favourable opportunities for making ornithological observations, and our notes were frequently compared in the evenings as to the birds seen by either or both during the day ; he had great power of sight, and nothing escaped his keen observation. As an instance of his power of vision, I may mention that he could distin guish the pole erected on the top of Devis mountain, above Belfast, when leaving Lurgan on horseback to return home. About this time he displayed a considerable inclination for planting trees, and had a most correct taste for landscape gardening. He was well acquainted with the forms and peculiar habits of growth of all our forest trees, both indigen- ous and exotic. He planted many various species at the family place in the country, and, had he ever gone there to reside permanently, would have beautified it much by his taste in this department of rural pursuits.

Up to the years 1830 and 1831, his taste for Natural History was more that of an amateur than a scientific naturalist, and he had every intention of pursuing the business to which he had been brought up ; but in these years circumstances of a domestic nature occurred which had the effect of altogether changing his intentions with regard to business, and in fact to make him give it up entirely. This was the pivot upon which his future life turned, and I am satisfied, had matters then gone on as he wished, we should never have heard of him as a naturalist. But such not being the case, and his mind being of such a cast that frivolous pursuits had no charm, he began in real earnest to devote himself to the investigation of the Natural History of his native country ; and you will observe, that with few exceptions all his observations date from 1832.* *It was in the month of June this year, in company with Mr. Hyndman, that he made his first Natural History excursion to Strangford Lough, County Down, where he visited many of the islands. Scenes which were at that time known but to a few of our countrymen, and those belonging to the wealthier classes, are now visited annually by thousands, and are more familiar to tourists than many parts of these kingdoms. From this period up to the time of my leaving Ireland, he and I were in the constant interchange of thought in regard to ornithological observations, and he was always most particular in noting down at the time anything new that I might have observed in our favourite branch of Natural History ; and the frequent allusions to the ' Falls ' in his works, always recall something to my mind probably long forgotten. Many a pleasant ramble he and I have had together ; one of our favourite excursions was to Colin Glen, entering at the foot and ascending to the top of the glen ; every foot of the way would be subjected to his indefatigable research ; the heaps of fallen leaves would be our ' diggings,' and were as carefully searched for land shells, as ever were the golden lands of Australia or California for that treasure, the love of which ' is the root of all evil.' The trees and rocks afforded lichens, the sandstone its fossils, while overhead among the foliage not a bird could open its mouth, without note of observation on our parts. Sometimes the top of Colin, and at others that of Devis, would be our aim ; if in summer, the golden sunsets as seen from the latter, when the orb of day would slowly descend beyond the waters of Lough Neagh, were to rny friend inexpressibly charming ; he saw nature with a painter's eye and a poet's soul, and the apt quotations from our best poets, which were always so ready, would be given with great expression. I cannot recall those days without much sorrow for his loss ; I still looked forward to a period when I might again revisit my nativ'e land, and the most pleasing anticipation was that of again rambling to some of our former haunts, and living over again the days of our youth or early manhood : that vision has faded, never to reappear."

The usual length of an apprenticeship to business — five years — was completed by the subject of the present memoir early in 1826.That year was a memorable one in the life of Mr. Thompson, then in his twenty-first year. In the spring he set out on his first visit to the Continent, accompanied by his friend and relative, the late George Langtry, junior, Esq., of Fort William, Belfast. Their route lay through Holland and Belgium, thence by the Rhine to Switzerland, Rome, and Naples ; returning homewards by Florence, Geneva, and Paris. Travelling was in 1826 a slow and expensive procedure, compared with what it now is. During Mr. Thompson's tour, which occuped four months, he was daily in the habit of noting down the leading incidents of his journey. These memoranda are occasionally copious, but in general they are very concise. They bear intrinsic evidence of being written on the spur of the moment, and do not embody in a narrative form the details of personal adventure and dialogue, nor discussions on habits and manners, remains of antiquity, nor works of art.

From some interlineations obviously added at a later date, it would, appear probable that the author had intended at some future period transcribing into a more regular and extended form the rough notes of his original diary. If such was his intention, it was never fulfilled. To him the hurried jottings of the note-book would have been replete with meaning, rich in pleasant memories and bright associations. To others they are little more than a list of places and objects — sketches of scenery enjoyed — an enumeration of paintings visited — and occasionally a brief phrase expressive of admiration and delight.

We have read this journal with much interest, not for the sake of any information which it contains respecting the localities visited, but because of the manifestations it affords of the mental characteristics of the author. It furnishes examples of the habits of obsei'vation and the modes of thought by which he was afterwards distinguished. To those who knew him well, it likewise evinces his quiet humour, his appreciation of art, and the spring of poetic feeling which throughout life was ever welling up, amidst all his devotion to science. But while the journal presents these attractions to the members of the family circle and a few attached and intimate friends, it did not seem to be such as would warrant publication. As a guide-book it is out of date, and the facts which it contains have been told by a hundred other writers. We felt convinced also that no one would have shrunk more sensitively than Mr. Thompson himself, from the idea of giving to the public the crude and hasty notes jotted down by him more than a quarter of a century ago. The first and the concluding paragraphs may, however, be given, as embodying the dates both of his departure from Belfast and his return.

" I commence this journal with the idea, that in after years I will read it over, and think upon it, as on a lovely dream never to be realized.

" On Sunday morning at nine o'clock, 21st May, 1826, left Belfast in the Chieftain S. P. for Liverpool. Sailing down the Lough, the shore on every side looked as beautiful as a fine summer day could make it, and when opposite Donaghadee the waters assumed the most glassy smoothness I ever witnessed. Our vessel stopped here to land a party of pleasure ; all the boats of the town, that were scattered around us, in an instant ceased their motion, and nothing was heard in the intervals of our music ceasing, but ' the light drip of the suspended oar.' The waters lay calm and motionless as the sky above them, so that we could neither distinguish where the one terminated, nor where the other commenced, which made the vessels at a distance appear as if suspended in air."

The journal concludes thus : —

" 20th September. — At three we set sail from Liverpool in the Chieftain, and after a delightful passage occupying seventeen hours, landed upon ' mine own, my native land,' about eight o'clock, on Thursday, 21st September, having been absent (since 21st May) within a few minutes of four months."

Some time after his return he commenced business on his own account, with the intention of ultimately occupying the bleach-green at Wolf-hill, where his father had carried on a trade extensive for those days. The linen trade at that time was conducted in a different manner, and on a very different scale, from what it now is. Mr. Thompson for a time went on successfully, in proportion to the amount of capital employed. A change, however, took place, some losses occurred, and by these and other circumstances he was induced to abandon the idea of continuing in business. From this period science became not only the pleasure but the occupation of his life.

In 1826 he had been prevailed on by his friend the late Dr. Jas. L. Drummond [6], founder of the Natural History Society of Belfast [7], to become a member of that body. In the ensuing year, 1827, he was appointed a member of the Council. In that year, on the 13th of August, he read his first paper, choosing for his subject " The Birds of the Copeland Isles," situated at the entrance of Belfast Bay. He was chosen one of the Vice-presidents in June, 1833 ; was elected President in 1843, on the retirement of Dr. Drummond, and was annually re-elected during the remain- der of his life, a period of nearly nine years.

In 1827, when Mr. Thompson visited the Copeland Isles, he made a few notes of some of the objects observed. This was a commencement of a series of memoranda botanical and zoological, remarkable both for their extent and their minuteness. Every locality visited furnished a supply of fresh materials, all of which were carefully preserved. When the time came for putting them in order and arranging them as scientific communications, they were carefully winnowed, and every grain of value which they contained was transferred to its fitting place, with all those details which authenticated the accuracy of the record. Twenty-four of those journals are now in possession of the editors. Some of them occupy but two or three pages ; others extend to many sheets. They refer principally, as might be expected, to Irish localities, visited in the course of successive tours, or made the place of sojourn during a few weeks or months in the summer or autumn. But they are not limited to these ; they refer to some of the loveliest and most romantic English scenery, and also to portions of that of Scotland, especially of Ayrshire, Inverness-shire, and the islands of Islay and Skye. The last of these journals was written at Newcastle, County Down, in the autumn of 1851, and consequently but a few months before his death.

During this long period of years he gave great attention to specific distinctions, and was gifted with an eye quick in detecting their existence. It was a natural result, that he would soon be able to detect species which science had not yet named or described, and others well known but unrecorded as Irish. Having satisfied himself of the accuracy of the facts, the next step was to impart a knowledge of them to his brother naturalists, by communications to different Societies and to scientific periodicals. He first came forward in this way in 1833, by submitting to the Zoological Society of London some notes on the Sterna arctica, and other birds observed in Ireland. In 1834 he contributed a paper to the same Society, which appeared in their Proceedings ; and another to the Linnaean, the substance of which was published in the London and Edinburgh Philosophical Journal of that year. His first appearance as a contributor to the Magazine of Natural History, whose pages he enriched with many vakiable articles, took place in 1836, and did not cease until a few months prior to his death.

