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Notes on Muhammadanism/End Matter

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4443968Notes on Muhammadanism — End MatterThomas Patrick Hughes

Opinions of the Press on the First Edition.

"Altogether an admirable little book. It combines two excellent qualities, abundance of facts and lack of theories … On every one of the numerous heads (over fifty) into which the book is divided, Mr. Hughes furnishes a large amount of very valuable information, which it would be exceedingly difficult to collect from even a large library of works on the subject. The book might well be called a 'Dictionary of Muhammadan Theology,' for we know of no English work which combines a methodical arrangement (and consequently facility of reference), with fulness of information in so high a degree as the little volume before us."—The Academy. (Review by Mr. Stanley Lane Poole.)

"It contains multum in parvo, and is about the best outlines of the tenets of the Muslim faith which we have seen. It has, moreover, the rare merit of being accurate; and, although it contains a few passages which we would gladly see expunged, it cannot fail to be useful to all Government employés, who have to deal with Muhammadans; whilst to Missionaries, it will be invaluable."—The Times of India. (Review by Colonel W. Nassau Lees, LL.D.)

"This small book is the most luminous, most convenient, and, we think, the most accurate, outline, of the tenets and practices of Islamism that we have met with. It seems exactly the sort of comprehensive and trustworthy book, in small compass, on this subject, that we and many more have of tenlooked for in vain. … The author has evidently studied his subject in a faithful, laborious, and scholarly manner; and has not only studied, but mastered it. The work is of great value for general students, and for men whose work lies among the Musulman population, such as civil servants, and missionaries, it seems to be the very work that is wanted."—The Friend of India.

"It is manifest throughout the work that we have before us the opinions of one thoroughly conversant with the subject, and who is uttering no random notions. … We strongly recommend 'Notes on Muhammadanism.' Our clergy especially, even though they are not missionaries, and have no intention of labouring amongst Muhammadans, or consorting with them, ought to have at least as much knowledge of the system as can be most readily acquired, with a very little careful study, from this useful treatise."—The Record.

"The main object of the work is to reveal the real and practical character of the Islam faith, and in this the author has evidently been successful."—The Standard.

"Its value as a means of correcting the common impressions about Islam will reveal itself to the most cursory reader, while the author's evident scholarship and intimate knowledge of his subject, bespeak for him a patient hearing on points the most open to controversy."—Indian Mail.

"Mr. Hughes has done good service by providing, in the shape of these 'Notes,' a concise, well arranged, and convenient hand-book of Islam; so small that all missionaries can easily find time to master it, yet so comprehensive that the information it gives will be found sufficient—not, indeed, for the curious investigator of the science, but for the ordinary Indian missionary. … Knowledge for which, otherwise, we should be compelled to search through large volumes in many languages, is here brought together in the compass of a small octavo."—Indian Evangelical Review.

"In brief compass it contains a large amount of reliable information. Instead of theories and fancies, facts are placed before us. Muhammadanism is represented as it really is, not as it is supposed that it might possibly be. Instead of retailing the speculations current in literary society at home, Mr. Hughes furnishes us with brief but incisive statements, which, so far as they go, leave nothing to be desired."—The Church Missionary Intelligencer.


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