The London men of science were not slow in appreciating the value of these papers on the Natural History of the Sister Isle, nor the unassuming worth of the yoimg Irishman who was their author. The consequence was, that acquaintance thus commenced ripened in many instances into permanent friendships. What wonder, then, that an annual visit to London should be one of Mr. Thompson's greatest pleasures ! There he mingled with that variety of intellectual fellowship which the great metropolis alone can afford. There he not unfrequently had difficulties removed and doubts cleared up, such as every Naturalist who critically examines species has at times experienced. To London he brought for comparison, specimens which seemed to him ill-defined, and which could not be satisfactorily determined, except by reference to books and spe- cimens which were not accessible in a provincial town. The meetings of the London societies, the conversaziones where the devotees of science, of literature, and of art mingle so happily together, had peculiar attractions to a refined and cultivated mind such as Thompson possessed, and which was not narrowed by a too exclusive attention to one pursuit. He took pleasure in every ennobling eff'ort of the intellect, in the fair creations of the artist — the bright imaginings of the poet, in every discovery within the wide domain of physical science, and in the applications of its laws to lessen the labour or minister to the happiness of man.

From about the year 1833 he went steadily on recording the occurrence of species previously unknown as Irish, and gradually accumulating the materials for a Fauna of Ireland. As his labours became better known, correspondents in every province of Ireland sprang up, and information of the most varied character poured in upon him. This was sifted with exemplary care. Questions were asked, and if not answered with sufficient perspicuity, new interrogatories followed, until his own mind was perfectly satisfied as to the accuracy of the statement. It occasionally happened, that the communication related not to something in relation to the habits of a well-known species, but to the capture of a species which was either rare or known only as the denizen of other lands. In such cases he sometimes did not rest content, until he had the opportunity of examining the specimen, and determining the species by actual inspection. That being done, then all details were given, especially the date, the locality, and the name of the correspondent to whom he was indebted for the information. Detached observations, each separately of little account, assumed a new character when combined, and bearing the stamp of his scrutiny and approval. Parties residing in widely scattered localities felt gratified at their observations being permanently embodied in Mr. Thompson's papers, and were thereby stimulated to co-operate by every means in their power. Thus a body of observers sprang up, who made choice of Mr. Thompson as the channel for what they wished to announce, in connexion with the Natural History of Ireland ; and never was such assistance more scrupulously acknowledged than by him. Perhaps no one of his mental characteristics was more uniformly manifested than his anxious desire to record any assistance he had received, and to express his gratitude for facts communicated or specimens sent for his inspection.

In the busy community amid which Mr. Thompson lived, he was the only one who was devoted to Natural Science, and whose time was so entirely at his own disposal as to be given up to its cultivation. Among the professional men, the merchants and manufacturers of Belfast, with whom he mingled, he stood in this respect alone. To him, therefore, all intelligence was brought of natural objects possessing either rarity or interest in the neighbourhood. To men of all ranks, thus calling to impart information, he gave a courteous reception ; to none more so than to the young. Many will remember the searching cross-examination to which, on such occasions, they were subjected.

The labours in which Mr. Thompson was engaged for more than twenty years of his life were not those which were obvious and external.To many a toiling mortal in his native town, he must have appeared to be one of those favoured individuals who have nothing to do. Yet few were more industrious, or more persevering in the execution of his self-appointed task. Every hour in the day had its allotted duty. For four hours after breakfast he was engaged in scientific research, preparation for the press, or in correspondence. Exercise for two or three hours followed. The interval between dinner and tea was given to the lighter literature of the day, and when the claims of local societies and social intercourse left him free, the study was again the scene of two or three hours' additional work ere bed-time. Such was the ordinary routine of his life, subject only to occasional interruptions of a local or personal nature.

Not only did each day present in some respects a general resemblance to other day's, but the very years of his life, for a long period, had a great uniformity of character. With spring came a visit to London — then a sojourn with the family at the sea-side — in the autumn a little tour with some friend — an attendance on the meeting of the British Association for Science, or an excursion to shooting quarters in Scotland. The month of November found him settled once more at home, and resuming the daily routine of occupation already mentioned. Throughout life he took pleasure in field sports ; and for many years went out regularly to hunt during the season.

It would not serve any useful purpose to endeavour to trace in detail the incidents by which one year was distinguished from another; we pass on, therefore, to the year 1840, in which, at the Glasgow meeting of the British Association for the Advancement of Science, Mr. Thompson's " Report on the Fauna of Ireland — Division Vertebrata," was brought forward. This was not merely an enumeration of the vertebrate animals of Ireland ; the comparative abundance or scarcity of particular species, and their distribution in that island, so far as it had then been recorded ; but it was also an exponent of the number of species inhabiting this the most western land of Europe, compared with those known as British, and in some instances with those of continental countries. The knowledge acquired during many years of careful observation and patient research were here embodied in a manner the most simple and perspicuous. It was justly characterized by Prince Charles Lucien Bonaparte as " a valuable and lucid essay, which faithfully exhibits the subject, and seems worthy of imitation."* " Report on the State of Zoology in Europe, as regards the Vertebrata, read at the third meeting of the Italian Congress of Science, Florence, 1841."Published by the Ray Society. London, 184.').

The ensuing year brought with it to Mr. Thompson a change of scene, and an abandonment for a time of all the established routine of occupation. Early in 1841 his friend Captain Graves, of H.M. surveying ship, the Beacon, then laid up at Malta, paid a visit to Belfast. Acting in conformity with that devotion to science by which he had been ever dis- tinguished. Captain Graves took measures to obtain from the Admiralty, for Mr. Edward Forbes — the late (alas ! that we should have to speak of him as the late) eminent Professor of Natural History in the University of Edinburgh — the honorary appointment of Naturalist to his vessel, then about to proceed to the Aegean. A survey of the Island of Candia was at that time in contemplation. On his arrival in Belfast, Captain Graves kindly invited Mr. Thompson to join the party, and succeeded in inducing him to do so, as a most welcome guest.

In consequence of these arrangements, Mr. Thompson and Mr. Forbes left London together on the 2nd of April, 1841, and proceeded by Paris and Marseilles to Malta, where the Beacon then was. On the 21st of April they embarked, reached Navarino on the 28th, and anchored at Syra [8] on 6th of May. Leaving the vessel there. Captain Graves and Mr. Thompson, on the 11th of May, embarked in the French steamer Sesostris, for Smyrna and Constantinople. On their return, a few days were spent by the three friends together in the Beacon, and in short excursions connected with the surveying work that was in progress. Mr. Thompson then started on his return homewards, accompanied by Mr. Wilkinson, son of the British Consul at Syra. They reached Athens on the 12th of June, Trieste on the 18th, Venice on the 30th. Thence Mr. Thompson's route was by Milan, Constance, Strasburg, Manheim, Cologne, and Antwerp, reaching London on the 19th of July, after an absence of about three and a half months.

The first fruit of this voyage was a paper published in the Annals of Natural History, and afterwards reprinted in the Appendix to the Birds of Ireland. It was entitled, " Notice of Migratory Birds which alighted on, or were seen from, H.M.S. Beacon, Captain Graves, on the passage from Malta to the Morea, at the end of April, 1841." It enumerates twenty- three species, seen under those circumstances, and is valuable because of the critical knowledge and accuracy of the observer, and its bearing on a question of popular interest, which cannot be better stated than in the words Mr. Thoiupson has himself employed. "Persons even of education," says he, " still exist who are incredulous respecting the fact that many species which in summer frequent the British Islands, winter south of the Mediterranean, and cross that sea annually on their northern migration in the spring ; but surely the fact of twenty-three of them having been seen crossing the Mediterranean during several successive days in spring, and all flying northward, should be a conclusive proof; in addition to which it may be stated, that migratory species only were observed."

During this tour a journal had been regulai'ly kept by Mr. Thompson.It is much fuller and more carefully written than the journal of 1826. Fifteen years had passed since his former visit to the continent, and had brought with them the ordinary amount of change. On a part of the route traversed in either going or returning, steam had been at work, and old modes of conveyance had been superseded. Some of the scenery had been modified in its character ; " formal " vineyards had replaced on the banks of the Rhine much of its natural planting ; and wood had been cleared away even in the proximity of the ruined castles. " Thus," he remarks, " are they divested for the sake of gain of their richest charm. Were Byron now to write of them he could not say with truth, Where ruin greenly dwells,' though when I was last here, the expression was strictly applicable." Changes had in some cases taken place in the con dition or in the habits and customs of a community. Thus, in Venice, as the journal informs us, " The gondolas are greatly changed for the worse since 1825, the fine steel front being now only seen on old ones ; the modern are simply bound with polished steel for a protection, and instead of the canopy overhead, a common awning is used, which in some is plain canvas, in others blue and white striped, and a few more tasteful, all as in British boats. In connexion with the fast disappearing gondolas, I could not but think of the changes in Greece and Turkey. Pictorially, it IS a pity that it is becoming a more matter-of-fact world every day, though it is well that the human race is becoming daily more and more one great family. In the evening I saw a few gondolas, each rowed by two livery servants (de l'Anglais). I could not hear any songs of gondoliers this time, though in 1826 they were occasionally to be heard."

The changes, however, which the journal indicates as having occurred in the external world, are few compared to those which had taken place in the mind of its author. Fifteen years of the most active period of man's existence had passed by, and had cast their mellowing influence both on his feelings and on his intellect. He had lived during that time among the intelligent inhabitants of his native town, and among the literary and scientific circles of Metropolitan Societies. His reading had not been restricted to Natural Science, but had embraced biography, history, travels, poetry, and the fine arts. The journal in every page indicates his more mature and cultivated intellect; and passages occasionally occur whIch breathe a comprehensive charity for his fellow-men, and a sympatny with their social advancement. There is, too, a discrimination in praise or in censure, which time and experience alone can give ; and a nice perception of beauty in form, outline, colouring, and aerial tint, which mark the artistic eye. To personal friends, therefore, it contains much that is interesting. Yet it cannot be denied that many scenes or incidents which are graphically narrated, are told as well or better by other travellers, such as the ordeal of a Turkish bath— the slave-market at Smyrna— a turtle chase in the Aegean, and the absurd annovances connected with the Lazaretto at Trieste. The journal too is obviously a personal and_ private record, not written with a view to publication. But while the insertion of it as a whole would not seem justifiable or judicious, a few extracts illustrative of the remarks which have just been made,may not appear out of place, especially if they be regarded as revelations made by Thompson himself of his own mind, perceptions, and feelings.

_ Valence to Avignon, April 9th, 1841.—" Never did I see the Almond in flower look so beautiful as to-day, when several large trees in full bloom were in their graceful beauty backed by dark-hued rocks." "Finally, to contrast the scenery of the Rhine and the Rhone, in vine- covered hills they are alike— the rivers are much on a par— the Rhine rather the grander— the Rhone more varied by the hills coming forward and again receding or folding in the most romantic manner back and forward. No verdure from grass or pasture is to be seen on the Rhone banks, the more Southern character of the vegetation being from ferns springing from a sterile soil. The Rhine has its numerous castles, but against these are the snow-clad mountains seen from the Rhone."

May 5th.— " The setting of the sun, as we lay off Syra, was very grand, so many hues as the land displayed I never before witnessed. The island on which he sank was empurpled ; another displayed the ordinary distant blue ; those in the west were tinged with lilac. Immediately in the foreground some little islets looked richly green, and one strongly displayed its grey sterile rocky barrenness. After sunset for some time the hues of earth and sky were still more varied. Syra, which was purple a short time before, assumed a dark rich oil-green, and strongly cut, whilst the water at its base was no less strongly marked."

Syra, May 9th. — " Dined with Mr. Wilkinson, the British Consul. From the balcony of his drawing-room is the finest and most beautiful view I have ever seen from a house situated in a town. It is placed at a great height above the sea, and commands a view over several of the islands, some of them at a considerable distance. The sea is beautifully clear beneath, and several species of fish are seen feeding and gambolling about. The hues of the sea-weed, too, are extremely pleasing to the eye, the rich green of the Ulva so much exceeding that of any plants seen here on land. Just below the balcony fishermen were engaged last night, with torches of pine, spearing the fish that were exposed to view. Here the water is shallow, and the fishermen waded ; whilst further out the sepia or cuttle-fish hunters were engaged, and with a brilliant light placed on a gridiron-like article, placed at the bow of the boat, looked most picturesque."

May 12th. — " At half-past five o'clock we left Smyrna in the Sesostris French steam-packet for Constantinople. The " jable " of green waves up to the quay was precisely as I have seen them represented in some of Claude's paintings, and I think in some of Canaletti's fine Venetian views."

Delos, June 2nd. — " Never was I so struck with the appearance of utter desolation as at Delos. At Rome, Athens, &c., the ruins connect the past with the present and tell the tale of many centuries, but here all is past — there is no present — not a human being claims the island as his home, though still before us are the columns of one of the seven wonders of the world, and well might the temple of Apollo (judging from its ruins) so be called."

Venice, July 2nd. — " Went to church [Santa Maria de Fraria], containing Canova's tomb, the grandest monument I have ever beheld : design and execution are alike most admirable. Opposite to it in the church is the tomb of Titian, with his simple surname inscribed on one of the ordinary floor flags of the building. How strange this seems ! The galleries of Venice teem with his sublime paintings, many of them in colours rich and glowing, as they had just passed from the hands of their great artificer. We are enraptured with them, and pacing over the floor of a neighbouring church, start back with alfright on lifting our foot from a common flag, to find that it rested upon and covered the name of Titian, who sleeps beneath it. In Venice, however, should Titian rest. In many respects is it of high importance that the mortal remains of the workman should thus as it were go hand in hand with his noblest work. Thus are the mortality and immortality of earth a striking lesson ! "

" The first mournful reflections over on visiting such a tomb, do we not feel the bodily and intellectual pulse beat quicker, and urge us on to the best work of which we feel ourselves capable, before we are hidden beneath the flag-stone."

Aldstatten, July 11th. — "The mountain rises steeply from the town, and before proceeding very far, a most grand and extensive prospect was presented. In the immediate foreground on the sloping mountain-side all was of the loveliest Swiss character. Most picturesque cottages with their pretty little gardens and numerous bees'-caps placed against the houses Against one cottage I reckoned fifty of these, of ordinary size each abode with its appliances seemed a little paradise ; everything, toobeing in that order which betokened in their owners, what above all things most delights me, a heart at ease. Such a sight strikes upon the inmost chord of a passing stranger's heart, see it in what part of this world he may.

Appenzel, July 12th.-" The eastern side of the mountain-chain which separates the canton of St. Gallen from Appenzel is a grain, fruit, and vegetable country. On the western side, where it slopes into a great table land, very many square miles in extent, it is meadow or pasture, unbroken by a single patch of grain, vegetables, or fruit. It seemed to me a prac- tical illustration of what should be done the whole world over, the energies of every country being applied to whatever it could do best, and its surplus production exchanged with its neighbours "

The Zoological notes scattered through the journal are few in number. The botanical refer chiefly to the appearance of plants or trees in connexion with their altitudinal range or geographical distribution.Ihe enjoyment which Mr. Thompson experienced in his tour to the Aegean, had like all other earthly pleasures, a certain portion of alloy..n his case, this proceeded principally from his sensitiveness to sea-sickness when on the vessel, and from the heat and vermin in some localities on shore. But he always spoke in glowing terms of the beauty of the classic and historic scenes he had visited, and the kindness not only of his friend, Captain Graves, but of all the officers of the Beacon.

From 1841 to 1843, he was a frequent contributor to the Annals of Natural History and he was steadily preparing his Report on the Invertebrate Fauna of Ireland. This was presented at the Cork meeting of the British Association, in August, 1843; and, to use the words of the Very Rev. the Dean of Ely, was "remarkable for the minuteness and fulness of the inforniation which it conveys." *Vid. address of the Very Rev. Geo. Peacock, D. D.. as President of thr British Association at the York meeting, 1844. At the same meeting, Professor E Forbes, who had returned to these countries, presented his valuable " Report on the Mollusca and Radiata of the Aegean Sea."

The attendance of members and associates at the Cork meeting was un usually small ; but those who compare the number and importance of the papers read in the Natural History section with those at other meetings will find no inferiority there, and will naturally attribute a portion of the success of Section D. to the personal influence and character of Mr Thomson, who acted as its President, and whose courtesy on the occasion was noticed by all. His own communications he compressed into the briefest possible space, so as to give time and opportunity for the reading of those contributed by other members.

At intervals during the succeeding five years, he was engaged in preparing for the press his intended work on the Natural History of Ireland and his writing for the Annals of Natural History, the well-known series of papers on the Irish Fauna. But his labour was liable to many interruptions. Some of these were caused by visitors; some by the arrival of new specimens, or the sending away of duplicates to other Naturalists ; but chiefly by the extensive correspondence in which he was engaged His letters were in general very concise, and went at once right to the subject-matter, in the briefest terms. They often consisted of merely a message or a question, written on a scrap of paper, signed with his initials, and then enclosed in an envelope. Dr. Ball, who for years had some of those communications almost every week, received one complaining that a question in the previous letter had not been answered. On searching for the " letter," which had been overlooked, Dr. Ball at last found it in his pocket-book, between the folds of a bank-note, into which it had accidentally dropped, and where, from its diminutive size, it had lain concealed !

This habit of writing upon scraps of paper, to the great embarrassment of editors and printers, is one to which several well-known authors have been addicted. We may refer as examples to the " paper-sparing Pope," whose translation of the Iliad, preserved in the British Museum, is written on the backs and other blank portions of letters ; and to Sharon Turner, whose third volume of the " Sacred History of the World" is written on fragments of letters and notes, and on covers of periodicals.

The first volume of the "Natural History of Ireland" appeared in 1849 ; the second in 1850; the third in I85I. The reviews of it were, as might be expected, of a very favourable character ; and letters relating to it, from many of Mr. Thompson's friends and correspondents, afforded him much pleasure. He valued very highly the good ojiinion of those he really esteemed. The volumes contained a large amount of popular matter relative to the instincts, habits, and economy of our native birds, to which they were exclusively devoted ; and among these were occasionally interspersed graphic descriptions of localities or of picturesque groups, such as Horn Head, County Donegal, vol. iii. p. 223 ; Grotto of Egeria, near Rome, vol. i. p, 367 ; and Grouse Shooting Scenes in the Highlands, vol. ii. pp. 51 and 55. As might have been expected, they were largely quoted from in the periodical literature of the day. Perhaps no one passage was more frequently republished than the one (vol. i. p. 11) in which the author dwells on the effects produced on the birds of a district by the industrial operations of man.

He had himself expressly stated that the volumes on Birds were " put forward merely as supplementary to the several excellent works already published on British Ornithology." Viewed merely in that light, they were welcomed as a very desirable addition to the stores left by preceding writers. When considered apart from other works, and simply as an ex- ponent of what was known to Mr. Thompson respecting the Birds of Ireland, the philosophic mind found in its pages fresh food for speculation, especially concerning those great laws which regulate the distribution of animal life. The pains-taking care of its author was visible on every page ; and, if some reader should now and then have wished that dates, localities, and names were of less frequent occurrence, by others these details were regarded as very desirable. To the future explorer of the Natural History of Ireland, such evidence will be of the highest value. It will satisfy him that Thompson has furnished a true record of the Irish Birds, as known to him and his correspondents. From the basis thus established, he may proceed to rear his structure with perfect confidence that he builds on a good foundation, and that, if his own observations be correct, and embrace a sufficiently wide range, he may contrast the then existing Birds of Ireland with the species which now belong to it.

It was during the time Mr. Thompson was engaged preparing this work for the press, that he became interested in the welfare of " The Belfast-Man" — Francis Davis — author of "Poems and Songs," published in Belfast, in 1847. They were composed, as the preface informs us. " amid the monotonous din of the work-shop," the vocation in which Mr.Davis was then engaged being that of a muslin weaver, " an employment not very remarkable for its remunerative qualities." He now fills the responsible situation of Librarian and Secretary to the Working Classes' Association at Belfast ; and, on being applied to by one of the Editors of the present volume, most kindly forwarded the following letter respecting his intercourse with Mr. Thompson : —


Cicindela campestris Walker, F., 1858 Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. (ser. 3): 2: p.202. 3 SYNTYPES. [Coleoptera : Cicindelidae]. Tricondyla femorata Walker, F., 1858 Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. (ser. 3): 2: p.202. HOLOTYPE. [Coleoptera : Cicindelidae]. Cymindis rufiventris Walker, F., 1858 Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. (ser. 3): 2: p.202. HOLOTYPE. [Coleoptera : Carabidae]. Dromius marginifera Walker, F., 1858 Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. (ser. 3): 2: p.202. HOLOTYPE. [Coleoptera : Carabidae]. Lebia bipars Walker, F., 1858 Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. (ser. 3): 2: p.203. HOLOTYPE. [Coleoptera : Carabidae]. Catascopus reductus Walker, F., 1858 Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. (ser. 3): 2: p.203. HOLOTYPE. [Coleoptera : Carabidae]. Scarites obliterans Walker, F., 1858 Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. (ser. 3): 2: p.203. HOLOTYPE. [Coleoptera : Carabidae]. Scarites subsignans Walker, F., 1858 Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. (ser. 3): 2: p.203. HOLOTYPE. [Coleoptera : Carabidae]. Scarites desiguans Walker, F., 1858 Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. (ser. 3): 2: p.203. HOLOTYPE. [Coleoptera : Carabidae]. Clivina recta Walker, F., 1858 Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. (ser. 3): 2: p.203. HOLOTYPE. [Coleoptera : Carabidae]. Leistus linearis Walker, F., 1858 Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. (ser. 3): 2: p.203. HOLOTYPE. [Coleoptera : Carabidae]. Panageus retractus Walker, F., 1858 Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. (ser. 3): 2: p.203. HOLOTYPE. [Coleoptera : Carabidae]. Anchomenus illocatus Walker, F., 1858 Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. (ser. 3): 2: p.203. 2 SYNTYPES. [Coleoptera : Carabidae]. Agonum placidulum Walker, F., 1858 Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. (ser. 3): 2: p.203. HOLOTYPE. [Coleoptera : Carabidae]. Argutor degeners Walker, F., 1858 Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. (ser. 3): 2: p.203. HOLOTYPE. [Coleoptera : Carabidae]. Bradytus stolidus Walker, F., 1858 Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. (ser. 3): 2: p.203. 2 SYNTYPES. [Coleoptera : Carabidae]. Curtonotus compositus Walker, F., 1858 Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. (ser. 3): 2: p.203. HOLOTYPE. [Coleoptera : Carabidae]. Morio trogositoides Walker, F., 1858 Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. (ser. 3): 2: p.203. HOLOTYPE. [Coleoptera : Carabidae]. Morio cucujoides Walker, F., 1858 Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. (ser. 3): 2: p.203. HOLOTYPE. [Coleoptera : Carabidae]. Acupalpus derogatus Walker, F., 1858 Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. (ser. 3): 2: p.203. HOLOTYPE. [Coleoptera : Carabidae]. Acupalpus extremus Walker, F., 1858 Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. (ser. 3): 2: p.203. HOLOTYPE. [Coleoptera : Carabidae]. Selenophorus infixus Walker, F., 1858 Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. (ser. 3): 2: p.203. HOLOTYPE. [Coleoptera : Carabidae]. Cardiaderus scitus Walker, F., 1858 Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. (ser. 3): 2: p.203. HOLOTYPE. [Coleoptera : Carabidae]. Bembidium finitimum Walker, F., 1858 Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. (ser. 3): 2: p.203. HOLOTYPE. [Coleoptera : Carabidae]. Maraga planigaera Walker, F., 1858 Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. (ser. 3): 2: p.203. HOLOTYPE. [Coleoptera : Carabidae]. Dytiscus extenuans Walker, F., 1858 Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. (ser. 3): 2: p.204. HOLOTYPE. [Coleoptera : Dytiscidae]. Colymbetes interclusus Walker, F., 1858 Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. (ser. 3): 2: p.204. HOLOTYPE. [Coleoptera : Dytiscidae]. Hydroporus interpulsus Walker, F., 1858 Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. (ser. 3): 2: p.204. HOLOTYPE. [Coleoptera : Dytiscidae]. Hydroporus intermixtus Walker, F., 1858 Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. (ser. 3): 2: p.204. 2 SYNTYPES. [Coleoptera : Dytiscidae]. Hydroporus laetabilisWalker, F., 1858 Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. (ser. 3): 2: p.204. 2 SYNTYPES. [Coleoptera : Dytiscidae]. Dineutes indicans Walker, F., 1858 Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. (ser. 3): 2: p.204. 2 SYNTYPES. [Coleoptera : Gyrinidae]. Gyrinus obliquus Walker, F., 1858 Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. (ser. 3): 2: p.204 3 SYNTYPES. [Coleoptera : Gyrinidae]. Ocypus longipennis Walker, F., 1858 Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. (ser. 3): 2: p.204. 4 SYNTYPES. [Coleoptera : Staphylinidae]. Ocypus punctilineaWalker, F., 1858 Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. (ser. 3): 2: p.205. 2 SYNTYPES. [Coleoptera : Staphylinidae]. Ocypus congruus Walker, F., 1858 Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. (ser. 3): 2: p.205. HOLOTYPE. [Coleoptera : Staphylinidae]. Xantholinus cinctus Walker, F., 1858 Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. (ser. 3): 2: p.205. HOLOTYPE. [Coleoptera : Staphylinidae]. Paedurus alternans Walker, F., 1858 Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. (ser. 3): 2: p.205. HOLOTYPE. [Coleoptera : Staphylinidae]. Oxytelus productus Walker, F., 1858 Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. (ser. 3): 2: p.205. HOLOTYPE. [Coleoptera : Staphylinidae]. Omalium filiforme Walker, F., 1858 Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. (ser. 3): 2: p.205. HOLOTYPE. [Coleoptera : Staphylinidae]. Aleochara postica Walker, F., 1858 Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. (ser. 3): 2: p.205. 4 SYNTYPES. [Coleoptera : Staphylinidae]. Phalacrus conjiciens Walker, F., 1858 Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. (ser. 3): 2: p.206. HOLOTYPE. [Coleoptera : Phalacridae]. Phalacrus conjiciens Walker, F., 1858 Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. (ser. 3): 2: p.206. HOLOTYPE. [Coleoptera : Phalacridae]. Nitidula contigens Walker, F., 1858 Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. (ser. 3): 2: p.206. HOLOTYPE. [Coleoptera : Nitidulidae]. Nitidula intendens Walker, F., 1858 Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. (ser. 3): 2: p.206. 2 SYNTYPES. [Coleoptera : Nitidulidae]. Nitidula significans Walker, F., 1858 Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. (ser. 3): 2: p.206. 2 SYNTYPES. [Coleoptera : Nitidulidae]. Nitidula aeequalis Walker, F., 1858 Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. (ser. 3): 2: p.206. HOLOTYPE and GENOTYPE. [Coleoptera : Nitidulidae]. Rhizophagus parallelus Walker, F., 1858 Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. (ser. 3): 2: p.206. 2 SYNTYPES. [Coleoptera : Rhizophagidae]. Lyctus disputans Walker, F., 1858 Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. (ser. 3): 2: p.206. HOLOTYPE. [Coleoptera : [Lyctidae?] = Colydiidae]. Lyctus retractus Walker, F., 1858 Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. (ser. 3): 2: p.206. 2 SYNTYPES. [Coleoptera : [Lyctidae?] = Colydiidae]. Ditoma rugicollis Walker, F., 1858 Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. (ser. 3): 2: p.206. HOLOTYPE. [Coleoptera : Colydiidae]. Trogosita insinuans Walker, F., 1858 Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. (ser. 3): 2: p.206. HOLOTYPE. [Coleoptera : Trogositidae]. Silvanus retrahens Walker, F., 1858 Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. (ser. 3): 2: p.207. HOLOTYPE. [Coleoptera : Cucujidae]. Lartridius perpusillus Walker, F., 1858 Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. (ser. 3): 2: p.207. HOLOTYPE. [Coleoptera : Lathridiidae]. Monotoma concinnula Walker, F., 1858 Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. (ser. 3): 2: p.207. HOLOTYPE. [Coleoptera : Colydiidae?]. Attagenus defectus Walker, F., 1858 Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. (ser. 3): 2: p.207. 2 SYNTYPES. [Coleoptera : Dermestidae]. Trinodes hirtellus Walker, F., 1858 Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. (ser. 3): 2: p.207. HOLOTYPE. [Coleoptera : Dermestidae]. Platysoma desinems Walker, F., 1858 Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. (ser. 3): 2: p.207. HOLOTYPE. [Coleoptera : Histeridae]. Platysoma restoratum Walker, F., 1858 Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. (ser. 3): 2: p.207. HOLOTYPE. [Coleoptera : Histeridae]. Aphodius robustus Walker, F., 1858 Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. (ser. 3): 2: p.207. HOLOTYPE. [Coleoptera : Scarabaeidae]. Aphodius dynastoides Walker, F., 1858 Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. (ser. 3): 2: p.207. HOLOTYPE. [Coleoptera : Scarabaeidae]. Aphodiuspallidicornis Walker, F., 1858 Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. (ser. 3): 2: p.207. HOLOTYPE. [Coleoptera : Scarabaeidae]. Aphodius mutans Walker, F., 1858 Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. (ser. 3): 2: p.207. HOLOTYPE. [Coleoptera : Scarabaeidae]. Aphodius sequens Walker, F., 1858 Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. (ser. 3): 2: p.207. HOLOTYPE. [Coleoptera : Scarabaeidae]. Psammodius inscitus Walker, F., 1858 Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. (ser. 3): 2: p.207. HOLOTYPE. [Coleoptera : Scarabaeidae]. Aphodius robustus Walker, F., 1858 Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. (ser. 3): 2: p.207. HOLOTYPE. [Coleoptera : Scarabaeidae]. Trox inclusus Walker, F., 1858 Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. (ser. 3): 2: p.207. 3 SYNTYPES. [Coleoptera : Trogidae]. Gymnopleurus smaragdifer Walker, F., 1858 Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. (ser. 3): 2: p.207. HOLOTYPE. [Coleoptera : Copridae]. Sisyphus setosulus Walker, F., 1858 Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. (ser. 3): 2: p.208. 2 SYNTYPES. [Coleoptera : Copridae]. Sisyphus subsidens Walker, F., 1858 Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. (ser. 3): 2: p.208. HOLOTYPE. [Coleoptera : Copridae]. Copris cribricollis Walker, F., 1858 Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. (ser. 3): 2: p.208. 2 SYNTYPES. [Coleoptera : Copridae]. Copris repertus Walker, F., 1858 Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. (ser. 3): 2: p.208. HOLOTYPE. [Coleoptera : Copridae]. Copris sodalis Walker, F., 1858 Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. (ser. 3): 2: p.208. HOLOTYPE. [Coleoptera : Copridae]. Copris signatus Walker, F., 1858 Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. (ser. 3): 2: p.208. HOLOTYPE. [Coleoptera : Copridae]. Copris diminutivus Walker, F., 1858 Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. (ser. 3): 2: p.208. HOLOTYPE. [Coleoptera : Copridae]. Onthophagus gravis Walker, F., 1858 Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. (ser. 3): 2: p.208. 2 SYNTYPES. [Coleoptera : Copridae]. Onthophagus difficilis Walker, F., 1858 Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. (ser. 3): 2: p.209. 3 SYNTYPES. [Coleoptera : Copridae]. Mimela variegata Walker, F., 1858 Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. 3: 56 2 SYNTYPES. [Coleoptera : Melolonthidae]. Onthophagus negligens Walker, F., 1858 Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. (ser. 3): 2: p.209. 11 SYNTYPES. [Coleoptera : Copridae]. Onthophagus moerus Walker, F., 1858 Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. (ser. 3): 2: p.209. HOLOTYPE. [Coleoptera : Copridae]. Onthophagus turbatus Walker, F., 1858 Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. (ser. 3): 2: p.209. 2 SYNTYPES. [Coleoptera : Copridae]. Xylotrupes reductus Walker, F., 1858 Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. 3: 54 2 SYNTYPES. [Coleoptera : Dynastidae]. Xylotrupes solidipes Walker, F., 1858 Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. 3: 54 2 SYNTYPES. [Coleoptera : Dynastidae]. Phileurus detractus Walker, F., 1858 Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. 3: 54 2 SYNTYPES. [Coleoptera : Dynastidae]. Orphnus detergens Walker, F., 1858 Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. 3: 54 6 SYNTYPES. [Coleoptera : Dynastidae]. Melolontha rubiginosa Walker, F., 1858 Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. 3: 54 2 SYNTYPES. [Coleoptera : Melolonthidae]. Melolontha ferruginosa Walker, F., 1858 Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. 3: 54 HOLOTYPE. [Coleoptera : Melolonthidae]. Melolontha pinguis Walker, F., 1858 Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. 3: 54 HOLOTYPE. [Coleoptera : Melolonthidae]. Melolontha setosa Walker, F., 1858 Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. 3: 54 SYNTYPES. [Coleoptera : Melolonthidae]. Rhizotrogus hirtipectus Walker, F., 1858 Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. 3: 54 HOLOTYPE. [Coleoptera : Melolonthidae]. Rhizotrogus aequalis Walker, F., 1858 Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. 3: 54 HOLOTYPE. [Coleoptera : Melolonthidae]. Rhizotrogus costatus Walker, F., 1858 Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. 3: 54 HOLOTYPE. [Coleoptera : Melolonthidae]. Rhizotrogus inductus Walker, F., 1858 Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. 3: 54 HOLOTYPE. [Coleoptera : Melolonthidae]. Rhizotrogus exactus Walker, F., 1858 Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. 3: 55 HOLOTYPE. [Coleoptera : Melolonthidae]. Trigonostoma nanum Walker, F., 1858 Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. 3: 55 HOLOTYPE. [Coleoptera : Melolonthidae]. Papilla discalis Walker, F., 1858 Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. 3: 55 HOLOTYPE. [Coleoptera : Melolonthidae]. Sericesthis rotundata Walker, F., 1858 Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. 3: 55 HOLOTYPE. [Coleoptera : Melolonthidae]. Sericesthis subsignata Walker, F., 1858 Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. 3: 55 HOLOTYPE. [Coleoptera : Melolonthidae]. Sericesthis mollisa Walker, F., 1858 Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. 3: 55 HOLOTYPE. [Coleoptera : Melolonthidae]. Sericesthis confirmata Walker, F., 1858 Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. 3: 55 2 SYNTYPES. [Coleoptera : Melolonthidae]. Plectris solida Walker, F., 1858 Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. 3: 55 2 SYNTYPES. [Coleoptera : Melolonthidae]. Isonychus ventralis Walker, F., 1858 Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. 3: 55 HOLOTYPE. [Coleoptera : Melolonthidae]. Isonychus pectoralis Walker, F., 1858 Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. 3: 55 2 SYNTYPES. [Coleoptera : Melolonthidae]. Omalopha fracta Walker, F., 1858 Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. 3: 55 2 SYNTYPES. [Coleoptera : Melolonthidae]. Omalopha interrupta Walker, F., 1858 Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. 3: 55 HOLOTYPE. [Coleoptera : Melolonthidae]. Omalopha semicinctaa Walker, F., 1858 Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. 3: 55 3 SYNTYPES. [Coleoptera : Melolonthidae]. Anomala humeralis Walker, F., 1858 Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. 3: 56 HOLOTYPE. [Coleoptera : Melolonthidae]. Anomala discalis Walker, F., 1858 Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. 3: 56 HOLOTYPE. [Coleoptera : Melolonthidae]. Anomala conformisWalker, F., 1858 Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. 3: 56 HOLOTYPE. [Coleoptera : Melolonthidae]. Anomala punctatissimaWalker, F., 1858 Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. 3: 56 HOLOTYPE. [Coleoptera : Melolonthidae]. Mimela variegata Walker, F., 1858 Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. 3: 56 2 SYNTYPES. [Coleoptera : Melolonthidae]. Sphaeridium tricolor Walker, F., 1858 Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. (ser. 3): 2: p.209. 3 SYNTYPES. [Coleoptera : Sphaeriadae]. Hydrobius stultus Walker, F., 1858 Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. (ser. 3): 2: p.209. HOLOTYPE. [Coleoptera : Hydrophilidae]. Phylydrus esuriens Walker, F., 1858 Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. (ser. 3): 2: p.209. HOLOTYPE. [Coleoptera : Hydrophilidae]. Lycus planicoruis Walker, F., 1858 Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. (ser. 3): 2: p.282. HOLOTYPE. [Coleoptera : Lampyridae]. Lycus geminus Walker, F., 1858 Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. (ser. 3): 2: p.281. HOLOTYPE. [Coleoptera : Lampyridae]. Lycus planicoruis Walker, F., 1858 Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. (ser. 3): 2: p.281. 2 SYNTYPES. [Coleoptera : Lampyridae]. Lycus melanopterus Walker, F., 1858 Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. (ser. 3): 2: p.281. HOLOTYPE. [Coleoptera : Lampyridae]. Lycus fallax Walker, F., 1858 Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. (ser. 3): 2: p.281. HOLOTYPE. [Coleoptera : Lampyridae]. Lycus publicornis Walker, F., 1858 Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. (ser. 3): 2: p.281. HOLOTYPE. [Coleoptera : Lampyridae]. Lycus duplex Walker, F., 1858 Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. (ser. 3): 2: p.281. HOLOTYPE. [Coleoptera : Lampyridae]. Lycus costifera Walker, F., 1858 Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. (ser. 3): 2: p.282. HOLOTYPE. [Coleoptera : Lampyridae]. Lycus revocans Walker, F., 1858 Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. (ser. 3): 2: p.282. HOLOTYPE. [Coleoptera : Lampyridae]. Lycus dispellens Walker, F., 1858 Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. (ser. 3): 2: p.282. HOLOTYPE. [Coleoptera : Lampyridae]. Lycus expansicornis Walker, F., 1858 Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. (ser. 3): 2: p.282. HOLOTYPE. [Coleoptera : Lampyridae]. Lycus divisus Walker, F., 1858 Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. (ser. 3): 2: p.282. HOLOTYPE. [Coleoptera : Lampyridae]. Dictyoptera internexa Walker, F., 1858 Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. (ser. 3): 2: p.282. 2 SYNTYPES. [Coleoptera : Lampyridae]. Lampyrus tenebrosa Walker, F., 1858 Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. (ser. 3): 2: p.282. HOLOTYPE. [Coleoptera : Lampyridae]. Lampyrus diffinis Walker, F., 1858 Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. (ser. 3): 2: p.282. HOLOTYPE. [Coleoptera : Lampyridae]. Lampyrus lutescens Walker, F., 1858 Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. (ser. 3): 2: p.282. HOLOTYPE. [Coleoptera : Lampyridae]. Colophota humeralis Walker, F., 1858 Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. (ser. 3): 2: p.282. 3 SYNTYPES. [Coleoptera : Lampyridae]. Colophota perplexaWalker, F., 1858 Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. (ser. 3): 2: p.282. 4 SYNTYPES. [Coleoptera : Lampyridae]. Colophota intricataWalker, F., 1858 Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. (ser. 3): 2: p.282. HOLOTYPE. [Coleoptera : Lampyridae]. Colophota extricans Walker, F., 1858 Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. (ser. 3): 2: p.282. 2 SYNTYPES. [Coleoptera : Lampyridae]. Telephorus malthinoides Walker, F., 1858 Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. (ser. 3): 2: p.283. 4 SYNTYPES. [Coleoptera : Telephoridae]. Malachius plagiatus Walker, F., 1858 Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. (ser. 3): 2: p.283. HOLOTYPE. [Coleoptera : Melyridae]. Enicopus fusiformis Walker, F., 1858 Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. (ser. 3): 2: p.283. HOLOTYPE. [Coleoptera : Melyridae]. Lycus geminus Walker, F., 1858 Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. (ser. 3): 2: p.281 HOLOTYPE [Coleoptera:Lampyridae] Lycus astutus Walker, F., 1858 Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. (ser. 3): 2: p.281 HOLOTYPE [Coleoptera:Lampyridae]2 SYNTYPES [Coleoptera:Lampyridae] Lycus melanopterus Walker, F., 1858 Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. (ser. 3): 2: p.281 HOLOTYPE [Coleoptera:Lampyridae] Lycus fllax Walker, F., 1858 Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. (ser. 3): 2: p.281 HOLOTYPE [Coleoptera:Lampyridae] Lycus pubicornis Walker, F., 1858 Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. (ser. 3): 2: p.281 HOLOTYPE [Coleoptera:Lampyridae] Lycus duplex Walker, F., 1858 Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. (ser. 3): 2: p.281 HOLOTYPE [Coleoptera:Lampyridae] Lycus costifer Lycus melanopterus Walker, F., 1858 Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. (ser. 3): 2: p.282 HOLOTYPE [Coleoptera:Lampyridae] Lycus revocans Walker, F., 1858 Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. (ser. 3): 2: p.282 HOLOTYPE [Coleoptera:Lampyridae] Lycus dispellens Walker, F., 1858 Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. (ser. 3): 2: p.282 HOLOTYPE [Coleoptera:Lampyridae] Lycus expansicornis Walker, F., 1858 Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. (ser. 3): 2: p.282 HOLOTYPE [Coleoptera:Lampyridae] Lycus expansicornis Walker, F., 1858 Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. (ser. 3): 2: p.282 HOLOTYPE [Coleoptera:Lampyridae] Lycus divisus Walker, F., 1858 Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. (ser. 3): 2: p.282 HOLOTYPE [Coleoptera:Lampyridae] Lycus planicornis Walker, F., 1858 Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. (ser. 3): 2: p.282 HOLOTYPE [Coleoptera:Lampyridae] Dictyoptera internexa Walker, F., 1858 Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. (ser. 3): 2: p.282 2 SYNTYPES [Coleoptera:Lampyridae] Lampyris diffinis Walker, F., 1858 Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. (ser. 3): 2: p.282 HOLOTYPE [Coleoptera:Lampyridae] Lampyris tenebrosa Walker, F., 1858 Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. (ser. 3): 2: p.282 HOLOTYPE [Coleoptera:Lampyridae] Lampyris lutescens Walker, F., 1858 Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. (ser. 3): 2: p.282 HOLOTYPE [Coleoptera:Lampyridae] Colophotia humeralis Walker, F., 1858 Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. (ser. 3): 2: p.282 3 SYNTYPES [Coleoptera:Lampyridae] Colophotia perplexa Walker, F., 1858 Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. (ser. 3): 2: p.282 4 SYNTYPES [Coleoptera:Lampyridae] Colophotia intricata Walker, F., 1858 Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. (ser. 3): 2: p.282 HOLOTYPE [Coleoptera:Lampyridae] Colophotia extricans Walker, F., 1858 Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. (ser. 3): 2: p.282 2 SYNTYPES [Coleoptera:Lampyridae] Telephoridae malthinodies Walker, F., 1858 Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. (ser. 3): 2: p.283 4 SYNTYPES [Coleoptera:Telophoridae] Malachius plagiatus Walker, F., 1858 Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. (ser. 3): 2: p.283 4 SYNTYPES [Coleoptera:Melydridae] Enicopus fusiformis Walker, F., 1858 Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. (ser. 3): 2: p.283 HOLOTYPE [Coleoptera:Melydridae] Necrobia aspera Walker, F., 1858 Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. (ser. 3): 2: p.283 HOLOTYPE [Coleoptera:Cleridae] Ptinus lemoides Walker, F., 1858 Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. (ser. 3): 2: p.283 HOLOTYPE [Coleoptera:Ptinidae] Diaperis velutina Walker, F., 1858 Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. (ser. 3): 2: p.283 HOLOTYPE [Coleoptera:Diaperidae] Zophobas clavipes Walker, F., 1858 Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. (ser. 3): 2: p.283 3 SYNTYPES [Coleoptera:Tenebrionidae] Upis impressa Walker, F., 1858 Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. (ser. 3): 2: p.283 HOLOTYPE [Coleoptera:Tenebrionidae] Tenebrio retenta Walker, F., 1858 Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. (ser. 3): 2: p.283 2 SYNTYPES [Coleoptera:Tenebrionidae] Opatrum contrahens Walker, F., 1858 Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. (ser. 3): 2: p.284 HOLOTYPE [Coleoptera:Opatridae] 3 SYNTYPES Opatrum planatum Walker, F., 1858 Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. (ser. 3): 2: p.284 HOLOTYPE [Coleoptera:Opatridae] 3 SYNTYPES Opatrum serricolle Walker, F., 1858 Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. (ser. 3): 2: p.284 HOLOTYPE [Coleoptera:Opatridae] HOLOTYPE Asida horrida Walker, F., 1858 Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. (ser. 3): 2: p.284 HOLOTYPE [Coleoptera:Opatridae] 2 SYNTYPES Asida solida Walker, F., 1858 Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. (ser. 3): 2: p.284 HOLOTYPE [Coleoptera:Opatridae] HOLOTYPE Crypticus detersus Walker, F., 1858 Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. (ser. 3): 2: p.284 HOLOTYPE [Coleoptera:Opatridae] HOLOTYPE Crypticus longipennis Walker, F.,1858 Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. (ser. 3): 2: p.284 HOLOTYPE [Coleoptera:Opatridae] HOLOTYPE Phaleria rufipes Walker, F.,1858 Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. (ser. 3): 2: p.284 HOLOTYPE [Coleoptera:Opatridae] HOLOTYPE Toxicum oppugnans Walker, F.,1858 Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. (ser. 3): 2: p.284 HOLOTYPE [Coleoptera:Opatridae] 6 SYNTYPES Toxicum biluna Walker, F.,1858 Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. (ser. 3): 2: p.284 HOLOTYPE [Coleoptera:Opatridae] HOLOTYPE Uloma scita Walker, F.,1858 Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. (ser. 3): 2: p.284 HOLOTYPE [Coleoptera:Opatridae] 6 SYNTYPES Alphitophagus subfascia Walker, F.,1858 Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. (ser. 3): 2: p.284 HOLOTYPE [Coleoptera:Opatridae] 5 SYNTYPES Osdara picipes1858 Walker, F.,1858 Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. (ser. 3): 2: p.284 [Coleoptera:] HOLOTYPE Osdara picipes Walker, F.,1858 Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. (ser. 3): 2: p.284/5 [Coleoptera:Helopidae] 3 SYNTYPES GENOTYPE Strongylium variabile Walker, F.,1858 Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. (ser. 3): 2: p.285 [Coleoptera:Helopidae] 3 SYNTYPES Strongylium parabolicum Walker, F.,1858 Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. (ser. 3): 2: p. 285 [Coleoptera:Helopidae] HOLOTYPE Strongylium laeviusculum Walker, F.,1858 Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. (ser. 3): 2: p. 285 [Coleoptera:Helopidae] HOLOTYPE Helops ebeninus Walker, F.,1858 Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. (ser. 3): 2: p. 285 [Coleoptera:Helopidae] HOLOTYPE Epicausta nigrifinis Walker, F.,1858 Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. (ser. 3): 2: p. 285 [Coleoptera:Lyhidae] HOLOTYPE Mylabris humeralis Walker, F.,1858 Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. (ser. 3): 2: p. 285 [Coleoptera:Lyhidae] 5 SYNTYPES Mylabris alterna Walker, F.,1858 Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. (ser. 3): 2: p. 285 [Coleoptera:Lyhidae] 3 SYNTYPES Atractocerus debilis Walker, F.,1858 Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. (ser. 3): 2: p. 285 [Coleoptera:Lyhidae] 2 SYNTYPES Atractocerus reversus Walker, F.,1858 Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. (ser. 3): 2: p. 285 [Coleoptera:Lyhidae] HOLOTYPE Allecula fusiformis Walker, F.,1858 Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. (ser. 3): 2: p. 285 [Coleoptera:Oedomeridae] HOLOTYPE Allecula elegans Walker, F.,1858 Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. (ser. 3): 2: p. 285 [Coleoptera:Oedomeridae] HOLOTYPE Cistela congrua Walker, F.,1858 Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. (ser. 3): 2: p. 286 [Coleoptera:Oedomeridae] HOLOTYPE Acosmius languidus Walker, F.,1858 Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. (ser. 3): 2: p. 286 [Coleoptera:Mordellidae] HOLOTYPE Mordella composita Walker, F.,1858 Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. (ser. 3): 2: p. 286 [Coleoptera:Mordellidae] HOLOTYPE Cis contendens Walker, F.,1858 Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. (ser. 3): 2: p. 286 [Coleoptera:Mordellidae] 12 SYNTYPES Apate submedia Walker, F.,1858 Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. (ser. 3): 2: p. 286 [Coleoptera:Tomicidae] 2 SYNTYPES Bostrichus mutilatus Walker, F.,1858 Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. (ser. 3): 2: p. 286 [Coleoptera:Tomicidae] 4 SYNTYPES Platypus minax Walker, F.,1858 Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. (ser. 3): 2: p. 286 [Coleoptera:Tomicidae] HOLOTYPE Platypus minax Walker, F.,1858 Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. (ser. 3): 2: p. 286 [Coleoptera:Tomicidae] HOLOTYPE Platypus solidus Walker, F.,1858 Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. (ser. 3): 2: p. 286[Coleoptera:Tomicidae] HOLOTYPE Xylotrupes reductus Walker, F.,1859 Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. (ser. 3): 2: p. 54 [Coleoptera:Dynastidae] 2 SYNTYPES Xylotrupes solidipes Walker, F.,1859 Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. (ser. 3): 2: p. 54 [Coleoptera:Dynastidae] HOLOTYPE Phileurus detractus Walker, F.,1859 Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. (ser. 3): 2: p. 54 [Coleoptera:Dynastidae] 2 SYNTYPES Orphnus detegens Walker, F.,1859 Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. (ser. 3): 2: p. 54 [Coleoptera:Dynastidae] 6 SYNTYPES Melolontha rubiginosa Walker, F.,1859 Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. (ser. 3): 2: p. 54 [Coleoptera:Melolonthidae] 2 SYNTYPES Melolontha ferruginosa Walker, F.,1859 Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. (ser. 3): 2: p. 54 [Coleoptera:Melolonthidae] HOLOTYPE Melolontha pinguis Walker, F.,1859 Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. (ser. 3): 2: p. 54 [Coleoptera:Melolonthidae] HOLOTYPE Melolontha setosa Walker, F.,1859 Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. (ser. 3): 2: p. 54 [Coleoptera:Melolonthidae] 2 SYNTYPES Rhizotrogus hirtipectus Walker, F.,1859 Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. (ser. 3): 2: p. 54 [Coleoptera:Melolonthidae] HOLOTYPE Rhizotrogus aequalis Walker, F.,1859 Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. (ser. 3): 2: p. 54 [Coleoptera:Melolonthidae] HOLOTYPE Rhizotrogus costatus Walker, F.,1859 Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. (ser. 3): 2: p. 54 [Coleoptera:Melolonthidae] HOLOTYPE Rhizotrogus indictus Walker, F.,1859 Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. (ser. 3): 2: p. 54 [Coleoptera:Melolonthidae] HOLOTYPE Rhizotrogus exactus Walker, F.,1859 Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. (ser. 3): 2: p. 55 [Coleoptera:Melolonthidae] HOLOTYPE Trigonostoma nana Walker, F.,1859 Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. (ser. 3): 2: p. 55 [Coleoptera:Melolonthidae] HOLOTYPE Popillia discalis Walker, F.,1859 Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. (ser. 3): 2: p. 55 [Coleoptera:Melolonthidae] HOLOTYPE Sericesthis rotundata Walker, F.,1859 Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. (ser. 3): 2: p. 55 [Coleoptera:Melolonthidae] HOLOTYPE Sericesthis rotundata Walker, F.,1859 Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. (ser. 3): 2: p. 55 [Coleoptera:Melolonthidae] HOLOTYPE Sericesthis subsignata Walker, F.,1859 Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. (ser. 3): 2: p. 55 [Coleoptera:Melolonthidae] HOLOTYPE Sericesthis mollis Walker, F.,1859 Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. (ser. 3): 2: p. 55 [Coleoptera:Melolonthidae] HOLOTYPE Sericesthis confirmata Walker, F.,1859 Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. (ser. 3): 2: p. 55 [Coleoptera:Melolonthidae] 2 SYNTYPES Sericesthis confirmata Walker, F.,1859 Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. (ser. 3): 2: p. 55 [Coleoptera:Melolonthidae] 2 SYNTYPES Plectris solida Walker, F.,1859 Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. (ser. 3): 2: p. 55 [Coleoptera:Melolonthidae] 2 SYNTYPES Isonychus ventralis Walker, F.,1859 Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. (ser. 3): 2: p. 55 [Coleoptera:Melolonthidae] HOLOTYPE Isonychus pectoralis Walker, F.,1859 Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. (ser. 3): 2: p. 55 [Coleoptera:Melolonthidae] 2 SYNTYPES Omaloplia fracta Walker, F.,1859 Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. (ser. 3): 2: p. 55 [Coleoptera:Melolonthidae] 2 SYNTYPES Omaloplia interrupta Walker, F.,1859 Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. (ser. 3): 2: p. 55 [Coleoptera:Melolonthidae] HOLOTYPE Omaloplia semicincta Walker, F.,1859 Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. (ser. 3): 2: p. 55 /6 [Coleoptera:Melolonthidae] 3 SYNTYPES Analoma humeralis Walker, F.,1859 Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. (ser. 3): 2: p. 56 [Coleoptera:Melolonthidae] HOLOTYPE Anomala discalis Walker, F.,1859 Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. (ser. 3): 2: p. 56 [Coleoptera:Melolonthidae] HOLOTYPE Anomala conformis Walker, F.,1859 Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. (ser. 3): 2: p. 56 [Coleoptera:Melolonthidae] HOLOTYPE Anomala punctatissima Walker, F.,1859 Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. (ser. 3): 2: p. 56 [Coleoptera:Melolonthidae] HOLOTYPE Mimela variegata Walker, F.,1859 Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. (ser. 3): 2: p. 56 [Coleoptera:Melolonthidae] HOLOTYPE Thaccona dimelaena Walker, F.,1859 Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. (ser. 3): 2: p. 260 [Coleoptera:Oedemeridae] HOLOTYPE Cis contendens Walker, F.,1859 Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. (ser. 3): 2: p. 260 [Coleoptera:Oedemeridae] 12 SYNTYPES Apate submedia Walker, F.,1859 Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. (ser. 3): 2: p. 260 [Coleoptera:Tomicidae] 2 SYNTYPES Bostrichus mutilatus Walker, F.,1859 Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. (ser. 3): 2: p. 260 [Coleoptera:Tomicidae] 4 SYNTYPES Platypus minax Walker, F.,1859 Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. (ser. 3): 2: p. 260 [Coleoptera:Tomicidae] HOLOTYPE Platypus solidus Walker, F.,1859 Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. (ser. 3): 2: p. 260 [Coleoptera:Tomicidae] 4 SYNTYPES Hylvrgus deferminans Walker, F.,1859 Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. (ser. 3): 2: p. 260 [Coleoptera:Tomicidae] 2 SYNTYPES Hylesinus curvifer Walker, F.,1859 Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. (ser. 3): 2: p. 260 [Coleoptera:Tomicidae] HOLOTYPE Hylesinus despectus Walker, F 1859 Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. (ser. 3): 2: p. 261 [Coleoptera:Tomicidae] 2 SYNTYPES Eucorynus colligens Walker, F 1859 Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. (ser. 3): 2: p. 261 [Coleoptera: Curculionidae] 4 SYNTYPES Xylinades indignus Walker, F 1859 Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. (ser. 3): 2: p. 261 [Coleoptera: Curculionidae] HOLOTYPE Xenocerus angulifer Walker, F 1859 Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. (ser. 3): 2: p. 262 [Coleoptera: Curculionidae] HOLOTYPE Xenocerus revocans Walker, F 1859 Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. (ser. 3): 2: p. 262 [Coleoptera: Curculionidae] HOLOTYPE Anthribus apicalis Walker, F 1859 Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. (ser. 3): 2: p. 262 [Coleoptera: Curculionidae] 2 SYNTYPES Arrhenodes approximans Walker, F 1859 Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. (ser. 3): 2: p. 262 [Coleoptera: Curculionidae] 2 SYNTYPES Cerobates aciculatus Walker, F 1859 Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. (ser. 3): 2: p. 262 [Coleoptera: Curculionidae] HOLOTYPE Cerocephalus cavus Walker, F 1859 Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. (ser. 3): 2: p. 262 [Coleoptera: Curculionidae] 2 SYNTYPES Nemocephalus planicollis Walker, F 1859 Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. (ser. 3): 2: p. 262 [Coleoptera: Curculionidae] 2 SYNTYPES Nemocephalus spinirostris Walker, F 1859 Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. (ser. 3): 2: p. 262 [Coleoptera: Curculionidae] 2 SYNTYPES Apoderus scitulus Walker, F 1859 Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. (ser. 3): 2: p. 262 /3 [Coleoptera: Curculionidae] HOLOTYPE Rhynchites suffundens Walker, F 1859 Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. (ser. 3): 2: p. 263 [Coleoptera: Curculionidae] HOLOTYPE Piazomias aequilis Walker, F 1859 Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. (ser. 3): 2: p. 263 [Coleoptera: Curculionidae] 3 SYNTYPES Astycus ebeninus Walker, F 1859 Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. (ser. 3): 2: p. 263 [Coleoptera: Curculionidae] HOLOTYPE Cleonus iaducens Walker, F 1859 Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. (ser. 3): 2: p. 263 [Coleoptera: Curculionidae] HOLOTYPE Myllocerus spurcatus Walker, F 1859 Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. (ser. 3): 2: p. 263 [Coleoptera: Curculionidae] HOLOTYPE Linx nebulifasciatus Walker, F 1859 Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. (ser. 3): 2: p. 263 [Coleoptera: Curculionidae] HOLOTYPE Alcides obliquus Walker, F 1859 Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. (ser. 3): 2: p. 263 [Coleoptera: Curculionidae] HOLOTYPE Alcides transversus Walker, F 1859 Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. (ser. 3): 2: p. 264 [Coleoptera: Curculionidae] 2 SYNTYPES Apotomorhinus albo-ater Walker, F 1859 Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. (ser. 3): 2: p. 264 [Coleoptera: Curculionidae] HOLOTYPE Apotomorhinus signatus Walker, F 1859 Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. (ser. 3): 2: p. 264 [Coleoptera: Curculionidae] HOLOTYPE Cryptorhynchus inffectus Walker, F 1859 Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. (ser. 3): 2: p. 264 [Coleoptera: Curculionidae] 2 SYNTYPES Cryptorhynchus ? assimilans Walker, F 1859 Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. (ser. 3): 2: p. 264 [Coleoptera: Curculionidae] 2 SYNTYPES Cryptorhynchus notabilis Walker, F 1859 Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. (ser. 3): 2: p. 264 [Coleoptera: Curculionidae] 3 SYNTYPES Cryptorhynchus declaratus Walker, F 1859 Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. (ser. 3): 2: p. 264 [Coleoptera: Curculionidae] 2 SYNTYPES Cryptorhynchus vexatus Walker, F 1859 Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. (ser. 3): 2: p. 264 [Coleoptera: Curculionidae] HOLOTYPE Desmidophorus communicans Walker, F 1859 Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. (ser. 3): 2: p. 264 /5 [Coleoptera: Curculionidae] HOLOTYPE Desmidophorus strenuus Walker, F 1859 Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. (ser. 3): 2: p. 265 [Coleoptera: Curculionidae] HOLOTYPE Lampterhinus reversuis Walker, F 1859 Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. (ser. 3): 2: p. 218 [Coleoptera: Curculionidae] HOLOTYPE Sipalus ? porosus Walker, F 1859 Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. (ser. 3): 2: p. 218 [Coleoptera: Curculionidae] HOLOTYPE Sipalus tinctus Walker, F 1859 Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. (ser. 3): 2: p. 218 [Coleoptera: Curculionidae] HOLOTYPE Rhynchophorus introducens Walker, F 1859 Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. (ser. 3): 2: p. 218 [Coleoptera: Curculionidae] HOLOTYPE Sphenophorus glabridiscus Walker, F 1859 Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. (ser. 3): 2: p. 218 [Coleoptera: Curculionidae] HOLOTYPE Cossonus ? hbes Walker, F 1859 Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. (ser. 3): 2: p. 218 [Coleoptera: Curculionidae] 2 SYNTYPES Sphenophorus cribricollis Walker, F 1859 Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. (ser. 3): 2: p. 218 [Coleoptera: Curculionidae] HOLOTYPE Coccinella tenuilinea Walker, F 1859 Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. (ser. 3): 2: p. 219 [Coleoptera:Coccinellidae] 2 SYNTYPES Coccinella rejiciens Walker, F 1859 Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. (ser. 3): 2: p. 219 [Coleoptera:Coccinellidae] HOLOTYPE Coccinella iterrupens Walker, F 1859 Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. (ser. 3): 2: p. 219 [Coleoptera:Coccinellidae] HOLOTYPE Coccinella quinquiplaga Walker, F 1859 Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. (ser. 3): 2: p. 219 [Coleoptera:Coccinellidae] HOLOTYPE Coccinella quinquiplaga Walker, F 1859 Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. (ser. 3): 2: p. 219 [Coleoptera:Coccinellidae] HOLOTYPE Lycoperdina glabrata Walker, F 1859 Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. (ser. 3): 2: p. 219 [Coleoptera:Coccinellidae] 2 SYNTYPES